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:' ��; � , _ <br /> :� , � _>'~ <br /> _ 4 v;'�.:',�. _� �y`y� �.. �..__. •,� .�...._ _ _ o <br /> -- _ _. �y, , , . , .o. -.�--• n,-.�.,.•._-.-••_ <br /> — �I�Ytr�i��-1f1d/{Y+ . . . .� . � ...�rS J.�1�4�'-1��!.� :4'•'. S� >�i.4='.�f`:)k,•�.`..i:.A� .,Yr'T- - <br /> -�i-�-• <br /> � . � � �� .. . . . �: �- � ,: �. � , ". 9��0�,�9 . ,`� . __ <br /> �plkatrie Mw m�y rpecif'y foe�)b�etare a{e c�the P�p�ty p��+�Y pq�+d Wle 4anl�ie4d 1e d� <br /> . ,� Saarti�y ImatiaMa�cr(b) nt• eota�ci�i�S Securk9lnpnaeait. '!1►a�a ooa�ttlom ae tl�t. . (�) , <br /> � �b dpe a�da tirig�p�qr Iowna�eot.�ad�he Aic1e a�i�nv�a���r�h�d <br /> '., p� L�dir atl� � <br /> � ua'utted:(!)c�es 1oY al+oq►aiher aovawN�a�pean�i .dw•(c)P�Ya+U expen�n iacw�ed in e�a�f d�t Se�adty <br /> � Inwnmear�includ�a�.but not IMfiled�wwu�ble atloriley�'tee�:rod�(�W�ca w�h aalian ts L�ender may reewti�biY <br /> requi�e a I�ae u�t dae uea at ada secaeity inun�me�t,Loqde�r e�Ats ia We ,r,a eonow�eeU oaii�eion a n�,y Wo <br /> _ . . . . �aras a�cwed by Ihi� SeCltilY U�� � � �. Upan��� bY ��• tbir Seauriry <br /> � in�trwnait nid ti�a obllptiaat�oa��ad 6a'ebY tb�)�in fWHy eff'ecdve aif w�aian hd occanad. 8awsvar.tdb - <br /> _- T�.-�---�-�-�° . �ht to retas�ta tlfal!nat appty h►tbn e�se oi�len�tlon u�rler p�h 17. -- <br /> 1!. S�le d 1WMi�'M�d I.w�S�i�rt 7Ue Nab at a inoa�ea fa the Note( witb 111it.Security <br /> Inqrumeml�y be ald ane or mam dmes wiUiow prlar noHoe a o�mo�rver. A ab m�y rewU n�cfwige in the aatlty <br /> -- (known iu the"Lwn Sdvioer")th�t oullects monthlY WY�ta due under tite Tlote�atd tbi�Secutity Iptaun�nt. 71�+no dco <br /> m�y be ope o�mae chm�es of 1he L,o�n Se�vloer unml�ted to a aie of the Notc. if diene it a cbwn�a of the Lo�n Se�vkar. <br /> Bomnwcr wfll be given wrineo notieo of the change in xccadx�oe with p�rag�aph 14�bove u�d applkabb 4w. 'lUe notico <br /> will sU►te tho n�me uid�ddnei:of ihe new l.oai Se�vioa and tee ddnaa to which p�ymeat��hould be at�de. 7Le notkx�1� <br /> _._. alco oontpin�rny other tnformatioa rwuircd by�PPUcable l�rr. : .� ,:...._ <br /> ?A. il��doia Sabchaoe�. Bamwer�haU not�nse ar pa�nG the p��aso�di�l.stan� nleuo of any �:f��;.�?�,•:;; <br /> H�z�udour Subct�noes on or in Iha Prope�ty. Barower stwll mt da nor�Ibw �qyone olca to do.+mY��B��-;'''`.•,,t':;,1',,': <br /> -- Pyope�ty tlut i�in vbladon of any R�vimnmanal Law. Tl�e pr000diag hxo sa�noes slwU oot epply to We p�nsd�• ' ';�-7•,.; <br /> -_-- s��ge on the P�opaty oi sm�ll qu�otities of Hv,a�dous 5ubstanoes thu are�a�lY'�oo�oi�od ro ba�w pbra� .. <br /> ,:��•� raidenti�l uses uid to m�intrna�a of tAe Pruperty. ' . <br /> — Bamwet shall P�P�Y 6ive l.enda�w�itawi aotice of�r inveulgaati�on,cl�n.demand.lawsuit or o�f�er�ction by�uiy <br /> •-- --- . - ---• �areren�enW a segelelory e$encY or�nriv,�te�1y invdving th P�operty and any H�7�udous Sub�tiu000e or EnvLonmrntol 't:- - <br /> ,.