r � r�,f, ,}},rryy¢nWtif�JnF 4 ,��'��" }�/.fa�.1u\1���h:ti,:'f�� : -, L, , . i;, `� `. {�1- ,f[.'rr....0
<br /> �.r,n•� ��ti3i' a(tiwri� ?�. `,.n �..�_. .�F!�: + r�•wn. ..-`'' :.Tl'� t`—
<br /> i��. _.,.-+F,��g.. � � . ���n..� - -.-:rlr—�.:
<br /> . ' ' -- ^.,,,�...-e�n,x --' I� _ . .,. ---- ---
<br /> � ..,_.r
<br /> -
<br /> • . , . r�_l't• .-'� ..�..
<br /> _�.
<br /> _ . '
<br /> ..,.
<br /> _ _,..,.
<br /> •, �,
<br /> .....: ,..
<br /> . .." ' _
<br /> . . ._ . � . _ . ..__.w._ . . __�_� _._-
<br /> , _::.:
<br /> '� .. ....' -. _. ._ ____ .. __ .��
<br /> �5�:ii�_"_- _"_._
<br /> ' � ° `n.� �r7`L�=.....
<br /> V ti.n .
<br /> ��:r�;..... ,� � 9 o2s�r�
<br /> .� ;,.,,
<br /> . . ^ �,-1 �����.,..:�
<br /> �_:�-_�---
<br /> �� IP Lendcr rcqu�ted mor�gAge�nsurance us a conditian af mpking thc loan secured by this Securiry Instrument, �:��;�: .,1�,�Y,_,,,.,
<br /> ..,,�,e,i�- ��•- Borrowor shall puy�he premiums required ta mNiniuin Ihe insurance in effec�until such time as�he requi�ement for the � -
<br /> ' insurance lerminates in nccordAnce with Qarrawer's and Lender's writlen a�rameol or applicable law.
<br /> - 8. Ia�pectfon. Lender or itc ugeM may make reasanable entnes upon and inspectians nf the Prcperty. l.ender �'==_' - -
<br /> i�; '-., 4.��.�_'�_�—
<br /> shall�ive 8orrower natice at the time of or prior to an inspectian spe�:ifying reasonable cause far thr inspection. �'� �•,'�--�-�-�
<br /> '. 9. Coadema�tion. The procoeds af any award or cluim fo�dumnge�,direct ar consequential,in ronnection with � �-�''`�"�'V=---
<br /> -_ Any candemnmion ar o�her taking ai�ny pan oP�he Proprny,or for convoyAnce in lieu oP condemnation,ore heroby ����_
<br />�. • ���=- -
<br /> ras�gned und shall t�e paid to l.ender.
<br /> !n the evrnt of A tatal tak�ng of thc Pra n�•,thc roceeds shall he�i lied �o the sums secured by this Secunty ����
<br /> a �+ rr �.�_ ___---=-
<br /> Instrument,whether nr not thcn due.wilh a�y eacess paid to&►�n►wer. !n Ihe event nf a purtial taking af Ihe Property, �"='_'_u 4 �
<br /> . unlas Aorrower and Lander alherwise agrce in wnling,Ihe sums secured hy this Secunty Inatrument shall be reduced by �.;,�-=- _-_- �-�-___
<br /> the amount oP the roceeds multi lied by the follawin frnction:lAl the tn�al amnunt af the cums sccurcd immediately �•-��-----=�-
<br /> . p p 8 s�u�_s.�,�.�-.�......_•
<br /> ,' � � before the taking,dividcd by(b)the fair ma�ket value oPthc Property immedialely befare the laking.Any Iwlance shal)be � �°°-��-=�•'---�--7,
<br /> paid�o Rorrower. '��::,.�:��',
<br /> - : , - ii Ihe Pcop¢rty is abAndoned by Barruwrr,�►�if,afte�notice by l.ender ta Horrower tMn�the condemnor offera to ..�.��.
