. ��'*�f'��s+>+� ".� =,. i�:y�'kk'.„-i.;� .,L:,�'' ..�,�,._ _ _ _ ..._ __ ., . � � ^_ - - _
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<br /> �� � k� � — ._.
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<br /> J'�"ii�r* +1'N_ � :�rM�:�� _ —
<br /> �71�1��'�a=�-_.,�� —- _ -��. . __�—.—�---•--
<br /> ,;,`� ���. _ 91.-- 102357 __
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<br /> �bt) '�
<br /> � G,�, NnN•UNIFORM COVBNANTS,BoROwef�d I.cnder fl�nher covrn�nt atid A�rte�s followf: �
<br /> .-R. 19. Aoceler+Utor�i Resedla.L�d��1 ai�e wdce to Borrow�r p�lor to Mcceleratio� folbwi�Hare+o�K''
<br /> `.',�.y .. '. 6re�cU ot uy eo�t or�O�MI i�th[�SaurltY I�t(bnt Not PMor to�ceelenNw uader P�rsP� s...._
<br /> ,. a,�:<�. .. ='�' � naless a�ylit�We l�w prodde�atber�be).n�..oaoe.M.0.oeciry:���ede aer.aia �►�tie.c4io.nau��+�a�o cw�u�.
<br /> ,.,��,•,.`�'", , detenln(c1�d�te.aot lea tYaa 30 d�y�(to�tYe dRte tre�wttce Is�ire�tn Bonoser.by�bkM tbe Aef��lt�rst b�c�roai
<br /> ,: s:.•e°;. ., ,
<br /> . �a3 �.' �d tdl Wat f�ilaro to curo tre def�nit w or before tYe d�te�poelAed la tM nMice a�y nsult la�cceltntloa ot tUe wws
<br /> '"°?�t�`•�'}�`;:";�° ' �ecared by thli SeeuritY l�t a�d sda ot tYe PtoP�+'�f'.Tlie natice�ull funbe�Istara BarroNer of t!w ri�ht ta
<br /> n�qte �Rer amknNo��d tYe ripht to briae�coun acdon to u�srt tbe aor-exlstenca at�deGult ar u�y olher
<br /> ' °^,�� defes�e oi Borrowu to axekndow�ad�le.U tha defiult I�aot cured on or heforc the date cpeciflcd ta the nodce,i.end�r t.-- --..-�-..---- rt= -
<br /> . ' � � h ' �t its option aay re9nire laa�ed��m MY�°At la fhll oi dl wms secand by tbi�Secn�itY lastrumeat without tuMher _.
<br /> d e a t�d a a d m�y iavoke the p ower of pile and�ay ather remedle�pennitted by�ppNcable law.I.cade��hdl be entiNed to �;�_„�-
<br /> ��=%'�. • , collect�11 espeaca iacaned la pprsulaa tbe ro�e e d�a pror�d e d i n t b i� p n�a P h 1 9, i n c l u d l a�; 6 u t n a t I l m i t e d to� �
<br />� ,f"°' ... • . re�oaable�ttomey�'tea aad cosq ot dtle e�idence.
<br />�'�":: ::� ��,.--,•.:. U the power of sale I�imoked,Trnstee�hall rear►rd o ao11�e of def�ult In eacb countY in wbich Any pirt of the ..�.
<br /> a� ,.•••::�
<br /> � . P�o�ty io located a�d�fl�a�ll copiea of we6 aodce ln the m�nner pn�cri6ed by aPpl�hle I�w to BoROwe��d to Ihe ,I=�.•�_^� _ `F__-:
<br />�;,':^ . ���b�wplic�ble I�w.ARer the time requl�td bY�Pdic�ble kw�Trustee�Iwll give publlc natice at � ��_"
<br />�, j. ,, _._ , _�. ��o���G��aer prescribed by�pplicable I�w.Trnsice.■itl�o�x demwad oa Borrower.�h�ll sell the �����z,;.;F----
<br />, . �" � ' , ' property a4 pMMie arctiow tu t�e hi�hat bidder�t tha time a�d p4�ce�d wde�t�e leras desig�ted in the natice ot�de in
<br /> � � ,,,.�• �,.- . aae or morc Wrceb�ad G�,py order Trunee determi�cs.Tn�stee�Y Wsf�we sale ot�N ar r�X P��of tbe�'rope�ty by
<br /> , . ..., pnblic u�aouaament at t�e Wae�od Pi�ca ut any prz�iwulY�e�6edrkd�le. I,e�er or iu desipee nnY P��h�the __ __
<br /> . _.
