. i .• 1wa+p . . %fii.{�!')ISj7RJ'la:3t'. ___ __-_ - . ... '._.__.—_
<br /> ,�... •�!R�ti
<br /> .,'R. _ ,�.._,.,.. , T =--,n�
<br /> � . -
<br /> - -. _ �.�«-.. •
<br /> - � . .�::-•
<br /> _ - - - _. . -�-• - ---- - � -
<br /> - ',.��:.���. 91-- 1023'75 _
<br /> . �,��-��r�i�:1fP,�,T
<br /> •_ ......,;,d,.. ,,�:�:- �P��ny��p�k�n w d�m���d,l.�nd�r�h�ll h�vo th�optbn.in Ib wl��nd�bwlute dl�crNbn.W apply all wch Proc«d�.
<br /> • ��'.kFu w� r.. . _ �.;-,—,�,.v,_...
<br /> �Mr d�ductinp th�rdrom dl cosb�nd�xp�nsn incurnd by it In connoadon with�uoh P�ooNdt,upon any ind�bf�dnws Mcw�d -----
<br /> ^ � h�nby and In�uah ord�r ns I.�ndor m�y d�t�rmin�,or to�ppty�II�uah ProcNd�,aMr suah d�duntlonf,to th�rN�adon o1 th�
<br /> '. �. Prap�Ky upon tuoh aonditlon�as Lend�r m�y d�t�rmin�.Any applicatlon ol PrxMd�W I�debt�dnu��hall not�xbnd or postPaN
<br /> �t}`�"'.'�'; `� ih�du�d�t�ol any p�ymmb und�r th�Note,or our��ny dsl�ult tha�und�r or h�r�und�r.Any un�ppll�d funds�hall b�psid oo �____
<br /> �,:�a";�s?"�':;�,..,:: T�uaor.
<br /> ^ B, P�Kam�na�by landK.Upon ths oacurrenc�ol sn Ewnt ol Det�ult h�rwnd�r,or N eny aot is t�Nen or Ipd proaMdlnp
<br /> ,�- � ���:���� commsnaad whioh materfolly aHectn lender'a interest In the Property,Lender mey In Ih own dlecretlon,but wNhout obll�don todo �_3 __ ___
<br /> �o,and wflhout notics to or d�mand upon Tru�tor and wllhout relaa�lnp Tru�tor Irom�oy oblipadon,do eny ect which Tru�tor luis
<br /> � � ., eprssd bul fNlt to do and m�y al�o do any other act il deems nacew�ry to protect the aecurity heraol.T�u�tor eh�ll,Immedllibly
<br /> � upon dem�nd tMrofor by Lender,pay to Lender all coat�and expen�es incurred and�umf expsndad by Lend�r In connsodon wlth ���`
<br />�:` , ' • ' ' , the exercise by Lw�do�ot the lorepoinp riphb,topether with fntereat thereon at the default rate provided in Ihe Note,which eh�ll be � ____
<br /> �'" '' added to t�o indabf�dnass a�eurod hereby. Lender ahdl not incw any Ilablllry bocauw of anythinp il may do or omlt to do
<br /> ;. .,;� ' h�aunder. ==-
<br /> 8. H�sa+dou�Mat�4�.�rustor ehell keep tho PropeAy in compllance wlth all wppl�able laws,ordinaecea end repulaUon� --__..
