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,^� .� •. <br /> __ , x � ..r.' _y:��,. <br /> " . ��4t �.� ' .u�� <br /> - i� - - <br /> � ... - - � • -- - - • ._. <br /> �._— .•__�•..w.ii..�w..�K �• I..a , .^ � �. <br /> . ��� ��� .,` , . <br /> eolll '�tiM;fu��nd oAnNbl�ry.In tM w�nt art1►Oa�aY Mnund�r 1�eol mrMw�d on a bNoh tlN�nn N6�O��n prlor to • . __ <br /> It�ax dM�,�ru�t�ar�tloluf►m�y Proaun suoA linuanc�In�coond�ea wllh Ih�provldom oT P�►apnph y - <br /> Trwt�shdl dNlwK to 8�tloluy th�alpinal po1141M of Insw�a and n�wwa l�t h�n o f ar cop lu o l wo h p o l b l a�n d <br /> nmw�l�th�of. F�Ilun to fuml�h wah Imu��oa by TnNtor�a r�wN�u nqulnd h�nund�►��h�16 d Ih�oplbn of � <br /> =y..=�= __ =J �ftolary.conotltuta a dafualt.All unesn�ed promluiets�ro hereb�r�Ign�d to Tnutw�s�ddltlonal�anuHty�and�saN u�d <br /> � � oonv�oa�of Ih�P�op�ty by fh�TrudM shall op�nt�to ea�w�►to 11�purohas�r th�T�wto►'�int�rat M and to�!1 po11e1K � � <br /> -- ;_,., i oi Insursna�upon tM Truat Prop�Ry. � <br /> 6.Ya�Mn0 M�.Ttu�tor shNl pay all laxos and�p�elal asa��m�nt�Iwl�d or�aNts�d apaln�t.or dw upon,th� <br /> � ' � ,; Prop�ty bNoni d�llnqwr►oy�nd wlll dNiwr to B�n�fl�l�ry oopl��of nalpt�ahowlnp p�ynNnt of�uoh t�xiw u�d sp�Wal <br /> �swan�nta. <br /> �°��� d.AddltloMl Ll�n�Tnntor�h�ll m�ks dl p�ym�nt�of Int�nat and princlp�l,and p�ymsnts of any oth�r ah�rpa.i�,and <br /> -''��� '•��• �'' • �xp�nas oontnot�d to b�p�ld ta�ny�xl�tlnp Il�n hold�n or prlor b�n�flclan�s und�r�ny pna OMd of Truit.Mort�ap�or <br /> __•x� _-. • Wh�r wcurlb�pr�nf�bNon th�d�N th�y an Mlb�qwnt and to p�Y any otlwr c1�Wn w�hbh NoP�rtIWs th�s�auity -- <br /> ��� ^T'�,+�ir�� ' �� <br /> , pranR�d Mr�ln. <br /> '� ' 7.ProMatlen W�MIc1�ry'�8�owlq.Slioukl Truetor f�ll to m�k��ny p�Yn�nt,tdt to do�ny�oR+�s h�reln provlcNd or If <br /> ,, .:, any�mk�or procwdlnp Is aomnwne�d whleh m�t�r411y�H�at�B�fklay'4(nRlnst In 1tM Prop�rty. Inoludln�, �ut not <br />�'_,..: - �� - � ' ��� IImlt�d to.smlmnt domaln. Insolwnc�r.�nnp�nwnti or pocMdh�p�involrinQ a W�Ncrupl or�Mc�ds�t,th�n B�Ilalary a =__ <br /> - ';�:,:�,.;... ....,s+; <br />- ';.� •�..,. � �,•;. TnutM,but wlthout obllp�tlon to do w.and wlthout notic�to or d�m�nd upon Trwtor.and wltlqut rNwNnp Tro�tor trom any <br />=�:;N. aao•�ion n.nuna«,m.y m.a•a do�n.�.m..uid maY My�Puroh�a�.contpt orcampr�om�ss�ny�r+aumb►�na�ah�or <br /> �i��:-: • � � �`��:��" Il�n,wMah In tM ludpm�nt of NM�►app�ars 1��N�et a�ld PrAperty;in exercieinp�iy 6ucn powees.ttw 8ertaflClary or T�stes = <br />; 4 • r.,;r=,�,l�.�� may Inau��Il�blllty�nd�xwnd wluit��mounts,.Includlnp olsburssrt�ts of��t�on�bN�ttomsy's fMS,whloh In th�U�tr _— <br /> � o � aolute dlaa�alon m�y b� nsc�s��ry.ln th�wont tMt Tn�sto�ehNl fNl to p►ocun Imur#a�Ce./�l!to pa�r t�xes and �p�alal <br /> �''}-�:�;�R`' `"`:: �sa�s�mentaorfallto m�ks�n op <br />.r. � , �;,;r;:;:,�:.:: : ,. Y p a y n N nls to�xtdt a prla Ilsn hotd�ra or b�nst�l�rles,the 8e��flalory rru�y procun�uch _"_ <br /> !