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�.� , . { . <br /> �,•t �•���� . _• . <br /> .��__ _ ' � y , 1� , ' - . , � . . . ._ . ._ .._'_ . ._ ." .._ . -. ._ .--a.i.�e <br /> ' ' • <br /> �� <br /> - � ; �: .� � . . ..� �. , . , <br /> . ...° .�u � "v'-. � • . , . - , - , ,— <br /> . . , � . . . . 1 . �93*10G��1'� � . <br /> __---_--� � � p���ti'rirai�l.�q�i..i 1�ci�.. B�rrow�r�p�r w�s�e WopWadp�l a�aaa�q�x oa <br /> � tMd�l��r(dw�o�d Oy Wp NtMa tnd t�oo ch�r�;a�due u�nde�r tbe Nae. - . . <br /> 1 MNW��rp� 'llnar�L�+'roe aid OII� Ba�ow�a�li i�cluQe ia e�ch aidnthly y�e�, <br /> to�ai�h dis prbcip�t�ad inno�r�a to�th i�da Na�e��la�e cMr/r.�1�adin t�hr ��)�-u�-�a- � ,. <br /> .pecW ia�aaeaa bvied ar a ba�,w �Gne tMe Properey.N) P�� !� �P�'• <br /> _ (o)paNiwns fw�r�oe nequi�ed bY��. . <br />_ _ B�aU moe�hty iawluqaat far heaa��)ptd(c)�b�p aqml aae�lw�aM1D aY We��moants,��1y � . <br /> l,arAar� us aa +unauu t to m�inWn aa additiaad bdance d aot ma�e da�n me��th d the . . <br /> � -- _ __� ��a��ryounb. �fWl�nnwl iunouru far aich itaa idaU bo�oauawf�ed by t�wUhin�paiod�di�we <br /> momh befae�a itaa vwwW b000na ddhqnaq. l�ender�lall bold the�o�asroi oolbcted ta tnW to�r ilemr(��(b)oad - <br /> 1 (a)6ofao d�ay 6evome deW�qaa��. <br /> lt�t my dme tho taW of Ihe p�y�ncnu held by l.emler for ilonu(��(b)and(a)�tag wlth tho tbUqe n�oat6ly <br /> p�ym�s far wch ik�nw p�Y+�ble to Lendar priot to ihe dua d�tes of wch iwno,exceedi by mae th�a a►asixtb d�e <br /> o�rauad�unauu of pa�yn�enu�uirod apsy�ucb itemc whai due�and it'pa a on�he Nae are cun�cn�U�en I.a�der <br /> eh�U�id�a neflu�d tha caa�s ovor ane•si�th of�ho oatim�tad p+�y�a►ta or�exaea over une-:i�th of tho eatlm�t�ed <br /> w sul�soquent poYments by Barower.aa�es option of Bonr►wer. If the toul of tE�c paiymaps mtle by Ba�ower <br /> - -- — a�ita�i�(p�(b)�ar(c)Lt i�icieat to pqr Ihe i�an wl�en dua�then Banowar�hW pay iu Lr�nder rqy amouat oeoe�ry to <br /> m�ke up the dafi�i oa or befam�ho diqe tke��m b000mes due. <br /> Ac wed in this Inswmao►t,"SareuuY"mams the Sa�tary of Housing�nd Ur6�a Dave�bpma►t or Ais or her <br /> r- — daig�nee In aay yo�r io tho La�da muu psy�maiga�e i�nuranoa pn�nwm to tbe Secretary. h a�onthly P�Y� <br />�''; slMll�Iso inchde eld�er: (i)an instdlmatt of �he annual mortgage ins�raaoe pemiwn w be paid by L.ader to tbo <br /> montWy ch�ge inctad of a mortgage insuwnco premium if tbis Secwity Insmunwt is held by tbe <br /> -- — - - Sec�ny. Gach anontWy awdlma�t of tUe imuranco premium:iWl6o 9n tn amouat sufficimt to accutnulate tbe <br /> - - - full imnwil moiigagc insura�KS premiutn wi�oae mond�prlor to tbc datc the full annual insuronce ` <br /> mn � __ <br /> preroi�m is due to thc Secretary;or if thi6 Security Instrument Is heldby ttie Socreuuy,eACh monthly char�e 6e in an <br /> -� Amou�K oqual w one-twelflh of one-half percent of Ihe autstanding principal baUnca due on the note. <br />:�`� ---�`���� , If Bonower tenders w Lend�r t�e full p�yr�nt of all sums securcd by this Sxu�ity Go�ument,Bortowerl�account <br /> •..stu116e c�edited with the balance remaining of r all installments for items(a). (b),and.l�r u�ad any mortgage insurancx <br />_��, ' Premium installmcmt that L,ender hos,nat become obligxted to pay to the 3ecreqay�.ao�d O,emdcfi ahall promPtlY refw�d any <br />::��,,;;�_ • eacas funds to Borrower. Immediately�i�ta a foreclosure sale of the Property or 81s acsyuisluon by Lender.Ho�nnwaY <br />��• �o�unt shdl ba crcdited wlth pny ba]�ce remajr�ang for all inslallments for items�A),�+b)�cl(c'1. <br />_ �- � 3. don ut 1'�ymente. Alf payments under Paragraphs 1 and 2 shall ba appi�ed Iby 1.eMier as follows: <br /> - to the mortgege insurance prcrnium[o be prud by Lender to 1he Sa�retary oi 10 tiu rnonthly charQe by tha <br /> - Searc instead of the monlhly mortgage insurance premium; <br /> , . <br /> , $p�,to any twccs,speclal aa.sessma►tR.leasehold paymrnts or�cnund nerua�and fire�flood pnd olher hazatd r <br /> ::' �..