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<br /> � nollHppl an to TrustN�� nNlclary.ln th��wnt any pallay her�und�r Is not rm�wsd on a bNor�flhNn�tb)da�y�prlot to =_
<br /> �� It��xpiratlon dN�,T�u�IN or B�nNlal�ry may ptoeun�uch Infu��noe In�ccord�nc� w11h th�provldon�oi Paapr�ph 7.
<br /> [K"_�__:�-..—
<br /> ' Tru�tor�h�ll deliver to B�nNlcl�ry ih�aripin�l pollci��of Insuranc��nd nn�w�ls tMr�ol or copl��of auch pollcl�s and ,,,�,�-•� �;tiY,L`Y__
<br /> ' . nn�w�l�th�r�ot. F�Ilun to lurnith�uch In�unnc�by Truetor,or nnswal���raqulnd Mr�under, ehNl, at the opt�an of � ;;:
<br /> . 8�ne11ol�ry,aondltul��d�fu�IL All un��rn�d pr�mlum�ar�MrMy 1�sflpnad to Trsute��s additlond s�cu��ty,and�s�le�nd �, ��� ,' }�'�����=
<br /> , ,. . �'':� -
<br /> � convey�ncs of Ihe Property by tho Trul►taa ah�ll operAte to convey to ths purch��s►ths Trustor'a�nt�r�st In�nd to all pollcln i � ,
<br /> :y : of Inauranas upon ths Truwt Prop�rty. �� �
<br /> ,;, ' S.T�KU�nd A�sa�m�nh.Truslor shAll p�y all tax�s and speclal�sfessmenis levied or a�NSSe�d apalnat,or due upon,the
<br />� Property befor�dNlnqu�nay�nd wlll d�llvsr to B�n�Nal�ry copin ot rsaelpts�howlnp paym�nt ot suoh t�xea omf speclal � ;�;.,y;,�,••�,:•��;�;�
<br /> �nes�ments. .
<br /> Z6.Additlonal Ll�ns.T�wtor aholl m�ke dl p�yments of iM�reel a�d princlp�l,and paymenle of any othsr ah�r�es,fese,end -
<br /> ; • expenees contnicted to bs pNd to�ny exletlnp Ilen holde�e or prlor beneflolule�under any prlor O�ed ol Truet,MortQ�pe or �
<br /> ,• ,, othsr escurlty I�prs�msnt, Wfa�th�d�te th�y are dolinquent and to p�y any ather cl�im whlch�eopordlrei th� ascurfty 4
<br /> p►+nted heroln. �
<br /> . T.Prot�otian of B�tld�ry'�S�CwiMp•8hould T�ustor fall to meke any paymant,fall to do any acl an 1►�ncn pro+ri�ded ar If �
<br /> ` �ny actlon o�procsedlnQ is com�r�nc�d whlah m�tarldly affeata 8eneilal�ry'e interest In the Propert�.�r�cPwd��n�.Out nct �
<br /> � Ifmited to,emine�t doma�n,msohrsnclo.�rra�pemenle or procsedlnps Involvinp a Oankr�e�1 or deceae�►!.iMn Br►a�t�c�r7r a . -;^��€� .
<br /> , Truste�,but wlthout obll�tion to do so.and wlthout notice to o►demond upon Tniata.�nd wiiho�t rvreas�ng Tr�stor tram anY ��� ,�__�
<br /> olWpatlon hsreunder,m�r mak�a do th�sv�me,a�d m�y p�y.purcAaas,conteat a canpromise�ny encumDrance.cha�e a ? _
<br /> - � Itan,whfoh In the ud ment of�itAsr app�aro to affact aNd Propsrqr:tn�x�rclsl aox such wero,lhe Beewliciary o►Tr+n�tve :.�._- -
<br /> �� j p "� p° , .;:_,m.�.
<br /> � l;• ;;:.'�-�,ti� ma�Mcur a HablUty�nd eYpend whatever�mounta.,lncludin�disburawn�nte of�eaaonable attorney's fees.which ln their ab- ' ��
<br /> , adule dlseretlon rtuiy be necesaary.In the event that Tn�elor snall fafl to procure ineurance, fail to pay laxes wnd sPscia� +�
<br /> � �"��•i'•,�• assearments or fail to make a�y payments to exlaifip or pr�a�ien hotdscs ar beneflciarles,the Beneficlary may procurs sucA � , y�-
<br /> � � Inaurance And make euch p�ymsnte.All sums IncuRed or expsndpd by 8eneficiary or Truatee 1n accordance wit�tM provi• ' .