�•' � •�•��':� Insur�nce�ad mak�auoh paymsnts.All aums Incuned or expended by 8ensflclary or Tranaie�iae accoNancs wlth th�provl• —_-- <br /> ."'�:';; •j� •. alons of ths O�ed of T►uet�re seaund Asnby and,wlthout dsm�nd,shall bs Immedhtely due�v�d,paya�ISby Trustur and ehall <br /> • ��' bear Mteroat�t ths rats provlded for adwncaa under ths La�n Aprecment; provlcled, howeveo, t�at at the optlon of ths =- <br /> h.,`;� ��" •- 8snsf�{�ry�r Tros1N.woh eums m�y M�dded to ths prlaeipd balanoe of any i�debtedneea aeeured t�ereby and shall b�ar , <br /> : r`•:;;�!., . <br />= ;� K���:�r:,tt- ths same iMue�t a�auah Indebt�dnsse�nd eh�ll bs perabte�atably over the rematnin�term thoreol. <br /> ."�,� <br /> � '+' � ':��'?�`:' 8.Aalpnn�nt of R�nt�.8eneflclary sh�ll havs fhe rlpht,pow�r��d authorhy durinp tAa conttnuance of this Dead ot Truet to <br /> ^ .. ���,._,• � '� collect ths nnt�, I�suos�nd profli�of tAs Prope►ty and of any p�rson�l p�opeiiy loaatad the►eon wlth a wlthout taklnp � <br /> 9 <br /> •�« '° �:��'"' { posteaslon of ths Propsfty wffeoted hsr�by.and Truator horeby abaolutel�v ac�d unaondltlonally aasigns all sueh rents.Is�u�e <br /> ••. <br /> �nd proftln to 8ene11�lary. Qsmflclary, howsver, hsreby con�nts to th�a��uetoPs collactlon ac�d reientlon of euah rents, — <br /> � � .;•'`;�?��t '��,'�,i;,}� ''' Issuss And pr�Ntit as they acc►ue and becoms p�yabts so lang ea Trualor la not.�t euch t�mne.lq default wlth r��pset to pay� '' __ <br />.��•; ' ,`��.,a;.�;�,,�•�: �•:�j�!• msnt oY any Inda4�tedneas �eoured hereby or In ths perforrr+anca of any apreement Piereus►der. Upon any euc� defwlt, .,.=: <br /> ` �, :,ti+,�„�,I�r,t.�.,� �� <br />- �L .���(�• � � . 8eneflalary may i�t any tlme,eltAer In psreon,by apent or by a�ecelver to be appolnted by a courl,wlthout notice and wlthout - <br />-- -- : • ,,,�;�. �ep�rd to the adsqu�cy of any security tor the i�debtednssa hereby aecured:(�+)enter upon antl ta9ce possesslon of the Proper- <br /> � � �.1-�'"�`�`'��"C°i"���'' �� ty or any part thereof and In!ts own aame sus for or othe►wlee colteot auch PeMs,lesuea i�nd proMts,Includlnp tho�e past dus ��?=- <br /> �,•n�',��'j,����},��ti� ��:�� � �nd unp�ld,�nd epply th�um�, Isss costs and expenees of opsratlon�nd aollectlon,lacludln�reasonoblo atlomey feea, � �;;: <br />'��. �• �i���;�;?•.;�+'`��'� u n an ind�btadn�as tscur�d hereb �nd In euch order as Beneflola ma determine;(b)ye�form euch�ate of ro �I�or �a <br /> � Po Y Y rY Y P p �,,�.-. <br /> '''�, '"`'K"'�`.`�:�;�;�f;': � tsotlon as m�y bs�ecese�ry or proper to conasrve the value of the Property;(c)lease the s�ame or any part h�rsof for such ren• • <br /> � : r".:"�s}`.� tal te►m�nd upon suah condltlons aa Its Judpment may d�tate.Unlese Truetor and Beneficlary aprae othe►wlae In w�ltinp,p�y �� <br /> . .'u6e'1's`�;:f;t, , S•" '•� " <br /> ��_�, ; . .... appliaatlon of renta,lesues or proflte to any Indebtedneae seeured hereby afiall not extend or poetpone the due dote of the in• <br />�e�e. shllm�nt paymente as provldsd t�the Loan A�reement,and the appllcetlon tl�ereof ae aforesatd shall not walw or eure ony <br /> 11.