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_YlR��� ..� • " _ - -. .•. _ -. . _. - <br />.._3_ ._..i�_"� .f . . . .]�_ _ • _ r . u, l:. .. . . r.. 1•.' '�-I;` <br /> �,�. <br /> . � : . 93- �� . <br /> -- �. p.�oa.���. r�a.���:,����-.��i��ey so��oa a t.� � <br /> � �ppov��Ytd��11 nat be w�wo�tdy wkhlaM. tr 8a�o.�ar t�ib a a�oo�r�e daafbed�boMe,I.�w�q.« � <br /> . . tw�0u�aytlo�,alt�ia w praleot,l�ond�rti�b in tt»� Y o�unf�noi 1 e w11M�p�1. ; � �� '-_ <br /> Ai�.�r ��1�11NIb dMll b0�o�a�a�+1�e b I.�QO�7!#�1�INC�1Id0 N MMd�fdmo�y�e dMlb. L/�IIf � <br /> a1aU hno�lie '�e�t w loid tht potide�and�roaewal�. lf Lander req�n.�on�ar�11 pramptly�e -C.ein ador tll reoo� <br /> f1��d�Ntl111�IM11M MNI I�IIEW�I IIOl100s. GI IM!Yl�M Ot IOif.B4YP�Nf f�)�MO PIOII�M IIOt�00 YI(MO I�11xM100 C�1�Of� <br /> _-__ t.�i.r. �a�der nW►m�te podo�la.if wa ade p�a�a�ly b�►��now�e' <br /> __-------�-_-, <br /> Unle�A.a�dar�nd Bnn�al�o a�roe W wri��unnoe�ooeedo r#�II be�pplied a�eswn8oa ar�p�it d <br /> drei�pe�ty if dio tepamdoa ar�ir b eoawadc�liy tau6lo aud Labe�r�cec�vity ir not k�reaerl. ILe � <br /> n�atMlan-ar i�not ooanamieaUy fe�ibb ar 1.e�derk�oa�riry w�add ba k+c�enotl.Ihe iiwr�noa paneed�r�be <br /> �pdbd w tbo am��owted by thi�Sea�ei►y tmtr�na�viMetl�a a ao�d�ai duo�with aay exoea p�W to Barower lf <br /> Banaw+�r�Mrwlon4lhe P�opaty.a doa aat mswet vWlhia 30 dap� awioe IYnm I.ender ib�t the inwr�noe c+mier ha� <br /> o(ferod w setlle a cl�im��L�der nuiy oalla�the inwn�noe piooeoda. Le�der nuy u�o tho pooeod�to�ir ar ro�to�e <br /> d�e a doe i� va��wnu iecwed by thi�Secwity InananaM.wbe�ha ar ao��hea due. Tho 30�dny perbd wU16e�ia wf�en <br /> Un{a�t��ender and Barow�er att�awiie�pee in wriUn�,aay ic�tioo ot{r000eda to p�incipal sh�ll not anand ar <br /> poKpaae�la due d�te of�Me monthlY P�Y��etared w in 1�ad 2 ar dan�e�he anxwm uf the p►yaiaw. If <br /> II�IdEf�tiph 21 UIO PropCAy�9 MpPl�d by LdldCr.BcM11►Wet1C b ally�IIiUAll00 PD11C�Ei a11d P1000od�IEWIWI� <br /> (��d/����OQ!'I���01'1Q 1�IQ�{I�CkkMl i�1�N�fii�f0�IO 1�1Q Q�lall Of[�1Q Wqlt�OpYm�I f�!$ON�Iy <br /> ����,�� <br /> _ s�d fh+uteclio�oP tYe Pn�op�ty, i Borrower`a Lou A�; <br /> _ , L�erY� eo.nwer�M.0 ncx�r,aaaMir�.,.d rre di.P�.ehy�r e�rmwerle ipal�dame wUhia sf ug days ahx <br /> � dre e�ion�d dws Se�cMrily�,MW clall caatioae w oavpy tha PropMy�c Bonowa�l�p�indpal�erida�oe fat as <br /> Ipst aac yar aNa� t6e d�e oi aavpaocy, unkss l�c+�dcr olhe�wi►r +igroec r� writing. w4ich ooncan sbadl not be <br /> wxeasaaabiY�mless exteirwin�cu�v�exiu whkb tuo 6cyond Ba�u�eri�caouul. Bomrwer slWi ao! <br /> - aau+��a imp�ir�he prope�ty.allow d�e PmpMy w aetaia�+o�.a caarnit wa�r ao uk Propeny. e«r�w�u sh�u <br /> be in dePaub it aqy farf'eima actian or p�0000ding.wi�e�her civil ar crimin�l.i�be�un tb�►i in L�a�derl��ood hloh jud�maK <br /> -- - cauW Rsult in fafeipu�e oi tbe Punpa�ty or attKrv►�ise materially iaipair the lia enealod by d�ix Sacurity I�t a <br />_= Iwmderk savriry inteic�. Bortower may curc sueh a default and nin� pmvid�d in paragaph 18.bY causina�he action <br />-_— or pocadieg a be d�smissed wid�r�ulin� L�rnderl�gaod fdth detamin�aoin.peclndes torfeiaae of che Burrowerl� <br /> .