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�.n�"f'.' .i � y,'j,�. ., '_-. �'� _.��'�'Y!'In�ra_. ..:. n � . .� ,. :.S. _ _.w... _ _ <br /> � • .o� � . 9�" �� <br /> ��.�r�..��u,.r��o���«►.nd.�raar..�r�.u�u o��ny�ar a�e r�r�.Qy uae�c M it <br /> — i�wid or usn�hned tor It a d Im�eta�t In 8or�b�Id or u�wt�rad and Horrowx i�not��tua!p�non)wWioW <br /> LNw�a�'�priar wriva� oonreat, Lader m�y. �t iu apUon� r�q��e immedl�te pymeat tn f411 of dl �cnn �eewrd by t!� <br /> 9ea�rity inl�.Howevar�ti�apion�ull aot bs�6y Lende�r iP a�eirir u probiblted by foda�W i�w�of tLe dMt <br /> , o��hi�Sear�iry i�utrwr�aa. <br /> if L�ertrlar e�cenciia thi�uPt1a►.t�ndar�lull ve Borrower notioe of�ooelendun.'!'he notioe�IIprov We�pariod ot not <br /> !eu tlu�n 30 dryo fmm tha d�to tho notioe i�del�erod or m�ilad wlthln which Borrow�er mua p�y�II wdu aarod 6y thi� <br /> -- Sewrky Inct�aiu.If Darrawcr faflo to�ay the,te aums prlor to ttte wcpir�tlon of t�is paiad.Lader m�y Mw�ks iwy a�dir <br /> pennitted d�is Secud InM�ua�ent without fWnhu notioe or dan�M an 8onaw�er. <br /> q <br /> _. �---------------- 18. wer'� � ta WisM�te. If Bormwar meeu ae�taia oonditia�. Horrow� Rlall b+�va tha ri�ht to have <br /> enforcamaa of thia Sxu ia�aekat disooatlaued u Any tlme pdor W Wo ariicr of:(413 d�ya(or wclt otfier parial a <br /> applic�bk I�w maY epecif�► fa [e�rq�qemurtl before tde o��he puro�at w aoy powsr o[�le oontained ia tWR <br /> 3ecurity MQuumcnt:or(b)oa�Y of�jpd�mmt o�on3q�thi�Sa��ri y���.Tl�c�e oonduioos�me t6M Bonowet:(a)p�ys <br /> LaKier all swmr which then would ba due uada ttis 5ea�dty iusaumait aod�he Noto u if no�oodaratioa Md acarrod; (b) <br /> cuies a�y default of�ny dher covawita or Ag�eaanua: (c1� all�peases incarrod in enfm�cing this Socurity In�tnrm�nt. <br /> including,but not limitod to.rc.asonable attomays' fee�•ud(d ta�ke.c such a�ctioa as L.ender may reacon�l►ly�equim ta t�ute <br /> � tl�t tbe liaw of this Sxurity Instcument. Lender's dgMe in d�e Pnoperty aad BaruwePs obligallon to pay t4c sunn axured by <br /> .�R "`'� this Security Tngtnur�cnt shall oontiauc uachan�ed. Upoa reinst�temcnt by Horrower. this Secu�ty Insaument aad tde <br /> ����" obligatiun�ax:cwed heneby sh�ll�emain fi�lly efl'ettivc as if ao aocclera�ion had oocurrod.Howaver. this d�hht w nln�wte sl�c,il:. <br /> "H��: not apply ir+thc cr�e of acceleratfon wder�t�ag�aph IT. , <br /> --=�z�..;. 19. Sale ut Nates Cht�a�e o[I.own 9a�vicer. Thc Nou or a pwRial inte�sst in thc Note (wgether wilh tbis Sa;urtty <br /> _�_=-.