%�t�Y i���� j.: f 4l 4 � � �" .r.� ���V�li": f7� �'1�L. r+hi';:; , . . . -if;�a��.�!.j(u:wwrai+
<br /> � � t'iVi'i.( �11 (� 'r � .i ���1 t r a '— --
<br /> . . . ,
<br /> �•IYMYlM�>- k«{� .�� .�f� �1 r�'Q'M�r�'�f�,.y��y;r�� �.ii"_ r��swE!lR;:Wt`}. ,lf'i.�?ituLL�
<br /> �'y f���ist _ -— -- .-.T_ .__ _. _
<br /> t
<br /> . ' . .. -- - - ' -'--�... :s•<•:�
<br /> T�... ;;�..";.".� .. . _ _.._--
<br /> .. .. � �,..Y- 4� �}Aixa.
<br /> . - � FF�QiJ1.a+h.:_ � ._. _" .,
<br /> ._ ______ - —
<br /> .1' — _
<br /> .. � $.tiSF f . .. - Y�H 91-.,, 10��9 5
<br /> , LY
<br /> _ �...'t��:.:.:�:.:__".� 1.hy�e�t otl�MeM�1.1�anN�i I�tt Cl�.Pormwat tlWl p�y wbsa due tbt principtl of�and fataat on.tbe debt -
<br /> ; � �: erldmccd bY Iipr Note and tue cEarIIt�due under the Nd�. _—
<br /> � � ..;�. � -1.M.•,.. .
<br /> '��c: �• _.Mo�tYyi Hf�a�of T��.Iwn�et�M 1IIYert�.Bono�ver�hW include in each manthly PaYmen�,tojether with
<br /> ,, ,,`, , tda principtl wd i�taat as rct forth in the Note aad say We ctuu�a�an inst�llmeat ot any l�l taa md�pacW ts�sment�
<br /> ' Icviod or to be kvkd R�Ins1 tlw PropertY. (b)kssebold WY�ts or Yround rcot�oa Ihe P►opMY�and(�)P�emivau for
<br /> �. ....>:....•., .. �. , '
<br /> . ��=� ,. ;•. laturanoe m9uired by panWaph�.
<br /> - - Etch monthly latullment for items(a),Ib)md(c):ball Wual one•lrrclt�d of Ihe�anwl�mounts,�s teawnably esdtnAted by �_,..,;.,,.�,�_,�--
<br /> --' - ----- -� t.ender,plui�n anount tutticient to mNat�ia�a addiUoaal bRiu�e otnot marc than one•suth of tho ntimued amouaa.7he ��,:U,r";;s�,��:-;.^-•
<br /> � , full�aaual uaount for each itaa:h�U be nccumulatad by Leader wphia a period endinj one mon�h Lxtorc m item would
<br /> beoome deUnquent.Lrnder shW hold the unouat�colkcted In tnut to pny Item�(�).(b)and(c)betorc they become dellnquent.
<br /> Ii�t�ny Wne the totd oP the p�ymentt held by l.eader for items(a),(b),�nd(c).ioQe�her with�ha fu�ure monthly payment:
<br /> - tor:ucd itenu p�yable to Lender prior to the due dua ot such i�e�,ezcads by morc th�u►one•si�cth the estimated�unouat of
<br /> �'�'� -- payments roquiral to pay such items whm due.�ad ii paymenu on tAe Note iue current.then l.ender slull efther raNnd the —�
<br /> °"������. escas over oae-sUctd ot the eacirnaccd pqnMnts or credit the a�oas over ona:UCth of tha atim�te0 p�ymrnu to subsequent
<br /> • �- ptyments bp Borrower.at 16e oprl�aa.oE Barro�ra. 1t the toul of the psyment�mule by Borrower Por item(ol.(b),or(c)is
<br />- insa�£ftci�l te pq�t0e lbem WAiRn due.tLa Barco�ec shfil paY to I.wder�ay amount necawy to m�ice up t6e defideaeY op or ��- ,�, ...^�"-?-•
<br />� ,:
<br /> � .''' '� Oofee�e cb�e da0e tbre ipem bocoWOKS due.
