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<br /> - —.__��-.,_
<br /> __.,,,..� �vid�na� rsa�fv�d by it shoWinq aoapliana� by tho Borrowar with
<br /> -�-----�_----__'°_':=���-y�"� the provision�r o! t.h� wid Lsas� and vill also d�po4it Witb� th� � __
<br /> �..,,r,:;�
<br /> �- ^�.�
<br /> °'s ' L�nd�r an �xaot aopy o! any notia�, aoaiunication, plan,
<br /> . - spsailiaation or oth�s instrua�nC or d�nt r�c�iv�d or giv�n
<br /> �;<�
<br /> �_ ,_�_t .-:;�_�::� T by it in any way rolatinQ to or a!lsatinq !h� said Lona� o! oaid
<br /> �u���:.,:�
<br /> --�{�;'�: pr�sisos which �aay aonaorn or aftoat th� �atats o! th� losaor or =-
<br /> ��'± th� loss�� in or und�r th� said L�as� or in th4 resl a4tsta ` ��
<br /> �:�!+�t`�i:� ,; _-
<br /> =''�`''�j,i� thoraby dosiaad, a�nd upcn tha Horrow�r'a lailura Qo to da, the
<br /> �� .
<br /> � ��
<br /> ._-_ ,--:.^Y1ilAA�.Y� �:'.:�.
<br /> �:���:'��.� ��l'" Lex►dor aay, at ita option, declar� tha �►hol� o! aaid principal =-���
<br /> �.�a'�. � .� aus duo and payable at onae.
<br /> _��.-�:::�-�r�=
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<br /> =_r�,�;,1.�: ,
<br /> --�����. k. if th� I,ondor so roqueats in writing, tho BorrowQr will pay to
<br /> .-1'�~--_-=---_ ��:`'� 't.�s I�nd�r in nddlti.on to thQ tion�.hlY PaYmanta of prinaipal and
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<br /> _ '� 'r.,�f��,�����. ••
<br /> ����1'��'��7��;St;��� �� paid, a sum aqual to the monthly rental and addi�3ona1 rental, i! ��'
<br />-- _ . . ,.,+�,q;l.. , ___..
<br /> "�.-"'�Y>"�'':� an due and a able undor the terms o! the underlyinq Laase an
<br /> --���_:�''T��, Y. P Y
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<br /> a rl #': '.w... ,
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<br />'.�i;9, ..,r„at,,,,�: .:. ,
<br /> -- �' �:"�'��'��"� "� ' aa aQt lorth in ParagrapIl� S hereof �or t�e depoaits for taxes and � -`
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<br /> �: .,';,., � ;
<br /> ,-t`�:�',;:« �j ,
<br /> �����"i�j,��� � - o! any failure by Horrower �o �erform any covenant on tha part of �
<br /> ^�Y, .��,,y�q.. a �.
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<br /> - V ,I� .t'1 � �
<br /> �.;�s�
<br /> " �� ° ' �� tha performanae by Len�le�r in behalf of Borrower oF the said Leage + =
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