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� ... ,. . . . . . . . :. ._..�_� . ... ___ _ <br /> � .�� . <br /> L!+R,.4 .. <br /> _ � .. '- - <br /> . . - - -� .-.-d�:ra!d�:... °` ` - . __— - - <br /> � '��:,.,,: ' .� � � ��_... 1U2331 - ---- --�-� <br /> - � �.�-�-- <br /> + .r,'F c��ndemnuliun ur whr�lul,in�ot'nny pun i►f Ihr I'n��xny.�H•tiu ranveyunr4 in liru i+l ruixlcmnuu��n.aR 1►crohy u*,i�tiuJ uiKl �._:_ . _ <br /> , � ,. ,r�u r�r�ia����.4��i��. <br /> ''' ` In dx cvent ut :� awul �ukin�t uf Iha 1'n��rty. Uw pnkcrd� •hull In :ipplird �u Ihr +um. .ccunJ hy Ibi� ti��.uri�y �d6Y°`�;-��-.—- <br /> ;��;�. ;,;�, ;. � bi,�rumcm.u•hrihcr�x n�q ihcn dur.���i�h un�•rRrr,.Mid �u Fium�wcr. bi tf►►e�•en� ul'u puniul iaAin�s ol thr I'nqxny in �;,,.:�.,,�-�.. -- <br /> 'ti. ;;,;1`',` . whirh Ihe fuir murke�vulur uf Ihc Pn��xny imnudiu�rly hrlim:the tul�in�t i,c��unl lu ur grcu�er thim Uk unuK�n1 ul�h�+um� ,,.,._. <br /> • , � . ,, kruRJ h�•�hir S��urity In�in�mrn�immcdiutd�•ixli�rc ihr rukin�;,unlr..liurruarr and I.rndrr uih��rHi,r;��srcr in��rltin�. �k__ <br /> '.".��� �•K, thc r�um��ur�d by thi!. S�rurily In��nmknl .hull lu �.duccd by �hc amuunt ut �hc pnK�cJ. multipli�d h�• ih�fnUu�vinp '° ---_ <br /> !::"'`� {��.�=�'' fr�rli��n: la►�he�atul amuuut�►f��xtiumd imm�tiliutrly txiim tFk�uhing,di�•i�kd by Ihl�h�luir marlri�•utur at'tlir [�is.i';e:.__� <br /> =---- Pruprhy iumnxliutcl)• I�lircc Ihr �u{,in�s. Au� I�luni.• .hall Fx� paid tu 1lu�ruNCr. In ihr r+�cnt ul :�partial taAing ul Ihr .-_ -�__�-�.s�.__ <br /> F Pmpen�in w•hich ihe 1'pir mu�kct vuluc oi�hr I'n��xny imnudiu�cly tKli�m�hc u�kin�:i� le,+than�hr amnum ut��he wm� <br /> , �µ'I`' '' '. . wcuRd immcdiutcly i�ti��e �hc tul:ing. unlc�. Bum�u�r unJ I.rndrr �Nhrn��iK aprrr in ��•ri�in}� u� unk., upplirahlc I;�w <br /> ;.. ;-: . <br /> ,,, . ��thcnvi.c proviJe..�h�prureeds rhull tx�upplieJ tu���:urcd hy ihi+tiecuri�y In�trumrnt ahe�her i►r nu���vrr =„ <br /> • ' thcn duc. <br /> -�'' ' � If the Pro�xny i�ub:u�doncd hy Bormw• il'.uftcr n��tirc hy Lendcr lo BuRUwrr Ihul lhe rundcmn��r ulir�iu makc r.i`,:"�°�`a""�'�-- <br /> -r��:...._ <br /> ,_Tu;� � - un uwuni�x.rtde a cluim for Jumugeti.BaRUwer tuil�tu n.�x�nd�u I.rnder����hin�U duy.aQcr Ihe diHr Ihr nulirt i,givcn. _ <br />-__,-_,.