<br /> :r°. : .,..�, As used Do�t�ts Secvrfitr[esttumeat. •�Secretary•, �the Secnu►ry of Housfug aad Urb�n Devebopaoeer�t cx�is or her
<br />, ..� ' ,�,°;��•. da�Oee•Most Secudty Instrumrnts insurcd by the Secreary+�re insu�under pro�rams whkh rcguse rd�raac+e p�f�oaaec of the
<br /> ,�:�, ,. _::�.►Su.�._ ----_--- -
<br /> .;:.._r,} . eatlra mort�e insw�nce premium.Ii thi�3ecudty Insuumrnt is or wn iMUrcd uader e pro�m whkta dr�d oac reQuize adm�ce =
<br /> .� - pt�ymeat oi the rntirc mori�e iruuraace pramiwa,thea each moathly payment sh�U also include either:(i�aa iastalCmrcc�t oY tJ�e
<br /> ;`.i;•,'..:; � • aaawl monYa4e iaunrtce Premium to be p�id by Lender to the Sareu►Y.o�(ii)R monthly cduga iostcad ot s miorcg�e �;�.",��._::-.
<br /> '`�:r� '; � ',�. . itwuranoe premium it this Securlty lasttumeat is held by the Socnury.E�ch moathly instaUment of the mon�e�e �, .
<br /> � ',�r ' premium sh�ll be in�n�mount sufticlent to�ccumulate the fuU�anwl mortynQe insurance premium with Lender one mvath rw�.—
<br /> j n �.: .
<br /> •;�},,;� . � ,,. �, prior to the due the iuU annual mortgage inauraoce premium is due ta�he SecretarY.or if this Secudty lastrument is held by tse � . :"'-
<br /> :t`r • • Secrcutry�each monthly cduQe�haU be in an amouat equ�l to one•nvdtth oi one-half percent of the outstandinQ princ(pal '
<br /> �r..'��=--=
<br /> ;".,ir:;`�'. � � ,�' b�noe due on the Note. ��•'-"....._.`:
<br /> ;`'•,;�1�:� � a �� �'��`� If Borrower tmden to 4rnder thc full payment af aIl sums:ecurod by this Secudty Instrumeat.Bortower's account shaU be =-
<br /> „J�t • '• credited wlth the btlaace rempining for all insteUments for (tems(a),(b)and (c) and ot►y mong�8e insurance premium ct--
<br /> ., , ,.,,:r;;j;'ir-.•.
<br /> ��•�1'- - instalment tbat Lender bo not become obUgated to pay to the Secretuy,�nd Leadu shall pmmpUy rsfund any exccss fun�to :;,;n-;__
<br /> n
<br /> , i�• .'.;i,ti`�, ,^ I ��Ll.lvl�)i
<br /> ',.•".U.�') �' .�,'� ,.. �' &►nower.launediatdy pdor to a foreclosure�ale ai tbe Property a iu�cquiiltioa by I.mdu. Borrowa s aarount sdaU be =.-
<br /> . •� , ,� . , credlted wlth any b�lanae remaininQ tor all ia�tallments for items(�t),(b)and(c).
<br /> �h:•;'•,,�i' --
<br /> �� �;•. �, �.Applkaqoa ot Pqmeab.All paymenta unda para4raPhs 1 u�d Z shW be opplied by I.ender as follows: �►,�;y,-_�„_ -
<br /> —' �''•���;'�`�;�..
<br /> ,„ � g�$��to the mortgege Insut�nce pranium to be p�id by L.ender to the Secrctary or to the momhly charQa by the Secrctary tiy�t { ,°��,•
<br /> � ' lnsuad flf the montAly mortSeSt In+s!�r�nce rrcmium,unleas Borcowa p�W the endre monps�e insurnnce premium when this �„' �*?��
<br /> ";��.�t� ,L:1, — Secudty Insuument was aigned� ,. `_ � .
<br /> ' �:.. ' {�' �. . �HCOND�to an}�ta.xes,rpa�ial assasmcnts�lauehoW paymeata or Qrow►d rcats�and f��e�flood and other hazard in9urpace � " --
<br /> . :� ;� PfCf11�U111f�Ilf ftQUl(tQQ
<br /> �J�'fYYk7�ti�![7
<br /> , ,��.�,' ,to interat due unda the Note; �'�`���—�u=-
<br /> ' U�Q�',$,d,to itmortlr.�don of the pdncipal ot the Note; -_„��,,,._,.,,�;_
<br /> ' , •`�,,!:iic� �,to late chv4a due under the Note. ""�""""'""'"
<br /> .��� . . , �jlu;1}�ti._.
