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<br /> � ���' � 91-- 1023'7� �--�---
<br /> � �4 � �� ts. MMo.11an.ow�ro�lon�.
<br /> � �V.,. '�;� M1 O�rtow�Ma���d.E��nslon ot tM tlm�fo�p�ynNnt a modlNapon ol amardzatlo�oi dN wmr aaund b�r thls
<br /> �]•. � N .µ��'�•�t '�" . DNd af Trwt Q►�nt�d by Lsnd�r to�n�suec�uor in IntaNt ot 8a�row�r�hall not op�r�t�to rNMN.lo any m�rtn�►�th�tl�bUtry —
<br /> ,.. of fh�a1plml 8orrowe md Rorraw��suac�uon In Interat.l.w�d�►shall�ot b�rpulrsd to camm�nc�p►ocMdinp�apNn�t
<br /> -;, .K,. ,,_., ,•: : _ �uph suec�uor a�Nus�to�xtN�d Hm�for p�yrMnt or oth�rwia modly amortlratlon of th�sums�aw�d bY thl�OMd ot Tnwt _
<br /> ' " "'."''''"' . by reason ot lfny dem�nd�mede by thr ai�inal Bor►ow�r�nd Borrowe'i suceNaon In lokrei4 �-__ .T --
<br /> - - •5 ;��r<'�;n,,:.'�3iP,,•`?1". (b) ��y po�,Without off�cdn�ths Ilrblliry o1�ny oth�r p�rwn IIabW lor d�p�rmwH o1 any oblipapon hereln
<br /> � msmloned,�nd without�tlactlnp ths Ilen a eh�rps oi thls[Hsd of Trust upan�ny pordon of the P�op�rty not'th�n or th�ntofa�
<br /> _..�: . „' . .:•��.� releaaed�s�ecurly for tha IuU emauM ot�II unpsld oblipetlom,L�nd�r may.lrom tlrrN to dm��nd without notic�A)rN�a�any
<br /> _ :�,���� psnon w Il�bte,(il)extend the mdur iry or�I ter any o 1 t h s t e r m s o i�n y�u c h o b l i q a tl o n�,(i l i►p r�n t o t h e r I n d u l g encss,pv)►Nas�
<br /> ,,;���, or reaonvsy,or ceuse to be relea�ed or reconveyed at any tims at L�ndN's optbn�ny purcM.portlon or all 01 th�Propety,
<br /> - (v)tske or rela��e eny olh�r or additlonel seourity for any AblipsUon Mnln m�nUon�d�or(vi)m�k�eompo�IGoro o►otl�r �
<br /> � arr�npsmenn with d�bton In relatlon thereto.
<br /> -- .._.�:;;.;.y.:_. (e)Rotb��ru�o�by L�nd�r Not�W�iv�r.Any torbeerenoe by Lender Ir.exerclsfnp any rlpht or remedy hereundor,or ��t.,�_.,__ _ __.
<br /> = „>yx�,�,��;�, otherwi�e atlordad by applieebte law, ehall no1 be a walvar ol or preciude Ih�sx�rc{M o1 eny auch rlpht or remedy.The �;;,��._.
<br /> proaurement o1 Insurance or tha payment ollaxes or other Ileot or cherpea by Londor shall not be a waiva of Londsr's rlpht to _
<br /> .�� . �ocalerate the maturiq o11he Indebtednets secured by thla Oaed of Tru�L ��
<br /> . "�..:� "' .r ` �. (d)Suoa�or��nd Aulpes 8ounth.JoiM�nd��►�I W��p�.T►►e covenaMa and a�raamonts herein con-
<br /> -'""�`''�`'��""' �` tairwd ahell bind,end the�hta hercuntkr shatl lnure to,the rssprcUvs wccsaon�nd aWlyns ot lend��nd Trwtor.All __
<br /> ,.�;�� Y:�`��'" cowainants and eqreemenq ot Tcustor sbaH be joint�rtd aweral.The captlorn and headM�s of the p�ra�r�phs of this Owd of ,---- —
<br /> �' ' TousR,�ue for convenience onty and�n not to be uasd to iMerpra!or d�fino the provisio�s her�of.
