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.. 1 �. � 1. . _lr�. ... �.i16� �// ' ' , /.'' if�aY. <br /> - --._,�,..: �,�,i_ .�r _ . .. „ .+�-• . +•'1•'-'y�r�YM.�y.-�4o!•'�R'/�,�1.��'w`��-�lE�kkP^:v���j�di-; .. . ''1��.�'�w. :ir-�••_ <br /> ( . � . � � . _ . � .n r�. ., , '��� ,.. .'. ':v�,�Y.-. <br /> ��V <br /> � . o�oa ar vd�nkiw d aY PNt d IYt Prop�ly�at ta amYeyra Y liw daord�tla.+a i�dy�i a� . <br /> iWl bo p�i.10 L�IAr'. . . �, � <br /> ".. 6� 1r ewat d�rotat�kiry ot Ihe ih+appty��pe �al!6e yo 1be�eaat s�w�ed by 1b1� Soa�rltY � ':, <br /> � ., �d.wiw�a�sot IMn dne.with�ny��p�b�r�enpwK ta�ir�w af�pA1W1�tvtin�d d�e M� ,;: :���:`; <br /> . , wMicA tbe��rltet viliie ot the ftiopeMy ImmediMely bel�ae die�f�aqwl w ar itWar tlwi da�no�np�Mwar►. <br /> .ea�ea by t�6t sea�eity►Ia�uuane�M iacanedlWSly bsla�e t�.a�lan�,unlea 8omaw�,ia�a Leaa�ane�wi�e�ee ia wkidiw .'. , - � <br /> dr wn�Ma�ed by�Saaurity Wwume�t�bdl bo rod��cad by tlw�na�nt at'the multh���tho follow6� � . - <br /> _ :. ___ � f�a�on: �.�d»waa s�ao�►�ot ua a�n..eanea i�e�i�beFaa aa a�,�.k�f m�r� v�ca�tha--- �--.� <br /> _ a-=,---�-- --,.r=„ prop�rtY to�aedlalely befo�e�ho tdcii�. Atry bdanue�11 p�id oo Bono�wer. in the evau at o p�a�tW atdn of tbe <br /> Ptape�ty b whld�d�e t�ir nwk�el vvue d the Plopaty inuaeOl�tdy baforo tha qddaa is loa wwi die nt�oorx d�aaaa . - <br /> . �e�xued hnmedl�tely 6efae IMe .unless Borrower ad t.e�fder ahciwi�e yroe in wtltins ar anla�spplica6b {tw <br /> ahawlFe pe�nvides,�he p�aoeeda stwU be applied tn t�e wms�e�a�d by�hi�Secwity Inchua�t w�b�cK aot da�uaoo�ro <br /> lhen due. <br /> If tbe Proparty ia abaxlonod by No� if��fte�t�oiloe by L�aider�o Bortower�hat�he oabemt�ot o1re�to m�lm <br /> m aw�uM or sepb�ctaim tbt d�m�e��8omawcr fdh to�rspond ta I.ender within 30 daya afl�x tha dYo the nudoa i�giva�, <br />-- -_ - I.ender i��uthais�ed to oolla�and�pp1y tho pmoeeds.W ia aptioa,eId�er w Ratontlon ar t�ir ot die P+opaty a w da <br /> app�securod by thii Security Intttuma�t,whctl�or ar not Iha�due. <br /> Unlas i.ender and Barower ulhenxice�ec in wdNn�,any icAtion of proceed�to p�incipd slall not eatend ar <br /> -- � patpone d�a duo due of�he monlhlY Wl��tofenai to in p�l and 2 ar ch�e lue anaunt of such paymenq. <br /> -• ii. Yorrowa Na Rdesxdi �orbeuanae By I,eader 1Vd a Witver. Bxletision of the Wne for Q�yma�t or <br />---- modffkaUon of u�w�tls�tlon of d1e aums sa�a�t�d by d�i�Security Instrwnent gr�ntod by Lender to any�uooessar in iolerect <br /> "-'`.-" of Bamwer s�hdl not operate to�elease 1he IixbiHty of d�aigirW Barower or Barowerls wcarssas in i�Merest.l.mder <br /> �_:�_ thall not benequirod to oammeece P��►8s+Sainst my wcoastx in interat or�fi�se to ex�e+�d Mno far p�yman or <br /> _,.j:t-= - , uiiK,�jan uw�UEy�i�u�tlzatlai�f the sums seciu�d by this S�ucity Insinui�nt by rasa�d�y�:�d�b�jr et..^,ar3�tr�i <br /> Bonowa ar Bomowerk�ucassam in inte�sl. My forbwrance by I.ceder in exercisir�my ri�t a�aacdy s6�11 not be� <br /> -� waiver otor proclude the excrcise of any right or mraedy. <br /> 12. Su�oessor��ad A�m Bound+Joint and Sereral Lb6tUtyi Casi��er�s. The coven�nts md agrcements af diis <br />��i:.�.;,. Security Insttument ehall bind and benel"N the succescon and assign.s of L.ender and 8amwer,su4joet to the provisions of <br />. „_��� µ ph 17. Borrowerk covenants and ag�eements shall 6e joint and several.My Barower wha�ro-signs �his Security <br /> - ��,,,,�s���?t:�4 1��but does not execute the Not�: (a)is co-signing this Security Insburtknt ady to mwt at_e,grant md oonvey tlut <br /> ''•''�'�'.r:`c.