<br /> � aions of the Oaed of Truat are aecu�ed he►eby and,without demand.saall be Immedfately due and payeble by Truet^s a,d a1�a11
<br /> . bea� Intereat at the rate providsd for advances under the Lo�n Agreement; provided, however, that at the option ol the .
<br /> �• Beneticlary or T►ustea,auch auma may ba added to tho principol balance of any Indebtedneaa secured he►oby an0 ahall bear
<br /> � ths same Interest as euch iodsbtedneas and ahall be payable rata6iy over the remaininp term thereof. ��-
<br /> � '•• 9.Msi�ur�t o1 RN�t�.Bensficlary ahall hars the�ipht,power and authorlty durinp the continuance of this Oeed ot Truat to �-
<br /> .. , � eollect the renta, lasues and proflts of iM Propsrly and of eny personal property Ixeted thereon witA a wlihout takfnp .,,;^�
<br /> • _- � ��,�nwl�n of the PropeAy aHected herabY,and Troator hereby a�solutely and uncondltlon�lly asalpna all such rent�,iasues ` _
<br />� ; :'�•� ..�'' • �, � and profNa to Deneticfary. Benellclary, however, hsreby conaent9 to the TrustaPS collection anG retention oi auch ronis, � • •-
<br /> �., � ' • '' "� , • laaue�and p�olite oa they acCrue and become payable so lonp as Trustor Is not,at auch tlme,in default wltR���apeat to pay
<br /> . ���,;�;r.,_,�.:� •:.'� :
<br /> � ;� „ : �•�;�� msnq nf any Indebtednsas secured hereby or In the performonce o1 a�y a�reement hereunder. Upon any auch dsfault, � �
<br /> �' "��• ''`��' � � ��'�• Beneficlary may at any time,either in peroon,by agent or by a receiver to be appof�tad by a court,without notiee and wlthout � � �� �
<br /> �.;,; ., , 1
<br /> � • ' repard to the adequ+�cy of any aeourlty for the Inde bt e dneaa here b�v secure d:(a)e n t e r u p o n a n d t a k e p oaeeaslon of the Pro�per- � �L
<br /> ,. � ,, 'i;�'•� ty or any pvt thereof and In Its own name�ue for or otherwlse collect�uch rents,feauea and proflte,Includln�those past due
<br /> �`�'�" and unpald, and apply the aame,leas coata and expenaea of operatlon and collectlon. Includin�reaaonabte ettarney feea, �
<br /> � upon any Indebtedneas eeeured fiereby and In aueh order ae Bsneficfary may determine;(b)perform sueh aete of repeir or pro- ]�
<br /> • tection as may be nece�aory or proper to conserve the value of the Property;lc)leaae the same or any part hereof tar such�en• +
<br /> "•�•' tal term and upon such condltlone aa Its�udpment mey dictate.U�leas Trustor end 8eneficlary agree otherwise in writin4,any :
<br /> ' •'f��•� applicatlon of renta,lesues or proffts to any indebtedneas secured hereby shall not extend or postpone the due date of the In•
<br /> • ,(,.; . � atallment paymenta as provided in the Loan Agreement,and the applicatlon thereof aa aforesaid ahall not walve or cure any
<br /> �: ��,;i ' •.•:1r'�i,'�,�.� default or notice of default hereunder or Invalldate any act done pursuant to such notice.Trustor also assigns to B�neficiary, . .-
<br /> .:���, �;.;:��� � aa further aecurlty for the performance of the obliqatlons secured hereby,all pr��pa��d rents and all monles whlah may have
<br /> ' ��;�}�,�::�;•:;;'�,,�:•;�•�;�� been or may hereafter be deposlted w�lh safd Trustor by any leasee of the Prope�t!.,to secure the payment of any rent, and
<br /> •s�r;,>; � upon default in the penoramnce of eny of the provfsions hereof,Tru9lor agreea to dellver such rents��nd deposfta to the
<br /> "�'! � � � '� ��,��.;;'._:•:,,j BeneNclary. Oellvery of written notice of 68oelficary's exerclae of�!t+e rlqhts pranted herein t�aa►y te+oant occupylnp said
<br /> � • • _ ',����.,,:�;,.�.� premlaea ahall be auf}Iclent to require sa:c�^anant to pay said rent ta the Beneflclery untll fun��er nartice.
<br /> �,�t��;' '. 9.Cor�d�mndlon.If title to any part of 1ha S'eoperty a'hall be taken in condemnatlon proceedings.�y rd��nE a"eminent domeln
<br /> � �'�'.��' �r aimllar aCtion,or shall be sold unde�thTeat of con�lem natlon,all awards,damages and proceeds eoe?�vra�y asefyned end
<br /> e �+�1�''�� '`'; ahaul be pald to 8eneflciary who shail a�ppiy auch awa�d,tlamaqes and proceeds to the suma aecured by ihe Deed of Trust.