-�, - - - -- l.iw oi'wpich Barower hos nctual k�awkdge If Ba�oare�leams. or is najlied by any govrmra�ubl or Irgul�tary ..,r <br /> aWhority.idat any�moval or ather remediadon a4'�y Nuzuaclous Substance at�'ecting the Propaty i�aeoessvy.Bot�t►'IMar <br /> .;::: shAll promptly uke�II necessary remedial actions i�acco�d�rs��•ith Fnvimnma�tal �•. �,. , ,�; •�;` <br />.��•r� As uud in this paragraph Z0."Hazenlous Substances"�ne utwse s��bs�anoes defu�ed as wxic or lia�tdoua subswn�cs�y �,•';�:•, :,',4, <br /> � �,•,•�: .., <br />-`�;�-i.• Envi�nmental and Uie folbwing substnnces: gawline.l�erosene. atbet flammable or taaic petrolaan producta.'t��tic' �;.��` , <br />- pesticides pnd hefiicides.voWitile sofvents.mAteri�ls containing as6esw+ar�fornwldehyde,and radloactive m�tafals. As . <br /> - used in thieparagraph 20,"Enviro�tal Law"means federal laws and lowc r►4';lye jurisdicdon wl�qe d�e Propaty is looat4d ';.;;, <br /> ," tlwt alate a healtl�,safety or envirmo�uaental protection. :.�"': , ,.;� <br /> ��• NUN•UMFORM COVENANY'S. Botrower and I.ender fawther rnvenant and agnee,as Pallows: • � , <br />=--_�°' 21. Acceleratlon;Remalie:+, •Leader sludl�ive aotiee to Borrower prior to acceleratlon followlo�Rorruater►a <br /> -�; W+eacb of uzy rnveosat or agntimenl in this Security la4trument(but not prbr to aaekatio�uNder 17 . . <br />��._,�;` unless applk:abk uw provides Wherwlse►. The nodce ahall specifq: (s)t6e�ctio�t�eqaired to cn d�e , <br /> _=_ --- default,(cl s�d�te,aot kss than 30 days ftom tbe dAte the nettce is glven to eon�ower�by whicb 1be defiiult atlinet be <br /> :_�:;��'� ;:°;"� •� ,. • curedi and(d)tlwt failur+e to cw�e the defAUlt on or beforn tl�e dale specifkd io the aotke rwq Ksnit:in�cei�r oi <br /> - R;rrA:�:?y <br />-;:'K''• ' w.r: .�'`` • t6e sua�s secured by this Secur�t;v Instrument s�ad sak of.11he Property. 7'I�e notke sba�l turt6a'latorm Bomq*�er' <br />',a�y;, ` i'�-� �,'`;,s, �� the right ro retnstate aRer Accekration s�od the rfght to briaoR+�court acNon to assert the ewo-e�teace at a detAUll or , <br /> --_;.x„•. • aa�other defen.ce of Rorrower to accele�tbn and sale. iP Yhe detpult is not cured on ar beTaer tl�date speeliied In <br /> - �_.. <br /> ".';y�,•fc, �:;? : tYe notice,I.ender u4�1s optlon may require imtnediate pay�ent in fuN oP All�ums secured by tbt�3ecu�ity l�trpma�t <br /> -;,��. �� :_ . <br /> ,. « r�,� -,,^.�,�„ without tUrther demaad �nd may invoke th�e pawer oP su�c and any other remedic9 permitted hy applkable Ipw <br /> � ��.„ +r � ,r :,?t?' •+. Lender sdalf be entiUed to cd�ect all expeoses Incurred ia�pursuiag the remedies provided ia this paraoraph tl, <br /> •.