� rustrument)rnay be sold ane or more times witlwut prior�xNlce to Borrowcr.A sala may�esult ia a ct�ango in the emity(knowa • <br />__ - as the"i,oan Servicer")that collects monthlY payma�ts due undcr the Note and this Secu�ity Inctnw�ent.There also mny he onc <br /> �• or more chuY�e�s of the La�n Serviar un�l�led to a sale of the Notc.If therc is a chunge of the�,:.m Sttviar.Borrower wlll bo <br /> — = r�T� given written noticc of the change in acci��uon�x with paragraph i4�buv�wd,y�,f�c«h1z i,�w.'x"ak mtice wii[stme We name aod � <br /> �_-'?!ZAIfR.L <br /> .-.,�a�a��' address of the new l.oan Servicer end the uddn�to which payments�hould be mada.TTbe dotice will ai�o ooataia any oiher <br /> " 'snformation rcquired by appl'acable law. • ' <br /> ��' ���1 20. H�zardoua Sabst:+nces. Borrower shall nnt cause or permit the presc�Y. use,disposal. stor�ge,�or r4leace of any •,:. <br />::.�:-�.'--�--'�--�`,.�_;F`�'•;� .Haz�rdau� Snbatances oro ur in the Prope�ty. Born�w�r shall not do, nor allow anyone else ta Qo, aayehn.^n€ afiecting tAp ,.. ,, . : <br /> =_='—'a��`=="'_�=___„_� -' •. Pro�crty t hA't is in v ia lation o f any Em iro n m e n t a l L a w. T h e p re c e d i u g t wo sen t e n c o s n h a l l n o t a�i p l x t o t h e;p r e s e n c x. u s c.� ' ' <br />�;;;�'�� ,�� .' stornge un the Pra,perty af small quantities of Hazardouc Substaacrs afiat are generally reoognizcd to be ap�propriate to navrnal <br /> a:!�� ;ai . residential uses w�d to maimenance of the Property. • <br /> riavr�.$.�{ <br />=Y;.��.,��ar:,�:s!a�u��s� Borrawer shuld promp�ly give L.ender wrilten notice of srny Inv¢qigatian,cCaim,demand. IAWSiII!OT Q'E�ACT flQ�101J by any <br />-_*��-;�;',�":;����,� � go�emmental or regulAeon•agency or privete party i�valving the P'raperty ancB uny Mla7ardous Subs�anc�or F.�evi�onme�ial Law <br />-'��;t�7�;�y;�'� �qf which Borrower has actuul krawledge. lf Borroa�er learns, or is ne�litied by A,�y govemmental or negulutory authanty that � <br />:s�.c;•1.s t f•: g PertY i sary.8arrawer shall •il�take <br /> ��. � ''"�� i '•s 1 eny ralnova�or other remediadon of any�llwardous SubstBnce affechin the Pra s neces promp y <br />_.;;.�r.�, �'!(, 1,,, ,. �: <br /> :=:A,;�,��,�:,. , �?:,;:. all necessary remedial actions in accnrda�c.�with Environmental Law. � , <br /> '`"—"� As used fn lhiy �,p���o,rfl� 20, "Ha7a�ous Subx�ance.v' are tFu�ce suhclnncec definad aR loxic nr herardnus subafet�ces by � ' <br />. .,, �, � ._ _ <br /> ,wi.,,», . Fnvi�onmental I.Aw und the following substances: gusoli��e, kemsene, other flwnmable or toaic petroleum praducts, toxic <br /> .'�ir.�:�u..=, _:a.,t?�; . � pesticides and herbicides,volatile solvents, melerinls containing asbestos ar fornutldehyde,and radiouctive materisls.As used in <br /> • ,•:a. . .�..