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.i� Y i �'�M " '. - -- �_...... . itr'rrt[ <br /> � ...�:�.�t__L . . . , . ����� :� <br /> p�+e�en�pMy ro loa�a�beroqa th option of ta�der�iP mo�e imwr�noa covaa�!(la�ha+ur�unt aad f�r the pariad <br /> ' � dW�rendar �aquira)Prowlded bY an ta�!iPProvpd bY I.a�d��dn t�ooaie�avdl�bie md 1�obt�ined.Sorrav�r�lull p�p► <br /> �P���Wiral to nuiaNde niatp�+ia�caoioe in to pn►vide�lw��aervo�antil the ro�inea�e�rt.frx mayy� . . <br /> � i�wraeoC and�in�oo�td�aoe.wNh�qY wriuea,{�ee�mar botw+eeu�qt�va�aod 4�or a�plia�bk lRw. �. . .. ' <br /> , !.Im�qio�.I�idor ur ia yeot nyy milm ro�MOn�UIe eat�iet apon�ad l�alau of die A�paty.Lta�r tirll��ire . �- <br /> �arnawer aodoe�t tbe Nna of ar piar t4�n Im�pa�Y1a►iped9�y�e�wn�ble ca�s for�e iny�oetbn. " <br /> � 1�. Co�adeMbs.The pr000eda of�ny fwnrd ar cWm for dcm�a�di�at or oan�aquauid. ia am�e�on wNb l�ny '_ <br /> _ - �cr ott�r�af apy part of tbe P�+o�fetty.�ar fo�oo�vqa�o�e�ilan ot aondemmtioo.ana:hatdp►.�t1od�od .. <br /> �b�U bo p�W a I.eiWa. <br />_ _�..�..�-- --� 1n 1he eveat of�tahl�akin�of tbo Propetty.the pr000ed��il be applied w the sans�ewtod by thi�Soauity in�wnan. <br /> wfbther or not ll�n.duo. w6tb auy e�paid to Bormwer.In the avem of�putW d�Ciag af tho Propaty in which the t� <br /> m�rket value of the Pmpaty inunodiMaly beforo tbe talciag 1�equd to or Qtsater tlwn the arauat of N�o wnu tecurod by thi� <br /> SeCadty I�tntma�t immedi�tely 6efon the taking.unlat Bon�nwer and i�ender M1u�wl�e Agroe in writia��the cuppa cxu�ed by <br /> thio Secu�ity Insuument :helt be�educad by the amount ot tf�e pinoeed� multiplied by the follawing fn�ctlon: (a) d�o toW <br /> iunouot of tho suma soarod immedi�tely befo��he talcin�,divided by (b)the fair market vAlue of the Property immodiwely <br /> befom Iha Wdng. My bAlwwx chell be paid to Honv+�er.h the event of a p�uti�l taking of tde Prapc�ty in which 1ha fdr <br /> .avrl:et vWuo of 1he Pmperty lmmodiacly before the talnn�41ess thtta tho amount of�he suma saa�rod immediately before the <br /> taldag.unles4 Bomower and Lender mherwise egnec in wnw�g or�s applicablo liww a�ine provide�s,tNe prucae�do�bdl <br /> be appliod to tho sutns socurod by tlti4 Socudty inatnaaoaal wr6etl�er ur rot thc wms are t6en due. ' , <br /> . �' I�tha PropeRy ie abpndoned by Borrower.or if�aftet tatieo by Lender w Borrower tlu�t 9�rr�c.afiers to pwke an <br /> awud or.settle a claim for dern�gea, Bamawu fxils w rcspond w l.ender widhin 30 daya aRer the daf�e tlrc notia is�iven. <br />.--�--. -- -- - � L.cudCi ib auti+�iec�i ta caRect and�spty thc prac�..�4ts aptioa.aUeer to Ks;a;st�on or�r of the Pref+rrry�•tn Wa wa� <br /> _ _-_ ' s�u�+dd by this Secudty lnst�ument. whcther ar nat;(�ra due. <br />- --_ , ' Unless I.e�der and Sorrower otherwise agree in wridag.r�rny application of pmceods to principal shtJl not cztcad ar <br />_, poctpone the due daue of the monlhly payments ref�arer]to in parag�phs 1 end 2 or change Ihe anwunt of such paymaus. <br /> 1l.lbrroxes Not Rdaced; Fafiepranoe By Q.