�...... , i.: �, ;;::k .�•r.�. F„ e�;. ::�yj' `'v � �i-w_� --
<br /> �:► �Sis.�* --
<br /> *.Y�i-. rwYiEW.rciar'sa�ir;r` ---- _ -- --
<br /> I( ,.. _�„ _-- --
<br /> � - -�.'u!t��hyffs'r'.��.+.fl- .- __
<br /> � ..�_'...s� - -�- � - . _._.—_. . -- - ---
<br /> ' - �� . . � +-�
<br /> • --- -�_.._.. . _.,
<br /> ..... _-r=--
<br /> . . ... . _. rr� L"r`=•�. . _...._.. -. _
<br /> �R7"... _. . .._ _ _ _"__--.
<br /> �_•.-�_ .'.. ."_"_
<br /> .i '-���'4`..�!'�� .. �r.�_
<br /> ` � :�'� .. F ., an..._._.
<br /> . .'i �._�,. '•k.,�• w ._ 02355 � � -��--- �
<br /> � � gl 1 ���,�..,�__.
<br /> ����,..«..w.. - � -- == - -
<br /> `'�.�:;2�y4' � of patpon�m�+t�hall b�plv�n by publla d�olantlon 1Mrwt by suoh p�son�t th�tlm�and Pl�c�la�l�ppolnt�d 1w th�
<br /> t.J.L 0...r.. .
<br /> ulr,Provld�d,lf tM�ata Is po�tpon�d for lonp�r thAn on�(�)d�Y�y�d ih�dar d�slpnat�d 1�th�notic�of wl�.not a�
<br /> ' � th�reof shdl b��Iwn In 1h�s�rrN m�^ra►��thw orlpin�l notic�of ul�.Tru�tN ih�ll sx�out��nd d�liwr lo tM purch�s�r
<br /> It�OY�d conwrinp ift�Prop�ty qo so�d,but wlthout any cov�n�nt or w�rranty,�xprss�or Impll�d.Ths r�altale In ths dwd ��
<br /> � � •8 �{•� . ot�ny m�tten or�ats�hall b�aonc�u��w proof o1 th�iruthtulnas th��of•Aey p�rson,inoludinp 8�n�flol�ry.m�y pu�•
<br /> . .. �.. ch�ae et the a�la. � _, -_.-_- _-
<br /> �— _---
<br /> (B) When Trwte�s�ll�purswnt to the powaro hsroln, th�Truetss shNl�pply ths proce�ds of th���1�to p�ymeM ot Ihe �___.�
<br /> � coste��d�xp�nsh ol ex�rolslnp ths powe�of eels and of ths e�ls,Inaludlnp ths paynNnt ol th�Tru�tN's lees�otudlY �=��-�f,��-�
<br /> IncuRSd,whlah TrustN'�f�es sh�ll not In ths apprsp�ts excsed the foflowlnp amouM baa�d upon Ih��mouM eecured
<br /> �•;,T".`��.-"����vy,
<br />� , .��...e� �._•..�:i_�
<br /> hsreby and ramalnln�unpald;S p�resMum on ths flrst 51.900 thn�of�1 perceMum on th�bata�c�thu�of�nd thm to the �,,V,t�•:y-_,.
