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� . . <br /> z�.��`�'��� �' _ . .: �.... <br /> . . <br /> � ----- _ _- <br /> '-— y' - ,y�• . ._. , _ . . . T1S�qtt�4l�i;'4�h;�' :f.•��..iyi' . ..,A' , , tl^ „�'r <br /> ,: ry: 93 � ..�j.� <br /> .� 'l.. . . . , . . . ���� - . <br /> - � pe�cas tlut l.endar teqt�. 71�e io�ureioe carier povldM��M i�we�!�II M ehoNa by�cw+�wr�wb�oc!s 1,rwIKM <br /> � 1�vubic���11 aot b�w�aaa�ply�riddal4. U Aw�ower t�ihllo aninaia de�+ib�d�b�orr.L�t�y.�t <br /> updon,abt�incove��e�a po�eat I�aderti rijUa ia We�y in�ooadwiw�p�e+�pM�. <br /> 11i1 h�aa�utae policiet md tenow��lall be�oo�pqb1�to �ad�lull include�q�ndrd�aq�r al�. l.r�der <br /> �ll lu�ve�he d�IN to fwN tbe po�kies�nd�a�+v�l�. It I.aMbr nequi�,Aonawer�u�li P�omp'dy�ivt�o Lend�r�I1 rebeipl� <br /> of p�,id�Memiunu and I�aswal uMioat. U1 the evant ot ba.BoflroWec�b�U�iva prompt polka b dr0 i�s�t wrier aud <br /> =-- _ - - L�tia. L.aider mq mvm proot af loa iP not mtde pnmply by 8aro�r. <br /> -._ Unles�LenAer�d Boe�uw�et othav►�Iee a�neri in wriNna,4�ur�oaa��xeod��11 be�pplied to�iaa ar n�ir of <br /> _ _ -- -_ ----, <br /> d�e if d�o�evohtlon or�qir i�eoonomically f �ad lronderl��eauiry b not leaened. U the - <br /> axw o�i or�not 000ao�niadly fos�ible or Lendorl�sa�u+irty�v�ouW 6e I�a�ed�tla inRUnrwo prooeedr �11 be <br /> appliea�a�ho wms�eauod by tbi�saxiriry Inwumau,wtiahar ar aa d,aa daa�with,uiy o�paie w sarowa: IP <br /> -� Barrow��b�ndons da doec not�within 30 d�y�a aotica fiom Latder th�t the inwranoo aueier iu� <br /> ofl'emd w saltle�cldm.thrn I.e�der m� collat tho insurmce procaoib. L.ender auy uce the q0000ds w or oatoro <br /> ��,cy�a�y��eany�se�y tnw�u,whnnaa�d�dae. �e 3o�a.y�oa U��n� <br /> �- � Ihe nodce ie given. <br /> Unksr l.cnder�nd tlonewer attwawice a�oo ia writMg.wy�pplf¢uion of p000eda a princlpal slwU not eatend or <br /> Pastpono t6o duo date of the manthly p�ymaMS mfurod to ln p�ph�1 aad 2 or chmgc U►o�wnawt of dte payitioals. it <br /> �:i,. ander puwgraph 21 the P�operiy�4�coqui�ed by laoder.Bamwmrk ni�ht w�uy incunu�oe polEcies and procaeds�esuhing <br /> - . fi+om dianage w tbe Propaty pi to�6e aoqnr�oo sh�ll pass w l.ender to the c�oent of 1ho sumc acurod by thi�Securiiry <br /> - In:tn�ment immediately pior w tha <br /> -_- f. Ooa�p�c� Pn�err+do�. aM Pru�eetio� d tMe Pr+ope�: Borrower'r I.a�a Appfiaitiont <br /> — - I.easei�oM� Ba►ower slWl accupp.csuWia6.�nd t�se We P�opeqy�s Borrower�s principa►1�esidp�cc within:Gtty day��er <br /> _.�_ _ the executlan of this Sec�uiry Insumoemt+�nd s4�U ca�6wc to uucupy Ure I'NOpe�r pc Bon��►wer�principal re�idenca tar at - - <br /> `',� kast ane yeu dter the date of ooc�ncy. unless La�da otlie�wlse agroes in wridag. which constnt slWl not 6e <br /> ` unreasonably withhe�d,or unlcss eatenwting ci��nca cxisl wliich aue 6eyad Bonowerl�cantrol. Bo�rower shall not <br />'- , y desuoy.danwge or impair�he Ptopetty.allow the Ptoperty to caw�it wute an the E'roperty. Borrower ehall <br />-'_ �'! be in default if my forfeitune actian or proneod'wg.w6otlier civil ar crimin� begun that in l.ender§gaod hith judgmeat <br /> ��� � could mcult in forfeiwr�e of the Propeny