<br /> �- ,-•-----
<br /> reladnp to induauial hyyt�ne or�vironmentel protect�oR(collectively referred to herel�aa"Environmental Laws"►.Tru�tor eh�it —
<br /> keep the P►operqr hae fiom A1I substanc�<leemed to be harardova or toxlc under any E�vlronmentd I,awa(colf�c�valK referrsd to _
<br /> � hereln as"HUardous Matadats'1.TrusWr hereby warranffi and rQprasents to lender Ma1 theea aco no Hazw�dQw MAleriels on ar
<br /> �nd�r tho property.TrusWr hereby A�rees to indemntfy and hold hAmntess Lender,its diraeWra.otHcero,empto�fepsAnd apents,end
<br />�, ', a�y��r�W�andK•s interest.lrom and agaiost any and all c1�Ims,damapes.losses artd liabilides Ar►siny in Gonnectlon wtth _._
<br /> , �e presence,use.disposol or uanaport ot any Haza�dous Materials on.u�der,trom or about ihe P�upe�ty.z�4��FOREQOINCi ,----- ----=-_--
<br /> � � �5iV1VE RECONVEYANCE OF THIS DEED OF TRUST. ___ ,. . ____
<br /> i � ' 10.As�IpenNnl M li�nb•Trustor her9by asafgns to Lender tAe rent9,issuea a�d�ra11u ot the Proporry:provitled thet 7ruaWr
<br /> ' ;� ahatl,untll the occurrence o1 en Event of Default hereunder,heve the right to colleot Aad r�tain auch rents,Isaues and prollts ae they
<br /> �i:".:4i�A"iLi'—
<br /> -, , bECOme due and payable.Upon the occurrence ot an Event ol Default,Lender ma�,eilher in person or by epe�t,wlth or wfthout r ;�,,_,-- .
<br /> �••• � bnnyinp any acdon or procoedinp,a by o recelver appolnted by a couA and withz�•ua fegard to the edequecy of Its sec�ully,enter �' . ^ .
<br /> w ��w���" ° upon and take poaaeaslon ol the Property,or any paA thereof,in its own name or In 1hF name ot the Truatee,and do any aots which it +�-� -;;�"`•' �1
<br /> ��;.
<br /> deems neceaeary or deslrable to preserve the velue,m�rti���abilly or renteblllty oi the Property,o�any peR the►eof or intereat therefn, �;�:..____.___
<br /> ' increaee the Income therefrom or protect the securlty horeot and,wlth or wlthout taking possesalon ol the Property,aue for or -- --
<br /> • ,., otherwlee col�ct the renta,lasues and pro8ta thereof, including those past due and unpald,and apply the aame,legs coats ond �_
<br /> expenses ol o�aTatlon end collectfon includlny attorney9'teea,upon eny Indebtedness aeoured hereby,all In such order as Lender ��;,�,�.-.``
<br /> � may determine.The enterfng upon and taklny po�sessian of the Prope►ry,the collectlan of auch reMs,{ssues and proflts and the �J ys�:�::
<br /> •• appllcetlon thereot es aforesaid,shall not cure or waive any default or notice ot de!auN heraunder or invalldate any act done in
<br /> �eaponee to�uc�delault or pursuent to such noUce oi de9ault end,noNvithalanding tre continuence In possesslon ot the PropeAyr or _�
<br /> ,`_ _. : .. ,•. . the collection,receipt and appf�catfon of rente,isaues or protlts,and Truatee and Lendar shell be entltled to exercise every dght --
<br /> T�T{—
<br /> � � • - provlded far m any ot tne�.oen insirumenie or by iew upon accurrance o}a�y����:o!Delault,4ncluding wlthout Ilmltatlon the rlght ��� :+ T.__
<br /> to exerCf�e Ihe pawar pl8ale.FuAher,lender's righta and remedies under thia paragraph shall ba cumulative wlth,and In no tvay s f; '�..