<br /> ' ' ' 1,F'Ine�Flood ud Other N�aaud Iomnuce.Bonower shall fnsure aY Improvemenla on the Propeny.whether now in existena :�i�'"`�"';�"'���--
<br /> m •.r'-,.., ..���t.:
<br /> • � or subsequently erected,agoin�t any hazarda,caeualtia,and contingencia,including flre,for which l.ender requiros inaurana. I +��.�
<br /> This i�urance sh�ll be malntalned in�he amounts and for the perlods thot l.ender requlres.Borrower ihall also insure all
<br /> improvements on the Pro Ky,wheiher aow in exl:tena or�ubsoqueatly e�ected,a�inst lou by floads to the extent required by ���
<br /> � � � . • the Secreury.All insuranoe:h�ll be caMed with compania Rpproved by Lender.The iiuuruue policia and�ny renewals shall - ,,,. -.��.__•t�`•
<br /> • " +��'�<<`��'�� be held by Lender and sholl include loss payable clauses in favor oi,and In a form acceptable to,Lender. �,•
<br /> j �i`�;�';:,:.�.., . • • __
<br /> ��,,,��• ,' �',:'
<br /> , ;�:�;,��c•�;: �:�'•:� In the eveat of'loss,Bortower shall give Lender immediate notice bymall.Lender may m�ke proof of bu if not mufe p�ompt-
<br /> • ���:'•�' ly by Bortower.Facb insurance company concemed is hereby authorl►ed nnd directed to m�ke pnyment for such loss direcUy to '+s:,;;
<br /> �'' �?}'�"• • �` Lender.instead of to Borrow¢r wnd to I.ender joinUy.All or any part of the tnsurance proceedt msy be Rpplied by Lender.at its ..• -• •="
<br /> ' �-',�(�` . i�!:"`'r:`:. ' ' �;.y',;=�: opti011� efttier(a)ro the rcductlon of the indebtednas under the Note�nd this Secudty Instrumem,fint to any delinquent „ -• :�;.r�;.��;�:
<br /> .. • ?"}�4;��='% ��,�� �;•�;;�� amounts pppded in�he order fn Paragraph 3,and thm to prepstyrarnt of princip�l,or(b)to the res�oradon or repair of the ''•'��
<br /> .a;•_=
<br /> r,,��rK1+,!� � . ,, . ':� dam�ed property.Any applicatlon of the proceeds to the pNncipal�hall not eatend or postpone Ihe due dste of the monthly �Zt°,;•, �.,;._
<br /> , ,, • .. � ,',,•� payments which are referred to fn Paraaraph 2,or change�he amount of auch payments.Aoy eacess in�unnce proceeds over an �j�. .�+, " �,....
<br /> ' .'�•:�,; a�nouat rcquired to pay sdl outstandinQ lndebtrdnas under the Note and thls Saurlty Inatrument sheU be paid to the entity le�al- ';...�_: '�� ""`
<br /> • ��� :.Yill.^.
<br /> I q� . ,I�:r i ,�q'.f f;
<br />, •,'i. ,� � ✓,t!��,., ly entitled thereto. ;: .'•-
<br /> 'i�Ah�:�.
<br /> 't��• � '. • Ia the tvent of foreclosure of this Sec�rity lnstrument or other uatufer of title to the Property Ihal extinguishea the in- u�V.�._..:_
<br /> ,• .• �. � � ';'.''a•
<br /> ..•,{,�.. ,, �
<br /> , ,i. . debtedneas,aU ri�ht,tide and intema of Boaower in and tu insurance policla in force shdl pass tu ihe purchaser. �;�,�,'. ' :'���y":
<br /> 1 '�l.'�1'�",y;ticL. �•:.� �,:. ty4
<br /> - ....11•��� a.: .t1; ,�. .. 'rqi
<br /> �,�j;}��.; S.Praenrstbn iud M�uu�ce ot ou P�apeny. I.earcYotd�• Borrower ahall nat commit w�.ste or destroy, damage or , � s. �
<br /> •„��;•' eubatantially chanQe the PropeAy or m!]ow�he Pta�eatg•::deter�ornte, reuonable wear and tear ezcepted.Lender may inspect i�
<br /> .���• , . :
<br /> the propeety it the property is vacant oT nbandoaed or a'he loan is in default.Lender may take reasonable action to protect and ,
<br /> "� praerve euch�cant or obandoned pr�openy.!f ihis Security Instrumtnt fs on 4 leasehold,Dorrower shall camply with the pro.i- � �
<br />' .'•�•� �• aions of the]w+e.1f Bottower
<br /> acquures+tTe�itle to�he Ptopeny.tQ�e leauhold and fa tiUe:haU not be mer�ed unlas Lendea � •���
<br /> ` a�teestothemeraerinwmtins. ,.•y�,:., . .'�`.f�..
