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1.. . . . �A�,'��' (]�.- ..•_ �M��YL�..�. - .� .�,.• .�; t .`.__ }i{. i _.:..r 1r .1����rrx�i�s� �av �_.. <br /> . '.� .. . ;U;�;e:.� Y� �i...�. ,. , ..tA"tl'. r . . ... 'a>• S .�_.__ � � .... <br /> y ,., t �� . . �►hslaiYMF••va�'1(i, . _.• __. _. <br /> •�,y-• :i:s rd JMYn.Y!MiW� YWLM.Yb�iRw(ran.... ..� W :•- . .��-`�<��� . —___;� <br /> - - ��{�!�►i�pl�"'A"i- - - - <br /> :w • - -- <br /> � a�• _- <br /> ,-- I -- --.-.���t'` -- - - - .�._ -- - -- . � <br /> , � . . . - <br /> + _,..�. �..w -- - <br /> � 91--' 10234 i� �:?-_� -- <br /> �.,,�;..: .. . �r��=_— <br /> „ . . ',: <br /> � 'ic',-..�*'��''•.�{'�'� —�7'�-,.i����--- <br /> .. Xrj�', Si.�v�'r,• <br /> �.:��'+:.�;�'x�' � ' tM Prop�ny i��o tak�n or dam�p�d,Lend�r�h�ll hav�ttw aptlon,In ita sole end absoluh d��craion.W�pWY�II wch ProcNd�, `�` �A <br /> , h:`?�t:;,?�'`;4is, ' afhr d�duodnp�herWrom�II co�b anA erpensu inourred by It in conneodon wUh�uch PrxsW��upon any 1nd�bt�dnMS sround � <br /> h.,:�x•� �; , ; h��by�nd In wch ord�r at L�nd�r mpy d�hrmin�,or to�pp1y ell�uah Proeads,�f1�r fuch deduatlom,to lh�r0�to��N011 oi th� <br /> • "'' � P�opsAy upon wch condlUons a�Lende►moy d�termin�.Any eppllcstlon ol Proeoed�to Indsbtedne�s�hdl not�xt�nd a pottpons '�►" ,-�-- <br /> r y y I�d lund�sh�ll b�p�ld to _=°— `�'�'''�'�'����� <br /> ,",,.��;�i.;,«�c.;':��.,� th�dw d�t�of an paym�nt�und�r th�NoU,or cur�on dNault th�raund�r or h�nund�r.An unpppl __.-_ <br /> .. . T►wta. �rc::;;:- <br /> .. - . <br /> .. .. _ � R„�: <br /> • - � - 6. p�lomianc�by L�ndar•Upon the occurrenco of an�ven�ol 0eleult hereundar,or II any Act 1�taken or lep�l proc Inp __ _ , <br /> ° ^� ."' •, commenced whlah m�t�rlslly afleote lender's Interest in th�Property,Lendor may In It�own diecreuon,but wUhout otiUpanon to do :-__ <br /> • •ox�•.�y �:; so,end without noUCa to or Qemand upon Truetor end w�thout nleaslnp Trwtor Irom any oblipatlan,do any eCt whlch Trusta►hfl� - aa�_.,��_-_ <br /> � ;� ,, apreed bu11�11s lo do and may al�a da any other act it deoms nece�sery to protect the eecurlty hereol.Tru�tor ehaH,immedf�tely <br /> a�°�.�;; <br /> = upon demenU therelor by Lender,pay to Lender all coat�and axpensea lncurred and eume expended by Lender�n conneotfon wllh <br /> ;:��R��� � � the exeraiee by lendar ol the lorepaing riphl�,topether wilh intereat ihereon at the delault rate provlded In the Note,whtch shall bn �.�_.,___� <br /> '.-� ,. � � added lo the Indebtadnesa secured hereby. Lander�hall not Incur any Uebdlty bacau�e ot anytnmy i!may do or omit to do _,i,r,:,.;4�-����-_ <br /> .� hereunder. Iatione ' °-' <br /> � � 9. H�tardous Mat�rlatw Trustor�hall keep the Properly�n compUance w�th all applicaD�o�awa orcli�ances a"d`'�u __-__ _ _ <br /> rel9tfng to Indust►lal hyplene or environmental p►oteclipn(cof lect�voly relerred to herefn as"Ennronme�til iAwa�) T�ustc?r'�h60 =.--.-�- ''�` --•. <br /> keep tha Property Iree Irom ad aubstances deemed to pe hazardous or toxic undor any Env�rQnmencat I.,aws(co�iecUvelY rvt+�rred to ���� <br /> '' herein as"Hazardous Mpterlals'7.Troswr herW�K warrants and�eRrese�sls to Lender that there aFe no Hatardous Metenals on or �r�. ' <br /> rW <br /> under�ho Property.T�uetor heteby ayr�s to�ndemmiy and ho�d h�rmless lQndar.