<br /> '• � make an award or settte u claim for demuges,Borrower Pads to respond�o Lender within 30 doys aller ttie date the notice is , -' `- �
<br /> �� ' given,Lender is authorized t�callect and apply the proceeds,at ils option,either to rrs�oration ar repaer oPthe Pruperty or r�,'�����.
<br /> ' ' . �' ° to the sums secured by�his Security In�trumenl,wMethKr ur�►ot Ihen due; ��- � ----
<br /> . . �' . -- _.__
<br /> • Unless 4rnde�and Borrower otherwise agrce in wntmg,any applicut�on of proceeds to pnncipal shal{not eatend or 'I '��_._
<br /> postpone the c�ue date of the monthly payments rePerred to in parugrophs 1 und 2 ar chAnge�he amount oi'such payments. •r :,; ..
<br /> • l0. �B�rrower Not Released: Forbear�nce By Lender Nat a Wwivcr. Ex�ension of�he time 1'os payment or ' -�
<br /> '•J modi8calion of amonizati�n af the sums secured by this Security Instrument granted by 4rader w an�; .uccessor in , . . �
<br /> • �, interest oP Borrower sha01 not opernte to release the liability of the original Borrowrr or Borrower's��r;ce»nrc in interest. ti
<br /> �(�ti:_,-
<br /> ' Lender shall not be reqt�Sred to cammence praceedings aguinel nny succexu�r in interest or refb�tc� exter.d time Por �';.�
<br /> .`�•.•�� payment or otherwise modify amonization oPthe sums secured by this Securily Inxtrument by reason rf.i�>�demand mnde . �'••�:��.�;�__
<br /> �;�.{.!!,;'� by the ariginal Borrowzr or Borrower's successo�s in interest.Any forbearance by Lender in exe�cising ar�}•right or remedy � � '����:�•��.±�
<br /> . �'. shall not be a waiver of�r preclude the eaercise of nny right or remedy. � ��y'�
<br /> '` � 11. Successors aawl�i�u Bound;Joint ond Severnl Uwbllity;CaoiRners. The covenants and rgreements of ��
<br /> i ',;..��,t,vQ
<br /> �;,'r',p�i4r��.,,;,s�°�t;� �his Security Instrumen�s9�ull bind and benefit the successors and nssigns oP I.ende�and Bunower,subject t�t�he Qrovigions �.:`�+�.:_-
<br /> > '''�i4:._:::;��;;7,;7n.,;,,•;�.• ui�pa�agi��+3a��.�rcow2r'a cavc�ants and agrccmeats shs!!4�;ce:::sad stveral.Any&±rtower wh�r�,.viqns�Mc Security l. , :-. , :ui:r;'.a�.i
<br /> • !f.�;�.;.;,•,s,�i'.�;".:;:�.: ,' Instrument but dces not execute the Note:(a)is co-signing�his Secu�ity Instrument only tu mongage,�sra�ir and convey � �c��'•..;�=
<br /> • ,y} �i'r :, that Rorrower�interest in the Propert�•under the trrms of this Strunty Ins�rument;(b)i�not�rronally obligated to puy � `•:5 i! . --
<br /> • • r. '�`•�• � ` ��' 'r the sums secured by thi�Security Inr4rument;und lc�agrers thnt Lender und am other Bormaer ma} a�P-:e Io eatenJ, � 1�
<br /> �,a, ..:,,::,:;��.,;...,;,t; � ::� ,r .. ,�'.
<br /> ."'�.,t.,r;�,;i'�t j,�i Y:,,.•_.,�� madify,farbear or muke uny ucrommodations wizh regard to thc�erms nf this Serurny Inyttument or the �•t�te wi�how ,,.:R�,,..�..
