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<br /> -';�'���i aaa�ptabi� to Lnd�r, to aonduat an �nvison�ntal audit o!
<br /> -�,.;
<br /> `�`�'��'M� : th� Pr�aio�s to d�t�raiin� wh�th�r th�r� is aay asb�rtos or
<br /> -___ '�;: �L,;� Haasrdoue Mat�ri.al abovo� in, on, und�r, lros ox around tho ,�
<br /> .—.l� 'j�;.
<br /> _ �� , � Y-� Propsrty, suah that tt�� Prop�rty, any aativity r�latad to
<br /> _�.N.',`�rI.
<br /> . ;�;.
<br /> ---4��r! z�''`•''� the Prope�rty or ths Hazardous 1latorialw ia aubjaat to
<br /> ``�-���'��` ' �� rogulation under Environmontal Lnws. Lend�r shell instruat __ _
<br /> ,.;��;�,� .. . . _ -. ._
<br /> :��,''��•-�� suah auditor to aonduct suah auc�it in auch a aannar as to
<br /> _;;�.��F:.
<br /> ::_�-,�,e �.
<br /> .,�.,.,,•�, ainisiz� intorlerancs with ths oporation of tha Propertiy. `_
<br /> ,,,:�:
<br /> ::��;`. ` � ,: — 10. �••s Q••�•,�•t o! it�nts. Tru�tor heraby as�iqna to
<br /> �- - -;��j�'� ,"`.: �i" *��� r tho renta iaaues and prolitR of th4 Property: provided �
<br /> •_`n�i_�_' � YWWB •
<br /> -__ �-- "� �4.
<br /> �`. ''�,�}�`' � �+ that Trua�tor shall, unt31 thQ ocaurronce of an Event of Default
<br />_ �ri.. 4_
<br /> _`:_�=Y.::,...ntd4:, n•' .
<br /> r y`�..�.�':�1...
<br /> - �...�,�, ,,,__ D�erQUnder, hava ths riqht to colleat and retain suah rents,
<br /> Q V r n...;�. ,
<br /> =,a..,.;;=�:�.. iseuea and prof its as tlaoy beco�w duQ and payable. Up�r the
<br /> .� •:�,... . .
<br /> _:, �' ����p°fb,� ° oithQr in peraon
<br /> � x� �
<br /> ocaurrQnao of aun BvQnt of Default, Lendar may,
<br /> •- ��� .�.F:`µ�:.•__,r_�
<br /> _ , ,-,- � .- or by ag�nt, xi+� or c�rithout brinqing any action or proaeading,
<br />'��'l:�;,,, Y""���- `;;•y or by a rea0iver appointed by a aourt anad without reqard to the —'
<br /> �- .�� . �;r.;: � ,:.,
<br />.-'w��';'.c",�:_�,,�..��;,���; a�dequaay of its se�rity, enter upon and take poesaaaic►n of the
<br />-'. �,;;. ::,:,•_ :,,
<br /> �,,
<br />,;a�, .'i.,:," '. � , PropQ1'ty� or any part t3�ereof, f n ita own namQ or in the name ��
<br />,..,�, �
<br /> ,�, ;,.,, -
<br /> _�� ,;.:: ' the Trustee, and do aa�� acts whiah it deems necessary or �;_�
<br />..; ,,`., ;: �,�1�', i' rer;;-
<br />_�_� � ,''>;';�;;;;;'.��:� desirabie to presea�ve the value, marketability or rentability o� �
<br /> !�';'���
<br />-�*`�.. �� .;,�»;.• '
<br /> the Property, or any part thereof or in�erQat therein, i�nareaao _ _
<br />_ •: �,,,�.......�,i;:... . . �
<br />'`�� �' ' the income therefrom or protect the saaurity herQOf and, with or `�=-
<br />_ ." ,k�''�
<br /> - .,�...,.
<br /> p without takin/� poaaession of the Property, aus !or or othRrwise �=--
<br /> _-:' ur.�•41.p'i,' ' 7
<br />..:-`'.d . . . ��`-�
<br /> _ � •. ;.,r;.;, ..;' collQCt tha renta, iseues and profit� thoreof, inaluding tho�Q
<br /> -"���,� q�•�,,�, .o " .,
<br /> "� '�., . , ��.
<br />=�.�_� • . � past duQ and unpaid, and apply tha same, leaa coste and expenseB
<br /> . . � ���_��
<br /> ' � of operation and collection includinq attorneys fees, upon any �
<br /> , �' �'� indebtedness gecured hereby, all in suah order as Lender may i,.
<br /> ., � •-_
<br /> ::r�
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