<br />�}�'�'' +. :� , � Umltedon on,Lender's righta and remedles under any aseignment ot leoses and rents recorded aqainst the Properry.Lender,Traslee �� �
<br /> � + i;{., _ .`__��"°-�y
<br /> antl the recelver shall ba liable to account only tor tho9e tenls aclually rece�vad. �..._. .��'
<br /> ;. , .�� .. ,,:li;,,��;•� ,� � 11. EvN�b of Wfauli.Tha laflowing ahall constitute an EveM of pefault under Ihis Deed of Trust �,�u����„
<br /> �,,;�,., N..„' s�.i.�;st: : (a) Fallure to pey any inatallm�ent o1 princlpal or mterest oi any other eum secured hereby when due; •,�:i�vr.=---
<br />• ` �•� '�'.r,� %.`:'�;• (b)A breach of or delault under any provielon contained In the Note,thls Deed o1 Trus�any ot the Loan Inalrumenta,or a�y •'���Y'"` �,iir,��
<br /> • �� ��. ���;,;`> other Ilen or encumbrance upon the Property; ' ,r��-
<br /> ' f N r{.;�;.,-.__-
<br />.;� � „ ' ' ' 'A;�,;; (c)A wrft of execullon or attechmeM w any sfmllar procesa shall be entered ayalnst Trustor whlch shall become e lien on rt�v+,� ,;c„�:.;� .-,--�
<br /> ;u. ,��f���:.:.t;.a?��
<br />" ' . Me Property or any ponlon thereot or interest Ihereln; '�+!'�:f- �i'••"` '
<br /> • . � (d)The►e shall be liled by or against Trustor or Borrower an actlon under any present or luture Iedera0,slale or other ��rr�.!•j��?�'�r�°�,:�
<br /> F. , .• �,�,�?r�`,� 8latute,lew or regu181ion reletfng to benkruptcy,:nsolvency or other relfel for debtara;or there shall be appcm�2�i any truetee, •� ,`�' rs! • =—
<br /> -(r��•,� .,t„•--
<br /> ;�,y� ' , ,f, .,.�, reCeiver or liqufdetor of Trustor or Borrower or ot ell or eny pert of the Property,or the rents,issues or prollla ther�eol,or Truatar i'',y•'!��tc�,�,:��;�,;. _
<br /> _ ,.,,r� or Barrower Shall me ke any gonera l assignment for the benellt of creditora; � �t ,���
<br /> � ,�:� ' '� '•�'ri�r• ' (e) Th�a sele,trenafer,lease,esslgnment,conveyance or lurther encumbrence of all or any part ol or any interest in the L
<br /> , • ,�fF%':.��:!• � • Pro ,elther voluntnrily or involuntanly, wlthout the expresn wntten consent of Lender;provfded ihat Trustor shall be � � _ .._
<br /> , ,•�.._ 3r.?�r., Pe►tY , '_--
<br />'.,;,:: ._ :C....,. ...�.- P r1Y �_...,,,:.�, i -_�___
<br /> ,•:.,,
<br /> •,; .. i ., permitted 10 execute ra lease ot the Pro e thet does not co�w�n an opUon to purchaee and the term ol whlch does not exceed . ��- '
<br /> I,ri1;':}i ..N.Cf..� .. . .. _
<br /> ona year, �:''• . ' �=-=-_�
<br /> ���S f ' (� Abandonment o11he Property;or -`-'^-,
<br />:;,� .2, ,. ; ....
<br /> '�:•I a (�) If Trustor is not an indivldual,ihe issuance,sele.transler,assiqnmen4 conveyance or encumbrence ol more than a total , °''!���;,;
<br /> �x��,'.,,� �
<br /> �•', .� p� percent o1 pf a corporatlon)da isaued and o�itstanding atock or(d a partnersh�p)p totel of percent of � °:�:��� �;
<br /> ',s"' pertnerohlp intereats during the perfod thfs Deed ot Trust remafns a Ifen on the Property. , ����'
<br /> , ti��..
<br /> � �p, q«p�dl�r,AccNeratlon Upon ON�ult.In the event ol any Event ol Delaull Lender may,wrthoul notice ez cept as required by ,K��n�fr:•:.