<br /> _��_� ;, � ���y qpuMl lot Nodaa.Ttw paniss hereby►equeat 1h�1 a capy oi eny notice ot delau�t hereunder�nd�copy o1 any noUco _v__.___
<br /> -;`��' �`�`+�;4'':� ^ of�al�hereunder be moiled to each parly to thia O�ed ot Tru=t at the eddress ret forth a6ove in the nwrener prsscrlbed by y.,�_
<br /> "� �' � � applfcable law.Except lor any other notice�equirod under applicoble law to Uo ylven In anotlwr mAnner,any notice provWed �,,,.,.
<br /> for In this Daed of Trust shall be qiven by mailinp such nouee by certilfed mafl o�ldresaed to the other partles.Al U1Q iddf6is f6t �- :•. s
<br /> .� ^ ^��" "�� Iorth above.Any notice provided lor In thia Deed o1 Truat ahell be eHective upon maU�np m the manner desipna{ed h��eln.II ---
<br /> � �' , ; . ° Trwto►is more then one peraon,notfce aent to the addresa eet foM above�hall be noUce to all such persons. rovfded
<br />:;�, , ^ (q (q�p�etlon,Lender may meke or ceuse to be made reasoneble entries upon and inspectlons of the Property.p �.k;�„N;•..�.-.-
<br /> , , that Lender sh�ll give Trustar notice prlor to any euch Impeetion�pocifyinq rwsonable cau�e therelor ralolad to Lw�d�r's `Y„e,
<br /> "� intarast in the Property. --------
<br />;•�' (�)p�eonv�rane�.Upon payment of all sums 9eeured by thls Deed ol Trust,Lertder ahell requeat Trustee to reeonvpy lhe r� _
<br /> ,.. .. P�opaAy and shall aurrender thfa Deed of Truat and all notes evldenciny Indebtednesa secured by thle Deed of Trust to Truatee. �,�__,�',:
<br /> " .+ � " Trustee shNl reconvey the Property without warranty and wlthout charya to th�person or penons k0ally andtl�d tMr�to• _----
<br /> ,�t,.•;��,',�-•,,. •::., tnisto�shall pey all coats o1�ecordepon,if any.
<br /> (h)p��i�p�ri�r; $�cu�iiy p�r�r,iqn�As addlUcsna!secu►Ity 1or 1hs+payment ol the Note,T►uator hereby�ra�b
<br /> �'• r j�, Lender uade►Ifie�lebreska UMform Commazclal Code a securlty intereat In all fixluree,equlpment and othe�peraonal propeAy _ _
<br /> .-,{:,..:,:�5 � � � , �i
<br />� ;,`ri�:7, ueed m connectton with the real estete or improvements located thereon,and not othe►wlee declered or deemed ta be a part ol _---
<br /> ��, , � � the reel eetate eecured hereby.This inshument shall be conalrued as a Securlty Ayreement under said Code,and the Lender + , �,��
<br /> •{7(:� ��.��.-y_.
<br /> �'�':� `� s�hall have ali the riphte and remadies of a secu►ed party under aaid Code fn addltlon to Ihe rlghts and remedies created under �j,��__�__
<br /> '�'�'��� and aCCOrdep ihe Lender purauant to thls Oeed of Trust;provided thet Lender's rights and remedies under thia paragraph ehall
<br /> �' ,,'?.: ' . �l.a�...•:�" .
<br /> � .��� be oumulative with,and in no way a Ifmitatlon on,Lender s rights and remadies un der any other secunry aflreement a�gned by �
<br /> • 'i:;�5'. • •
<br /> , - Borrower or Trustor.
<br /> ��'�4 •�� � (I)U�ns end EneumManEN.Trustor hereby warrants and repreaents that there is no detault under the provlabns o1 any ���.
