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../1'\. .'��-. .�. � �_' ��--�-+���'��°'lr` ' � �flT: r.n •.�..�.r..�11R ..— <br /> �Y:11[:i.—_ <br /> _k�'iY'.L, ' : , �Cu`�"�' ^ ;��Y;'' �. 'f . '..r'. �- � , :y�� �, :'�� �� , , -'�;-5�r- -�•. <br /> 5 q� ' � � , <br /> , �M�I^11�����'A�^�}������u��/�YM M��C�� �.���� . <br /> t��.�' �C�i���"M"'�"'b'J�11�I�QIDVOd bjl Lpl�Of�!{IlK�OM10����1M M+�/0��1DMlf��� <br /> 1�0 QrqlaYpl{i�0�1�b�mOf1�,�0�MIOR�q.C�OCt�Ol't0�0�►b0��ON I�YO•Iq�1�M I�II�IiM11�bf�IM� <br /> �14��OOq'Elldi�Il�qp011�I�0E rYIIY�Wf�lldll�fO�IK b0i�M1 HQ1r1rY0!�l.MIdIK Of���Y. <br /> !.�aiioo.t.eaa�r ar ia ap�c n�r aMlae�aon�bk aiorlea upoa.od ia�pec�loo.ot we r,�opRy►..twndrr�u stvs <br /> Bonowx+'no�co'tit d�e t�me of ar pirya�r t�aa iospectbn qbc�t�riut reaaw�ble ciaue for d�e irwp�ctboa. � . <br /> - —.—_, M.C�.Tha�aow�e�of mY nvard a cWia tor duuype�.di�pct ac 000Me�e�tial.ia oom�ection wibt aqy <br /> aoadpaw�tiaa ur other qkin�of�mpr prt o[�be PropRrty,or for conveymao in lie►�of 000d�A3oa.a�e Leml�y wi�ned+rd' <br /> F-._.�__�.-�..�__.� �I be pdd ta L�arder. � <br /> Ia tbo avoat of�►taW alci�ot'tbe Proparty.the pmoeed�clr�be+ipplied to t6e a�aos raz�[ed by U�Security IerWnieot. <br /> ahe�ha or not d�due�with any eacoesc.p�id W 8arrower, 1�the c+rcot of�p�tti�l WtiRi�:dw��9 in which die fiit . <br /> m�uica vdue of the Pnopaty hnmedi�tely befon tUe hlciq�ia oqual ov or�Lcr tbiw Wc u�ibunt.of the awia�aw�rad by ddt <br /> seaMty�ncaw,�t Grnnearwely 6erore u,e uicju�,+wless Bonn.�a�.na I.�d�x dnet�v�se;+�gtee ii}'rvrit�:+�a�ia«ra�roa ey <br /> thi�Secudty Imtn�ma�t ch�U be reduaod by zLe�ia�out� of tho proaoeds mia�+p�io��'by� t�c f�S�ytCti�xn: (a)tbe toW <br /> anaum of the suma sa��ed immedi�tely before tt�e uWng. c4�ded hY tbl�t9ri�Guir�aurket vdi+�o,dP Yde'F'i�mppri,�,• y � <br /> befw+e the t�king. My b�l�noo slu�ll be p�id to Borrowa. ln i#re ovwt of'N part�)�?ot itie Ihop'atty 9i�" ',��f�iir .. ' .`', <br /> m�rkd value of the Property Immedi�tefy befoie the qking�s leca t�w d�e�aount of the�us Coan+etf i�aaoediate��b�cffo�te die ' ::;;.'.;;=, <br /> Wc1n�.unlesa Borrower�nd I.ender dherwiie s�roe in writing or untess r�pplicAbk law othawite paovide�t twe pivaea4 tlqil�.�..;:t:, �, <br /> 6e�pplied w Iho sums secured by thie Socudry Iaarud�eru whether ar not the audu am the»due. � .�;�,.�:� .: <br /> . If the Prnpwty ic xb�ndanod by Horrower.or if,after nodNce by Lendor w Bormwer that tbe oa�da�ma'r oPfas tq cq�ca m • .,��, ;'-:� <br /> - ---.�___ __.. _._.._ . . +�w�uai ur�ttic w ci«i�a fur J+u�r�. But=uwor taiie tu res�kf to�i wfthln 30.irye ufic;tiu date iRa�wti�1a�ivra�� <br /> - - • L,ender 9s uuthprjzed W collect And apply the pnooeeda,at its option.dthet to re�w�ation or eepoir of the Property or to ti�e� <br /> - - •�ecured by this Sec�rity insttument.whether or nut then dae. .. <br /> �—�=_�=------- ' Unless.L.ender and Aorrower othorvvise s�g�ce in wrlung. enY applicatibn of pmcada to principal shelt not eatm�d or +.,>.: ;. <br /> _.-� i _= � portpone the dua�date af�he monthly.p�ymm�ta teierred to in para�aphs 1 and 2 or chenge tho+unount ot such payments. ., .� <br /> ����i� ,�' . . 11.Borrower Not Ade�ed;�orbeArance By I.ender Not A Wniver.Extension of thc timc for"paYment or mo�dit3cWion .;:. '; <br /> T:vam�. <br /> '° oi�cnortizA;ion of the sums savred by�his Socadty Inct�umeru g�anted by Lendor ta aay successar in interrst of Borrower ahell �;•'" � :��:: <br />`="" �;�,`�'� iat operate to nelease the liability of the original Borrower or Borrowcr'a suoccssor�in Interest. L�ender ah�ll not be roqtdred to�'. ", �,'' <br />�;;;�,:�yA„;�°� ' �, commaxx proceedings ngainst any sucoessor in intereat or r�efuse ta eatettd time for payment or otherwise modify amoeizAtion . � <br /> --�;._��':aq,� •, of the aums secured by thia Sacuriry Instrumcpt by reason of any demand made by the originai Borraaer or Hbrtowcr's <br /> •-- =�"�•�� ' • suooesaors in inter+est. Any forbearnnco by I.ende�in axerei�iag uny right or remedy