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�� <br /> _ ..«il!F•��l � �, yn�. . ) � . :,�►•'11.Y'.. . -., ; �.._ l� w— l�. <br /> . .. . . . . , � �93�'i�.�� 4 .:t� <br /> . , �. <br /> 17.'llnnrl�r it tiN�or�B�ae11c1H htli'�+�Ir,xlon��.lf#11 ar. pat at tiro A+aperty at�ay i�iea�nt in it „ ; ,< <br /> b aW or aaoJaned(ar iP N d�i ima+at i�Bonawer u wld ar traodb�ral�ad�amaN II o��II waw �e�d � <br /> God'et"i ptfor wripun oo�ent, Irende� nw�Y, it iu option► inimdiM� p�naat <br /> ot�SeamitY 1qWUmaM. ����I aot be e�caoi�e�i�t�U a�cl�e i�pr!nbiWtod bY fedmal law.w oi'tMo dMa". " . <br /> U Lrender e�e��w thi�opdon.t�e�fer tladl�ve Bor�no+�rr noti�e of�ooaiaeMion.7he nolioe�iallqa vido+�pe�i�xl�bf ant. . <br /> . � WW Ww 3l1 dq►A 1i+na�the ddo die notiae i�del varod or m�iled wflhi�wtiioh Aotta�rer miut py dl wm�ieairod by ihS� <br /> , Sa�alrity la�uaer►t.U Bormwer fdl�Wp�y Uteao wuno�priar to tha api�tlon of thiE palod�1�der m�I►invoke�ay r�anoaia� <br /> - - - ., • ��i�ot�+n S i�IRhtl�a►itl�ont tYuthu nott�or daa�nd on BaTrawrr. � • <br /> - -- -- <br /> lf. sra'e to R�eip�qNa If Honovror meac or.�in oondilian�� Borrawer ch�ll h�va the.ti�ht w hAVo <br /> '" atforcaneat of thi�Sacudty Iacawaait dkoomiat�ad u�ny tiaa prior w the earikr oft t�)S dwya(or sud� otF� �w <br /> qipliable I+�w au►Y cpecify for�t) before ade af tbe Pr�ty pu�ueat to iaiy power of We oonained ln �hia . <br /> Sepuity t�ttup�ait:or(b)��ay of�judgment art'ordag thi�Secudty Incuua�eat. 71�oso oondidano Aro that Borroww:(�)p�►� <br /> i,a�cler a!I swtq which tben would be due under thi�Sacudry Iradumatt�nd tbe Nota�a if nu a000laradon had oa,umed:(b) <br /> wros ary default of nny od�er oov��ao�s or agramait�:(c)pa �WI oxpenca incurrod in enfan:ing thia Saarity Inmumatt, <br /> _ including.buc not linaitad to.t�a�ooa6lo�ttor�xYc' fas:wnd(d�ukss such acti�►n na Lender mt�y�conabix.roquiro to suuns <br /> timt tba liat of thia So�wity In�ronaneat. L�ador��in the Propaty and Bomnwcr':oblig�tian w pAy tbe c�ara�securod by <br /> thia Sacadty taanua�eot tlWl ao�Mio�� Upon rcinct�uanent by Runower. t6is Socurity Ituqvmant and Q�o <br /> obli�tiom axurod l�eneby ahall amaio fiily ettative as i!'oo aoxlention had oocurned.Hawaver. �hiA�ighc a rcincuae slu�ll <br /> notapply"�n t�he c�e of woeeleration uaic�p�rqgraph 17. <br /> 19. S�le o�Note; CMaa�e ot Lo�*Servlcer. The Nato or a partiol imar+cst in 1he Note (wsether with this Sooudty <br /> = Iratrumqu)mry po aold ono or morr times w•ithout pdar noda to Saro�uer. A sale may r�sult i�a change in the entjty(known• . <br /> as tlu"L.oan Serviar")thet oollocts montAly Qaytnent�tiue under the Note atd�his Secu�ity Iostiument.There also m�y be ane . <br /> , or rtwre diangea of the L.aan Servicer w�ndatcd to a snle of tho Nate. lf thre is�c��a of Ihe Loan Servlcer.Bormwer wfll bo <br /> ..�.�.... givcss ws�Crs�tlrc af thc ds�uge fa���th gsragrapl: !�abme aud a�licah c}�cv.The eto�kt wl!!stete the nanr en�! . <br /> aldt+ess of d�e new Loan Serviar and the arldress to which paymenu should be nu�dc. 71�notioo will Ww oonwin any dbex <br /> - informatioa requit�ed by applicable law. <br /> - 20. I[�zw�doua Stibetancea. Bornower s�all not awse or pennit the pnsenoe. use, dispasal, storage.or release of�ny <br /> Hazardous Subsuu�es on or in the Properi}. BorrowBr $I�all not do, nar albw anyonc clse tv do. pny�ing afPecting the <br /> Pra?