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. C . ,_. , : • �4 � i.t . �����h�»�fi �,y`�', ' . .:'.`'• :'S, - <br /> -:��'� '� � �� � ,i����'hF�, �� . .r'ri�v.s. �'QF�:��i`'�i-�nF f.' .,f'•;� ' ' . tt.a,�, �� <br /> a,� ... �• '`� :� <br /> ,y .AWi • .�nl�e�t•. �y -- <br /> 'w��w , wi.l.l....c�a�w.r.qr+.._�t., "'- _c�• . -• ---- - _ <br /> ,a�C...' lIh?t'.t'M <br /> i� . ,,.,.,ya*„�t,a�lqe .-- <br /> �.'�.�5� '�`l�' .�.� <br /> - '" "'. ,.,JI;•r�.�:,• . Jl+�._� '-*.� <br /> , -}•. ���1�Il.. ��� _..� - .�_.._.-..-_- . _. <br /> �I Y <br /> � .. .. •,'r•' _ - <br /> ii. <br /> .jv/�(:.�g � <br /> .F�Ij'+.� . <br /> �; <br /> �. <br /> J1- 10234'7 ---- <br /> ,i:: $. � �:..- <br /> :;�' :�.�__ <br /> ,�+ror•�,:s����, :=,• 18. MNeMM�otN ProrMlo�s. <br /> .,�a ..•.k�„�� ��) ��R��.�nslon ol th�tlm�lor parm�M ar modNlc�Uon o1 amoAlr�tlon ot the wms Naund b1►1hM <br /> ' the IIabNHy <br /> . ��:;. Oosd o1 Trwt�rmt�d by Lender to any wcc��sor In int�rut ol8onowe��lull not ops��u to ral�a�e,in any mannK, _ <br /> ' " � �!�:li4=�!�'�i otths orl�iml Borrow�r and 8orrow�r's wccaswn In InUr���Lnid�r�hill not bs requlrsd to comm�nce proewdlnp�ap��^�� <br /> ' '� �''� auch�uccs�tor or raluss to extend tlmelor paym�nt a otMrwlN modily�mortl�al�on olthe wn►s aaund by thl�O»d o�Trwt <br /> ...• . <br /> ,. . ._ �.._. <br /> - -T.-,�.�,.,.,->-• <br /> � by r�Aton ot any demend�modo by the oriqinul Bo�rower end @orrawer'e eucceuort�n In srea ,.�___,_ __. <br /> A ment of an obl�tlon hsrMn _-- _ <br /> •. •n~' ` menUoned,and'wP��scunp the Ilen or cha pa ot th sl �D�ed 1 T u��upon sny Partio�of th�o P�opeAy noithen or thsntotora <br /> � relea�ed es aeaurlry ior tha lull amount ot all unp�id oblipatfone,Lender may,lrom tlme to time and without noUcs(i)rele�u�ny __ <br /> ' peraan eo Il�ble,Qi)extend the m�turity or altar any of the termt ol any suah obllgatbna,(lll►yf4e1 oth�'�dor all ot thst PreopeAy. <br /> ��;� ��� or reconvey,or cauae to be�eleased or reconveyed at eny tlme at Lender's optlon any pa ' po <br /> ,..`� (�)take or releaae eny other or additional securiry lor any obNpatlon harain menUoned, or(vi)meka compo�ltlon�or otMr <br />�. ., _ : arranQemenls wllh debtoro in relatlon thereto. r1 ht or�emed hereunder,or - <br /> ��;;, (c) Fotb�u�nc�by L�od�r Not�Walar.Any lorbearance b�Lender �n exercising arnr g Y <br /> ,�.,�rr otherwfse etturded by appl�cable not be e we►vs+ot or prectude the ex�c�se o1 anY such ripht or remedy. Th� <br />''�� procurement ot ineurpnce or the Raynrent ot texes or othee I�ens er charges t+y I�e�r s►�a�M^o��a w�fver of LondYi s rlQhlla � <br />�,�� � • aCCelerate the mAturily o11he indebtedness secured by Mi�Oeed ot T�etst T�c��n�a��r���n can- <br /> -' 80und:JoN�1 M�d S�w�al LvbN11r:CaI�lio�• <br /> ti:yr '. ..e<<:..',_.�_ _. _. (d) $YCCM�Oti wl�d A{�11� -- <br /> `�� • �. mineC shaN bmd.anci ti�a iigKts h�►eunder ahall Inure to.the r�speeuw succeswro end ass�gns d Lend�r and Tn�slor• _. _—— <br />��-.�}�. , `��� covenenis and apreomants o1 T►ustor shall be�oint and ssvaral.The caDdons a�d headinya of the para�raphs ot tl�s Q�d°r �___ <br /> I.r .� ' •..:t;,t. - <br /> , � Trust nre for convenience aniy and are�ot to be usad to interpret or define the proviWons her . <br />_'.