<br /> - Iteme In aubp��apnph(C)In ths ordsr ths�e statad. �� '.�-' '
<br /> (C) ARe�psyinp ths Ifema apsclfled in aubp���pnph(B)It ths aale Is by Truetee, or the prope�court and othe►coets ol � �,�, `� ,
<br /> foreatoaure and s�l�I f ths sNs Is pwrswn t t o�u d k l o l f o n a l o e u ro,t h�p r o c�s d a o f s p l e a h o l l b e a p plled In theordar statad ___ __
<br /> , to the payment of: -
<br /> (Ip Coet ot any evide�ce ot title procur�d in eonrwetiw�wilh such sa�te aed oA any revenus stamps: -�____ :�
<br /> ._ �ih A!6 eume the secured herobY. ora�-.-�-.._ - _
<br /> (iii►TM remalnder.If any.to the p�►eo�Npa11y sM111ed 1hcr�eto. _^�_���—
<br />,���.� :�-�' ��a;�l 13.DWI�s and Obllp�tlaf�of T�us�.(a)The dulles�^d ob�kl�lWms ot Trust�e enall be determined solely by ths axproae ��y�^���.��F
<br /> •;.,�,;;.i�y�,;;�_,, -
<br /> " �"::...}...;l:fyi:�.1G�'��." . �•1_,��`'�'.,-_
<br /> , Nrovlslons of thla Desd of T�uet,and Trustes shull not be Ilabla except to�td+e perfomna�ce of auch dutles and obligdfoos�e f-q. �
<br /> ''";"'°'_���,;`;;r.'�'�'`;�;�r,� aro spsciNcally eet foAh heroln,and no impNed eoven��ta or obltyations sU►aao bs imposed upon Truatee;(b)No provisb�+�nl ,--.- ---
<br /> ' �`'���"����xfi�' � thla Oeed of T►uat ah�ll►equlrs Trostos to expsnd or rlsk Its ow�funde,or othsrwlas Incur any floanalal obllpatMn io tAe per• �� � ` �� '
<br /> •,�,,..fr y�.,
<br /> ��:'�'���`•����:;� ' forminca of any of Ite dulle�hereunder,or in tM exarclae of�ny nf Its rlahte or powe�,if it sholl hAVe prounda for bellevin0 r.'
<br /> � ��',:�::���.•' that the repayment of r�uch}uads or adequpte indemnity A�a3nst auch rlak or QabiliY�v +s not reaeonabry asaured to Ih, (c) ���',�
<br /> , T►uates may conault with counsel of ita own chaosinp a�d the pdvice of such counsel ahall be f ull and complete�uthorizatlon 4�; ;���,
<br /> fal h end rellance thereon• (d)Truetee � ���,.��r�+•`,,±_�
<br /> and protectlon In the respsct of eny action takere or auffered by It hereunder in yood t ,�, ,, —
<br /> ahell not be Ii�bte for any aetion taken by It In pood falth and reaaonably bnlloved by It io bo Wlthpriied or yvlthin the dlaaretlon ..,,,..�, . _�
<br /> or riyhta and powera confer�sd upon it by thls Oeed of Trus¢. � ' t ` .. _- -
<br /> , �! t ' . o�. 14.Addltlonal8�awltr ImbunMnt�.Trustor,at Ita expeose.watl execute and deliver to the Truetee,promptly upon dema�d, r';
<br /> , . �J,� � , such secuNty Inatrumenta aa may be requlred by Truatee,in forn�and substimce eotiataatory to Trg::te:�covering ae�y of the •• ,.�,• .••:�
<br /> .' ;� ;!�.�; %i!; '�4: P►ope�ty eonvey�d by thls Dead of Trust,which aecurlty inatruments ehall be addltionol aecurity for �r�.stor's faithful perfo�- � ,
<br /> ��''�'"`�� - --`� ,�� r,iince at alt af ihc larms,ca�renan!!er.d c.�nc�itlnna of thla Dead of Truet,tlt+�Loan Apreement,any promiseory notes secured � _�,
<br /> , ••.1l;� r -Y;�r.,_,.: �--��
<br /> � ;E•,:��::'� hereby and any other eecurity Inst�umenta axecuted in connoafl�oa.wllh this t►Aneact lon.Suc h Ins tr u m e n t a s h ell be recwdad ,� ,
<br /> � �` • 'r;�f� �`'�� pr illed,a�d re•record�d and retiled,a9 Yrustor'a expense. ��'t' f''"' , �',�
<br /> �;,r.�.! �•:*r'�,;+.��: : 'S;�tF°=F--
<br /> , '. 16.Ml�pll�e�ous. {, '``�.;,,;:,';.;..� '�°'•�1.1..
<br /> (A) In the event any one or more of Ihe p�ovis�cn�cor�lained In ihe Deed of Trust,or the Loan Agreement or any promissory r., , ! .