�es direCto�s.o��CFrs,empioYeea and ayants,end � �______ <br /> . � . - - a�y successurs to Lendor'a Inte�est hon'►ana�S'n4t any anq au cta�ms.WmaAes.iosses and i�ab�fides ana��9 THE FORE(iC)ING �� -- <br /> ihe p�esence,uae,diepoapi o►trartsport ot any Haiardous Matenals on, under.Irom or atrout the Prope A y. <br /> WARRANTI�S AND REPRESEN?ATIONS.AND TRUSTOR'SOBLI(3ATIONS PURSUANT TA THE FORE(iOIN(31NDEMNITY.SHALL � <br /> .�' SURVIVE RKCONVHKANCE OF Tk1S OEED OF TRUST. ������ �-��-� <br /> :r.: <br /> 10. Msipnm�nl a1 R�nn.Trustor hereby assipns to Lender the renta,isaues and prolns ot thH Property.providNd that Trustor s::r;;„_._ . <br /> ' shell,until the occurrence oi e�Event ot Default hereunder,have the right to collect and retein auch renls,�88ues and p�alits as they '� ,r-�,,�,�.1,; <br /> become due end payable.Upon the occurrence o i an Even t o 1 D e t a u l t.L e n d e r m e y,e d h e r m p e r s on or b y a g9nt,wlth or w�thout � , ��i.��.;. .�;k,__ <br /> r:;..,: <br /> � .��� bnnginp any aolion or proceedln4,or by a receiver appomted by a wurt and wdhout regard to Ine adequacy of fts secunty,enter y i�,- <br /> :vi•�+�,:,, . upon nnd take possesslon ol tha Praperty.or any part Ihereof,f n Its awn name or in the neme ol the Truslee.and do any acts whiCh ft :�_ �(s <br /> :`' ti�� ,,,,�� ; deems necosaery ar dea lra b l e t o p r e s e rv e t h e v a l u e,m a r k e t a bili ry or renteblU ry ot the Prope►ty.or any part thereol or mterest thereln. .'�� jjy ��� <br /> r t and wNh or�vithout taking possess�on ot the Property.aue fa ar �,.•.� t. .t;f�a:Y,�; <br /> � ,;�"� ' ' increase Ihe Income Iherelrom or protect the securlty ho eo � - <br /> :,��,•;�, otherwfse colleat tha rents,�ssues and prolds thereol,incluJ�ng those past due and unpa�d,and apply the same,less coets and C�:.`;;w:_•.,'.`._.�: <br /> "' ;��s�� " ' '�,,� expenses ol operetion and collecUOn including atlorneys'leas,upon any�ndebtedness secured hereby,all in such order as Lender , <br /> may determ ine.T he en tering up o n a n d t akin g posedssion ot the Property,the collecUOn of such rents,fssuea end prolits and the �:: ,�,..._ <br /> � applicatlon Ihereol as e(oresa�d,shall not cure or walve any defaull or notice ot defauU hereunder ar invalldate any act done in ; '-.�f;:��- <br /> "f� <br /> " reaponse to euch defeult or pursuant to such notice of default and,notw�thstanding the contlnuance In possession ol the Propery or . � ,��� <br /> --- - - the collecaon,rece�pi aod appiicaiiun of rents,issuos or proifu.and Trustee?nd Lender shaU be enqlled lo exerclse every nght ' . ; ,; ��.y� <br /> � � provlded lor In any of 1l�e loen Inatruments or by law upon occurrence ot any Event of Delbult,fncluding wllhout limltatlon the nght � - =_,� <br /> �� j _._: -.-"' . . �: <br /> t0 ex3rCfee the powp�Gt 881e.Further.Lender's nghls and remedies under th�s paragraph ahall be cumulatrve with,and In�o way a ,. "JMt- <br /> i'r:�,. ;, l,�,:.;�:;. , y'�4it;,-- <br /> �•� • Ilmitatfon on,Lender's r�ghts and remedies ur.:e:�an•;assignment of leases and rents recorded agefnst the Property.Lender, rustee <br /> '`' � • and the rece�ver ahAli be Ilabte ta aCCOUM only lor inose re^�as actually receaed. ��" � '�{� <br /> �,,. �-: <br /> 1 •;•.J:�; ''�r=: : . <br /> -' 11. Ev��is of De9auH.Tfie lollowing shal!cons111ute fl^�ven:ot 0efault under this Deed ol Trust � � �',1.'