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� -(►..-: . <br /> =a�..... -•.t_ _. i.._w ..m _ ._..5=��- .._ .. .------ -t-�T_ Y. <br /> .� .q . '� � . .�, :eAr,v.i.e . , r��•,i• ...1 d , :wf•SV'd'�'@�';,.i ., ,,;�'__. <br /> .. . Y <br /> ..1:.�:_��— 'Yr, � � ' . ' '�r�'�''�'!,,�_n <br /> ' �• �� 1 <br /> pym�aw.whid�am rat�enod w ia��ar dwye tbe anatnt oTi a�cb p�ya�eat�. My a�s p�ooeai�vrar�a <br /> ���r�� nea unaer�6n No� thi�sea�riq►Iaw�q�M�YI1 ee�ia b tl�.ati�jr.. <br /> �� fp�. L�ender mq oollact tees�nd d�e�wt6o�lmed bY db So�• : <br /> • !�. G�Ibr At+oederaUaa d QeM. i�uod 1he in tbo ca�e at del�ulu. <br /> '(U DMM�N. Ladet m�►.exapl a�Wnitod bY re�ut�ion� bY S�a�ul�. P�Y�O°� <br /> �equire hiaanedl�te pwymem tn fWl of dl anu�a.�t�red by this 3oauilty Imfum�m ii: , <br /> �._�_�,�,. p)l�am�er d�afiul�by fdUn�10py�,twi�y mo�aniy wr���ea ay aa�s��y�a� � � <br /> _�- ---� <br /> w a aa tlw due date of the aext morqhly - <br /> lii)Bamower defwlq by fdlin�,fa a porind of thiny daya,�o perfb�m my otf�r obllR�tlo�w oom�ined ia d�b <br /> -�• 3ecuriry In�� <br />_ _ )l4de W(tiou!Crodit Approval. Lendar cluill.if pennittcd by�licablo I�w�nd v►�th tho prior appowl ottbe <br /> . �.requiro immodWe p�ytr�enl in fi�ll ot aU die�ans�ocured by tlds Sacurity Insuumenl if: <br /> (iI 11 ar piut of the a beae8civ intenst in a tn�st ownln�{dl or p�tt of the Prnpe.rty.i�r�old a <br /> dhenvice tnuisfemed(wher�h�n bY deviio or deceent)bY the Bamwer.a�M <br /> _�`. .°� (u)77a Property is na occupied by�he pu�rhi�a�her��edit hiw �be�en�i� n aa� <br /> - or �r�►toe doe� so occupy Ihe Pnopatp �i+�{�'D <br /> with 1be requinm�ents of the Sa�ewy <br /> (e)No WaWer. if c�u�stmoos oc�cc�trat wou�Ct pennit l.endar w roquue immedi�le p�yment in 1bN.but Lender <br />- does���euchp�s,I.eader does�ot mive Its righte with napoct to cut�sequent events. <br />-u (d) d NW Seerebir� 1�m�an�r ciuc�t�nces�gul�tions icwed by the SecnetorY wUl limit I.etderk <br />-�A riglns.w tbe case of paymrcnt defwdts,to roc�ui�e iromadi�ta pAymem in full and forocloco if not Thit <br /> --— secunty laununa�t ac�a�nnt a�nc��nze aocelaauoe ar fotec�osw�e if not pnmWea b�r ro�drirws.+Ptwe.��t. ,ry. . <br /> �-- �� : :(e)Mo�e Nat laswed. Hanavw:r aBtres that chould this Security�wmeul�nd t8e oo�o socoa4d ttst:eby not _ <br /> / �.. A�OOt�lf <br /> �� �1 s 6e e�i�nbk for inswninee under H�e National Haudng Act wlthin �� <br /> �., <br /> 0 <br /> �`:; ��,,�b � date heraoL Lender its u�ti o n and natwithstonding anything in P a r�g r a p h q u i r e ia�ediaie ps�yo�eat M <br />-.� full of Nl sums secared b�this S�ty Inununen� A wriuen staterneat of any authorized s�e�t of Ihe Secalauy <br />,..:� r�,.''-�3 , <br />''�° ;�;•,',� deted subssquenl pm �a from the date hneof.declining lo iewro dds SecYriry <br /> Instrument and the an���e socurcd�hereby,stwll be deemod conclusive proof of such ineligibility. NotwitQ�tanding <br />_ ' the foregaing.this option may nd be exercised by L.cnder when�he unav�ilabiliry of inYUtance is sdeoy due to <br /> Lender's failure to remit a mongaRe insurence prcmlum�o the Sec�tary. ' <br /> "' ' . `��., . 10. RelydNakmenf. Borrower h�.c a right w be r�eins�atod if L.cnder has requi►ed immediate�nnvm�t In full becnuse ; <br /> ��•� p' �k',� of Bom�werk fajlwie to pay an amount clue wider U�e•Nate or this Security Insuument. 71�is nght applies evet�after <br />:�..:.a foaclosure proceedings ars instituted. 'Ib reiostatc the Security Insuument. Borrower shap te�x�er in a lumyp�+w�all <br />-°-=� --_:-�,._.