<br /> - ' � note,or a�y other securlty i�strument yiven im cmn�eatipn with thls transactlon,shall for eny reasan to be held to be In• � �,.�;,
<br /> 1��•;�rs valid. ��legal o� unenforceable I� any reapect, sac h Inaa l l d Ny, I l l e y a��t y o r u n e nf orceablUt y sa�+all, at the optlon of , �..=�
<br /> �°��•�'��� Beneldclary.not atfect any ather provlslon of ihls Deed oa Tru9t,that thls Deed of Trust shall be construed t��a?suCh In• .y�E'���__
<br /> �':,a, ; •��.' 'I�l'.
<br /> � '�t;EJ�::;�?• valid, illeqal or unenforceable provlslon had�ever been aontai�ed herein or therein. , ��,�,-�:,�r.
<br /> .'� ,�i:�.1;:';"'.. •r' .
<br /> '•�.rr ,=� ,,,i, .,,, (B) Thia Oeed of T��stt sMall be construed accarding to the lawa of Ihe SEa4e of Nebraske. ; �••���
<br /> � �?j`'•'� . � , � (C) The�eed of Tr�u�� shall insure to and bind ihe hefre, leqateea, devis�ea, adminlatrato►s, execu�oas, succeasora and 1 �.'_
<br /> ;�.Cs<;. aasiqns of the portles hereto. r � ��
<br /> 1;� .,. r��.., ; •"
<br /> '".��'••.��•� �D) Trustor shall pay all taxes levled upon thls O�eed ot Tvust¢�r fhe debt aecured hereby, toyether with eny o��er taxes or f;..s�`�`'' ' ' • . v
<br /> �':��' aesessmente whlch may be lev+ed against the 7rustee oT�leneficfary o�the leqal hn9der of 1he Loan Aflreemena on ac• ,1�.;� ��.�' ''"�•u ,_-
<br /> ,.,
<br /> �tL:. i.' =-�
<br /> • count of the indebtedness evidenced thereby. ' � � ����` ' , , n
<br /> � (� Whenever uaed hereln.the sln0ular number shal0lnclude the plural,the plural,the smpular,the use oi eny gender ahall be ��`,:.,���,�•''�;, ;, �~.,.r., ,
<br /> F applicable to all qenders,and the term"9eneticiary"ahd�l Include any payee of the Indebtedneas hereby eecured or any ';,.�.. �,,,.- :::E�t;l;;�•;;.
<br /> ' �� transfer thereof,whether by operetlon of taw or otherwise �'�''� 'i�t�:,. :�:
<br /> ' 18.SuedssorTro�tN.Beneflclarymayfromtlmetotlme���ostHUeasuccesaororsuccesaorstoanyTrusteena�rredhereln ; :��';;�';';i';�{,?��.cf,7,^
<br /> . ,..,tt..••_y:;��::
<br /> or actlnp hereunder to execute thla Trust Deed.Upon sucA a�a�olntmeM and without convenyance to the euccesso•Truatee, '�..�'�..;�;';.:.,�,�+�.,;.��
<br /> � •�;••��..�... ...�,:t
<br /> ,. , , the latter ahall be veated wlth ell title,powers and dutles conferred upon aa�y Truatee hareln named or actin�hereunder.Each `, )�•.�..1.,7.•;;';;
<br /> ; f auch appolntment and aubatltutlon shall be m�de by written Inatrument Cy 8eneflciery,contalninp referenae to this Deed of � `1;ri�,�-1„r'�;��::
<br /> . . ; . � ' � ..,;����''�c�l+ : ,':�•','.
<br /> Truat and Ita place of reca�d.whlch�rhen�ecorded In the office of the Replater of Deeds of the county or aounties In whlch ,,:,,�y
<br /> j �� � aald property ie altu�ted,ahall be conclusive proof of propat appolntment of the succesaor Truatee.The torepoiny power of ; , '.�
<br /> aubstitutlon and the procedure therefor ehall not be exclusive of the power and procedure provlded for by law tor tAS substltu• '�
<br /> tlon of a Truates or Truateea in the place of the Truatee or Truatees named hereln.