<br /> . .. Property�t�oy eale.
<br /> . . ,;. -. Upoa eecelpt ut p�7�nt af tUe pri�ce bid.Tnutte sYall deli�er to Ue�u+cM�ser Tn�ttce's detd cow�eY��g the �,�„-,�,� -- -
<br /> . ..,`��'�;.; '• Property.'Ibe reciWs In tbe Trustet's deed she!!bc pHma Puie eride�ace of tMe trath o�t�e s1�teYaeAts awsde thc�cia. =
<br /> :.,. . .,.,,:.., �.;
<br />:'-.:1t=;� '•y;t: Tmetee sbdl apply the praceed�of the Qale ia the tollowiaQ order.l�l to aU e:pe�ses ot tMe s�le.,►�wcladiaR.��liwited tT�'�'
<br /> ., . 8cable law and reaso�We atto�eYs�tee�(Il to�11 snms szxared by thi�SeeiuiiRy �T•;�`.�==_
<br /> . . to.Tru�ta's fees no penailted by�pp ��.�?',t�i', ; --
<br /> � •� I�eMa aad(c)aay exeess to t6e persoa or persoa�kpllY eaRiqed to it. �';�;..�.,• ' -:-
<br /> ° � ' " 20, l.ender in Poss�ssion.Upon acceleratian under pars�graph 19 or aban�7anmenl oP the Propeny. Ixnder(in ...��;.,��,�.:;�
<br /> � person,by agent or by judicially appointed receiver)shall be entided to enter upon.take possession of and manuge the ti��,�;„;.,. 'r=r�
<br /> ` Property and to collect the rents oP the Property including those past due.Any rents collected by Lender or the recei�er �J,.m'
<br /> • shali be eppliea first to payment oP the costs of management of the Property und collection af ren[s,including, but nat ',;;,.;_
<br /> � limited to,receiver's fees.prem�ums on receiver's boads and reasonable attorneys'Fees.and ihen to the sums secured by �� ��_
<br /> . • ' this 3ecurity instrumrnt. --�_:--
<br /> Zl,RaonreY�ace•Upon payment of ell sums secaared by this Securiry lnstrument. I.ender shall request Trustce to �_�/�
<br /> __ — n�nvcy ihe Property attd s3��l1 surrendes this�cu�a�t'�TStrument and all notes evidencing debt secured by t his Security ,_
<br /> Instrument to Trustce.Trustee shall reconvey the Pra�+erty without warranty and aithout char�¢e����the person or penum .,�;;
<br /> kg�lly entitled to it.Such peeson or perxoas shell pa)aaay recordation costs. �r r'.�Y�r'
<br /> G r. � � ,:`'
<br /> 22.Sub�Htute Truste�e,l.ender,ut its option,ma�;6rom tirne to tirne removeT�ruvtee and appoint n succea�or trustee �.�.�$'�' .,�•____-
<br /> b H � � '� .
<br /> �; -.
<br /> ;�;1,•;��-�. t.�a�yTrustaappointed 6�ereunder by an insteumene aecnrded in the cnunty'in Rfii:.�to rtfiis Security Instroment is r�rr.orded. ,�� ,,,.,,., .,..
<br /> �:�i,.•.. .�. •,�W:
<br /> ���'� VI'ithout conveyance oi the Froperty,the succasor trus�t�ae shall succeed to aU ihr•ii1Je,power and duties conficrred upon � �.,;j:;. ,'F.;�:-:
<br /> �� • Trusta herein und by applicable law. � .
<br /> ° 23.I�equeat for Notices.Borrawer requests that copies oi tit notices oidePault und sole be sent to Borrower's �.yk�,,j„Qa,,... '
<br /> ,;"�.-„�^:.�
<br /> addras which is the Propert y Address. C�����- ^ .
<br /> � 2,�.Wders to this Seeurity Instrument.If one ar morc nders are executed by Horrower und recorded together with � 'r'"�
<br /> � . this Security Instrument.�he covens►nts and agreemcnts of each such rider shall be incorporared into and shall nmend and - ;��,-f;°�
<br /> „ ,:'1,,:��•�. aupplement the covenents and agreements of this Security Instrumen� As if the rider(s) were a part oP t his Security ,
<br /> � ' „'.:,rt;� •, Instrument.[Check applicable box(es)] _ � =,. _, ^. -�i4-
<br /> . �,,r;�„� -'���SY' Ad'ustable Rate Rider ❑ Condominium Rider L, �-4 Family Rider � __����•-
<br /> � :,;., .« . ---- o � 4�.:} �:; ��ti-�� -
<br /> �� 'ai;:-::'s`'t r---
<br /> y,r:• ;r� •,,;�' ._
<br /> ••,,t,�;�'�,,��� ❑ Ciradusled Pay�ent Rider ❑ Pla�an�d Unit Developmen� Risler „�•,:,�_..� _x;�••�..