�erty that is in violation of any Frvironmental Luw. 3'�he prarodiag two senterues shall notapply w the prcsence.use,or <br /> �tur;Zse on the Property of smiill quantities of Hazard�ws 5�ubstances Ihat ere genemily ra:ugnized to be appropriate to nomtvl <br /> �idential usea and to maintenance of 1he PraRerty. <br /> =' Borrower.c'hall promptly give I.endeT written nolice oF any investi�qation,clalm. demarxl. lawsuit or other action by any • <br /> °--° govenuneata)crr�cegulawry agency or pr�vate party involving the Property end any Hazardous Substance�r Environmental Law <br /> of which Borrower has actual ktwwledge.lf Borrowet leacns,ar is �wtitied by�eina�ental ur regulatory authonty. lhat <br /> any removW or odier re�diatlon of any Haxardous Subawoce affecting the Prope�ty is nece.��uy.Bortower shall prompUy take <br /> all neces.s�uy remediel nctions in acrnrda�x�e with Environmemal l�w. <br /> _ -- AR used in this paragreph 20. "Hez.�rdau Subs�ances'ure those substuncea cl�a7ned ns tonic or hazardous substenoes by <br /> ---���:], Envirorunenwl and the following �ubstan�es: gasoline, kerosene, dher i9ummAble os tc�:ci: petroleum roducts, tosie <br /> -. peat�cides end herbicides,volatile solver+tti,moier�als cantaining asbeyta+ ar fornwldehyde,and rsxJi�uciive mate�als.As used in <br /> �hig puaBtaph 20. "Environmental [.uw" �tans fedcral laws and laws of the juriadi�tfon whem the Property is localed Uwt <br /> Xct�ta health,safcty or environmenwl prate�:7ion. <br /> iVON-UNIFORM COVEyANTS.Barruwer und I.e�uier further covenant end A�Zrce as follows: <br />___e.____ 2l. Ac��leYetion;Remr�Ues. I.ender shall give natice to Borrower prior to a��eleration following Borr�c�er's breACh <br /> of any covenmr.� or ap�reement in thi� Secu�ity Instrument (but not prior to oeceleraHon uader paragraph 17 unless <br /> �—.—. applicabk law provides otherwi.ce).The notice sl�ell speciiy: (p) the deiaulh, (b)thg aclian regulred to cure the de[ault; <br /> (c)a date�not less thpn 30 days fran the dete the notice Is glven to Borrower,b�• which the a�efault must be cured; and <br /> --- (d) tlp�t tpilure to cure the default on or beiore the dote specified in the notioe�nav result In acceleration ot the snms <br /> _"� secund by this Security Inctrument and snle of'the Property.The notice she91 turther Mfornn Barrnwer ot the right to <br /> ,,.� refnsMte nftier acceleraHon A�d the right to bring a court action lo asserl the no�+�e.rislence oP A detAUlt or Any oth�r <br /> detease of Bomower b Accefe�ation na��l sAle. If the detault 4c nat cured on or betore Idr d�te specifled in the notice� <br />-;;;r"';� Lender. ot tfx option. mnyrequire i�a,oiediat��.ayment in:u::�i:t:�..�n ar.:ui•��L�� �i�is aerarily Instrument without <br />-;i..,.�_•�, furti�er demand and mov invoke the pawer of sale and any other remedia.w permitted by app9icable Iww. I.ender ahs�ll be <br /> - crut�ikd to rnllect all expet�ses iacurred in pursuing the mmedi�.w provided in this p�nr�ruph 2p.inrluding.but not limited <br />—��°�•-t� tu,e�easo�ble attorneys'fees untl costs o�tille evidenre. <br />:sa.� lt tNepo wer o�sale is invdked. Trustee si�nll record a notice ot deiault ia cach county in which an}• part o[the <br />