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<br /> a�m�.•�° �"Y�� • exsraieQ �v�ry right providea for fn e�ny of th� 8eaurity ��-
<br />','�� �'=�.':''::,�;�: ._ � Doaunenta or by lav upon occurronca ot an� Sv�ent of Default• �,;.,�.__
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<br />--�:.�`;;�,.,,�. .:•,..'.;;. � - includinq without liaitat�.�n the riqht to e�eercise the po�rQr o!
<br /> _.�.�:.r,;;�i�«�?�:;: i�t; .
<br />±;a= �• :�;',.;. aalQ. Furthor. Lender's rights and ramQdioa ur�der this paragraph �..
<br /> .���; •,�-;.'• ;.�;�r;, . ��_
<br /> '" ��� ' �,i.��'
<br />•�,�`�;; �iy� aball bQ cuwulativ� with, and 3n no way a liwitation on, Lender's
<br />-�,������ �N8 A`x';.� � rialhts and r�aedi�ffi undQr any assign�ent of leases and rents �"'�-.. —
<br /> �l� d �.fi�_ .. .. -� _
<br /> ri•"�
<br /> �-_ t�'.;,,�� ��snraad against �1ta� Property. LendQr. Tsvste� and the raasiver � r�,�v:.-
<br /> . 'y - _�,.- .
<br /> �� :_
<br /> ;<< lf rk�,�' �� shall ba lfable to acaount only for thoae r���s aotual]�y ��.J�
<br /> IfYli:�i�alac..:
<br />�` '�it" ' • .'. .,��i
<br /> _ . '.> recefved .,. �,.�,';'�;�,-
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<br /> � AA. ��t� o! D�tault. The fol3e�wit�g shall aonetitute ;'� -�`rt�,'-'
<br /> iv�:�yx.•.:.
<br />- , �. oi+�i�r-_
<br /> � ' �• an Bvent of Default undar thia Deed of Trcns�: "'�"�
<br /> r�t�q�
<br /> . ��. . ' 7 .� r.,t(��.,T
<br /> I,��,;��,
<br />.. _ �.1Y���"nl�:l(;n.-
<br /> � � (a) Fa��r�re to pay any instaliment of pa�incipal or . ;�;s;r�;�:;s;,:;.,�
<br /> interest or an other Obl i at�on secured hereb when due j � ��'�r`��'=�=-
<br /> ";,;�: ° ' Y 9 Y <<arc��E�.���.
<br /> ,. � �'�°--- -----
<br /> � � !,.��. . (b) A bxeaoh o.� or default wnder any provisian 't�'°�'�"-
<br /> •,�< <
<br /> ' .�`', �� contained fn the Note, this Deed o! Trust, any of thQ -`�•,''�;-
<br /> ,. .,. .,,��,`�,7�,'�:��:
<br /> �r: : ..' :,�{,s;�;, Security Doc��ts, or any other lien or en�umbrance upon ,•�;�w,,,_:r:;;°-
<br /> =��'�� , �� °""' � the Property�o including spacifically a brea�h of any terms, -_-----
<br /> _- �t � u " conditions, a�epresentationa, covena��t� or Warranties of �, �
<br /> � ° o, , Articles IV, V VI, or VII, of the Loan Agreement dated the ' ;���;°.'
<br /> '��n:" '. - ' � da of ,%� 199 1 , tt� tarms of whiah � jr.
<br />