-��� <br /> � ,•� j;y� (a) Fallura to pay any lnstailrnent ol principal or inte resi nl any other sum secured hereby when due; � ,�•�;."f ;, __ <br /> (o) A b r e a c h a 1 o r d e f a u q u n d e r a n,p r o v l s l o n c on l alned in the Note,this Deed ot Trust,any ol the Lcan Instrumen��a or any ' %!.;;t%�'"'.` ,;', <br /> � � � other Ilen or encumbrence upon the Property; .__-="�' <br /> ' � (c) A wrft oi execulion or aflachment o�any similar p rocess shalt be entered against Trustor which shall become a lien on 4 ; ` :�.- <br /> :������ the Property or any portion tnereot or�nterest therem; ���--a- <br /> �'+'��� (d) There shall be IileU by or agamat Trustar or Borrowe•an acbon under nny present or luture lederal,state or other � ,1::1� `3�g- <br /> . -,i•:.:,',`{. . .....!.-;� �r`�7J���'.. <br /> � 1 �•;:; .,�•.;�`, , stetute,taw or regulatlon reiating to bankruptcy,msolven Cy or Cther rel�el for debtors;or th@re shell be appointed any trustee, � ,,,.,;;ti:;Vl.__ <br /> � ' '�''�>���'," ' .�, recefver or liqufdalor of T►uetor or Borrower or ot a11 or any pA�t of tho Property,or the rents,issues or profita thereof,or Truaror ;f.;,�:.-'.,,,,_ <br /> ;.,;` � ° �� or Borrower shflll make any general asaignment tar the beneiit of creditors; ;` � '�•'•"-� <br /> � � (e) The saiA,van�ter,lease.assfgnment,convevance or further encumbrance ol flll or any pa^�of or eny Interest in the � .d,t•s,i;{- <br /> � �� ' Property,either voluntarlly or mvoluntarlly,Wi1hpU1 ih8 express wntten consent of Lender; proviaad that Trustar ahall be ��rp; y�M'.��: <br /> 1� . <br /> ' y� ,, permlfled to execute a IzASO o1 the Properly tnat does not coma�n an opuon to purchase and the term o1 wh�ch does natexceed '� , �,;�;;?�,-a�:,���.;�,•^.�;;;;, <br /> ' one year; •'�•�•,;,:•:�;1���4�:,�.;�{.: <br /> • . (f) Abandnnment ot the Pr�perty:or � �� � <br /> ',}i.:: •.,i •�lf>�1��'�.i;.. <br /> (p) If Tru5lor is not an mdividua�.the�,transler,ass�gnment,conveyance o►encumbrance of more then a totel ( � ••i1��:;•�•"t,•.: ,`,,:.,. <br /> .,r; 1. .,. <br /> � ' - ��i A�v..-". <br /> s � of _perte��t ot(fl a corporatfon)ds issued and outstanding stoCk or(il a partnership)a to�al a� percent Ot ! • , .�_, ,�ti.;:,. <br /> partnershlp Interests durfng ihe perfod thfs Oeed ol Trust remains a lien on the Property. I ��S` <br /> � ;, .�.:�,:r.:. <br /> 12. R�m�dla;Acedeadon Upon DN�ull.In Ihe evantof any Event of DafauN Lender r^ay,wlthout notice except as requlred by ` ,,;,•;'.,h•wi;���:•,. <br /> � �, � law,declare all fndebtedness secured hereby to be due and payeble and the same sha:� ihe�eupon become due and payable 't '�,; ,:� .:.t.r, <br /> ., N• � -�'�.nli�; .' <br /> ��•� without eny presentment,demend,protesl or notice of any kind.Thereaker Lender may� ����,, <br /> 1 (a) DemAnm th9t Trustee exercise the POWEA OF SALE gramec: herem. and Truatee shal thereaker cause Truator's + �,'� � S;fi.:`� <br /> . !