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r�� :._-�—���� rf �" -a. - ., , .::,�'�"`e.L�,,,�v _� <br /> - ,�. .�i - <br /> -','�_ ` I . ., • . . ' . _. ._..—_ -- - -r . <br /> _,�' <br /> ..�"i�::....�=�"°e.,°.��.�■ • <br /> . �.�_------ -- _-- <br /> � � 93- sor��. <br /> - of portponMMnt Mt�ll M plwn Dfr publb d�olarNlon 1Mnof by wch p�nwn�t ths tln�and plaa�last�ppolnt�d fo►tiN <br /> " -- - wN;provW�d�if tl�wN Is poatpaMd ta bnpK than on�(�l�r�d Ih�O�r dM10n�t�d In th�eotlo�of�aM�notla <br /> ih�not sha�1 b�av�n In th�s�m�m�nn�r uth�alpinal nMla*of�1�.Tru�1N sq�ll�x�aut��nd dNlvwtolMpurah�Nr <br /> :. <br /> f ih OMd oonwYN�O!h�Prop�rtY�o�otd�but wiMout Nny aawna�nt a w�nanty��xprp�or ImplNd.TM naital�In tlwdMd <br /> -� �t�ny�ft�s a►�ol�atMll b�oonolu�lw proof of tfr t�uthtWn�s�1hM�of.AnY P�rwn�InWudllp BaMflols�Y.nay Pur• <br /> �� . '.k;c <br /> ah�s��t!M wl�. � <br /> - - -- - - �B) WMn TrustN satls purswM to the powers hanln�the Truetee ehall�pply the pn�aesd�of ths al�to p�rmsM of th� �� <br /> eosts�nd ucprnMS of�xN'cidnp tM pow�of qN and of iM tat��Inoludlnp tM poymmt of th�Tnid�s'�t�u aatu�llr <br /> �.,,,;,,� , �� Inoumd,which Tn»t�a'�f��h�ll not In ths Rppnp�t�sxoMd tA�folbwlnQ �mount bafsd upon th�amcunt Nound <br /> s-y'� h�roby and rom�inlnp unpNd;6 p�ta�Mum on th�flrat i1�0001hKaof�1 p�wntwn on tlw bal�nc�th�r�of M�d th�n to th� <br /> � � . ��• Ilem�In subp�rapraph(C)In th�ord�r th�n st�t�d. <br /> '''��� �?�:��t�''•'`-`�'°*` ` (C) Aller paylnp ths Items spsolflsd In subpanor�ph(B)11 ths s�ls Is byr TrustM,o�ths propsr aourt and oth�r cous of __ <br /> -- 't,'�.-=�.-V� fonclosun and ad�II th�NN 1�pursumt to�udlo1N�QroaMds of qN shNl bs�pplled In ths orde►d�bd -_- <br /> _�.� 't:•���ff�'., . � <br /> � ��y,�:�,,�;,,f' ,� to tll�p�0y1110111 01: <br /> _. (i) Cwt of�ny�vid�nc�ol tltt�proaur�d In conn�ctlon witA suah�and ot any nwnw stanps► <br /> .!,.." 1 All sums ths sro�sred Mrsby; . <br /> = �,:,•' • :...�;:....��+. 1� . � <br />_�'• r�=� -, .' - (uh The r�malnd�r,If th�p�rwn Ip�llr�ntitl�d tMr�ta. �..._ <br />- ,;�,:.�: . • ��� ` 13.OutN�aed Obll�qon�ot Twa1�N.l�)�dutMs aad obtipatlons of Trustes ehall be d�terminad soNly by M��xpr�ss = <br /> __ _ �'' ��,_ prcwlelone ot thle t)eed of Tn�et,end Truetee ehet�no!be IIeMe exee�f to►th�p�rfonn�nc�of such dWl�s�nd obll0attons W <br />"- }�= ' �-_--=;=`�` are ap�clllcally aet forth heraln,�nd no Impllad coven�nta or obllpatlone shell be Impoa�d upon TrustM;(b)No provl�lons of -::�.: <br /> — A..ex <br />_�:��. ;� . , :��+.�• thls D�sd of Trust shdl roqulro Trustas to expsnd a�lek Its own funde.or oth�nwis�Incur any flnancld obNp�llon In th�pe- ��._ <br /> ,��,t� � ��.%"j, i y 5i� . tamanc�of�ny ot Iro dutls�he�sund�r,or 1�th��xs�clae of anp of Its rlphts or power.if h shdl h�w prounds fa boNsvinp -�� <br /> - that the ►o�payment ot auah lunds or ad9quate Indemnity a¢��anss auoh rlsk or IlabHity Is not�NSOn�bly aaawed to it;(c) �.. <br /> . :tt;� • �ti. <br /> .