�ender Not a Walver.Eatension of thc Rime for paymeM or modif��un , <br /> of amoaiz�tion of the sums securod by this Serudty lnstrumait granted by Lender w any suooessor in�nterest of Bomowa sh�ll <br /> t <br /> , nat operate to rekase the liability of�he or�ginal Borruwer ar Bomower's sua�essora in interest. Lender shall not be�+equirod to <br /> %- commarce proceedings�ainu any successor in interest or rcfuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify a�r�aitixcUfon <br /> .of the sums cecured by thia Savriry i�m�mt by rr,ason of eny demand made by the original Borrower or Boric�wtr's <br /> sucoessors in interest. Any fatbwranx by L.e�ier in eaencbin�any right or rcmedy tlwll not be a wafve�of or proclqde tde <br /> exarcise of any rigtN or ncmody. <br /> _ =_�� 12. Saoceasor� and Assiqns Boundt Jolat and Severnl Lis�bNity; Co-sigoeis.The covenants end agrcernen4s'ot this <br /> _ _ _.� <br />:,;'.;`, r��� SecuNry instrument shall bind and benetit the successors aid assi��ns of L,ender and Barmwer, subject to the pro�risi�of <br />:�r! pt�rngraph 17. Borrovver's rnvenants and agreements shall be joint and several. Any Bortower who co-signs this S�wriry <br /> Inslrument but daes nat execute ihe Noee: (u) is co-signing this Security Instrument anly to mopgage, grant and convey tfwt <br /> Borrower's interest in the Property under�he terms of Ihis Security Inurument;(b)is not persunally obligated to pay the sums <br /> � secured by this Security Inslrument: und(cl agreec�?�at L.ender smd any other Bom�wer may agree ta extPnd, �nodify,forbear or <br /> � ��a; ;' � make any accommodutions with regatd�o the terms nf this Security Instrument or the Note wfaQa�ut tfi�at Harrower's consent. <br /> � , �, , yj�:� 13. l.aan CharRes. If�he loun hecured by this Security Instrument is subject to a law whicfi se�s im�cimum Ioun charges, <br /> ti. �{..tiR.:•'";'�. . <br /> `:'.�l?��,'�.�;;,�,,, k.• and that luw is Pnally interpreted so thut the intereat or other loan charges collected ar to be coltected in connoctian with the <br /> - '��'�` �• � loan exceed the permi�ted limits,then: (a1 uny surh k►an charge shnll be reduced by the umount necessary to reduce the charge <br /> ry `. .:.. ., .,..M�v•. qo . <br /> ,,�G s` �'� to the permitted limit;and (b1 uny aums alrcudy co0laraed from Born�wer which excecded permitted limits will be refunded to <br />;_' .,�:�.•�•�;::�''`" �• <br /> ��•��•- <br /> - ��^��'��J�:�.. ���,r>; Borcower. Lender muy chcwse �o make thi+ refunA by reduring the prinripul uwed under the Note or by making a diroct <br /> .. � �...,����s•i�4E•. <br /> �;��_�;°?i}.,��`�f;� pnyment to Bormwer. !f a refund redua:s principui, the reduction will t�e t�tec! as a partiul prepayment withaut nny <br /> ' '�v•:� �W e � n pn,payment rharge under the Nntc. <br /> �� '�� 14.Notices. Any ncNice to Borrower pro�•iri�•.f e�.c in this Security Inurument.hall 1►e given by delivering it or by mailing <br /> i�� ,tu,�,:y•`.; :.., <br /> ,�•`�` .