<br /> ',���.�4; , .
<br /> ,...;.: .r� •r��,. •, `; ��:,;.
<br /> , ,,���,•�'�;;s, 6.CYar�es tu ib�tow�tv�a�l ProtecUoo of Le�det'e�i�Ab i�t�e P�ope�y.Bonower shall pay all government�l ac mw�idpal ,�;: � �..'
<br /> •;�•/;;�:;�;. . chuQa,finss and impoai�cans ihat are not included in Paragraph 2.FIa^awer shall pay these obligations on time dircat6y to tCu . ; . {�:;+;�;1;�',i;
<br /> t��' �. � � �',t�'. . � '; enuty wMich is owtd the paymmt. If failt�re ro pay would advenel�+af Fec�Lender's interat in the Propeny,upon Lender's rr "�;,:?�!,� t t::•': �
<br /> :.j,�. ,,�•�ti`.� , quat Boe�uwer shaii promDcly furnish w Lender receipts evidenci�aga:.ase paymeots. � • � '�, ��
<br /> �
<br /> 'r:,�.:••:.,`�. .��,f�.i��� tf Bortower fails to rtwY�e these paymems or the payments required 6y War�graph 2.a fails to pertorm anY oiher coveoaots and ,';.�?:, ��,����'
<br /> ,• �' `• ' ��� ' agteemenu contaieed in this 5ecu�ity Instrument,or tl�ere is a legal praeeding tfu¢�ay signiticantiy affect Lender's riahts in
<br /> '.�•, .�:,,. the Propeny(such u a�maeeding In bankruptcy.for condemnationor toenforce IaKSOr regulations�,then Lender may doand �' •
<br /> • 1 '� � pay whatever is naessuy to protcet the value of the Propeny a�d Lmder's ri�h�s m ehe Propcny,includlnQ paymrnt of taxes. ;�� '
<br /> ' h�rud insurance and other items mentioned in Paragraph 2. ' .
<br /> � .. .��.'---��_�._a o__.....��..a �.. ...d 6..�6:.
<br /> . � �'�..- - ., My�IIIOUOIS a1501USea Dy ienver under tnis raragrapn anaii ixcuu�2 io YYV�l�N�4�MLV�V� ............ ..... .....��.�--.--
<br /> Secu�ity Instrumem.TtKSe amouets shall bear interat irom the date o(disbursement,at the Note rate,and at the option ol'
<br /> ,� � [.ender,shall be imru�eclu:efy due and payable.
<br /> 7,CoNe�utlo�.7Be procadx ot any award a cluett for damages.dueec or caar•equrntial,in connecuon a i�h any conGan-
<br /> ; nation or other takina o!any p�rc ol the Property,or fes cenveyamce in pls,:,e oP condemnatfon,arc hercby assigned and shall @e
<br /> , paid to Lender to Ihe extear ot rhe Pu[1 omount ot cAe�rideStednesc cAa,r remains unpaid under the Nou and this Security Insrca-
<br /> ' ment.Lender shall appi y such pra:eed<ro rhe reducrion of d�e uUdeHredaas under the Notr nnd this Securi�}•Instrument,first ro
<br /> any ddinquent amounrs appiied ir►rhe order provirled in Puagraph), and thrn to prepaymrnt of princ�pal.Any�pplicauon o1'
<br /> the proceeds to the prinupal sltalt no1 eatend or postpone Ihe due d�te of the monthly payments,which ue referred to in
<br /> � • � Pua�raph 2.or chmQe the amount of such paymrnts.Any ezcess procads over an amount required�o p�y�II uutstandina in•
<br /> debtednas under the Note and this 5ecurity Instrument shall be p�ld to the entity lepally entitled thereio.
<br /> _ t.Fea.Lender m�y collect fees and chuQa authonud by�he Sacteury.
<br /> • Pa�t 2 oJ� �
<br /> . i
<br />