� — intenest ia�Prnpaty ar a1�er materlal imp�imKnt of�he lien c�wed by �his Security Insaumrnt a l.aderft savrity <br /> intearst. 8o�rawer sdWl also be in defaWt if Bamwer. durina tk larm appliauioo pmoess. gave rt�idly false ar <br /> insocur�te infimnAtim dr st�tertrcnts to I.etder lor fiilad a provide I.eader with my msterial infam�tionl in oomoctim with <br />----.� the ban cwklarced by the Nate. including. but nd laoded to.aepnserMatians omeeming Boauwer�axupsocy of the <br /> :��;:��� As a principal 1�i�krce. If thls Securiry Insuuma�t is on�Ie�selaW.BoROwer ct�all comply with all the provisians <br /> --__ �lcas�. 7f�iar��r a:.�u�fr�i':tic ta s!x Rnperty.tlst les�sold�asd t4se ftr si!!s slss!!�as�sxs�t seslrss l�des s�s�ees <br /> - ~°,_,�;,� to the merger in wdt�g. <br /> ��;,:- . 7. Prolt�tion of Leoder's Wghts la tbe Propdrty. If Bwrower fails to perfam the covrnants and agroements <br />. - �:;'•.�• coonined in W� 5ecurity Inswmrn�.or thene is a kgal pmceed'uig rhat may significandy af1'cr.t I.rnderh riglus in the <br />"'t� Ptoperty(sucb as a poceeding!n bankruptcy.probate.for condemwtlm or forfeidue or to enforce laws or rrgulatia�s).tben <br /> :"�'� I.ender may do and pay for whatever is necessary to prdect�t�e value of�he Prope�ty and Lendert rights in d�e P�opeity. <br />-__''_-- - Lender�s actions may include paying nny sums securcd by a lien which ha.g priaity u�eR this Secw�ity Instntmrn�appearin8 <br /> �..�.;�:serr��i1�� in cowt,paying reasonable attomey�fees and entering on tlx Property to make rep�i�.Although l.u�der may take actlon <br />�s.d��f� under this par.�rdph 7.L.ender does not have to do w. <br />_ ---- -- — Any amou�ts disbursed by l.en�iee ucsder this paragraph 7 shall bxome additional deM of Borrower securcd by this <br />-�si� Sccurity Inshvment. lfnle�s Ho�rower na�'.Lender ngnec to other tertns of p�yment,these amaunts ahall bear intenest from the <br /> -'~`y�� date of disbursement tu the l�utc�atx and slwll be pavabk. with interc�st.upon noticr from Lrnder to Bormwer n�questin� - <br />_�::;:�s::,x;:�,::,: payment. <br />-_,,;s�r���.�. <br /> -.=�%�.��.�y;,; , 8. M1toa�t�age lasurapee. IB l.��rd required monguge insunuke ag u candi�ion of maki�the loan secured by this <br /> �•r-�"_��,"i`,�., Security insa,�ument, Borrower shall pay uae prcmiums required to maintain the monguge insur.wcce in effect. If.for any - <br /> -.1'77f.a� <br />-=�-�--.-:-_____ ieason, the t�±ragage insuriuice cuvena�,� required by l.ender lapses or ceuses �o be in effect, Eso�mnwer shaU pay Ihe <br /> -°-����,,,�`x� Rremiums required to oMnin coverage sub+tnntinlly equiv�lent to the mort�age insurance previauyly In effect, al a cost - <br />;,��h�~,��","�.