� � <br /> g�� �M'� this puragruph 20, "�nvimnmental Law means fedcral laws and laws of thc jurisdiction wher+e � AropeKy is lacate� thwt <br /> � �� relete to or envimnmental protectfon. <br /> � 1`��• � ' NON-UNIFORM COVBNANTS.Borrower und Lendcr further covenant und agr+ee us folluws: <br /> � ` '� ' �� 2 1.A o ce le r Allon;Remedic�x.l.ender sludl glve notice to&►rrower prior to Acceleratlon tollowin g BorroM�er's breach <br /> ' • ot wny rnvenant ar ARreement In thlx Secu�ity Inctn�ment Ibut nat prfor ta wcceleratlon underpw�raph 17 unlesc <br /> �''�� � Applfcpble law providcR otMerwisel.Thr ncNke�II Kpeclfy: (�)the dePault= (b)the�ction nqulred to cure Ihe defqullt <br /> ��'� � (c)a date. not 1��han 311 dayR in�m the dale the nWice ix glven lo Borrnwer. by whlrh the def�ult mu�+i be cured=�ad <br /> _ ,•�s�!'.y'JS�.��,�� . ' <br /> - �� (d1 ttwt foilure to cure the defpuU on or trcfon�Ihe date tipecitied In Ihe notice mny rexult in AccrlernNon ut Ihe su�rw <br /> �'" �ecured by Ihlx tiecuNty Iaclrument�nd�ulc��i the PrnpeMy. Thc nMltr shpll fa�thcr inform &nmwer ot the N�ht to <br /> e,a''�'• +t� t�j"��s••::;, relnslote ancr ucccleradnn pnd thc rip�ht to bNns a a�urt action to u�.�seH thc nan-cxlstence ot a default ��r qny other <br /> f �� '� `''°"�� defense oi Rorrnw'er to accelcratlon and�Ie. If the defpult is not cu�rd on or hefare the dote spocl0ed in the �tice� <br /> :,�. � �::,.,.�� �. <br /> _ • • �'�`=y�''"' '�t-`' 'p I, ile nptlon� mpy require Immediote p�yment In full of utl sums zccured h�• thls tiecurlty Inatroment wlthoul <br />=� �"••w""`° ' " � further demand and may invokc the power of sale and any mhe�remedles pern�ltted by uppllcuble law. l.ender shall be <br /> � �'�'" ' ' . � �' I entiUed to collect all expenr�s incurnd in pursuMg the nemediex pmvided in thlx pari+graph 21.including,but not Ihnited <br /> ::." .. . . ,. :;�.i;;- <br /> r�;�;�. :���r•�••; :. �'�� „ � to� reasonabk attorneyR'fees and cosis of tille evldence. <br /> `��''"'r•, • �•. If thepo K'e�oP�ule is invoked, Truslee shpll rec�rd a nntice of dePault In each county in w�hlch any part of the <br />`�:,_ . ,. .. . . <br />° ��``• �� � pmperty is Nicuted and shall moil copies of�uch nntice In the manncr pn�crli►cd by appllcalile la�v to Burrnwer and to <br />°:::,�;;'� ,.'_ . ,�, , ._ ' <br />_ � „.:r� . . 4 the other pers�ns pre►cril►cd by uppllcnhle Ipw•. ARer the time rcv�ulred b�•appllrahle lew.Trustee shall give publlc notice <br /> .i;ti� '�'` � • :. of isale to the penons and in the mannrr prescribed 1►�• appllca6le Iw��.Trustee. �tillhout demund on Borrnwer,shell sell <br /> ,r:.�'.: ; <br /> i ,+�;, •t. ;:��}Y�, tbe Propert�•ut public vuctlon to the h{ghest bldder ut the tlmr and plucc and undcr the tcrms desi�oAted In the notice of <br /> }`T. . ,Sf:.