�,f,' insu�premiums,as�q uired: `_ <br /> -- _ _. =.W.. • y�,tn int�ru dne vn�*�he Nae; . __ . <br /> �,:�. , _ <br /> --.u�� . ,. ,tt�amOrdlzali0n Qf ihe principal of the Note: . '�_ <br />-�'*�"`,� '� ���`;:`�.�;.' , �'}j.w late charges due u�der the Nac. _ <br /> '� � fiat'�� _ 4. Fire,Flood pnd Other�uuar�c�Insunnce. Borrower shall insu�e�II impmvemen�s o�a the Property.whether now __ <br /> 7 �{; �l':;;{p _. <br /> ��'� �}::� in existence or suM�equ�ntly erected, a@�inst�ny I�ezards,casualties.and cootinRencies,including fire. for which Lender <br /> „ �• ,i�<<�;�;';i� '� . ,• �equires insurance. Td�is insu►ance shall be ma[ntained in the amountx ancf tor the periods that I..endor reguires. Bortower g._��� <br /> � �`" � shall also inswe all im rovements on thc Pro n whether now in existence or su uentl erected.a amst toss b floods <br /> ., �.::�',��� P Pe Y� �9 Y S � Y ,a. . <br /> � �'� � �� • to the eatent rcqui�d by tha Secretary. All insur�uice shall be carried with companios approvec1 by L.ender. The insurance -- - <br /> „ ,`t jjr�% 'f polieies and any rcnewel� shall be held by Lender and shall include bss payable clauses in favor of, w�d in a form <br /> ,4 •.;:�,.�,..;`r r.i. acceptable to.[.ender. -- <br /> - �F t'� ��' In the event of lose,B�rcower shall give Lender immediate notice by rneil, Lender may make praof of loss if not �.t� <br /> ' „i��pmm�+Ny hy Rn�r�wer. F.ach insuronce companv concemed is herebv amhorized sind directed to make payment for " _ <br /> �,., i?; .. <br /> . , (�`� ,,��,�.�. � such Ioss dl�ctly to Lendcr.instead of to Bortower and ro Lender jointly. All or any part of Ihe inswnnce proceeds may be �d;:: <br /> !;• '�t i���'�:��• � applkd by its option,either(a)to the reduction of the indebtedness under the Note and this Seounty lnsavmen4 '-�'-' <br /> ,�''�, i��,c�-�' first w any tklinc�uent amounts applied in the order in Pan+grnph 3.and Ihen to pr+epayment of prineipal. or(b)to the �•• <br /> �•. �3�, �'� restoration ar repau of the damuged property. Any upplicotion of Ihe praceeds lo the princ�pul shall not extend ar postpcme e::L <br /> - fi�,c-�a� �:._ <br /> '.��•�� � .,,.,�....;�„. the due date of the momhly payments which arc �eferred to in Poragrnph 2,or chunge the amount of such payments. Any ��... <br /> . �,.,..... . .,�`•.',. <br /> . ; : , b . excess insurance proceeds over en amount ra�uired to pAy all oulxisu�ding indehtedne+s under the Note ancl ihis Security <br /> ��,�i��.`�• � • inspument shall be paicJ to the entity legally entiticd thereto. , �'1� <br /> �r,,f• . °,. .:�. - In the event of foreclosure of this Security lnstrument or other trunsier of iitle tu ihe Propeny that Lxtinguishes the <br /> indebtedness,all right,title und interest of Borrower in and to insurunce policfes in force shafl puss ro the purchaser. ��,,',: <br /> • «. � .5. Occupancy. Preservatbn. Mainteiwnce and Protectlon of tlie Property; iforrower'a Loan Applkatlon; = <br /> '�- �"' �' l.ea.ceholds. Borrower shall occupy,eswblish, :u�d use the Propeny as Borrowerk pnncipal residence within s�xty dAys � <br /> •,�,�.;.,-�,'..:.,.,..' <br /> - ,�,,;' after�he execution of this Security Instrumen�und shall continue tn occupy the Propeny us 8arrower�s principol residence �:_„ <br />-�1, +, " �� for at least one year sfter�he date of occupuncy,unless the Serretury deterrnines tfiis reyuirement w111 cause undue hordship =-� � <br /> ;�� �r '' ` � for Borrower,or uniess extenuating circurtis�unces exist which ure beyond Borrower's con�rul. Bonower shall notlfy ��;�- <br /> � • �"..'��-� I.enders of any extenuating circumstancer. Borrower shull n�x commit wauc or destroy,damage or substantially change __ <br /> :� �� ""�` � the Pro perty or allow the Propeny to deterioraie, reasonable wear.ind leur excepted. Lendcr m�y inxpect the Propeety i6 the ,� s <br />.