<br /> ��',�;.�� �� C �����;'��:
<br /> ,. , .'r� y llther(s) [specify] . :.F.,.
<br /> :�::�=�
<br /> �':�':-
<br />' ;���:�'��y �� Hv SIGNING BELOW, Horrower ucceptc and agrees to the tertns and covenants rontained in this Security ,. „�.:; . -
<br /> �.. , , •.•.:y�,� �-
<br /> Inatrummt and in any rider(s)eaecuted by Borrower and recorded with it. -��r:�__--
<br /> ,• .. j'• :,�:.- __
<br /> 1=: :s. .. ............................................. ....................... ,��.-�..�... ......................................� (saa� : . ... . -`:_..:
<br /> • �`� :� • ................... Timothy A Jakubowski �0'•OM'• 1 :,}=
<br /> • '�r�.: �� " �
<br /> •'Ji'�.��r'��5: i' ................................... (SCB��
<br /> �r,.,; ...................................................................... ........................... ..,............... . -�BOnower
<br />,. , .`r�(rl•i.:���: ,� ................. i
<br /> .L:,)t� ' �r.. • �..r..
<br /> t:� � i':,
<br /> � . � Sl�Tb CIF :Vl�k)RAti1�4. Mt71� ('�tppt} ��: r ;!1.;,
<br /> �,
<br /> � � ^h: i:n��t>r�n�d. a �•���azr I'uhlic � ' ',,
<br />� c�n thi� 19th J;�y �,i Apri1 . �y91 . hr��� • m:. , �
<br />. : dutyrommi,�iunrdandy�wlilicdt'�,r.aid�runc.. .^::,��v�all� c:imr Timmt�/ A . J�kptf��wshi , 8n un- • '
<br /> married person . �•:•:�:•�.�:���� ��,hr rn�
<br />-. . � I(ICO�1C3I Rh:ftiOflltil K��tti�; nlmcPtiF 3YC .Uh�l'CIf7l'l� Ill 1�1� f��R����ll} It1�UUllll`III i111J J�I.U��'�w(r^4!���.0 f.lhi l'\l`111Y1�tiI1 � . .
<br /> lhcrcot'lo Ne hi5 <<�luntar� a�t an�i J�rd.
<br /> �.1.�.,uni�. ihr
<br /> --�-�-----� Wi�nr+�m)�h:n�t•rn,lnutanai•r:d:u GTantl 1518�0� IveoTesica ••- -._. . . .
<br /> �
<br /> ° clatc ut'orrsaid.
<br /> � s�t�or�arsaar�we� �-� _ r
<br /> My Commi�sion rrnirr, Ib Ow�.fq.M�. .�1992 ,-�:•� `�� t /. :�'`�►•`'>--
<br /> � . ........ .. . . ��,:�..�,i���ni�, .... ........ ... ..... ...
<br /> RL•(1UI:S1 1•c)R RI•('c�N�'LI�AN('l ,
<br /> i
<br /> 1��► CR��tirt i:
<br /> . � Thr under�i�ncJ i. Ihc hald�r al Ihc nalr ur nalr��«ur�d h� �lu� 1)rrd iH It u.l. tiaid m�lr�n n��l��. ���Ec�l���
<br /> a i�h all othrr indrb�c�lnc.��rrur�d h� �hi.1)rrJ�,I 1 ru•t.lia�r hrrn�+aid m lull.Yuu arr hrrch� Jur.ird a�.•.�n.rl ..u�l
<br /> notc.�r nutr.and thi� I)���al Tru.�. ahicl� :ur.Irl��ric.l hrirh�. .uid i�•�.•.vn�r�. ��uhuw a.ur.iai�. .dl thr r•�,u.
<br /> . noa held b} y�uu unJcr thi. Ik�d ul Iru.t i��ihr per,un ur �•r�•�,n.k�alh cnu�IcJ �hr�r�u.
<br /> 1)a�r: �
<br />