��,J sple in one ar morc parcels and in sm�• ordcr Trustm dMcrmimx. Trusl�r ma�• pustpnnc wle oi all or Any parcel of the <br /> ���'�`�.:^", '�'���'� property by pUbflc announccment at tMe time And place uf any previuusly srheduled uaale. Ixnder or its designee mey <br /> ti�1� ;1,, '�, :.:�,. purclwsethe Properts�ut any Sale. <br /> �",�°' ��•`;�' ��!t ,. <br />_�tr'`t' ��ql;in., �_� ,�:- <br /> rer:. � � .,t• - .. <br /> '��:' ��;i;L '.��'��'�'�i,��l <br /> :v,''� '—"'�,;• <br /> •• Fwm 3028 9/90 <br />-^�'4,- �� . ;� Pp�6ot 6 <br />:i' � ��` ' ,, < <br />_ 'j'�..�' .. ` :. � �, <br /> .0 , <br />-:�. ., T .. .', <br /> . . . ., <br /> � . .. <br /> y .. � � <br /> ��S. �.y. .-' <br /> , •q . !' .. .._— � . _.. ._.__ ._ ._ ... . ._ __ _.. <br /> 17 fC� -'-..VY r •. ., ' . .. . � " '1.!'," � 'T':Ti.av��ua. 1�s S <br /> .�. 1l �P '� .:. . � �i'; t : [..:.f..� ' �� y.���yM *�y y1C.. <br /> „a• :h�"�'a.v ; , . , .; ._,..• � ��ti.- t n •• � '- 1+ - <br /> �'� =�'�'c:�Yd�ti•r �.,!'�i.,�,L. _.,}l _''- • •,_.�r...4.t.:,�R.`n`f�"' � •'a�i��w ��?�tiLd�►*_` --- <br /> — - -- _ -- = -- ° - <br /> r <br /> - t.3� , - r _. . . 5r. . �� - ---- -•' . . - • - -- r-� . . ,� r. . <br /> _ � / � � r' 1 +'4� - ,�: , ,.. - �' . � �•��- •��'t <br /> � `y,�ili�,��i?�% i r�rf i-.� iI �,t��, 11 '•i . , Y�S+1 �t � (1 .~.�i ,� �` ���'` ' � <br /> � r i�7���. � r - . . � �(' S <br /> c r �i��i�i�.'4 /?'C a�t •�yy�j�> L�• �� . . - l i��f: . . . �rl 1,.�4i�1� i <br /> ..3� �,rt , t,��,i I �r��1�} �,y IS �.ji�.,-. . i ,_�,�.� _ .. . . _1) �, �,,, .�; S ' �, _ <br /> -- 1 •:. w,� �t{..:}t{•:�, . � tf�1 ���1�,� � t <br /> _ i i'f', � ,��i� t.���.t � i� 1:'Z; 'Ci.t'�+� +��"�y� '�� �1i,,�1{�' .'t J 4 (� • � �}�+�< � �r1� �!;�.' ���- <br /> :-'�i� �b�;T���'�, :��,� ��..5,- t�'�� (t, •.r'.�:��'�� � � !� , _ iy ��.1���.iit'� '�'''�t•' ,'��- �t,� �;�: .I��� l,la, 'i:l��l':�,�. �� �F!� ! <br /> ;:� v;''v i �. ;� }i�'�Y .�in.'�'t { f+�P � � 1 r � , i+�j�:A,'�..r.i�.%,y i. �h5 �1�� .�L:t '���i� r "�� �• � ' ?t <br /> ,^ •$; ti i-,: „��,.r�.� � .� ��� +��:s����t.�:,•ltc;•j:� ; . . , ��3":��. ,•�, �.;��;Y�,g. ;,�,�,�. , ? ;�+:,•� , �.f�•�„�;�fl�,� <br /> � ' . (l;it�;`i � ,{ ��$ f.i��.-.����r'{:ff:Y�. </U�� •�- � T4..+1.� !� :�I��. .t. ����,V:�' +. .� ��..'.�fl '_ 1�;1, 1�jf �y�411���-. <br /> -� `�'.•� • ��IY; • ., `), � �y 1 �`�i. .�� . . "p . uY Ytl l�• ���'"�� -1 -� f S. � <br /> '.�. 'l•a.y:{ ts i!' � ' tJ . f)'•S'', ' �.�.:)�. ,.�7',l' r'�•���r L • �.� ` i� �.a��,� � �S� <br /> ' 'l.� .FG1: 4..!r�7f(� ... . '•5��7� ',,, ,\ j����:J' �� .. � t..��,'. '-f'Yy(�. f �:R` 1� l,t.� '� }!� �?�;��lf�•`�'':�1�\)� t :).- <br /> .. z�• ' :w��r�: ' � `r � • <br /> . ,'�� :` . ..,. r.����3��', ,�; `1���...�A..t� y ; 4�� � .4.1�s`���i`y��`:t.1�l�Y' t `1C�-l�� <br /> � .ti� ,�� �r�!,.� , ��':�' >, _ . `.i 'i{y� `�, h��1.<<`-`� ���,�'�.t-�l' i� ,b:.,-• ��Af1`(�1�4t,�1��:�/�'�'' ti� �V <br /> E'' ` `',. " 't+ , �t1-�+�° � ''. 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