�: v, . . . <br /> � �:�-��':i;;��;<<_:, ..,.. P�vperty is vucant or ebandoned or the loun is in defnult. Lender may tuke reuwnnble uc�iun to protect and preserve such � ;� <br /> • ;., {��;;���;�y. c� vacant or abandoned Propeny. Borrower shall also be in defaull if Borrower,during the loun application proceys,RAVe � <br /> :y,, ''� ���+�'�Jt � ,.��� nfortnatlo)ain connecti n with�the loan evidenced by the Na� including,hmenot lim ied o, represent t onsnednceming 'x''����� <br />�►'� '?��•• ^.��.•� • . ;�x� Borrower's occupancy of the Prape�ty<�s a principul rexidencc. If this Securiry Inurumrnt is on u leusehold,Bomower shail � <br />.,'��� ":'� �t.'� . ,,., comply with the prov�sions of the lease. If Borcc�wer acyuires fce iitle�o thr Prc�pcny,the knsehuld und fee title shall not ;,f,�, <br /> ir�. � � ;;��•. `': , be merged unkss Lender ugrees to the merger in wming. ,.,? <br /> �*'�:. <br /> "'•' t �.s•;:�.� 6. ChQrges to Ibrrower s�ad Protectton of Lender's Rlphts in the Property. Horrowc r.hall pay ull govcrnmcntal <br /> ' � ,k v;;,;��l.:i-' " , � � <br /> . ��.,,:.�.. or municipal charges,fines und impoxitions that are not included in Pan+�,ri�h_ Bonower xhAll pay these obligution+on • <br />�''�'.• '% �::i�ti�"•, � time directly to the entity wt�i�h is owed the pc�yment, If faflure tu pay would adve�ly affect l.endert interest in the �;;;, <br /> L�`;+-` � '"�°� ' ' ' ��'' PrnpeAy,upon Lender�s requecs Bortower shull prompUy fumish to Lender receipts evidencing these puyments. ' <br />:_^�Q' �Y.�r"� .•,.�� ,`��,��i If Borrower fails to makc these payrncnt� or the payment� required by Paragraph =,o� faiM to perform any other <br /> • �.�..i�r'i� <br /> ',` °`�"• �:';�`'j�i covenants atd agreements contnined in this Security Instrument,or�here is a legal proceedang�that muy xignificantly affect ����� <br /> Irnder c riah�a�n dr P�mnenv l�uch a�o nroceedlna in bankruntcv. fnr candemnnlian or to enforce luws or reaululionsl. -� <br /> �.� �jFf� then Lendei may da ar�d pay whatever is nec:essaryr to protect thc value of the Propeny suid Lender x righ�ti in the Prop�:ny. �;;} <br /> N� : . .;�`����`' inciuding paymeni of tsixeg,haznrd insuronce and aher uems menlioned in PavaFraph 2. i t'•� <br /> .Z,'�s Any amounts disbursed by Lender under�his Parrgraph yhall f►ecot�ae an additiaraui debt of Borrower w�d Ix: �ured �� <br /> -_� " 'i,y,`t; by thu Securily Inatrument. These amaunts shall besv intcrest from the clute of disburtiement,al the No�e rute,und ut the <br /> � ,!�%i:.�;,�:?: ;.;�i:,' 1on of Lender,ahell be immediately due und pnyable. �» <br /> ,.�.,' � "��•�,-.?;��;•',�; •-'"' � 7. Condemnallon. The proceeds of atiy uward ar claim fnr dumeges,direct or conseyuentinl,in connection with uny <br /> --_, ,_.. "� '` '""':��, condemnetion ot nlher taking of uny pan of�he�'roperty,or for conveyan�e in place of condemnution,ure hereby s�.�signed <br /> ' '�•�� '•�+ t:•Y,t and shall be paid to Lender to the extent uf�he full amount of the indebtedneas that remuins unpaid under the No�e and thix �,« <br /> , :,,�d�`,'••} <br /> �� ��v ����'p `� Security Instn�ment. Lender shull apply such proceeds tn the�+educlion of the indebtedness under the Note und thiti Security <br /> :` :,�;� ,.�` Inswment, first to any delinquent amounts upplied in the order provided in Pnmgraph 3, and then to prepnyment of <br /> ,�A,' •,' � principul. Any application of the proa�eda 10 Ihee principal shwll not extend or p�stponc the due dote of the monthly <br />_ � �: 1 <br /> : �. ' <br /> �• . <br />. I .flv '.Y�}!�w�t' ��kt10f��MIRH� <br /> � �����' .� . <br /> . I � ir <br /> . . • <br /> • <br /> .��,.y.. .. ..,.� . <br /> , <br /> . , <br /> .. . •�. •� .v.t: �u..', --------- . . . _. . <br />