�;� i ,v.�"�'c..*.�1 js� 4{ default o�notice of default hereunder or Invalldate eny aat done pureuant to suoh notice. ��ustor a�eo aea�pns to Benefiaiory, ��. <br /> � 4:.,�:u,;:-., .H1 . <br /> ,� � '�4:,�;,;,,•,. .�.,;•�� ; aa tuhher aecurlty for the performance of the obllpatlona eecured hereby,all prepald renta and all monlea whlch may havs �{;�-, <br />' , �� ' '' rr <br />�f f:;. �;;.������/'.�y���?% bean or may hareaRer be depoalted wlth satd Truetor by any lesaee of the PropeAy,to socure the payment of any rent,and ��;`��i <br /> j.." .�, �r,j�:y,..��.��„' upon default In the pe�toramnce of any of the provlelons hereof,Truatar agrees to dellver suah rants and deposlts b the �;: <br />. . f;�. • �+ �f�,.,�� �. � .._ <br />��_; ,�." . Bene4lalary. Dellvery ot wrltten notice of Benelflcary's exerclse of the rlghta pranted hereln to eny tenant occupyl�p sald <br /> ` �:• ' °� "'' ' <br />;•„• ± �. �,�.;;'_'.',� ' _ premisee ahell be sulflclent to requlre sald tenant to pay aold rent to the Beneflclary untll further notice. �r�~ <br /> �(C ,.�,.. h��- <br />�`ti � � i�:`'"•"' t+r,�a'"� 9.Cond�mndlon.If 1HIe to eny parl of the Property ahall be taken In condemnetlon procaedlnps,by Npht of eminent domoln _�; <br />�.; , ��,'��,�' �� "��:����''�' r ,,; or slmllar actlon,or af�all be eold unUer ihreat of aondemnatian,aU awards,damepes and proceeda are hereby aeaipned and �- <br /> .:,_.-�. <br /> ' �'• � 4•r`�'3�`�'`�� -� ;:;�' ehdl be atd to Beneflclary who sha�l a I euch award,dema ea and proceeds to fhe auma eeaured b the Dwd of Trust, -- <br />` � o, 1�1�}'i P pP Y 0 Y —. <br /> •�;+��`�t:�. ' ° ' � : '• wlth the excesa,If any,peld to the Truatar. __ <br />� �+a��'�l'1 �. y`�.'"�� � � 10.Futuh AdraMCee.The Loan A reement provldea for advances from tlme to tlme to Truafo�by Beneflclary�s provlded � <br />;1 r�f���� ��'�r ���,;�s�(�.�j�y�;;�?%, � thereln.In addltlon,upon requeet of Trustor,9eneflclary,at Beneflolary's optlon.prlor to reconveyance of the Property to the - <br />`:, /`�,�.`: ;: ,'-��.tu':�;�•_`1�,;,; T�uetor, may moke addltlonal future advances to the Truator.Such tuture advancea,wflh Interest thereon,ahall be securad by <br />;� ±�r� y r � :•`'�;�4j� �• thle Deed of Trust when evidenced by promlasory notes atatlnp that sald notea are secured hereby;provlded that at no tlrne <br /> ,- r;.��:� <br />=�.;a,�r.�,. i�E. ._' -..:��u��:*_,•�1 ahdl the secured princlQal and future edvances,not Including aums advav�ced to protect the�ecurlty,exceed one hundrad per• �, <br />�••f'�``�',;; ; `'�• cant(100%)of the orl�lnal princlppl amounts aecured hereby. <br /> '� ' i�� 11. Mm�dl��Cumul�tiv�.All remedles provlded In thla Deed oi Truat are dlstlnct and cumulative to any other rlqht or ��� <br /> �:,. � ' . °`..,' ,, <br />,��, . � �.:{;��'�:,.:� <br /> � ;,ti,�r!