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<br /> - _�-----LL":��'� aovonent �hall not ryov� or waiv�, as b�tw�ua Horrow�r and
<br /> � . ,,:
<br /> ,�a•,j.��,�.'..w,
<br /> I�nd�r, the aorr�spondinq d�laulC undar t.�t� torea h�rao! and a»y __
<br /> �������..��,N;,.;, � ----
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<br /> �� +� ..,��_li� .__ a�wunt so advancsd or eny aosto inaurr�d in conn�ation tt��raw th,
<br /> ,����� : r:.:-�� =_-. .
<br /> ti;:., � n with int�r�st thor�on, shall bo r�payabl� by Borrcwar without
<br /> -_ ;���`� �' dame�nd� seeu�'�d hax'aby mnd any auah lailur� aforeenid shall be
<br /> � ^�Q�:;�_?:"�,�. .�-,.....A,�t:_.
<br /> _ .:-.�f��.f 4.. . .
<br /> ..,,y ,. " , ' ; -: subj�et to ail o! th� rfqhta and rewedA4s o� Lendar hereunder -----
<br /> �`�•�^� "�`,�`�,�.11 avaflalale on aacaunt o! any dQfault.
<br />— ' �_.: . 18+ ���w�l l�t+�Qt1� pzovi�ioas. -
<br /> — +;� �a� eo ror�r �tot �l�a��d. Extension o! the time for ,,;;,- -
<br /> _ ��» ;- - - _-- p�yment or moditiaation o! amortizntion o! the sums seaured �# '�",� --
<br /> ,� . by this Deed o! Trust qranted by Lender to any c�ucaQasor in �{�;t�,.�+��R �
<br /> _������ � intereat of Borrower shall not operatQ to release, in any ,�_�: r '�
<br /> _ ,•, . �5 �. �
<br /> _- ; : .���.;.::',:..�. m�nr�ar, the liability of the original BorrQwer and ��,,;J,���`"��:
<br /> ��.� ��f`:'�; ` Horrower's sucaeseors in intercest. Lend�r ahall not be �•..rr.•��. :__--
<br /> '`���:�'�'`'�}�.� r e q u i r e d t o c o m m e n c e p r o c eedin gs a gainst such �uccessor or =
<br /> - .:...�r,l,t.,
<br /> �i� . `. '��` �' � � refuse to extend time fcr payment or atherwise modify
<br /> �," � , , � •.;�1�'; a�nortizatfon of the sums a�aured by this Dsed of Trust by -�_-
<br />'�-�� : .. �,. .. reason of any demands made by the original Borrower and
<br /> �;`,:';� . . Borrower�s eucaeseora in interest.
<br />`��'.' "�,::r:.:. . -,�� , �b? �a�='• povers. Without afleating the liability ,"' ` sitz -
<br /> �:�
<br /> � � � ��t;,:� �� any other pe�sor� liable for the paymert oi �r�y obliqation ��p
<br /> '''��i; �� ' '� ������' D�erein mentioned, and without aftscting the li�en e�r charqe __ _.__.
<br /> ,::;'.,.�.�:' ,
<br />� , •, ,, . of this De�d of �rust ta��n a�ny portion of tTie Property not - -
<br /> ?;?t i;`�.;;';��i:�� ' then or �ereto�ore releasad ae security far ttie full amount ,���,�+�,^
<br /> :'�n�,5,ti:„ ' "" lf V
<br /> , � of all unpaid obligation�, Lender may, from time to time and �
<br /> so l iable if Qxtend �,`. " `-
<br /> • w i t h o u t n o t i c e (i) r e l e a s e a n y p e r s o n , ( ) _-__.-
<br /> � ' � the maturity or alter any of the terms of any such �!!`��,..�
<br /> �� ,�.. � � obligatfone, (iii) grant other indulqences, (iv) ralease�s '^ '��'..Ai
<br /> �,, ��" econve nd at an t �-.+-�-=�'�r -
<br /> �,.�,�•,,:;. reconvey, or cause to be released or r y Y --�--��-
<br /> �;,�+� at L�ander's option any parcal, portion or all o! tha ���w �---�
<br /> � ':.,.... _�-
<br /> �,�;.;..., , Property, (v) take or relsase any other or additional .. '.;`:
<br /> �•.<,,;,.: security for an� obligation herein mentioned, or (vi) make �:,��,_
<br /> � '[>� ���-��,��: � c`ompo`sitions or othar arrangements with debtors in relation �,:,• r-
<br /> �.�'1'NI ` 1 : �.,:5��».� .':'r._
<br />. � ..?.��`.:...�::�vTF�}. . {�lle`BY�• �.i', ff+��/�.,�+�.�-
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<br /> . ,� ; ��., (�) YA''b�w� *�o�.� bv L�nd�r l7ot a 11a�lv�s. Aroy }�.l��' � -
<br />__ ,,, :,�:�. :� forhearnncQ by 3.er�der in exeraising ar�y rigfint or remedy 4i�,�;�__;,-:_�
<br /> � -�,:1� , . .� . hereunder, or ot.�aerwise afforded by appl ica3�le law, shall {.a�*R;,�.� �.,�
<br /> � �� •� � ' not ba a waiver of or preclu�e the ex�rcise of any such �����:�
<br /> ,r.� ;� i{;;.::.;��; � � T.
<br /> �� � •• • right or remedy. The pr�curement of 3.ns�uranc8 or the
<br /> .. •`,'' � ,.s+�,,S• ,� .'f,r.•.
<br />-_ �1;� �� , payment of taxes or other lien� �ar charges by II,c�a�der shall �'��,,�, �, ;,,,::
<br /> � ���-��':"•�%.�:"� �oat be a waive�r of Lender's right to accelerAte t�Q maturity {,;,�;�
<br /> . ,�. ,I�r�:,:,;� �.•.. . .,.� � ,
<br /> �''`�" ' of the indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust. �';t,.;?,;ti;•�''"'f:��:
<br /> _ , , , .
<br /> !� .ti•.:{��;;. , '• � . , .,
<br /> • }, .:�!' ,{� t�� " '
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<br /> ,,:��:��.A-g ;��v,�� , T.a�� b�=y,� Caot�on�. The cove�arnts and aqreemer�ts herQin ; ,
<br /> . ;`�,s °�,<<%, ,
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