<<;��. �'" Trustae ma�cr�nsult wtAh counsel of It�own choosln�a�d 8me ad�u�ce of such couna�l shall bs full and canplst�authorizstlon <br /> ,. ;�,�{� !,,:�•,,;�-.� and proteat0on in tbe ueapeat of my aotlon t�ken cx s�U4eT�er3 by!t hereunder in pood talth snd nllancs ths�eon;(d)Truates <br /> • 'z�+�"° .'.• ahall not be lia�le Ta4 ac+y actlon t�ken by It In pood faJ�h av��J reasonpbly boliev�d by It to b�authorized a wlthin th�disantlon �'�` <br /> �"'��"'�' ' Of fIQMB A1�d pOWOTS CQIIfAR�d Up011 11 by lhlS D98d 017TU81. -- <br /> .. . : �w�3.•' - <br /> 1'�:'�t�''' �'a'. 14,Ad�liql���l8�awlfy I�ahumaft�.T►ustor,at Ite expenae,w!I I exeoute and delive►to the Truates,promptly upon demand, �;y <br /> ' � � , euch securlty Inetruments as may be required by Truai�e,ln 1�rm and eub�tance satisfaotory to Tru�tee.cov�rinp any of ths — <br /> �,��{� -- <br /> � s•;;`•,; �opeRy conveyed by thls Deed of Trust,whloh oecurlly Inatiuments shall be�dditlonal security tor Trustor's hlthful pe�for• _- <br />. ,� �,.,,�,t,,,. . -- <br /> .;�•a _ manoe of all of ths terms,aovenanta and conditlona ollhia Deed of T�ust,the Lom Apreement,any p►omisaory notes s�cured <br />:;r..'':'.•° �,��:a%r..av hareby ar�l eny att�er sacunty lnstrumsM�oxecul�d)n canr.eztion wllh thls lraneaatlon.8ual�Ineiiu!ne++9P sfM�l b�r�oord�d -- <br />:;,:;;�•, , �. , � � ��:p� ,�; a flled,and re�recordad ond raflled,ai Trustor�expenso. _ <br /> i�'�,;�� � , ib.AA�9te11�18�out. -� <br /> �R r;,�� ��..�,. (A) in the eveM pny one or more oi Ihe pr�vfalona contalned in the Daed o9 T�ust.or the toan Ayreamenl or any promlBSOry �_ <br /> --� •-�.:�' '" t ��:�� " i � nots,or any other securNy inetrument�Iven In connectlon wlth thie tva�sactlon,shall for any reason to be hsld tobe In• - <br /> °"'� � ��''' � ` ,.:�'�• , v�lid, Ille�al or uneniorceable In any respect, auch Invalldity, Illepallty a unenforceabllity ahall, at the optlon of �`,__ <br />�:��,:; r �.s,��.. _�.. . .. =-- <br /> -- � BaneNclary,�ot af9eot any other provlsion of thls Oeed ot Trust,that thla Oeed of Truet shall ba conatrued as If suoh In• '�-- <br />"��+; :�'F`�`��`4' , •'�' , valid,Ille�al or unenforceable rovlalon had nevar been contalned he►eln or thereln. <br /> �S . P <br /> �L '... ' . . ... �_i -- <br /> �� �,�s,,,,.,.,,. ,�,.w„�.,,� � (B) Thls Deed of Trust 9fiall be conalrued aacordlnq to the Irrwa of the State of Nebraaka. ���°. <br />.�r'•-� t.'.i�;;�� ` ••• '�� � ,�C) Ths D�ed of Truet sl�all Ineure to and bind the halr4,I�petees,devisees,adminletratora, executore, auaceasot4 �nd !-="� <br /> . ,�.�r� D ed - - <br />.'-- . "t�""="'. -, ' �baip�is of the pa�tlss hareto. ��:�. <br /> fi � L..�."