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_w�'�_ . � ai!-"� t Y . . ` _ . ..-m•+ - <br /> ., <br /> '1�G <br /> � :f <br /> _ , ' ___ <br /> ,. . , .�.�. <br /> ._. <br /> ,���. ,. -- ' . <br /> -_.�:� -- .__ . - ,•- � .�(! .'—,..�..._-.-- - - _ 2, - <br /> =� , � <br /> -- .. �3• �p?..�4;� - <br /> - `�t3���s'iiiFR Wi7H dl drc impnrw�aia�naw��a�r�aa o�sc pr�rty.w�l di easen�rnw.w►Nwi��• - <br /> ad fixtura aaiw ar hpafter�paat oP the propa'ty. I►11 nept�oanaw aad addh3a�s ihall alw be ooveird bY�hb Sataity <br /> In�oromaw. ,w of a�e rono�oia�1.Kratna a in W+�s«��i�y uw�umant u�he"Pto�en�►.• <br /> BORRaWOt COVSNAN7'3 tluit Barowa 1�lawfu0y seuod of the estuo haeby oomeyed and h�w the tight to grant <br /> ____ �nd ooavey the Pt+npaty u�d tlun�he Pmpaty i�ut�encumbercd.e�oept far eacumbr�noes of res�ad. Baruw�a�w�aad <br /> - -" -`-` pill defaid gen�Ily Iho lilb W the Pmpeny stg�inu WI clairms and danands,subject to x�y encumbraMrs et'rocad. <br /> THIS 3HClJR1'i'Y INS7RUMRNT combines unifam wven�n� far natianal Mco�d nm-�u�ifam ooven�nu witb - <br /> -�-----_- Nrailod vui�tioa�by juricdicYia�W oon�tiwte a unifwm cecurity incuumenl caveriog real proP��'�Y� � <br /> -- UNIPORM C�OVENAN7'S. Sarowat and Leader cavau�nt�nd agroe as fbHowa: <br /> - - 1. Paya�eat ot Priacipd aad Iaten�tS R�1�*9�t aad Lak CAana. Borrowa siW I P�P��Y P�9 whan due�he <br /> - princi�al af�nd ima�est on 1he debt evideoce�by I�o Noto and anY M'�P�Y�nt�nd I�u clurgex due under dic Note. <br /> 2. iL�ds(�pr'Il�xw�d yciwniwoe, Subymc.y w�ppiicable 1 w ar to a wdtten w�i�na by L.eeder.B�oRC�o�we�'cmll P�y to <br /> I.eyoder an�de da�r monthly Pa��mars are�e mder�e Nde.u�ntillhe Note is paid'n PoMI.�sum f"�"1 far.[a�l Y�Y <br /> quces and aso�ts which may a�rn p�io�i!Y aver this Sawily Insuumani Aa A lieo on the P1opeAy:(b)YexlY ka�eAol� <br /> - -- -- pay�ee�rts or g�ound ceats m 1be Plropetty. �i any: lc) Y�Y � a P�P�' ia�vau�oo prcmiums:l� y��F�'� - <br /> iasw�roe p�eanuums.ii any:le) YwIY mo�t�i�uran� P��-�any;aad l� �Y�PaY�aY�'�*'w <br />- l.adar in a�cadaaa:wii6 the povisian4 of p�r�ph 8, in lieu of the paiynae�M ot oo�tg�e i�swance penw�m�s. 71�ese <br /> - - ilaoc are alled"Esq+ow Icems." I.aKkr may.+�t any dme.rnllect and hold Ruids�n�n anwrnt not w ezaod tae�m <br /> anow�t�la�der fa a[oderall�r +r�9utad morig+tige loan may require tor Aamwerl�acraw+k�coud uader tbe faderal IR'R+1 <br /> � Estate Setpaoavt ProSodu�Act ot 19'Y4�s�fran time to time.l2 U.S.C.�2601 e!srq.("RFSR�1").unleax ar�.'�er <br /> I�w that aDP�ia w tl�e N»n4s stls u lesser�unouaC. If so�l.ander�nY time,colixt ind hold Fbnds ia an amiwnt nw to <br /> �_-_------_----�_-- e�ccood tae Iesser�t. lxnder may estn�:the amount of Flw�da 4ce an�he basis of cumem �iu�u �ud roasonable <br /> �of expat�i4ui�.s af ftuure�scrow Itc�ns��•�atl�erwlse in accotdance.wich�pplicable I�w. <br /> The F1uWs sIw90 be heW in cn ir�stltution whose deposits a� i�suiM by a federal agency.lnstrumeniality.ur enliry <br /> .'::� (including Lader.If l.ender is such an Institudon)or in any F�deral Home Loan Bar�C. Lender shall apply the Functa to Q�y <br /> the Escrow Iums. i.cnder may not ct�arge Bomower fa Iwlding and �pp1�Lng the Ii�nds.annually analni�g the esc�:�w <br /> ::, � �000un�or venifyi� t6e F.scmw 11ems.unkss l.ender pays Harrowcr inase�-t on 1he Fi�n�is aad applicable law pe,.w�ats <br /> t.ender to make sac�►x charge. Howeva.Lender may rc�uire eorrower t��pay a one-time charge far an indepa�de��eal - <br /> eswe ax�ng�uvico used by I.ender in ca�mection wi�h thia low�.unl�c::appltcable law provides oti�erwlse. Unless An .. <br /> agnxmcm is m�de or applicaMe Inw roquircs inicrest w be paid:!.«ider shall not be requited w pay Borrower any interc�.~t a�r <br /> "; ; . eamings on tGe Funds. Bamwer and L.ender may agnee in wndng,however.diat interest chull be ptid an the Funds. 'l.erat�er <br /> - ahall give to Bamwer,witlwut umual accaunting of d�e Fi�nds,showing credivs and debit�ta the PWnds a�aGf ohe <br /> � purpose for which each debit to tbe FL�ds wAS made. 71�e Pbnd�are plodged ar addidawl securky fa aJ�wme cecured by <br /> thie Security Inwurnent. <br /> � if d►e Fvnds he�d by IxiKier ca��wi tt� aiiwuots p�ermttud ta !x h°.,.