� o ,:••:� l.endc�i�authon�ed to caUcct unJ upply thc pnxerd�,at it.upiiuii.riU�r�o rc,toration ur rrp:iir eH'�hc 1'n��ny ur Iu Ih� <br /> _ wmc.e�ured by this Security Inrtrumcn�,whethrr ar nu�thrn dur. =- --_- <br /> :;yT;�� Unle�r Le�er and Borrower�xhcrwi+e ugree in ���ritinF.any uPplirutiun uf pnk�tidti���principal ,I�all nu�cxlend��r E,;y�,;;�"sT. --- <br /> po.lpcine Ihe Jue dA1e��f the manthly paymentti nf�rtcJ to in par.�gr.�ph. I und?ur chunge Ihe:m�uunt ul.uch pa)•men1,. �,��r - <br /> '"'�� _ 11. Borroe•er Nnt Released: Forbearnncc Hy Lender Not u Waiver. E+ct�mion ut ihc �inu tur p�ym�n� or �, _ � <br />-;;�j , .� maiiticatiun af amonizution of the+umx securcd by this Security In.lrument g�anteJ by Lender ta uny.ucre,+ar i��imrrc.� ��,=--•• ' <br /> -'-• , ' of Burrower.holl not opernte to releuu:the liubility at'thc ori�inul Borrowrr or sormw�rrl�uccc..un in imcR+t. Lcnder ..�_.. <br /> ����`!: .-... : -- -._ shall not 6e rryuircd m cammence proreedings ugainyt in in��r�.t or rcfu,r �o rxtrnd�imc ti�r pay�nem or '�v`,' ._ ._ .- <br /> ' •� µ.,,�� atherw�i�e madify umonization of Ihe sum.�rcured by thi.Securily In.trument by rcu+on of amy Jemund mude by�h�ariginal _ --- <br /> ••<<� Borrower or Borrowerz,ucrexwrs in inteR.t. Any forbeanmce b)�Lrader in rrerci.inF uny rigM or nmedy+hAU nut tx u �-�-=,�:__ <br /> , • � ,. wAiver of or pn.�lude the exe�cisc��f uny right or remrdy. f""'� • = <br /> ' l2. Succes�cors und Assi�ns Bound;Jolnt s�nd tieveral I.iobility:Cu-sisners. Thr rov�nuni.und•rErremrn�.of�hi. .,. ,;� <br /> . •' .•:�• . Sctiurity Imtrument�hall bind und t+eneti��he.u�ce.son und a,�igns uf(.rnder und BoROw•cr. .0 hjrc� �o t hr pr�wi,ion�u t' �-'�° -:; <br /> , • paru�eraph 17. sormwer±covenant+und ugmementx�iiull Im juinl and ��verul. Any Rnrro�vrr whi�cu-,igo�Ihi+ Sccuri�y � . •, ',�` "°�;�r- <br /> ,�,����'•. •. Instrument hut doex not execute Ute Niite: lu1 i.ra-.igning thi.Srcurily In.Inimem unl�-ti►m�►rtEagc.gram i�nJ rnnvey Ihu� --� <br /> . `, �:, SuROwer's intere�t in the P�ropeny undcr�hr�enn.uf ihi�Security In+irumrm: Ibl i�n��t per.�mully�►hli�!uicd to pay�hr�um. _-_ <br />..''� ,, �, .. . .ecured hy�his Srcurity In��rument:und Icl ugrer.tha� Lrnder and uny o�her Horrowrr may ugr�e�o extrnJ.m�Klil:v.ti�rtxar <br /> ��'���:�;�� or muke i+ny •rerommoduticmx with reganl �o �hr termr�ot'Ihis Security In�trumem ix Ihe Notr w•itlx�ut that Borcower: �,_�'t'"'- <br /> �, . .. ..;y;�;,,4��. can�c:nt. <br /> , � r.;y <br /> _, . 13. Loan Charges. li' Ihe loan .