�,;•. � • ,,'e`'•`,i Y - <br /> •;/�;�,�• (e) Rpuut for NoHc�f.The partles hereb �equest that a capy oY any nolice ol delault hereunder arsd a c�p�r o�a�y�+o��ce �.__ <br />�";.�.� � E�,':�;1 to this Oeed ot Trust at ihe address set torth above�n the manner prescnbed by <br /> , � � !���•s� ot sele hereu�der be malled to each party �� <br /> � �'� ��`' t'1� �ppliceble law.Except tor any other notica requlred under epplicable law ta be glven In another manner,any notice provided <br /> � '.-r,��,,�,Y�f�•.,•,;�id,itj� • I-.._----- � <br /> ir'.,..�: <br /> f 4, l o r i�t h i s O B e d o f T r u s t a h a l l b e p i v e n b y m e l l i n g such notice b y ceAllied mail addressed to the other partiea,al the addreas�et <br /> '�'M��' � ;.,��.%'�'�+'S' torth above.Any noNae provided lor in t h l9 D e e d o f T r u s t a h e l l b e e N e c t i v e u p o�m e l l i n g i n t h e m a n n e r d a a i y n o t e d h e re i n.I f ' <br /> r� �}�J � �;;4�;� t'• Trustor Is more than one peraon,rta':'.c�Sent to the address eet 1oNh above ehall be notiae to a�l such pe►son6. �„J <br /> ' l� Pefh�P <br /> �'�. ��� � �3'.}:�.�:j, (q �nsp�otlon.Lender mey meke vr cause to be made reasonaDte entriea upon and inspe�c't:�ns of the Pro rovided �,_��t^ <br /> r���:,.. � . �. ' that Lender shell give Trustor notice prior to any such Inapectlon apecifyinq reoconoble ceuse t�erefor relalod to l.onder'a <br /> InWreat in the Property :�. <br /> �'�� (p) R�conv�y�nco.uAon Payment of a11 suma seoured by 1h1s Deed ol Trus1,Lender shell requeat Trus'te�to reconvey the .,, �,�� <br />:j.'„ • ,�.� ., K , <br /> • r- Property and shell aurrender thla Deed o1 Trust and a!i notes evidencing IndebteCness secured by thfe Deeol��TRvat to Truatee. k.•:�., :,,_L: <br />�';.�F, Truatee shall reconvey Ih6 Property without warraniy and wlthm�:t cha+ye t�the peroon or pereons Ieyaliy aMiUod therato• Y�,., <br /> � ''� ,::_�:,,,._ Truator shell pay ell coats of recordeUon,if eny. ' <br /> :,,: <br /> '•.i!'1 • (h) P�nond Praperly;S�cu�lh AprNm�nt. Aa apdmona�securilr tor the paymcr.:a!i*�Nete,Tra4t�r hereby gr�an�ds _ 4���,-:r <br /> Lender under ihe Nebraska Unfform Commerclel Coda a aecurity intereat In a�l fixlures,equipment,and olhe•r:pefsonal p►opeTt� �,,.,__ .,_-� <br /> r�,,;�!:?�`'����� ' � ��• used In connectlon with Ihe real estate or Improvernents located thereon,and nol otherwise declared or deemad to be a pap ot ,f�!�2�;� <br />;�!.;.•..� ' ;,•,;;:j'r'�;'�`�'�''",r;,,;, the real eatate secured hereby.Thls InatrumeM shall be construed as a Securl Ag�eement unde�said Cade,and the Lender ,;�� �., �`• _ <br /> i,r.,:�.. <br /> ������ <br /> � �;j�.�� ��.t�f' ,,,.,,• shall heve all tha rl�hts and remAtl�es af a secured perty under sald Cade in addllfon to the rights and remediea Created under <br />.r�„i+r � t���Y,.,-., ,; . : <br /> , _,,.,,,;:... <br /> ' ',{��"� �f i�_�?,,_ <br /> ,��i,.,r_. ;,, , ,,�,},� and eccorded the Lander pursuent to Ih�s Deed of Trust;prov i de d t ha t l e n d er's rl g hts end remedias under this peragraph a�a <br /> �Yt�f^'�'� � . be cumuletive wfth,and In no way a I�mitetion on.Lender's rlyhts end remedles under any other security eqreement eiyned�y � <br /> �`a`�:� � . Borrower or Trustor. � <br /> .i.