<br /> � ,.� .. t1�atBorrower'swnr+ent. �':' ;.;,:.. . ����•
<br /> ���.".: 12. i.o�n Cha�er. If Ihe loau secured by this Secunty In�trument i+suh�ect tu a lau W�hich:�rts maximum luan "' � '';�`,�;,::
<br /> ��'��E charges, and �hat luw is finally interpreted �n thut the interest �ir o�her luun cha�ges c��P,ccted nr to br colle�:ted in ' "-s
<br /> � ';;:' .,��•-
<br /> ° conneruon wilh the loan exceed the permitted limits, then:(s�) •rny wch I��a�� charge �hull He reduced by the umount ' '.�""�
<br /> � ne�:esuiry to reduce the rhargc to the permitted limir,and(b)s�ny sums ulready coU�led from Borrower whirh exceeded , ,�„��
<br /> � permitted limits will he:efunded ta Rorrower. Lender may chaase to muke this refunJ by reducing the p�ncipal owed _
<br /> under the Note or by muking n direct payment to Borrower.If a refund reduces principul,the reduction will be treuted as a � -
<br /> , � partial pre�nyment without any prepayment churge under�he Notr. � .
<br /> � 13. I.e+��slation AlreetinR l.ender's RiQhts. If rnac�mens or rxpiration of applicnble luws hus the etTect uf � �• ;,.
<br /> !'�� � • • renderinF a�y�mvivi�n ni the N��te or this Security Instrqme��t unenforceuble uccording�o itc terms,Lender,at rts�ipnon, �
<br /> , :, . . _
<br /> may require�mmedia7e payment in full of all sum,secured b�� thiv Securi�y Ins�rument und may invc,6e a�e!:remedies
<br /> • � permiued b�•paragruph 14.If Lender excrcises thi,��p�ion,Lender+hall take the�teps��ifled in the seroncd paragraph of .�:.•.'',� ,�,,-
<br /> �; ,i},�'•,� pamgrs�ph 1�. ., . .
<br /> ,.,..
<br /> � '��1;�� � , 14. votices. Any no�ice to Borrawer prnvided for in this Serurity In�trumrnt tihull he g�ve�i by delivnring it or by !�.:�"'• �E,•�•
<br /> ' �,F','J•;,'.,. ;,,.i..: ,"�!'"�',�:,�
<br /> ' +:• ,;+.���,,;:�,.' mailing ii by Brti► class mad unless applicuble law requires ux eif unolhcr melhuJ.The n�ui�e vholl be dirccted to the :,�1; . . �. ..�.
<br /> • � �•�'!�: • Pra�erty Address ar any other uddretis Borrower dcwignutes by notice to Lrnder.An}�notice to I.ender shall be given by •. :;, � ��•S�`�•�,
<br /> • � • . firrt class mail to Lender's uddress stnted herc�n or any other uddresti Lendcr drtiignutrs by notice to Rormwer.Any nMice ; ':�-�' „
<br /> �`� � � provided ior in th�s Securiry Ins�rument shall be decmed to havr been g�ven�a&�rruwcr or Lender when given as provided �,:{.��,.
<br /> •;,;,;.•,,
<br />,;:,•., �' , r�:• t;' �n this paeacxaph. .
<br /> '�'� ' 15. +Governing Ia�:SeverA b i l ity. T hi,Secunty lnstrumrnt.ha l l h c guvern e d by fe de�u l la w nn d t he l a w o f t 5:e '��•�' '
<br /> . •,rr,� , ,,, .
<br /> . •• jurisdic�ion in which the Property is located. !n the event thuc un}•pro�•itii�m i�r clau�c uf this Secunty Instrument or t7�e � �
<br /> Note cunflicta��•ith applic•rble law�.such canflirt�ha�t n�nt aflect n�her pro�i�ium i�f this S�ruri�}�Insuument or the Na»e
<br /> ' which can be given efi'ect w•ithow thr co�eflirting pn��•i,;,.n. T��ehi�cnd the pro.�iciom��i'thi�5ecuruy I�sar�an�rtt and the ,
<br /> �• Note are declared to be scve�ablr. ,
<br /> "��" 16. �torrower's Copy. &�rr:�wer�hall he given��nc ront��rmcd cc�py at'thr Nu�e anJ��f thi�Sctiunc���vorucnent. }�•�� ,�'�'
<br /> ��•� � 17. �'tAnsfer ot the Property or a Beneflcial Interest in Uurrowcr. IC all or am p�r� i�t�he Proper�y or u�p +• � .
