,'i �� �y;�!�}� r . :• � L� ](�}���.'.1.` 4.lIy7Pj';.• '��� � �K'1:•� \`��'•.1� � ��.:..�_{:-�r` _ . . '."'w�+�.�.....�....w��r� n-r�ar��s-..m.-
<br /> • 7,5 'Ir!• ty u,; + ,� �
<br /> M1
<br /> ...,...�-- . _ f s¢�'��a. ` .. � r-� —
<br /> R Y 1�; _
<br /> c "" -.. _.�., . � _ .�
<br /> : ;�.;. . � ..,: . 91-102 3 3 I _ -----
<br /> -'.�! f �^n l�Fti_=_—_..
<br /> ...Stii . V �f fi —
<br /> :•r.- �,r��.�. • �,.,..t�--
<br /> `'^;°,��i,.�"• , applicabk law muy apecify fw rcinat�[emenq beforc rale af Ihe P�vpeny punsuant��uoy power of�sul�cantained in �his "°""-��
<br /> ;,�,;�Y�. Stcuriry Insuuinent:or(b)enlry of n judgment cnforcing this Sccu�lly InatNmenl. Thosa conJitianx ure thut Borrower: (u) -
<br /> ` '�•:.:., • , ., paya Lendcr all suma which�hcn would be due under this Secu��y Instrument und the Note as if no accelerutlon had
<br /> . �• �n . , accumed:(b)cures any default of any aher covenaNs or ogreementa;(c)payx ull�zpenre5 incutred in enfbrcing this Secu�fty =_-
<br /> � ^ lnstrument. including. but nd limited to.reasonable sttameys'fcec: and ld) take� �uch uction � Lcnder muy m�sanably ---
<br /> ' ^'�•� rcquix to assure that thc lien of ihia 5ecurity Instrumcnt,L.r.nder's right�in�he Pmpeny und Borrowcr�obligutian to pny the �_��•°°--
<br /> �:.df`��' . : . sums secuned by this Secu�ity Instrument shell continue unchonged. Upu� reinxtuwment by Borruwer, this Security �_�� °---��°�
<br /> � -• • Instrumem und tho oBligo�ions r,ecured hercby+hAll rcmaM fully effectivc ae if no accelerntion hod accu�recl. Wowever,thfx �._ _
<br /> ��..� right to rcins�ate shall not Apply in the caee of ucceteration unde�purAgrnph 17. �-_k:"�-��=``�-•=-===
<br /> "''�••-;� l9. Sak of Note;Choage af l.apn Setwicen Thc No�e or A partial interest in the Nac ltogether with �his Secu�ity - -
<br /> '� ` - ��'��'''�"�. Instrumenq may be sald ane or more times wilhout prior�aice�o Borrawer. A sele muy rexult in a chonge in thc cntiry a'"�'""��=�T �-
<br /> ,•.::.. . . �•:i��,,..,«.��,._
<br /> - � (knawo oa the"Loan Servicer)that collecis monthly pAymems due under the Note and this Security In��rument. TIl@I'C AI&O � _
<br /> -'":"�� •� • �����'b'�� • may be one or mor�e chunges of the Loun Servicer un►elaled ta u rade af the Nae. li Ihere is u change of the Laun Servicer, i•.;�c �,+��
<br /> _ ""`'�' ' B o r ro w e r w i l l b e g i v e n w ri t t e n n o t k e o f i h e c h o n ge in uccardance wi�hn�1�n 04 above und n licable luw. The notice '"' �'•k��� �'''
<br /> -�;;i����. . . ..-. a>.�i�''-•,,
<br /> �:.:.�_i,i . . �'^"� PP Sf_,.:.�_r�-1
<br /> will stete the nnme und address af�he new Loun Servicer und the uddness to which paymeeus.hould be made. Tlie na ice w i l l
<br /> ,�,`;�, ' ���} also comein any other information required by upplkuble luw. � �;:•