� iacluding,but not limited to,reusooa6le s�ltorneys'te�w and cos�v ot tille evldence. <br />� , ,;, , -�'-��� It the power of sale Is B�av�4ce�J,7Fustee yhall record A natice of default in each county in which aay p�rt ot the <br />��,... "�0"��-;""'�' ,; properly Is IacAted and s�n9��ns��l co;pies d'!a�c'�notire in Ihe manqer prescribed by applicA6le IAw to Borrower w�d to <br />- " ��°'.",'�'�` �'`"! , Ihe other persons prescribeui by upplicable O�t�w. After Ihe dme requlred by Applkable law.7lrustee sh�ll give publtc <br /> �:t'� ,,� •'--<' � • �`' notice of s�le 10 the�ersons ancl�n the manner pres:cribed by Applicable Ipw 7lrustee�without demand on Borrovrer. <br /> '`'•� '�a:•'%r���."��o�, • sball seU the Property nl pum7ic auction to Ihe hiAhest b�aider A/lhe time�nd place and u�der the fernis deslgnated ia <br /> vr.�,-., ..�' <br /> �;•' '�'�';�. � � Ihe notke of sale in one or more parcels and in any ortie��'rustee determines. 'tlrustee may postpone sale oP all or pny <br />,� % � parcel of the Prope�t�bv publlc announcemenf at the t�aae und plACe of any previously scbeduled sWe. I.ender ar its <br />" ' � ;' r.?'�h. designee may purc6ase I�e Prope�ly at Any�le. <br /> �'d����' " Upon receipt�f,payment of the price bic�.'il�uxtee shall dellver to Ihe purchaser 1lrustee's dee�l conveying the <br /> '`� '.:'a': _,._�.�-• _ <br />,,� ,,,.�`�� :;r u_:�r�(°' .,:�;�;.�' Property. The recltals in Ihe 7Fustee's deed!�hall be prima facle evidence oP the trulh of the statements mede therein. <br />_ :. ,,; ,f°':�)f.':,�,;',;. 7Fustee slwll npply the proceedc uf the a�ale in the fdlowi�R order. lol lo all caWs und expenses of ezerc(sin�the poaer <br /> � _ � ',�;ti••,��'���'f�}�;f:�* _. <br />._ ,.�:,; ,i, ;•.,; . . . <br />- � ,%i?G;il�'�.�.� �`' •�''•^'•'' <br /> i H%� „ <br /> 1 .�. • . .. Y. <br /> ,�j +'��.,� ' . <br />.��;jp, �� .. �:�ft1' •. <br /> i4• � � '`" <br />--{':r . � . �.1�,'`1i4',J�`�i�;� ..t <br /> ` .•,�r�.`'J�'i:��3"i��� .- <br /> �� - �:�'r� ';�'7j''"�� ' , - <br /> �°'.�1 r ' F'am JY?ai 9190 � �r s� e rai <br /> . .. ,�� ;, r,f;t� -�: l�¢ r I�+R - <br />-��; � � :�, 4. <br /> '(��. y •i �Ji:;�7�i _. <br /> _.t" �•f ^'�.5,1.:��'n,�,`1�5C11j��r}� ' � <br />.:L t,-�� '�. . -- <br /> - � .. - <br />��nV:t. 1: - - • , - <br /> ~ t t tR•'�^: E�7'r•' •II��w�aere�nTy�t7�' �� �1 .� � '%�'(, m'9��'�J'+y�r �� a api�i.__ <br /> il r., •• .�. .",�� � ...- .� y��;•,!�j(<, •1 . • r;�}}'y'j�1•" <<. �� t �( 1 �f�Y11��633 ,.. _ <br /> � .� �_ • � � ���i � { � � .: 4 <br /> -.i �- - . ' �l: '.i.�F.�' ,%�}` �,�f� i ���'}y}�:1`�'..)4i'd� � � � l:7 'f� � t��Y�� ' �tf ' ! ;, .�If �,y --� <br /> q` �rj �' ; . ' �t�. „ t¢�r_ ti114r)1���� '��� 1 ;� � f,•1f .���.t)t . �'", -.rM:rJ''� _�,.� 1�1. >ti\�r� i :,; �►rfrr <br /> .' .4��:�.;, a:.._ n } �1��tlt�l., ♦��� ,1_�!' {e ' �:. 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