<br /> ,•;.' . •
<br /> mtercst in ar�s sold or�r�mPrrrnllnr�f a t�:nehci.�l intere��m Horc��wer iti�uW or Iran+frrrcd and Horrnucr»nut a nalur;�i �'
<br /> �►etsonl w•ithout l.ender'�pnnr wrutrn conknt.LeaCet m�y..�t�t,opti�n.reµuirc mimcdw�e paymcnt m full oinll wms
<br /> �rcured b} �his Secunty In�tr�ment Hc�w•e�rr. Ihcti��ptinn�h�ll nnt hr caer���ed h}• Lrndcr �f rxercr:r ir pmhibited by
<br /> .,� . feder�Ilawrsi�Pthedule��fthi.r5�:unty In�trument
<br /> . � If f ender etrrci�c�thi.upni,n.Lendcr�h�dl gne H„rr�arr m,rc,:e�,f r�celeruuun. fhe noUcr.hall pri��ede��nnd
<br /> � ' � ��fnoe[esti than�0 dav�from the Jute the nnacr�.Jel��rred��r m��lcd airhm wh�rh Ik�rn�wrr mu�t pay�all��im,crcured hy
<br /> _ � � this Se�untv Invtrumrnt.If Ilorrow•er ta�lti tn 1+a� fhrtie wm�prirr to the�vr�rarion uf thi.prn�xi.I.cnd�r mry�m•uke uny
<br /> ' ' � rrmedies perm�urJ hy Ihis leruni}•Inti�rument Nnhuul furthrr n��licc ur n�m.►nd��n F��rmwrr.
<br /> 18.Bormwer's Ri{tht tu Reinstate. If Barn�w�rr mee�+crr�:im r�mdui��rn. (i��tr��acr.h�ll h:��c ihc right tu have
<br /> rnfarccment ot'th��kcunl} Imtrumcnt Ji�rununu�d al•rm•umr pnur tu thr curlier ui �.��4�i.q.(ur�uch���hcr prn�xi a.
<br /> upplicaMe I�W ma� ��xrd'y� ti�r rero.tutemenll t+eli,rr.ale�,f thr 1'nqxn> pur,uant t��am ��u��cr ol�alc rat►t,�inavl in thi.
<br /> ` � �ctunty In�trumrnt.��r Ibl enlr�i,t'��udgmcnt cnli►iring�hi.tictunt� In.�n�mrn� Ihu.r c�mduiun�arc that Iw�rmwcr:
<br /> • (a)p�>> Lender aU wm�w•hirh ihen Nuuld hr due under thi. Srrunt� In+�rumrnt .+nJ thr V��tr had na ar�elrr•ruem
<br /> ��ecurred: Ibl curch:�n> default u(.m} ather ru�enunl,ur agrremrnh. 1r1 pu>. all c��xn,e. �nrurred m enli,rcmg thi. ,
<br /> �ctunt� In.ttument, inrludmg. hut n��t IimnrJ to. rra�an•rhle:murnr��' I�tY. :md IJI takr� .urh acuun a.LcnJcr may
<br /> . reawnabl} reyuur h��,.urr iha�thc lirn ��f thi.lrcunt� Imlrumcn�, (enJrr'+ nKht.in �hr Pr��pert� and Ik�rruwrr'�
<br /> ubhgau�m ui pa� the wm� +ecuntii M• thn S�wunt� In.lrumcnt .hall runtmue wirhangc�d l�{w�n re�mt:�trmcm h��
<br /> Horrouer,th�+5erurny Imtrument anJ�hr uhhgauuni ktiunKi hrrrh��hall rcmain lull�cliert��c a.if n��arrrlrr•ru��n haJ
<br /> �xturred.Howr�er,�h�.nght to rnnuate�hall nut apph m the ca�e�d accelerauun under rer•r�traph�I;��r t 7 ,
<br /> �
<br /> . �� ,_ _ _
<br /> ,
<br /> , , _
<br />