<br />,;;�r,.' ' ` �''�°"',�: '. 1A. Huw�dous Substaaces. Bamnwer shell not cuuse or pem►it the p�esenee,use,disposal,stomge.or release of'any �_; __ __ ,,�q,:
<br /> �" �'� ,�'��.�.,`�� ,.°"f;`: Nazordous Substonces an or in the Praperty. Bortower shnll nd d�,na�allow aunyooe else w do, unything aifecung the " �---
<br /> Fi i� , �v "�� Pmpatty lhat is in violotion of uny Envlronmental Law. The preceding hvo seate�x:es.t�all not apply to Ihe prc�en�:e,use,ar ���^�-----°'
<br /> ;;;; - . -� -� " alurage an Ih�P�a�►erty of b�nall yuantitles of Hazardous Substanms tl�at ate ge+�e'n�[r; �er�gni�xd to be nppropnate to nomwl �r. ��:
<br /> --�4 . ' residemial uses und to maintenance of Ihe Property. �`"��__= z
<br /> _�Y,���•� h� ,� Bamawer shall promptly give Lender wrilten notice of any inv�stigation.cladmrt,demand,luwsuit or other action by ang
<br /> ;,��:�`-.---= guvemmental or regulatory agency or private party involving the Pcer��+t�r aR+!ae�y Hs�Ardous Sub�tance or Environmer� _.;.t�';;.`.'3��:,_�___._,
<br /> � � ' .. I.uw of which Borrower has ucwal knowledge. If 8orrower leams. ur is n�+:alfietf by uny �ovemmemal or regulntory _,. r, ;3,..-.-
<br /> � � � �� Authority,that uny removal or other remedia�ion of any Hw.urdous Substark�e atfi�soing the Property is necessary, Borrower u.-�--�_=•-'
<br /> �� .� •'� �� shall promptly take all necessary remedial actions in uccordance with Enrroncnent�E Law. �::;=;;.;-,,_,,:
<br /> '' As used in this paragrnph 20,"Hauudous Subs�ances"ure those ualrstances de�ned a.c toxic or huzardous substanceti by -----
<br /> ' � ', �, >i'''��' Environmentel Lnw and the following substunces: gusdine,kero.ert�.other flammnble or toxic petroleum praducts, toxic �'.°�`� -_
<br /> , ^ , pesticides and herbicides,volatile solvenls. maleriuls containi�g a�'�esiWs or Yormvldehyde,and rndioactive mmerials. A� � _.,�a,,-;__
<br /> . „ „ . used in�his paragruph 20,"Environmentel Law"means federaG Aav►s mnd laws af tl�e jurisdic[ion where the F'r+q�eny is IacAted ,,�ys ,��,
<br /> ' Uwt relate to health,s�fety orenvfronmental protectiae. �,`���<:.�,..:_=��:�"---
<br /> ' ' . Borrower und Q.errr,�er f:u�hcr covenAnt und agree as follows: 11�a�td`�:..��+��
<br /> ' NON-UNIFORM COV�AIANTS �rae�n�ir�m�n�Q.
<br />',,;�+�.;��,;.,� � ° , �:._ Zl. Acceleration; Remedies. I.ender shall glve aatice ta Borrower prior lo accelerAlion �ollowing Barmwer's
<br /> breach of any�bvenant or Agreement in this Security lnstrument Ibut not prior to accelerolton under paragrAph 17 F����';��•;'-'_"'
<br /> ' unles.c wppllcable law provides Mherwise1. The nMice shAll�pecify: (a)lhe defAUlt:lb)the actlon required lo cure the , ��'""�":�j,'''�`:�:;--
<br /> _• ,:�;•,.:�"�"T'—';. defauth lcl A date.not lesv than 30 dpys from the date iix noiicr I+give+i to 13arro�er.by KIsl�b ihr drTau!! mu�!5e ��'"'s'�r `- __y__
<br /> s � �....�,.