�;�,, .,, remedy under thls Oeed of T�uet or afforded by law or equlty,and may be exercised concurrently,lndependently or successlva t;;';' <br /> .��. ' �• •�;�f;ti'����;�:��;;1 ty. ;?.. <br /> . �},. � . ' <br /> ' '��'��' `�' 12.Ac�l�ratlon;R�m�dls�;8�1�.A default ehall exlat in thA event of: y�';r <br /> ,,..;.� . �.,ct<�;•'��:,•;;.� � <br /> '• �.,3 �,r�t_t�•`it)�4ti?��~::"� '� J +.''. <br /> ,ti,��,�.,.�,,��,�;�;, (A) Any traud or misrepresentatlon by tfw Truator In connectlon wlth the Ilne o!credlt whlch this Oeed of 7rust securea; <br /> • .;t!�� j �ti��•,>i�.• r •;� �B) Any tal lure on the peH ot the 7ruator to meet the repayment terms In reapect to the Loan Aqreemant and any othor ad• y,��,, <br /> .�'�i' +,; ;'' t ��„ d�+ f� • . <br /> , '; `;���;�• ; vaoce$under this Deeci of Tr�ust he�eby secu►ed;ond. �I, <br />. ::j.� ; ;,�',��iiJ::>>••�:.��.'��. <br /> � , ,, ,..•� ,,,,;• (C► l�ny actlon by the Truetmr p�ohlblted by the terms of the Lcan Ayreement or thle Oeed o}T�uat or eny fallure ot the Trustor ��, <br />�:* to aCt ae requl�ed Gy the Loa�Aflreement Or this DeecO of�r,uat,each pt whlch T►uatur hereby ag�eee have an ativerse et• ��_; <br /> �;�;;�� � . •'T•-��; feot on tha Beneliclary's a6CUrltr for the line of credN establlahed and tfie ri9ht8 of the Ben6ticlary �n suCn s�CUrlty, <br /> � ��'"� � and upon the happenlnp of eny euch event of de'lautt,Beneticiary may deciare all aums secured hereby Immedaatelq due and � <br /> � °� , ;�,� . , <br /> ' • ' payable by dellvery to Trustee ol written decla►atlon of default.The 7rusteo�hall�gve the power of sale of the Prope�ty,and if � �. <br /> . ~ ,, ,.; .. <br /> „_ °.:r;, �' � 8eneflclary deslres the Property to be aold, It shall deposlt wlth Trustee thls Oeed o0 truet and all promlasory notes and ',�,' <br />; • ��, �� � documents evldencing expendlturea secured hereby and ahall delive�fo Truelee a wr1lten notice ot delauN and electlon to � <br />� u� j;;: :1. ,t causs the P►r!Ferty to be sold,ond the Trustee In tum shall prepare a not�r,e irt the torm requlred by law,which shall be tluly til• t <br />= • s , •� ed fo�reCOrd by T�uetee. <br /> } .�, + . ,r:�•".� (A) Atter the lapae of auch tlme aa may be requlred by law followlnp the recordatbn oi sald notice of default,and notice of ! <br />%�� " , �� ,,,;�',:, detault and notice of sale havinp been ylven ae requlred by lew,Trustee,wlthout demand on Truetor,ahall sell the Proper• � <br />}'� ty on the dNe and at the tlme and place dealynated in sald notice of eale,at publlc auctlon to the hlpheat bldde►,the pur• <br /> � ��,., <br /> =iy��:� ' � <br /> ���d �J '.',��,.� choee p�lce payAble In lawful money of the United Stetea at the tfine of eale.The person conducting the sale may,tor any <br /> � ' �^� ' , �����' cauao h�doam�axpedfent,postpone the sele trom tlme to tlme untll It shall be completed and,in every auch case,notice <br /> , <br /> . , ,, . <br /> ' � ,;�'�• ' M��o,s,r�a <br /> �� ih . <br />