�cuRd hy ihi� Scrurity Im�rumen� i�+ubjec� �i� a 13�w which .cts maximum lo•rn �'r ,__ <br /> _ .- ,,:�r:,'�=-- charg,r.:,:snd that!au•ir,tina!!y ioic rrled�:u that the inlere�t ur ethcr I�•.�n rharg�••�•��Ilrrtc•d or�o he rollcrted in ronnertion ��°' <br /> .. .'�,:;�'�' with the I��n exceca thc pcnnined llmits,thcn: (:►1+my.uch luun churgr.h�dl Me rc�urcd hy Ihc anxiuni�i��.�.uiry���reJu« ,���- <br /> • � .:,,;,',;, � ihe charge io the pern�ineJ limil:imd Ibl uny tium�idr�uJy collccted from Borro��•er which rxcredeJ�xmiiueJ limil, will Ix + r"�'-::: = <br /> , <br /> . , ,. ' �/ rcfunJCd to SuROwcr. Lcndrr muy cha�.c to mukr thi.rctund by r�ducin�ihe prinri�;�l owrd unJrr the N�Nw i�r b�mulin�u • � '"'�: <br /> �. �'���``"� dimrt ,� ment u►Bcxro��er. If i�reiund rrdurrs rinci al tlx reduction will he treutcd;►,u partiul prrpaymrnt W�ith�wt any �"• <br /> . �,, ,���i�,,;:;:•. P'Y r r� . �-==--=`-_ <br /> , ,� -, •i!�... . <br /> �, .,�•. ��{'� :: prepaymem chur�:e w�der�hc No�e. � 1� <br /> •;, � 14. Notices. An nolicr lu Borruwer rovidrd li�r in Ihi,ticcuriiy Insirumem shull ix gi�•rn hy J�liverin�. it��r hy '�^'�n��`��� -- <br /> �� �'. �1.'1..:.i."•�'���if�'�� �, � S� fSC -� .1�.=- <br />. .;. . ,��. ., mrilin g i�b y fini cla�sx muil unlex.u p plirublc lua rc quim,u,c of unuihcr methal.Th�nuiicr,hull lx dircc�eJ�o the Pro�xhy 't .:.•- <br /> , Addre�s or any othcr nddre.+ Borrowcr Jezi�!nu�r.hy n�aicr�u l.cndrr. Any n�►ticc ta l.rndcr,hsdl Ix givrn by lir.t r la,ti <br /> � �, � • mail�o l.ender:uddre.ti�iated hercin ur any u�hrr uddre„Lrndrr dr+i�na�e.h}•nunrr ta Burn��vec Any rnnic�prrn�ided li�r . . !� � <br /> ;.. �,�� a.—._ <br /> � • ` :f.,�'::. • in thi. Sccurity Instrumcro shall t+c dremeJ �o h�rvc Ixen givco lo Rorm��•rr or Lender when givcn ati priwid�J in �hir, ,..�_�x(r:�h�r:• :;,;; <br /> ' , ' '''5;,;;:�;t" . pura�Z�aph. �. �',.,�' . .� , <br /> , �." �;;x?1 • 15. (:uvernina L,aw: Severubility. Thi, Securi�y Im�mmcnl ,{r,i".� :�. 7overne�l S�} t:d�n�l la�v anJ �he I:n�� of�hr . <br /> , ,;±�\�,� . jurisdiction in which�he Pmpehy ir I�xuted. ln the rvrm�hui uny proci�i,,n��elau.c of t�hia Setcuvie} in;trument ur Utc Nulr <br /> . .:f.,,... .�,.. <br /> °'�� �•f�.��,(,., hennven cffcctPviil u ut�he,conflicU�ntli`�iv�i m o,70'�hi,�rnd hrrn�m�i i�,m•�h�t i i,�Sec�ri�i� I�i��unum ainl�the VNnte urr I ,,• <br /> . , ,��:: ��?r F' �- r r � ������,:>:.t�tr,;:-- <br /> ,,..' ,,�� declurcd lo tk,cvcruhlc. ��.! '`"-.