{.'=F r� . Borrowal�interest in the Pt�nperty under the teims of�his Security Insaument; (b)is not perzwid�y obligated to p�y the swna <br /> s�d`�� :_, <br /> -..;'�:,�;a�n� secwed by this Security Instiument:and(c)agroes that Lender and any wher Bamwer may a�roo w eueed,modifY.torbar <br />__ ,' ;��., . �,,,;.��:K' or make�ny axommadations wi� rcgwd ro the termc of this Secutity Inswment or 1he Nou widwut that Borrowul� <br /> cansent. <br />` �:�� ;��;..� 13. Lwa C6orge$. If the loan securcd by this Secudiy Instcru�aent is subject to A law which seta mauimum lom <br />_�:;'-4:!.':; • ,,:�;;: chary�es.and that law•is finally inur�eted so ths►t ihe iotaest or ott►er loan chorgea colkcted or to be collected in connectio�►• . '� <br /> : �?;;, _;�`�}w�;�F� �- with the loan ea�ecd tfie pennuted Lmits.then: (a)anv suc��afn cnurge shali be tedui.roil iry i1�c�u�Klwli��ssdip i4 iedi�, . �, <br /> ecd <br /> �'; ;s. ,,�,� �^�' the chaige to the permitted limir,anc!(b)any sums ulreasly collected from Bomower which exceeded permitled limias will 6� •� <br /> . .�,ti��'r,a; ,�n . �f�nded to Bomower. Lender may chaose to muke 1hi�rciund by reducing the principal owed under 1he Notc or b�;�a�aking s�• �'�i <br /> "'�.: _ fy5.•.. . <br /> � ' 1 �'.'A., . .� h��A. !..�� - <br /> ,��.tl'� .. ,�� �,r.„r;,,.. dinxt payment to Borrower. !f a refund�duces principal, the�+eduction will be ueated a4 a Ewrtial prepayment witLout any � <br /> °�;�r;,;"r:; -�-���:�--`-�=,�r�� PrePsYment c!:arge undet fht Note. <br /> --����•+�•� ��'' f - � 14. Notias. Any ootice lo Borra�tier pmvided for in�his Socurity Instrument shall be gi�•cn by dellvcring it or by <br />;_�,:' . �`;:•! ;�••r'r �•;�"-r mailing it by firet class maai unt�ss applicnble law requires use of another method.71�e notice shall be directed to�he PtopeRy <br /> � ' I''�L••'�.: J , Addness or s�ny other uddrf�+�3orrower designu�es by naice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be giveo by fiBt class <br /> �';�'��.:.' <br /> y .„_;• m�il to Lcnder's uddress stated hcrein or any other uddress Lender designutes by notice to Bomnwer. My naice provlded for <br /> `r. °���r"• '� �1=�.. in lhis Security lnstrument shull be deemed w huve becn given to Bo�rower or Lender when given us provWed in �his <br /> �1�� •.�).Y y � <br /> �-''� � ��...`.w n � ( � <br /> 1�.�e� l � . <br /> ,,�;;k��:�' , :'`':'+�.��. •� .r1" �iS�Goveaa��ng Lew; Sevembility. Thi, Security In,trument shall be governed by fedeml law und the law of 1he <br />':3 rr.� : .::'��,,;,�.�, r : jurisdi�tion in whith ihe PropeAy is locuted. In the evem�hut uny provicion or cluuse of this Security Instrument or the Note <br />��,.,�,' �<", tt;;...�._ • conflicts with applkuble luw,such conflict shull nut uffec�other provisions of this Security Instrument or tt�e Nae which cun <br /> � ,;;, ,;+�..e�,..;...,, <br /> t},f,k �.:��;T�.t�t..., �.� be given ef�fcc�whhou��he contlicting provi.ion. To �hn enJ the provisionx of thix Security Instrument and the Note are <br />):r'�,��4� .<.';y�,���3. .�k,.,�,�,„ declared t�be sever�ble. <br /> ft� t''`� �• " '�'��'�-:� '���' � 16. B�rru�ver's Copy. Borrowes shall he given one conformed copy of the Note and of this Security Instrument. <br /> •..;�,� , �., . �. : .,., . <br /> "'����'��j�J i�:'f:`'.