<br /> � ' �'}S���^'r mon eqe,deed ot trus�leeae or purchase contract descrfbinp all o►any peA ol the Prope�iy,or other contract,insttument or ,-,s:
<br /> !'�:���S�S;t� agreement conatituting a lien o�encumbrance agefnst all or any paN ol the Property(collectively,"Liene"1,existing ao ol the ., :-
<br />• , .•.sr.�
<br /> . ;�r,�, �•.. qate of thle Oeed ot Truet,and Ihat any end ell exlsting Llens remaln unmodified except as dieclosed to Lender in Truator'a ^...��*};`��+
<br /> � ;. �� �` wrinen dfscloaure of Ilene and encumbrances provided lar herein. Trustor shall Umely pe�twm all 01 T�uator's ob�igaUaoa � ,
<br />, •�:r•,� 'r' •- , ' covenente,representadona and warrant�es under�ny and all exislting and future Liens,ahell promptly lorward to Lender c�•ies ' �
<br /> 1%'":;�� ' � ot all noHcea o1 delault aeM In conneatio»wllh any end all existfng or future liens,and ahall not without Lender'a prlv�w:�r�en �" _
<br /> ,r:,p,.�„ L_�..4�-a'_.�-^ .
<br /> ,, ;,;,,y.,,:, . consent fn any menner modfly Ihe provlslona of or allow any luture edvances under any existing or future Llens.
<br /> �;';:.�.�-� '�,• ,,i��,���^' �� Q)Applk�tlon of P�ym�n�.Unteasothervvise required�by law,sums peld to Lender hereunder,Including withoul f�mHation ���:r.�_--�
<br />`'� �i.!-�•.,'•';4 �� ��!:�$ ';�f��. pAyments of princlpal and interest,Insurance proceeds,cantlemnation praceeds and rents and prolfte, shall be a�plled bY �:,�,�,,-,h,.-:.�;, _
<br />' ,�:i;;•� .t: ,.;y.r?r . '. �.. �__
<br /> �.�,.•,;:,;;` . �.: Lender to the emounts due end owing irom Trustor and Borrower In such order ae Lender In Its aote dlacretion deema desfrable.
<br /> ' '��'�''!� , "�% (k) Sw�nbUNy. 11 any provision ol thls Deed of Truat conNicts with applicable law or is declered invalid or oMeMriae � � ��-:
<br /> ,,:,,..,, •
<br /> ' ",'• �; � ° " u n e n f o r C e e b l e,s u c h c o n f l f C t or invelidlt y shall not aHect the other provisons ol thfs Oeed of Truet or the Nole whiCh Cen be f
<br /> '�'�''' - given eftect wfthout the confllating provlaion,and to thls end the proviaions ot lhis D e e d o t Trua t an d t h e N o t a a r o d o c l a r o d t o b a � .
<br /> '.:�,":. severBbte. ` _.
<br /> " (q T�rms.The terms"7zuator"and"Borrower"ehall Include both ainguler and plu+al,and when tho T�usWr and BoROwer E,,,= �=�m
<br /> ;^''"''s°'��'� � ere the same person(s),thone torms as used in thla Oeed of Trust shall be Interchongoable. [,�•,.,-r;;:�,
<br /> �� ' � II be overned b the lawe of the Stete of Nebreske. f�`�,'`���;�.,�,
<br /> ,.,:-`., (m) Gov�minp Law.TMe Deetl ot Trust oha g Y �
<br /> .,•�j;)+... • .. _ t �o<=...-�.._ ' .
<br /> Trustor haa executad thls Deed of Trust ae ol the date written above. ,uiwl � , t
<br /> ���
<br /> ��� , (Kennth E. Shuda, Trustor Husband) �.
<br /> •� ; \ ;�,�:. � 1� .G�.�1i .
<br /> :_�::.,;� (Dianne K. Shuda, rwator Wife) �
<br /> , �.
<br /> ��. i� � !�
<br /> ,y. i.'• :'�
<br /> 's' 1':. .'::s ��
<br /> � _ " . .. � • • ,
<br />' �'� - � .���� : J.Y , . .
<br /> , Y �l}t'..�):}':�''t .
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