� <br /> � ' " (i) Ll�ns and 8ncumbnnc�s.Trustor hereby warrants and represents that there Is no default under Ihe provfsions of any ��,.r.:�—.._� <br /> ' � mortgaye,deed of trust,lease or purchase contract descrfbing all or any part ot the Property,or other Contract,Inetrument or � •�� <br /> ' �,, , egreement constltuQng a:len or encumbrance egeinst ell or eny part ot the Proparty(collectively,"Liena"),eKisUng as ol the � &'�,::'r-- <br /> ��, , �::%�y. dete o1 Ihls Deed o1 Trust,and thet any and all exlating Liens remeln unmodified except as dfscloaed to Lender fn Truslor's .,. ��,�. <br />:<<;;j�,:�• . ,•.;1r:� wrfQen diaClosure of Ilens and encumbrancea Prcvided tor herein. Trustor ahatl tfinely pe�form all of Trustor'a obllgettians• : :-:-.. <br /> f�s,._:-- • <br /> '�; ;�.:,�d�.;,',y;.- covenente,representetfons and warrant�es under any and all exisiting and tuture Uens,ahell promptly torward to Lender cc��o3 > * � <br /> •�� of all noticea ol detauH sent in connection with any and all existing or future L�ens,and shall not without Lender'a prior wrttsen � <br /> �,:l,�:._: � .�''. �' <br /> �� � �,,y;��,_ .�. � conaent fn any menner modity the provfsfons of or allow any lulure advances under any existing or future Llens. <br /> � ,t'�.;,. U) Apptic�tlon ot P�ym�nb.Unleas otherwise reqwred by law,aums pa�d Ir Londer hereunder,Including wilhout Ilmitation �_ Q, <br /> � , f,;,, ,-,; paymenta of prfncfpal end interest,�nsurence proceeds,cortqemnation proceeds and raMS and protits,ahall be aPP���d by <br /> " . -�t i�:>:' Lender to Ihe emounts due and owmg Irom Trustor and Borrower m such crder as Lender Ir its soie dlscretion deema de9iTable. <br /> , �,��;,t, (k) 8�wnblllty.H eny prov�sfon ot this Deed of Trust contl�cts w�lh applicable law or is declered Invalid or otherwise �.;.�..• <br /> � ����f' ' ,� unenlo►:.eable,such conllict or mvalldity shell not afleCt the other provlsons ol Ihls Deed o(Trust or the Note whlch can be � <br /> .�� {,:, . . ��'r'"c: <br /> +j pfven eHect wlthout the confllcuny prov�s�on,and to this end the provl9�ons ol Ihis Deed ot Trust and tha Note are deClared to be <br /> • � f �c�:, :�:'.^�'. . severable. <br /> L• „• , ".:Ytri,f,� Lc...:------- <br /> ;t.. (I) T�rm�.The terms"Trustor"and"Borrower' shail Include both afnguler and Wural,and when the Trustar and Borrower Mi,i�_` <br /> �� ' are tM�same person�s►,those terms as used In tfiis Deed o4 Trus►ahall be interchangeable. :.>;.•F_� _ <br />'!�n�t:. � . " .. °..Uf,.•�:. <br /> t�, .. ° (m> Gor�minp Law.This Deed of Trust sha11 be governed by the laws ot 1ne�State of Nebraska. •,.:;,:r_._. <br /> � 7ruator haa executed Ihia Deed ol Trust as of the date wntlen above. i� <br /> � �„r- <br /> �• • Y 'Sti. <br /> :;-/ ' _,_-- , <br />' "., : ���q, (Hector C. �az) T+us�or tius�band <br /> "`i'.d`.� - -� —--- � <br /> � �� . <br /> (Jane F'. Faz) '�•uscar Wife . <br /> 7�' <br /> :� ��+. • , � <br /> .r. .� ..y . .. <br /> � <br />���: . . � ' � <br />- • 1 <br /> t <br />--.-` ' • ^—i•'� � � <br /> , t� ' <br />- � • . , <br /> . „° <br /> � <br /> , . � <br /> 1 <br /> ' -`--1 -— - �- � - - -- --� - - <br />