�.. � Intereat In the�rapeny to be aold and the a�oceeds to bedfslnbuted.All�r.Ine manner providetl in the fJebraska Trust Deeds <br /> 1;,��;'�' ACt: �::;� , <br /> � ;'•'�f' . • (b) Exerc�se eny and ali nghts prowded lor in anv c�t*e Loan In�trumenis or by law upon occurrenCe ot eny Event ol � <br /> ���''�. � Cefaul�and <br /> ;. '' r' '�,,,,•,:. <br /> . (c) Car^�nence an action to foreclose this Deed of Tr ust as a mortgage,appoint a recewer.or specdically enforce any of lhe <br /> ; covenants re-eot <br /> ` �,;'� ';.�•�+;:��,�;� ��� �, No remedy herelc canlerred upon or reserved to Truatee or 6ender is intendetl excluawe o1 any other remedy herein,In the <br /> •�..•,/ ;�;',;,t�`.,,;: Loan Inatruments or cy law provlded or perm�tted.but each ahall be cumulatrve.sha��be��add�tion to every other remedy gwen I <br /> � �:• •r�,, : hereuntler,in tne Loan Instrume�.s or now o�nereaker ex�st�ng at iaw or�n eqwty or c•.�•a'..:� and may be exerc�sed concurrentty. •„ , <br /> „. . . , <br /> •.• r:�!�1,t„�, ,• t�dCpelltlfflt{y rl�SUCC@S3We�y , . <br /> ' � � t3. TnatN.The Trustee may res�g� a�a��y t�me wdhoul cause.a�d LPnder rr�, •r• a'y t�me and wdhodt ceuse nppomt a �,� �� <br /> `�'• suCCessOr ar substtiute Trustee.Trustee sn.jit r t!be liable to a�y parry •^c�:d:^g w�thout lim�tafion l.e�Cer,Borrower,Trus�or or eny <br /> ����� purchaser of tRe Property.lor any Ioss o►aamaq�unless due to reckless or w� ^�i misco�ducL nntl 5^a���ot be requ�red to lake any <br /> nrt�nn �n rnnnwr.uon with the enlorcement o�tn�5 Deed of lrusl uniess mttemmt�ed. m wnt�ng. tar all cosls. compensation o► <br /> ...A. ..aln{nl M <br /> � � ^ . • � ex��nsea w��ich may be assoc�ated therew�tn ��add�ron rrustee mey become a purcrtase+a�a�y wrc o7���a�:�;.��.,��-•-•-•- , <br /> r � urttler the power of sale granted hore�nl,posrpon�n,e s3i�ot all or eny poraon of the P�operry. as prov�ded by law.or sell the <br /> ; Property as a whole,or�n separale parcels or iots at T�•,,srees d�sCredon. <br /> � • 14. F��nd ERp�nt��.In the event T�ustee sells the P roperty by exercise of power ot saie. r�•ustee shAll be enutled to epply <br /> • . � any sale proceeda first to payment of all costs and expenses ol exerc�smg power ot sale.�nciud�ng a�i trustea's 1ees.and LendeYs <br /> and Trust@e's atlorney's�ees.aGtuelly inCUrred to extent permdtod by appliCeble law.In the event Bu��ro�ter or trust�r exerasas any <br /> ` right provlded by law to cure an Event ot OelBUlt.Lender sh all be ent�tled to recover trom"i rustor an costs and vxpensea actually <br /> incurred as a resuN of Trustor's defeult,mc�udmg w�thout I�mitation a�� Trustees and atlorney's� the extent perm�tted by <br /> applfceble law. <br /> 15. Fuhin AdvsncN. Uport requesl of Borrowe►. Lender�ts option, make add�t�onal and luture advances and re- <br /> ' edvanCes to Borrower SuCh edvanCes and readvantes.wilh mterest there0n.Sha��be seCUred by Ihis De@d ol Trust At�O Ume Shell <br /> Ihe pnnc�pal amouM of the indebtedness secured by th�s Deed ot Trust.not�nc�udmg sums edvanced to D�otect tne secur�ty of tn�s <br /> . Do6d o1 Trus4 exceed the or�yinal pnnCipal amount steted herem.or 5------.wh�chever�s greater <br /> . � <br /> . i <br />