<br /> �'�' •• ' cwM;a�d Id1 thAt Pailu�e lo cure the default on or 6ePore the date�pecitled in the notice may result in Acceleration of �",,r
<br /> • ":"'� ��,. ' . 1be�secured by 1hi.�Secu�ity tostrument and sale otthe Property. The notice shall further inform Borrower of ��,.
<br /> oiadeTaultor ���.-__:;,��_--
<br /> :•'�,�. � '' IMe r�ta reinstate after acceleratMn and the right to bring a cour/action to assert the non�existence -- ----,T,�-._
<br /> � ` �. , a�F o�er defense of Sorrowe�to accekratbn and sale. If the default Is not cured on or befure lhe date s Ified in �+ �^
<br /> 41� _
<br /> .,., P� 1 yt ;J�ul.,:-!-
<br /> ti ��r.:�•�'a,B,�hY,;{;,,
<br /> �;�.'�;,,;� . �• " ,��•,• Urc�wHce�[xnder at its optlon mwy require Immediale pAyment in fLll of all sums secured by Ihis Secu�ity Instrument q,t,,,,:y+.:�.,_
<br /> • � without turther demand and may invoke the pawer of sale and Any othor remedtes permitted by applicable law " • � ' �.n��
<br /> ' � �' ,� �� • Lender shi+ll be entitled to cotlect nll expenses(ncurred in pursufnR the remedles provide+l in lhis pa�a�raph 21. ;1 ir,:,�J��.,,: _��-�-
<br /> • . �'. including.but not limiled to,reasonAble altornevs'fees and cosfri nP title evldence. �,. ,�f� :'�°��
<br /> � "'� ' ` �� Ii the power of xAle is Invoked.7lrustee shAll record u notice uf deFaull in each county in which any part uf the
<br /> x ' .�
<br />,'i;�'._'�' � � ' .. ' Property is located and shwll mAil rnpiec oisnch notice in the munner prc�ccribed by appllcable law to Bnrrower and to �.:� .��;:;;; -`..=.�_
<br /> • +• �'�� • � Ihe other persons preccrlbed by pppllcable law After the time required by applfc�ble I�w.7lrustee shall Rive public �,..:.�Y:�.r�...:,:_ �'
<br /> ' � �����`•�'�� ° � notice of sale to the persons and in the manner prescribed by appllcable luµ•. 7Yustee.whhout demAnd on Borrower. �'' ' " ' _=
<br /> �, i;��;�:'?���'.•��.•.' shall sell lhe Property at public s�ucliun to the highesl bidder at the time and plere and unde�the terms desi�nated in .;• � _w
<br /> � .��;'l�r�'� • •� the natke of sAle in one ar more pArcel.r and in any order 7lrust��c determines. 71�ustee rnpy pustpone s�le oP all ur uny ��,:.. : ':�',;�ri�•:
<br /> � � p�rcel of the Property by public annuuncemenl al the time and place oP any prevluusly�scheduled�sale. l.ende�or ils ,�]L��+, �,y,�,;,,,y__
<br /> . , , desi �ee ma urchase the Pr rt ut an cele. 7'���'�'.,:�`:"'---"'
<br /> , t� �, � � ' �Upon receipt of payment uf the priee bid,71�ustee sball deliver l0 16e purchuser 71�ustee's deed conveyfn�the �f4;,;,.;.;'s�,��``'���04-
<br /> . ��., . � rSE�:_-'. .
<br /> •� Property. The recitals in the 7Fu5tee s deed shall be primn Pncie evidence��'Ihe truth ut the slatements mAde therein. ._ „�.•;r.; .,�y...`"-
<br /> .. '" ,,,'� ' ' 1lrustee shoH appty the proceedc of the sale in the fio�0uwirqt order: la)tu nll custs and expensrs uP exerdsing Ihe power � _;_'_ '.�1;s'�,
<br /> '.�t�,. .ti, d, •. '. . ,1i'at,' ,,,�.:,.�'S,>�i- --
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