<br /> • `�' ';:"`'•' with Ihe excess. it any.Paidto the 4.uslor. , ��'`•�
<br /> { ' �' ���`�����;��°�" � 10.Futun Adv�nas.The Loan Agreement provides for edvan��s'rom tlme to tlme to Trustflr by BeneHclary as provided ?���:�;
<br /> �i�;�.�:.,,...r... .��� , .,•,,�
<br /> ,;��,'�• thereln. In additfon,upon rQn.uest of Tru8lor,Benetixda�yr,at Benel�clary's optlon,prior to►econveyance of the Propeny to the
<br /> ' �'`� � Trustor,may make eddillcTa��"�a7vre advencea tu the�'+�stor.SuCh tuture advances,with fntergat thereon,ahall be aecured by ' ' ,,
<br /> '.'•1,�.�!,!. ' this Deed of Trust when evl:7eo�ced by promissory notes staling thaa eaid notes are secured heQeby;p�ovlded that at no time , •
<br /> � eh�ll the secured p�incipal and future a�iva�ces,not Including 8uTn8 pdvenCed to p�otect ihe seca:r�ly,exceed one hundre�per• ;�, '
<br /> • �• Cent(100%)of the orlglnel princlpal arn�unls secured hereba ' '`
<br /> 1 t.R�m�dl�� Cumul�llvo.All remed•e�t•ovided t�m�s peec! c" Trust are dlstfnct and cu^���ative tr a�y e��*�•�.•^'c�
<br /> •' remedy under thls Deed of Trust or affc��etl by law cr equ�'y antl may be exercfsed concurrently.Indepe�:'��t��,:�'su��e9s�ve• �
<br /> 4 . I ly.
<br /> �2,AcCN�y�lon;p�m�dla;SN�,A�eAas�N ahall ex�st in the event of:
<br /> t • (A) Any fraud or misropr�sinlation br Cre'rustor in connectlon nn4l�ih9 Iln�Of C►Bdl�whith'lh��4 L�d Of Trt;84 e�Cecres:
<br /> IB) Any foilure on tne paM mf t�e�'►�st��ro meet the repaymem terms in respect to the loar+A�^eement ar.a 8c�y oet�en aa�- „ •
<br /> vances under th�s De��cf o�'�ryst Rereby secured:anc1.
<br /> (G� Anv att�on bY ihe Trust�r ptohibited by the te�ms af fhe Loan Aqreement ar trt�s Deed of Tr��st or any Aa� u•e cr1 ihe Trustor ,
<br /> to aet as req��red Oy the Loan AgreemeM or th�s Qeed oi 7rust.each ot wnich i ruaror nereoy ag.ees iravs an aii.irsa oP•
<br /> Nct on tRe Beneticlary's secunty Ra tne hne of cred�t eseaGusned and the rlphts of the 6�n�f�c�ary i�such eecunty.
<br /> and uDOrt tht nappening ot any such event of d��ault.Bene+�t.�ary mey declare all sums secured hereby immedlately due end
<br /> pavaDl�by�Se�.very to Trustee of wrNten declarat�on of Qefdult.The Trustee shail have the power of sale of the Property.and ff
<br /> 9enEtiGi3rV Qei�res ihe N�operty to be sold. N ShaH QepOS�t wlth Trustee this Deed of trusl and aIl prpmissory notes and
<br /> OOCUm�►+�t9 �v�aRncing expe�d�tures seCUred hereby and shall delwer to Trustee a wntten not�ce ot default and elect�on to
<br /> cAUSA the Pr�Certy to be sold,and the Trustee In turn shall prepare e not�ce��the fo►m reqwred by�ew.which shall be duly f�i•
<br /> ed for reCOrd by Trustee
<br /> �A1 ANer tne Iapse ol such tlme es mey be requfred by law fullowmg Ihe recatdatlon of sa�d notice of de�ault. and not�ce ot
<br /> defau�t end nptlte ot sale heWnp been qiwen es requlred by law.Trustee.w�thout demand on Trustot.shell sel l ihe P�oper•
<br /> ty on the date and al tha tfine and Dlpce de9lqnated��sa�d notice of sale.al publlc aucUOn to the hlqhest b�dtler.the pur•
<br /> chase Dnce O+Yable In 18wful money of the Umted States at the tlme of sale TAe per&on conduCt�ng the sele rnay.�or any
<br /> cause he deems exped�ent,postporte the sa�e��om t�me to t�me unt�l�t sha11 be completod and.�n every such case.not�Ce �
<br /> I
<br /> ..1� .� '4 .
<br />