�'�•{�}��;��:�='";;�='i�����'� l7. 71�ans1'e�ot the Y'topertv or o[�cneiiciel Interest In Borrower. 11'ull or uny putt of�he Pn�yerty or nny interest in - <br />`� ' f '���, .����±�"����'"-'��`s";': i� is sold or transferred(or if a benefici�d intere,� io Bamwcr is sold or truntifemed und Borrower is not a nntural person) <br /> � � f %��;• � � '• without I.enderk or«�rinen ronsznt.Lendcr mu ut ii,o iion,rc uire imm�Jiatr a ment in full of�11 sums secu�d b <br />�, -'' ' `i:'�J!�,!�.� • ,` p� Y• P W P Y Y <br /> ;'.';•.`1�.,��' . .�-'�`"; ., �`;``.;,;s�; this Serurity ln9trument. H��«ever.thi�option sh•rll nw 6e cxerci.rd hy Lendcr if exercise i.prohibited by federul law As of _ <br /> ,.,.,,. , ,�.. I '" ,r'•;?i, the date of t?�is Security Inatrument. <br />;:�;;.': ' ' • �•�•. If Lender exemisex�hi.r•aptiun.Lender shLll give Borrower n�ui4e of uccclera�iun. The notice,hall provide a period of <br />:;,'�t+}�ti!�' -.;��,�" " '� ' nw less�Iwn 3Q ds�y.from the date thc nc�iic�i�drliver+edur m•ri1rJ within which Borrower mu.�puy;�II wms seeured by this <br /> � �.. .�:�;!,.�` , : Security In�trum�nt. It'Borrow•er fuih in pay thr.r �umc prior lo the expirution of Ihis prriod, Lender may invoke uny <br /> `� �•� '� ' ���°��' �'��'• � �%� remedies rmitted b thiti Securi� Intitn�menl with.�ut fur�hcr natice or demund an Bnrn�u•er. <br /> .��:..;� , : t�.., . Pe Y Y <br /> � '• "'�%•�� � �•.!� . 1R. Borrower's Righl to Reinstate. h' Borrua��r rnec�. certuin cunJitiunti. Borrower shall have �he right �o hnve <br /> ��,��,�;. <br /> � �!:'d� � ' � �i�'(;� enfarcemenx of this Security In.trumem di+cnntinucd:►t;m} iimr prlex 1��thc rarlicr ot: 1�) S d.�y. ror xuch other pericxl vy <br />� �� :�'-.�:... '���< <br /> �rt•.•..� �.�� -�'-. " '.,,.F Sfnglr F�mlly-•Mannk UaNFl�eddle 11ac UWI►'OR�1 I�tiTRI�M!\T••Unifam Covenam. 919p �/xigr 4�y6 puQrsJ _ <br /> ` �.r!%� / �,ti� , .,y„ <br /> •i-., �...�5, ;� . <br /> 'J�.•Iti �J�•1.�: ��ia:. -� <br /> :;�.;;�� �, ,�,;,..;;.., - • <br /> ,l. j4� ;r'..a 4., <br /> ,� , jti.t�y4��f,'� <br /> ,�::'..,' 1 �ji.�{.S 1\f - <br /> !f 'i j� jY�� .,` 1 <br /> f%��'��-� 1� � _ t•..SIiT� t�� ' •tit i�(�i�1�4M�nY.�ryli�,iPi�E.��{'�''(r��!�t��d�t�f't.�,.,`��� .`� T��W1� _ _ . <br /> -ri �41 ttr, 1 ` . 1(��t5�����`.{•. 1�. 1 y � ! � �•��1f}� ������i���,an <br /> t�j�✓•t4 I . . , . tb . t�ii;' • . .i,� t p, ' �.� ''�A,.t ;�. � �.� .....�.-...- <br /> 1,,�_� <br /> � l f:� �I <br /> �i'4t�r i , ''. ? � . „ �.! !,; ��',��: � . ���, j� �.,.m ��i� e��� -- <br /> �i � � � . <br /> .. , . . , . <br /> V. . , . •• ,._1'..._._ .'__. ... . .. .'. �7:.- ,•t -. . . _..�:..�. w �. .' brir,lLil�6YI�INAI�Yecrr_+w��, <br /> -�-...- . . . . __' . . .. . . .. .. .. _ <br /> _r <br /> t• 'T { '.1, . ' . ', � ` -''„'� j�-��ijry:.'��t}`"�L+SVr'�'�` � - - <br /> 1 . � � - . , .. � r {.�+�.��.r r-.v.n p` {/���)�q.r�r- <br /> . .1 : 4' � . . . . 1 - .... .. ��;...aT��^A;���' __ <br /> ,f�, 1 j .^ `. a. _ . _ ' ' � � � � n��':T."ai <br /> t' � � � . , , , , , .. ' . '`J r �... . '�+:�:�.r��+���t'r�'r.�. . _ <br /> _w .,��,y�f�,� i y; <br /> i �tt1'�' . . • • • '' c.: <br /> ! �.i- .� :��1�� .. ' ' ' ,.. - .,,r� - <br /> ' -�' _ ' - � .. �" � . .. .. - � . . _ . . <br /> . .�. -i. ., ... .._ci' . . . �� , � , . <br /> 1`.I-. 1 �w( '',�;�' .� , . �.�'� � • : : .. , . <br /> - �� �� •� • , �- •;�,ea!•t.:' . . . .. <br />�-. '�� � .,.. � .. • ' • . ...Q�r� . <br /> � ` 4! ,. � <br /> . . <br /> , '� - <br />