�1 r�.:�+�'.,-.'f <br /> �.r.t t•;- ��'. <br /> , •. � •,, ,h•�,. � ��• (Q) Trustor ahall pay all taxes levled upon this Oe4d of Trust or 1he debt secured hereby,topether wlth any other taxes or <br /> ' ' .�';:.,�' �. �...� <br /> j- ' `__,��,t1����;'.�;,'�� ,, aaseaementa which may be levled aqalnst the Trust�e or Beneflolary or the lepal holdor of the Lo�n A�reement on ac• �� <br /> -r;,�. ::�;,���;.,,,�P� .;, count of tha indebtedneas evidenced thereby. ���_._ <br /> (E) Whenever used heseln,the sln�ular number e'hall Include the plural,the plural,the sinpular,the use of any yender shall be -�., <br /> . , �'�'i'�,r'.` appllaable to all qenders,and the term"Beneficlary"ahall Include any payee ot the Indebtedness hereby securad or any �__ <br /> � " � '��`�'�'' tranater thereof,whether by operatlon of lew or otherwiae. �{.-. <br /> ��,l,,.�•,. <br /> �►, � �ni;j:;<<�';:�. 18.Succ�s�or TruNM.Beneflclery may from tlme to tlme aubst Nue a successor or eu ccessors to any Trustee named hereln �'� <br /> °� �''� •� or actl��hereunder to execute ihla Truat Oeed.Upon such appolntment and wlthout convenyance to the succesaor Truatee, <br /> • � ' the latter ehall be veeted with all title,powers and dutlea conferred upon eny Truetee hereln named or actinp hereu�der.Eech �:`f: <br /> • � "' '�� auoh appolntment and eubetltutlon shell bs made by wrltten Inatrument by Benefiatary,contalninp referenee to thls Oeed of �"� <br />� i --' �'.5�,�,�,.� �i Trust and Ita place of record,whlah when recorded in the ottice of the Reglsfer of Deeds of the county or countiea In which «, <br /> r �. '' �����' ��rr:: •�., eald p►aperty Is sltuated,ahall be ooncluslve proof of proper appalntment of the successor Truatee.The}orepoing power of "'�"" <br /> ;.�,. <br /> �'� : , i,'� ''��� '.rjt�f��:,�} �� eubatitu7lan end the procedure therefor ahall not be excluslve ot the qower and procedure provided for by law fo►the subatltu- .:y�._ <br /> F;. , �� tlon of a Trustee or Truetees In the place of tha Truatee or Truateea named hereln. ��� � <br /> f � �,���` �..°` � � ��� 17.Forb��r�nc�by 8en�tlolary or'�rusiN Not a W�iwr.A forbearance by 8eneficiary or Trustee i�exercislnfl any ripht or <br /> y '�•�`:. . . remedy heteunder,a ofherwlee aftorded by appUcable lew ahall not be e walver of or preclude tt�e exertlse of any rlght or <br /> �,.,:.; <br /> �,5. remedy f�e�eunder.Llkewlse,the walver by Benellclary or Trustee of any default of Trustor undar thia Deed o}Trust 84�a11 not be ��;: <br /> 'r c I•� , � . � doemed to be a walver of any other or elmllar defeults subsequently occurrinp. .• <br />`, ;. � 18.Tru�tor Not Rcl����d.Extenalon o1 the tlme for payment or modiflcatlon or amortizatlon oi the suma se�ured by the t�� <br /> �"�. �,�i• [�ed of 7ruat pranted by Beneficiary to any aucCessor In intereat of Trustor shall not operate to release,In any manner,the �� . <br /> .