�•�•.�. • .•:"�' it by first class nwil unle�s uppli�uble laa�reyaire�use of annther methal.The noticc shall be directed to the Property Address <br /> ';, t•:�:�"' �; ,, � or any other s�dJress Borrower designates by nndce to L.ender. Any ni�tice to I.enJer shull be given by first rluss mail to <br /> . . .y.:..��� .'1 <br /> ��'� '" '' � �� L.ender's nddress st�tec! her�ein�ir any ather uddre.x L.enJer iksignutr�by n��icr to Borruwer. Any notice provided for in this <br /> �"�;, t�'�i <br /> _ , • Security Instn�ment shull bc Jecnxxxll to huve hcen givcn to Borc��wer�ir l�ixlcr whrn given as provideJ in this pars�gropb. <br />. ��` -�ryr. ���.�..,,:ri: ��• 15.Governing law; SeverabiUty. Thi. Sec�iriry Im�runknt shull 1►e g�ivcrn�l by fcderal law urtd thc law ofthe <br />--_ ,�� ,�l�;i;�r � , jurisdiction in which the Pmpeny is I�xLteJ. In the e<<:nt tlwt uny pmvi�ian or clause of this Security lnstrument or the Note _ <br /> + ai +, y4i rontlic�y with npplicablc tuw,such conflict ahAll not a1i'ect othcr provitiion�of this Security In�trument or the Nu�e which��n be <br /> t x LY <br /> y, '���;�',�° � Riven effe��t without the rnnflicting prnvision. To tbis enJ the ��ro�•isium ot'this Srcuriiy Instrument w�d Ihe Note a�e declared <br /> ; Y�,�i�it.6' to be severablc. <br /> �,r 1 ,��• . • 16.Borrower's Copy.Bormwer sh�il be given nne c�,nfarmcei aipy ol'thc N�er und.if�his Seeurit6 losuument. - <br /> .� •,� � ,� <br /> .' . . • yTS. Fotm 3028 9IY0 _ <br /> t�" P 4 0�6 <br /> ��.'}.,: .�..,1`t<;r� � <br />,�. ;,;..,;,:,,�`t.;.,:,:•.4. <br />_.„ '�� . f.,tf.��`F;;F-;.;. <br /> •: ±; � �„���_,�, <br /> �� �;t'�;tc ,� <br /> 1 ij� i��-�3#„Sr, � <br /> � � _�'! �iQt�i� � . a . <br /> ,! f S�F � A�F4� /r`4, < t.tF,";_vwu_._�_— T _ <br /> y. ���"��'1�� . . ' � � � `' / 7 i ! .�� i-��,�f Sr�1 i..;�� �, i��'g�'w.�°�'f�kr��f T•:lc._ . <br />..'� �S `• �_�����1,1}�r,t.. ,' , t' f ft..t �,. :, : j��: , .... �:���' �i s;y:j��nt,Z���i���tSil;� �ti�I�'i��`�.�• ��.. <br /> � k..t } 1 � . , �;� `f�T. �• � t�r•. s�- � l�i��stis..� �' ���4 �:�s�A <br /> !,�: t . , �' t.,f. t �. <br />. f�� N ��i 1i;�.. •'• . . �� � �/. }��,�}� (i.e.s ri �'�'C(hi� ��s�4:i�� . � . . .:�� '- <br /> . � <br /> � � <br /> � ' ' � . <br /> , . . . . <br /> _.. . ��7�,�, <br /> � y� <br /> c •�N���._...,"-::a:,r��• :�y� _•- — � r ..._ t''rr �.W .� �t � �-g ti]i,°.L•��7P"�-. <br /> ;G: � fl', �, <br /> -�1 . . . .'. - � . ,. � . . . � . .. . ' - �''�1,i'�'T -, . .. .. . �_ - .. <br /> e�: ',1>.�.`° '� <br /> ., . � .. . .. .. .ir,: • . ... ' . .:� <br /> a— � '��+- -- _ i, 'Y,c ...__��" .�. '-- - "--'._,. ." - '_- • _ . , . � . - '..... . ' <br /> a�, .. '.�.•_. . _ ���- ;�-- . . . . .. _ _ �h • ���.- <br /> ..—.� �, ' � 011 � . 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