�by applicst:k law. Lt� sl+a!!a�cxKU�t t� <br /> � 8.muveer for die excas f�nds in accordance witU the requirements of applicable law. If 1lie amount of 1he�wnk+treeY�bp <br /> �.� ►a;ndc,r�t any dme is not suificient ro pay the Esc�w Items whrn due.L.ender may so r�r�sify Borrower in writing.airA,d�, <br /> :•.� such�a;e Bamwer shall pay to I.ender the amount nooessary �o make up the deficiency. Bomuwer stwll molce� the' <br />_ �. -- deiiciency in no��nn tweive mc+nthly paymenlx.�t Lemler a sule Ji�ctei6q,n. _ <br /> Upon paymc�t in full of all sums secured by this Security lnswmene.9.ender shall promptly refund to Barower any _. <br /> �,. Funds held by I.edder. (f.under patagrnph 21.L.ender shsill ticquire or sell th�PropMy,l.ender,prior to Ihe acquisiUon or e- <br /> 1 c <br />���;� ' ""� ' sale of t8e 1'roperty.sht+lll apply any Funds heid by Lender�t the time of acquisition � sale as a credit against the sums . <br />- ' secwr.d by this Security Insdument. <br /> - ��"'"��. I 3. Applieatbn of P�yme�ts. Unless applicable law provides otherwise. all pugQUtents ieceived by I.ender under - <br /> ' � � paragraphs 1 and 2 slwll be applied:first,to any prepayment charges due under the Note;second,to atr.iounts payable under <br /> — pangrspls 2;2hErd,ta fttterest deee;fouRh,to�+►i►�i�w�due'and any lue cher�tes due under the J`o�::. <br /> ' i'�•.�. •�'°•��m ,T � 4. CbRrQes; I.kaa Bm�uwer shall pay �II taues. ussessments.charges, fines end imposit�¢�ns utiribuuble to the <br />_ y . ;���;Y;«•`'� �pdopersy which mey aaain priority over�his Securily Inswment,and leasehold payments or ground rea9s,i6 any. Barrawer <br /> '�.� "% �y=;: � �s�all puy these obligations in the manner provided in pamgrs►ph 2,w if not paid in thet manner.Borrower shall pay aheRri on _ <br /> t time cl�teody to the person owed payment. Bo�rower shall prompUy furnish to Lender al l notices oi amounts to be paid�u nder <br /> �''`" ' t¢�is, ra 1Q BoROwer malces tFiese ena directl Bomower shx11 rom tl fumish to Lender recei s evidencing - <br /> ;��':�o'~:ti�,.v• p, parn6 Ph• PaYm Y. P P Y Pt _ <br /> .::,�.._�'..``.' the paYments. <br /> • Bortower shall promptly discharse any lien which has priority over this Security Inswmenl uNess 8omower.(a)agrees <br /> �.. �:"::' �'� in writing to the payment of the obligution secured by the lien in A manner acceptsble to Le�der,lb)contests in gad faith the - <br /> - '•� `. .a:. lien by,or defends agvnst enforcement of the lien in,legal proceedings which in the Lr�xler's opinion operate to prevent the ° <br /> � �. :s-:�� • enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures fmm the holder of the lien an agreement sutisfoctory to I.ender subordinating the lien - <br /> •;,;�; . tu�his Securiry Inswment. li Lender determines that any pmt of the�operty is subJect to a lien which may attain priodty - <br /> _- • �� o � over this Securit Inswment,Lender may give 8ortower a notice identifying the lien. Borrower shall ssttisfy the lien or talce - <br />�. .�f.:.:.: Y - <br /> �,� . , �,;�;z one or more of the acdons set fa�th above within 10 days of the giving of notice. <br /> �+`P�a ii���'��.,- � �*�. Hazard or Property lasurance. Borrower stiall keep the improvements now existing or hereafter erected on the _ <br /> � `^. ", ` "�'��t� r: �roperty insu►ed against loss by fire,hozords includcd within the term"extended coverage"and any other hazards,including _ <br /> ('z��:��.• 'd - <br /> .:����;�*" , �, flaods or floodi�g. for which Lender rcquires inwrance. 7'his insuranoe shell be main�ained in [he amounts and for U�e <br /> `'��' '� � ,�� ibr.lYti 9!!0 lvax�2plbnax�s� <br /> ''` ���, ,� <br /> "aiti a r,�,.�+�4(i``:; <br /> .•��l�.. .��/y�'�'�� • � <br /> ?f,�� "'��, �� • -� <br /> . _ - �-�1 (:,� . <br /> r. ' ..��.a..,• -. <br />__ . - ...�*�y�,ll.� r. 5'f -� iQ`7 ^ �:.:r �ppw�.^[����.;. �1}y-rz <br /> ' ��� ��±t� �n J .,,,�,, � _.. ., �I�+�� .f.:�r •��� `��l�t:�Y, �1�� •o y ,��tl'r",�.��. � i,�, 1)IJJ' Y j''� .�..vF- <br /> ' i � i �.°� � i �'� i t� � 1 .J.',�� �! I'i � � .�: ' S4Y`P df >�r� �I"1 �IC 1 �,.�';i � �� <br /> ' `:f•��. 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