�,;� ,ivbstantially equivalent to�he cost to Borrower of the ret��agage insuronce pr�eviousl;+in effect,from an altemase nno�tgage <br />-_���;.gu--. �Inaurer appmved by Lender. If substamially eyuivalent mongage insurance covemge i:+nat available.Borrower shall pay to <br /> ��..,� .: ,.;,;,; I.ender etrch mnnth u sum eyuol to one-�«•�iUh of the yearly mong�:se i�atiumnce pt+emium bein€paid by Bortower when ti�e <br />-_"`"'�.:��:,:r insurance cov�rxat lopsed orceased tu 9�c ir affec�. l.ender will urcc:�+�,u,�e�nd retain these a loss reserve in lieu <br />-"'�'-'���:�;�;= of manguge 9a�•urance. Lo+s reserve�:ay:ments may no longer tx rei1�iired,ot the c�Niun af Lender.if mongage insu�ncr <br />:-;;:�;:;�>,"'�=== ' coveroge(irt the sunount and for the pesi�d tha�Lender reyuires)provided by on insurer approved by Lender agrtin becomes � <br />'°�"';_;,�'' ;• availnble and is obtuined.Horr�ower sPu�19 pay Ihe premium�reyui�d to muintuin mur�sage insurnnce in effect,ar to provide a <br />:-_„i,�.�,,,�i: loss reserve,until the requirement fa�xutenge insurance ends in accordance with am•w•ritten ugreement between Borrower = <br />-;�`!;:,:. ond L.ender or applicable Inw. - <br /> :,;:+,� � . `2 ' 9. Inspection. Lender or ils agent r�ray muke reu.tionAble entries upon wid impections of I�:e�Property. Lender shall <br /> _ __ _•�1}�'}' t give Borrower notice at the time of or prior to an in+p��tiot►zpecif��ing reauMUble cuu�e for the incper�inn. <br /> �,. ��:�,,F� • 10. Condemnatlon. 'llie procceds of uny uward or rl•rim for Jumugcs,dircrt nr contieyuentinl,in connertiun with nny - <br /> „"s.��•`%';.�:��.,4 5i�k Family-•Ftipnfe M�dFYeddk Mrc UNIF'ORM IYtiTRCMF.NT-•Uni(�am Covenamn 9f9U ipn.2�?,+f 6/wAtsl <br /> �' � Gea�We�Pa�Mw Far.lK.� <br /> �ir�i�!-��:�, t � . ToUrNCW 410Yf7�YiW d�1�7941131 <br /> i�Di �'/�.-�w�i . <br /> - ���_ ,�� � _. <br /> :.,'�r��.i: ' _. <br /> )S�''��}w ta' : :i: . •..f:..�� .Jr,r�1 ,S.r --. <br /> i .t 1� .ti Y� .Y 1. l: g � 1 � �LP <br /> 1"d�i �`l���yr�� ��e�����!�h�S,,� .��� t,,}�:'�f :, �,�I,,,����. �. �� �`} i�.: q :t���l.��� °It���� r �i ':�p���J`�h~. <br /> ��YY � $j .�' �.,. $ � a R:�.'���� � �j1 �l.t <br /> °a�'�"�•,�Ity1�•��� �`'�U�`�'�{�!) � �i;¢;�I c ' • ' + ���'r� �T`�� . ��r�v.t'��4'(4����wCYrt r• � .�. , `�7+''"'jt u�_.. <br /> —� �il��;�+�����5:e.�s:'Afee.��..l�.v.�! '���. tLi���,���r r3 ,{•.2�.5'�.�[4�'A��.�"m� "' �.Xl��,..Y._,.. °.q...�=- <br /> -��-.1"-ti� � �- ��AV(�.� r- �1-�,—:— -^ -- - -f--.rr . ryi r'�ti.� • - • �1Fm�--��-�sr.�Y-j�-__�--� � -n7r- f•�� <br /> �`�.,�' t_ * . •`AW��� �d ..� � . �.t , .1{�a=„�, � ' �l��.r��FT^!�:�7^! S�l-.eltAW- , �kF �. �c'. <br /> �� ro r , �, ::i�� :•rr .�.' r•< ./ ' � " i . .,.in.w�.�X- .�t��.+1'� , +r'. .Y � <br /> a•: r�:"' '`. `,',.. '..:~��r� 1 � • .. • • ,;,, „ ���,:,.�� +�µ .., 'r <br /> ' � n_t s•! _ . . .. „ � :r e f. v'.n.;+. ,h>.,_ .-��. �p�- ,� <br /> �. • ' � • �y�sxcr-i�. � .,;v:�" 0;,���1'f.�. . _ :, j._ . . . .�+_, w.N: Y I ,. . <br /> •'�� �.y�!f.'-°�'� � � �i ' • �`�� % f' . �. . ' `'�i ���:yi�Y�. v1! . <br /> ... ,`����.�._.� . • •U'�''t1�,,;.,:- >ti _a,..:i4 - � . .�� 1 "�'..,r'3��`z.�..:"�.�` ; 'i.. <br /> . . �� il . ' . ' ' 4 }. \r-��..�.CLL��, ^�M'k.a .. .'. <br /> �. ,d � � .. . .'.� ���1 ,ya Y b[..r`. n� • - <br /> � ' _ . 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