� •• (�;,.:: . <br /> ' •s��, � . • ,� IieblUty of the orlyinal Trustor and Trustor's successor in Intereat.Beneficlary shal l not be requlred b commence proceedinps r <br /> :r•���'`,•� `;,�;j�� . � ,`, . a�alnst such succeseor or refufe to extend time tor payment or ofherwlae modify amortizatlon of the sums secu�ed by the , . <br /> t„'.: ��`; ?r �' �..�+'�t ' <br /> t-?�'f�yk� � 4�"� r:s��4��;�`�S��t':' Deed of 7rust by reaaon of eny demand made by ti�e orlginal T�ustor and Truator's succeaaora In IMerest. : <br /> t �,� �; ,�;,f.., � .s., <br /> y,S���,�; •� ,;::;'r+�It�>>,:{,•,}�,,, •1 19.Q�tlon to Fonalos�.Upon the occurrenae o1 any de4autl hereunder,BeneNclery ahall have flw option to faracloee thls <br />'�►�.'� �' �1���%�::��1�l�,.:' Deed of Trust In the mnnner provided by law fot 4he forecloaLre o}mortyepes on real property. ' <br /> ��"�''...' � t��' � �•;'�,ft,��;;� 2p,Trwtor�plphb.AbMM O�fwN.Un1il aony defau�t In 1he payment of Indebtednese hereby aecu�ed.or un1U 1fie b�each ot i <br /> 1�'1k,�'�.' ... ,., �,.�r i ' <br /> ��<•�`,�". . t.''�;}, �;�� any covanant he►ein contaln�d.the T�us9of.iaa eaccesaors and aaalpns,shall possess and en�oy the praperty a�tl�ecefve the � <br /> ;�"��,,: �;:..,� s:�r;�,�;;, <br /> ' � ,. �• :,,. +�.•� rente and proflts therefrom.Upon payment of e�11 aums seeured by thle Deed of Trust,Beneflclary ahall requeat T�ustee to <br /> :. .. ....;�;�•.:,,.s.2(�', ;. ,\ <br /> ��: ��` reconvey the property and ehall surrflnCar tt�ia Deed of Trust and all notes and Loan Apreements evldencinq indebted�eas <br /> � '� .�. .,a�'.� , <br />'�' • �;�,;�.,��;�:'��°��•• �:; secuied by the Deed of Truet to'frustee.Trustee ahall reconvey the property without warranty und without charpe to the per• • <br /> i ;'•,,,��!;'.;' �s ,��,••' sone lepally entltled thereto.7he(irantee in any reconveyence may be descrlbed ae"the person or persons entitled it�ereto", <br /> i ; �� ;;, �;`.�>���� ' and the reoltale thareln of any mattere or faota ahall be concluafve proof of the fruthfulneae thereof.Such person or persons � <br /> y j • �+ �'.� . ` ,� ehell pay all coata of recordln�,If any. <br /> ' .�r.�•'� 21.Tnn�f�r of th�Propety;A�sumptlon.lf all or any pah of the Property or en Interest thereln le sold or transferred wlthout <br /> C�� ; � ' �,��°,,'.� Baneflcle ry's prlor wrlttsn conaent,exoept ea otherwlee provlded by Iqw,Beneflclary may,at Beneflclary's optlon,declare ell <br /> � t".^. �.' ' the eums secured by thle Deed of Truet to be immedlately due and payable.Beneflclary shall have walved such optlon to ec- � <br /> ' ; a " ':;.;,�.���, oelerate II,prior to the e�le or traneter,Beneflolery end the person to whom the Property Is to be sold or tranaferred�each ; <br /> . . " � ' .�j' NC{016iiN01 <br /> „ <br /> , . � <br /> � <br />