ahall aot be a waiver�qf�or precluc�e tbe� : ���':'` <br /> -- � �=��'� exereiae of any dght ar remedy. � <br /> _ --_ _ �--_ _ � <br /> -�:�e��,r-- -'-"`ij�' 12. Sua+essors abd As�ns Hownd;Jo1M nnd 3everal Liablltty; Co-signers. The cavenantA and egrocments oP thie : <br /> ',;,�;;. ;;� Secu�ity Iast�ument ahAll bind and ben�fit the successors and assigns uf [.ender and Borrower, cubject to the provisio��s of <br />-�„;� Ewrngrnph 17. Bc�rnower's coveoant8 and agreeme�ta shall be joint aM savaral. Any Borrowor who casigns this Se¢uriry <br /> Instmment but does nat execute the Note: (n) is co-signing this Securlry Instrume�t anly ta mortgage, granl nM oonvry that <br /> - Bomnwer's inlercst in the Pmperty under the�erms ai this Security Instroment: lb1 is nat persorudly obligated to pny the sums <br />= securcd by this Security Instn�ment;and(c)agrees thut Lender and uny dher Borrower may agree to extend,modify,forbwr or <br /> nwke any aummmadalions with regu�d to the�erms af Ibis Security Instniment or the Nute wllhout thot Borrower'c wnsent. <br /> ; . 13.I.a�n Clwryses.lf thr loan secure�l by ihis Security In��rument is subject ta a law whfch sets mweimum loan char�es. <br /> _ and that luw ix lin•rlly interpre�ed ui�hut the imeres�or nther luan churges rnllected or to be rnllected in connection with�he <br /> � ' � �;,- loan exceed�he permfu��l limi�n, th�:n:(ol uny wch Ic�n chu�e�hall be rcduced hy the amuunt nocessary to reduoe the charge <br /> '`�'�• ta Ihe permiuecl limil;awi lb►uny sums alrcady rulldcted from &►rmwer which exceedal permi�ted limits will be rcfunded ta <br /> �..,� <br /> s;-��� _ �- ,�:.��,.- Horrawer. l.ender muy chcw�se to mike thia refund by rcducing �he principal owed under the Nnte or by nw{cing A direct -- <br />_,--�-� ,;�� ' paYment to &irmwer. If n refund reduaw principal. ihe roduc�ion will he ��ated as a punial pnepaymem wlthaut any - <br /> R:;l::. , �," �� ��`r��. p�epayment churge under the Ncue. - <br />''-r," ��h _'�€E:'�',:�'t;, ;, 14.Nopces. Any notice to Born�wer pr�►vided for in this Security Instrumenl shull be given by delive�ing it or by mailing <br /> � 1,�;�:.. — <br /> ; � ,,,;�:;,-! �' it by first class mail unless applicable luw require+uae of another method. The notice shall 6e directed to the Propeny Addr�ess <br /> � �s'���-����,"'� ar uny other uddress Borcower de+igoute+ by ix►tice to l.ender. Any notice to l.endcr shall be given by first rlass mail to = <br /> i"� '��<�.:'.,.r..:;:�,, . _ <br /> ''��•'"'`" '` ' ���r I.ender's Address.tatod her+ein or uny other addres. I.ender designules by nntirc to &xmwer. Any notice providad for in this - <br /> '?'�� �::;';':'�;,��*;. Secu�iry Instrument shull be deemeJ w have bern glven to Bormwcr�ir L.endcr when given us provided in thia paraRraph. - <br /> _ ��":�� �. �:' 15.('.ovcrning; SeverabNily. Thi� Scrurity Instn�n�nt .hull he govemed by federnl luw and the law of the _ <br /> "' � '��"`��` � � •�' ju�isdiction in which the Prope�ty i�lacated. In Ihe event Ihut un�� pmvi�ion or cluuse of this Sexurfty Instrument or the Note _ <br /> �'�"��:�>��%�'••,"~� rnnflicts with A I�cAble luw,such rnnflict shall not utYctiK other rovitiiein.of�his Securit Instrument ur the Note whinc�An be <br /> �.�,. PP� P Y _ <br /> + given eifect withow�he confliding pm��itiion. To�hi�enJ thc pr�ivi.irnu��f thiti Scwrity Ins�rument und the Note are declared <br /> ii:- �;:,�; ,, — <br /> ,��,�,1''�, � to be seve�xble. �,; <br /> '-�,� , f. •�^:. 16.Konnwer's l:opy.liornuwcr ahull bc give�une cuntamx,�l�Y�py ul the Nwc unJ ot'this Security Instrument. _ <br /> �`� .;:..�--;'.•.�r�•��?,i.,{ _ <br /> 1 ry+ ,t�f - <br /> �1-.t4 i . ��`�1�4� e --� <br /> .�,. , ?�::,h,.. .'„r,�,. FO�m 3028 91Y0 = <br /> •oi• }.i�.r��� ' ..�,• P�p�o1B <br />._ .lr �i.,���.. -.. <br /> iT��? .�'�I•� _. <br />- . :ii'''••..� '���. _ <br /> '_ ' •t�t 4 ��4•::W.. �{ — <br /> � 'Q�t'l� 1u'4.C�".ti�`�� `/ l.� - ' — <br /> � } ��4 . . �.t . ��. . . . 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