�, � s�ounts required to-bring 8orrower's accaunt current lncluding,to the extent they sue obl'o�tivas of Ho�rawer�a�lerthis <br /> ;,� ��.?�'' �a.�� Scc�ttity lnswmenl.fonclosuro coRts and tea.sanable and customary anomeys'fees arad expeoses pro�Ply assac�arcci wiiii <br />-� .��{ , the forccloaur�e praceeding. Upon r+cinstaaement by Borrower.thia Securiry Instrument a�d the ab4i�,a�3ons that it sexurca <br /> .�j�.�� ;° • shall rcmai�n io c�i�'ect as if l.cnder had na¢�cyulred immediate payment in full. However,l.ender is n�t requircd wpermit , <br /> ..��..� reinatatemeaa id: li) l.ender has acceptec0 reinstatement eiter the commencement of•Poreriosure p�ings wi�hin two <br /> _- — ���t;:.;gH years immedit�tely preced�ng tlae cammencement of a cw�Cn� W�:lu�urr proceedae�g, (ii) reinstn�ement will preclude <br />_ • , '� • fareclaau�on cllfferent grounds in the futun,or liii)reinstatement will adven�ely aiQ'ec� i7�e�riwity of the lien created by _ <br /> U�ls Security Instrument. <br /> � � � ,:�_�' 11. Borroaver Not Released; Forbears�nce by I.ender Not a Waiver. Exteneion o6 t�he time of payment or <br /> � � „ .�Ui,, modification o4'amortization of the sums�cu�ed by this Securiiy Instrument gmnted by l.ender tc�su�y successor�n inte�st <br /> ,���-�� ' of Bor�vwer shall not opernte to releose the liability of the original Borrower or Bomower's success�r in intcrcst. Lender <br /> � ' shall no�be�uired to commence proceedingg ngainst anY successor in lnterest or refuse to exterxl time for pa�nent or <br />,�- -�,- }-r-, --� - otherw�se mod�ly �tlortizelion of the aums�ecurcd by th�s Srsuri�y inbuumcn�by �C:u��� �i'��y dr„���d ���A..�Ly�i►� <br /> � , '�' s�..� �.::.::•: original Borrower or Borrower's successorx!n interest. Any forbearance by L.ender in exercising a�y right or rerr�edy shall - <br />�'� � �`-'��"''� �' not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any right or remedy. <br /> :�� �� _ �''"�"'�'-. 12. Successors and Asslgns Bound:Jaint and Several Llpbllityi CaSigners. 'Ihe covenan�s and ugrcements of ' <br /> :;;<���- ''�` `��.`•`I's5�' � this Securiry Inst�rument shnll bind and ber�eflt the successors and nssigns of Lendcr tutd Borrower,subject to the pmvisions <br />�;,��::� =:,•:?,�i � • of Peragraph 9.b. Borrowenc�ovenants and agreements shnll be joint and several. Any Borrower who casigns this _ <br /> �`"!' '�t�.��`• `csl=•• Seeurity Instrument but dc�es not eaeeu�e the Note: (al is co-signing this Security Inayrument only to mortgAge,grant and _ <br />,:,°.;•, ;�I`� „�,•::::•,' ;,�. <br /> :;'" ;;,�it�,�'.'�:/:{'.�� = ^:` convey that BaRawer's int�res�in the I'�operty under Ihe terms of this Securiry Instniment;(b)is not personully obligated to <br />:;;.,.., ; ° •t+�±��.:�������•;,, pay the sums secured by this Security Instnimem:und(c)agrees that Lender nnd unY other Bormwer may ugree toextend, <br />`_.�r'�s� ����������:. ���`' madify,fortr:ar or mnke any accommodatian, with mgard ro the�erms nf�his 5ecunty Imtrument or the Note without U�a� <br />,;x,{;r . . ;. <br /> r -. ° : - Borrower'�consent. <br />�ti���i� ��• ��'�- S, . .' �` t3. Notices. Any notice to Borrower providcd for in thix Security Inxwment shull be given b delivering it or by <br />-.1�Y,5M <br />-,,�,.. ,, muiling ft by fi�xt class muil unless applicable law mquires use of unother methai. Thr nutice stw 1 be directed to the <br /> .c <br /> �����;���!