<br /> '��� 18w,deClAre all indebtednnes secured hereby to be due and peyable and Ihe same shell fhereupon become due and payeble 1
<br /> :�•, , .�!,���
<br /> � wlthout any preseMmeM,demand,proteat or notice ut any kmd.ThereaRer Lender may: • . �
<br /> ;,• (a) Demand lhet Trustee exercise the POWER OF SALE granted here�n,and Trustee ahall thereaRer ceuse Trustor'� •.;�,,.,�. ,..,
<br /> . , i..,
<br /> � interest in the Ptoperty t0 be sold and the proceeds to be distnbuted,all m 1he manner prov�ded in the Nebr9�ka Trust Deeda i
<br /> , Ack �
<br /> � (b1 EkerCise any and all rlyhts provided fOr in any of the Loen Ingt�umenU or Oy law upon occurrence ot eny Event ot I
<br /> . pelpult;and i
<br /> � (c) Commence an action to foreclose Ihls Deed of Trust 88 a mcrtgage,appomt a reCe�ver,or apec�l�celty enbrCe a�y of ttw �
<br /> ' covenants hereof.
<br /> No remedy hereln conlerrad upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender�s�ntended to be exclus�ve of any olher remedy herem,in the ;
<br /> Loen Instruments or by law provided ur permltted.but each shall be cumulntwe,shall be i�addition to every other remedy gwen ,1
<br /> hereunder,ln the Loan Instruments or now or hereaft�r ex�st�ng at law or in equity or by statute,and mey be exerc�sed concurrently,
<br /> . Independenlly or successively.
<br /> � 13. Tru�tN. The Truatee may res�gn at any Ume without cause,and Lender may at any time and without ceuse appoint a
<br /> �• ., � . eucceasor or subatltute Trustee.Trustee shall not be I�able to any party,mcluding wdhout Ilm�tadon Lender,Borrower,Trustor or any
<br /> ., purche8er ol lhe Property,lor any loss or damage unless due to reckless or willlul miaconduct,and ahall not be�eqwred to tt�ke any
<br /> - actlon�n connecl�on w�th the enlorcement o1 this Deed ol Trust�nless mdemndiad.�n wnUng,lor all costs,compenaation or �
<br /> .. . ____-_ � _..___���...wi..w...e..�o.a.,��om.+enp.ww�en in add�non.Trustee mav become a purchaser at any sale of the Prope►1y�udlc�el or
<br />. . —''._ " .. ..' pw�IOn�o.a n...v.......��..�"��-_'__ _ .
<br /> • ` under the power ol sele grgnted herem�:poatpone the sa�e of all or any port�on of the PropeHy.es prov�ded by law:or se11 the
<br /> , PrOperty ae a whole,or in separate parcels or Iots at Trustee's d�screlwn. .
<br /> 14. FN�and Exp�nsf�.In the event Truatee se�ls the Property�cy exercise ot power ol sale.Truatee shall be enhtled to apply �
<br /> � �� any sele Fraeeds f�ret to paymeM o�a�.costs and espenses o1 e+eerc�s�nq power ol sale.��ctuamg au T�ustee'a lees.and Lender'a
<br /> end Trustee's altorney'a fees.actuauy�ncurretl to extent perm�tted by apF�«able�aw��the event 8orrower pr Truator exerases any
<br /> ' rlpht prov�ded by Isw to cure an Event ol Delault,Leraer shau be enatted to receve���om Trustor all costs and expenaes actually
<br /> • incurred as a result oi Trustor's delault.mclud�nq wnnout um�tauoR at1 Trustee's a�a atto�ney's lees.to the eRtent permltled by
<br /> r ' appttCdDle�8w
<br /> 15 Fwt�+AdvsncN.Upon req�es�ef Borrower.Lender may. ac�ts opt�on.make add�t�onal and luture aOva�Ces artd re•
<br /> adve�ces to 8orrower Suth advanCes and readvances.wdh��terese tfiereon.sha��be Securetl by m�s Qeed o�T►ust At no t�me s�a�t
<br /> the pnneipal amount of the�ndebtednees secureA by th�s�eeC a�T��sL not�Rc��d.rtg sumg advanced to protecl the secu►ay of en:s
<br /> ONd of Trusl eYCtad thie onylnal prMCfpal art�ount srated nerem.u►5—Z�. 000.�0 �,nccheve��s greafer
<br /> � (
<br /> �
<br />