<br /> 17.Forbwr�nc�by B�Ilclary or TrustM NM�W�Iwt.A forbearance by Beneficlary or Truatee 1�exerciainQ a�y ripht or �
<br /> remedy hereunder,or otherwlae afforded by appllcable Iaw ahall not be a walver of or preclude the ez�rcise ot aey ripht or
<br /> :��,�.;�.` � remedy henunder.Likewlae,the walver by Benef Iclory or Tncstee of Any defeult of T►ustor under this Owd of Trus�sOwlt not be ,
<br /> "�•"��'�•;��,�•' � d�emed to Oe a walver of eny onMx or eimllor defeults su4seqeoar►t1Y occurrinp. .
<br /> ,,'�:.; '���,;.�;``''% '.' 18.Trurator Not R�I�u�d. ExE�nrsion Ot the tlme�Ot peY�"��'��^"ad���cetfon or amo�tfzatlon of ihe sums secu�ned by ihe
<br /> ' ' ;, ' pg��t 4ros1���r�rt2�by Beneficiary to any succesaor�re�r�teR�se a'F�ccster shall not operate to rebease,In�ny ma�ner,the
<br /> ' I' � ' IiaQiluCy c�f Ihi���v�anb��Trustor and Trustor's 8ucceasar in r�nterest Berre��c�ary shall not be reci��rced fe commance Drocee0�ngs
<br /> a�awr�st such successor o►re�use to extend tlme for psy�merrt ar atnerw�se mod�ty��c►�nrzatwrt ot tne suma sacur�d by tt�
<br /> ' , Ore�m!lrruat by reason of any demand mede ay tne w�g�nzi Trustor and TrustGr s auccessors�rt�nterest.
<br /> . . 19.Optlon to Fonelos�.l�pon the ocCUrrence of any GehuH hereunder.Benefic�aryr shal E navr er►e oation to 4a�ciose t�ia
<br /> y � Deed of Truat In the man�er prowde�G Cy iau►ro�tne Toreciosure oi moriywyna o�� �000 N��,'v�•i� ,
<br /> � , 20.Trusta's RIpMa./►bwnt Mf�uH.Unti1�ny de1au11 In the payment of fndebtednese herehy sscured,or untll the breach of
<br /> ' any covenant hereln contalned.the Truator,ita succesaors and asalpns.shall posseas and en�oy the propertY ond recefve the
<br /> : I renta and proffta therefrom. Upon payment ol all suma secured by 1hls Deed of Truat,Benellclary shall requeat Trustee to
<br /> , � reconvey tAe property and shall surrender this Oeed of Trust and all �otes and Loan Apreemenla evidencinq indebtedness
<br /> ! secured Dy the Desd of Trust to Trustee.Trualee aha{I retonvey lhe properlY without werranty and without chorge to the per•
<br /> l aons lepall�entitled thereto.The Grpntee in any reconveqance may be desCribed as"ths person or p�reons entitled thereto".
<br /> and tAe recftale thsrein ot any matfers or fact9 shall be conoluslve proof of Ihe truthfulnsss thereqf.Such person or paraons
<br /> � shall pay ell costs of recordlnp.if any.
<br /> � 21.Tnm1�r a11M Prop�f�r,A�sumptlon•�f i��or any psrt o11he Property or an fnlereat the�eln�s sold or transf erred without
<br /> Benellciary's prlor wrltten conaent,exCept as otherwfse prorided by law.8eneflclary may.at Beneffc�ary'a opt�on,declare all
<br /> tAe auma secursd by thla Deed of Trust to be Immediately due and payable.Benel�c�ary sAa1l have wa�ved such option to ac•
<br /> Celerot@ �f,prior �o the aai�w transfar. Bane�IC�ary and tRe perst�n to whom ihe ProQerty�S to be sold or ttansferred reach
<br /> 1 NtiS+S��9r� (
<br />