�y� ' Pto�►erty Address or any other•rddress Bortower dexignu� notice to Lender. Any notire ta Lender shull be given by <br /> � �z � first c1ASS mail to Lender�addrcss slated herein or nny uddresx Lender de,ignutr. by nc►tice to Borrower. Any ndice <br />...j,Y:i:�;., �,; - !; <br /> ?�i;:�t�' 4 ., ,�> provided for in this Security Inttnimcnt,hull be deemeJ to huve Ixen given to Bortowcr or Lender when given ac provided <br />,,.�,.,; . , -. <br /> -- 4•�':~ '.•.i in this paragraph. <br /> _ ,�,�., ;,�__. ...�R� 14. Coverning Law;Severabilily. Thiti Sccurity Inxtrument shull tk govemed by Fcdrrul law und the luw of the <br /> '. Ji��isdicnon in which the Propeny iz kxtt�rJ. in thc e��o1 tl�.,t auy �nuvi.iun ui clau,r uf lLi+S�cutily ins�rument ur ihe = <br />_ " x Note conflicts wilh appIkuble law, �uch contlict tihull not affert nthrr pmvixiam i�f�hi+Srcurity Instrument or ihe Note _ <br />,�� .'`' ���;�� •�� ; whlch cun be glven effect without the conflicling prcwi,ion. Ti��hir end the provi,ions of�hiti Security Inxtrumern und the - <br /> •'+� '°�"�.+� � NWa nrc decaared to 6e scverublc. <br /> �'`�`;�' � ` � 15. Borrower•s Copy Borruwrr+hall b�givrn cme conti�mtrJ cnpy of Ibi�Securily Inslruinenl. - <br /> '•;•^�. ��`�.�,� '':`; , •;y 16. Assignment of Renls. Borrower unronJi�iunully ux.ign+und tran�fer,tu Lender atl the ren�s and revcnue.r• uf ttk _ <br /> • .: ., r%'=` ,'� PropeRy. Borrower nwhoriies LenJer nr l.endcr:ugcnl�tocollec�thc rcn�ti and re�enucs and hereby dircc�s cuch te�:mt of _ <br /> '` ''•• . t'�e Propeny to pay the rcn�s to Lender or Lcnder�uRems. Howe�•er,prior ta Lendcr:S notice ro Bottower uf Htorrower� - <br />�"'�� ' breach of any covenunt or i�Freemen�in�he Security ln�trum�:nt,Borrower Rhu11 c��lleci and receive All rems und revenues of <br /> °°��`;' . t�.• the PrapeAy as trustee for the henefit oi Lender and Borrower. 'I'hi�•r:tii�nment of rents ronxtiwte4 an ab�olute assignmem = <br />�.`:`�`�;� ".`���� �� - eqd not an a�signtr�nt for addilinnul hecurity only. _ <br />"..:;,.�. - <br /> lf Lender�ives notice uf breurh to�Barrower. (a1 ull rcnts recrived by Borrawer shall be held by Bortower u�trustee <br /> ��.��—�;�`;:•c`,;:� : for benefit of Lender anfy,to be npplied to the sums .ecu�ra dy me �ecunry in++n�mene (bj LCT1Uer n0a1! oe emitleU to _ <br /> �'� .�;•Y,1:4��.(�:�; ' colleci und receive ull of t�e rcntti of the-i'ropeny: und(c)euch Ienunt of the Pruperty .rhall pay all rems Jur and unpaid Io <br /> `.�� � >',�:,•�.;. • l.ender or Lender's agent on Lender+wrincn demunJ to the tenum. _ <br /> ��'".:,�:ii'::.: ���:�', Bottower ha�not executed uny prior ussignrnent ui thc rentu nnd hat not und will neit perform uny act Ih•r� would <br /> � =-�.,:i��,�"�_ ::;,� prevent l.ender from exercisin�ils righis under Ihi�Purugruph 16. <br /> =_ "�"�'' *::;t='; ;•,;: [.ender shall not be reyuircd t��enter u�wn,tuke comrol of or m�im�in thr Propeny lx('orc or.iftrr giving notice of - <br /> � "�-; ` � �%`• breach to Horrower. However. Lender�ir a judiciully upRx►intcd receiver muy d�i s��ni uny time there i,r•a Ixeuch. Any ' <br /> .__�-� .. �..�.�;.,_� <br /> _ •''�y=�;'�•?��:t;?�.. npplication of rems shull not cure or waive uny Jetault or mvulidute ucy other right ur remrJy uf L�nJer. Thi.a:;��gnmcnl f <br /> ; ;``.:; ;_` �' )),,ii..` of rents of Ihe Roperty shall terminate when 1he debt serund by�he 5ecuriq•Ins�rument is puid in full. _ <br /> d,_ i` , `,5- `.�_ � <br /> .. �� � <br /> _�� � ,'i$ <br /> rrox�a��r�ruxes, _. <br /> ' 1 �.. <br />_-+ u�'� <br />�4.S.�.. aW„� �"`:. <br /> . • i�' _ <br /> , .:. . ...� �. : <br /> .., .. . <br /> ,.: . • <br /> . .,, , _ <br />