� <br /> �.�:"':';:'' 16. Borruwer'.r•('o � Hi�rro«ur.h:dl ik �iven unc c�mlimncd cu n af tlrc tiw�anJ„f Ihi�Srruriq•Di,trununl. :�f':' '��'" <br /> .,. ,�,=.�'!t:;:;::`;'� p,•. �. I.' `",''j����,i�.,� <br /> '' ' ,,:;�,��'R� 17. 7Yunsfcr�if Ihe Propertv or u Brneficiul lntcrext in Burro�ver. U all ur an.•pun ui'thc F'ru�xrty ur rny intrr��i in � r, 1...�. .N, <br /> , `' �����' . it ix ,old or Irunslcrrc<I Inr if u Ixu�ticial imerc�l in Karn�w•rr i,.uld or ir.�n.lrrrrd anJ fiurru�ver i,nut a nuiurul per.�mi w <br /> •,..;rt.,,-• . <br /> .":'�J4.���;,;,' , wi�hout Lcndcr:pnar��rinrn consem. Lcnder it.upiion.rcyuirc immcdia��paymrnl in full id>+crured b�� . ; <br /> '':.:i+��,i.••;,,� this Security Imtrumrnl. Howevcr.�his optiun:hall n��hr�KCrci.cJ by l.end�r it'cterci+�i�p�'uhibilcJ by federal law e�,of , ��` <br /> ., • ;;y�;c'i;�.,�:_,� , the Jatc ol'thi+ticcurily In,lrument. � . , <br /> � :.t+c�y+`fl, If LrnJcr rxrrci�r�thia i�plion.Lcn�kr:'hait�a�r 6���rrn��.r nuticr of urrcicra�iun. �'hc nuli�c,hull proviJ�a p���ri�xl ot' .. <br /> ,. ' ,... '. not Ic+s tban 30 duys Ihim thr datr thc nudcr i,del i<<trd or mailyd��ilhin��•hirh Rorri�wcr mu�1 pa} ull��un,.rrur�d by Ihi, <br /> , } ,�, .; Sccurity In+lrumcnl. If Bnrruarr �a��thc,r ,um, priur w�hr rtpiraii�,n ��f ihi. }�nal. Lcndcr muy invi�kc any E � � <br /> - .. '., rrmedicti�xnnincd hy thi.tirrurity In,�runien;��rthout funhrr nutirr ur Jemand un 13orn,��rr. . , � . `,'�' <br /> ' f{p��y�:l�" 18. Borruwcr's Riahl tu Reintilale. If Burru��er mr��, rrna�n runditi�m.. R„rrn��ei •h:il7 ha�r thc right lu have � , t,,.�, � , .. <br /> •,,�:�::,., cnl'or+�cmcm of thi,Securi�y In,trumrm di.�•„minurd ai:m� �imr�,nur �u ihe c,rlier r:. �a�. dar.�ur.uch��ihcr�xriixl a. , ,, '�`; � <br /> �., �:�.:�" , <br /> ,;,)i;,� 1wc1.•lennh-•Funnk�lue�Eri�ddk�lucl\IF111t�11\�fR111E�1 tnn��nuC���.n:nH. 4,411 �1y�erl,��np��en� �j�1;.�{��:, �" <br /> � .. tl,�P:l����7��' , <br /> ;�y:i • ' t.:��t\��li�l1. <br /> ����'+t.� .. • � ,��:r�'n'r� 1. <br /> �� � <br /> . .` . <br />. � � �; .� A: .��... _ . 'II':��:;1� . t'. '�'.'IF�` . . ' . <br /> {'(i�:;�i - :�'i($'.511��;'.�.�v'i:��%i.�r�f'�:. ���� � � '�� �� '�•' i � .�'.li.`, •1'� . .. . <br /> 'A � , • . ,��, .� ,1. ,, � . ' , ; , <br />. � 'i' ;' � - _��1 - .'.'., • - . � -. • , <br /> .r . . <br /> � � <br /> .. ... � �� <br /> � <br /> � • • �_ .___ __ ._._ _' . ._ _ _ <br />