or ahe�wise materially impair�he lien crcsted by �hie Seeutity Inswment a <br /> � . ture <br /> - k; l.endor'�securiry intercs� Bormwer may cure swch a default and� provided in par�graph 18,by causing the actiian <br /> - or qocading W be dismissed with a ruling Lenderh good faith detemiination.procludes fafeiwt�e of the Bortower� <br /> _ intercst i� the Propaty or other nwterial impairment of the lien created by this Security[nsdirnent ar L.eoderl� socuriry <br /> _ inurest. Bomower alwlt also be in default if 8amwer, during the loan appiicatian proceas, gave matetially false ar <br /> -;,;:s,, . �� inxcurate informat�an or statements to l.ender(or failed to provide Lender with any ma[erlal iaforanation)in coru�ectlan wlth <br /> `�-,�... �he Imn evldenced by the Nae. including, but not limited to, reprrsentations conceming Bomr�aer'x occupancy of tbe <br /> ' •� Prvperry as�principAl reside�ce. [f�5ecuriry Inswment is an a leasehold,Borrower shall comply wlth all the proviaione <br />_-`�' �'�`!�`; of the lease. If 8asrawcr acquaes fee tc�i]:ta the Fh�opeity.the kasehold and the fee dde shall not merge unkss t.ender a�tne: _ <br /> � `���, �^�`'_. '�''•' to�he merger in writing. <br /> � . c� :;I:r.`� ET±�•;,.�;, � <br />:,; ;�.,. �• ,a,:..• ?. Protectioa oP I.mde�s Ri�E�ts ip tbe Pro�perty. If Somowe� fails to perForm U�e covenents and agrrements <br /> . .. • . „ , � conwined in this Security In�aumero�,a there is a legal proceitDing that may significantly affect Lenderls rights ln the <br />' i:":� ` +�'�•• propenv�cuch as A proceeding in bankPUptcy,proiwte,for condecunat�mn or forfeiture or to enfarce faws or rcgulations).ti�ai � <br /> . . ' ''�� �' � Lender m,a.:do and pay Por whateve� i�necessary ta protect the vatu�of the Property and Lender�rights jn the Propeiray. ___ <br />-' :�� Lender's actbns may include paying any sums secured by a lien w�6ch has priority over this Secu�ty Insdument.appearing _ <br /> _ �. - :' ��^�-• : in caurt.paying reasonable attomeys'fees nnd entering on the Property to make repairs.Although Lender mny roke actian <br /> - �„.l �-=��°.;.•�;� � under�his pamgmph 7,Lender does not have to do so. <br /> -= Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this paragrnph T shall become uddi�ionW debt of Borrower secured by ti�is <br /> - -�,-.�---= Sccurtty tnsttumesst. L'atess Borcoucs;,n3 l.endcr agree to otlscr;cr�ns nf p�ymens,these smount�shal!lxsr iatereat from tlse �- <br /> i �� �'�{. "7�. ' '`•.�. dn�e of d'a.hursement at �he Nae rate azcd shall be payable,wi�6�inti�erest,upon notke from L.endrr to Bomower rcquesting -- <br /> �"-;�-�. ti;;,�. _ <br /> _*,,. . • �.c-.:z�•,'. payewxnt. �,.��'� <br /> � -��,'�,', S. Mortgage Insurnnce. If Lender required mortgnge insurnnce�s a cmclition of muking the loan secured by this =__ <br /> 7; ' ,.z:i!,:�:,. .: .. � S�ecurity Instrument,Borrower shall puy the prcm9ums required to malmain t�:e mortgage insumnce in effect. If, for any __ <br /> `',�t'::` "' �` reason, the monguge insurance coverage required by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effec�, Borrower shnll pay the - � � <br /> " �����' �t�sv4�� V�� remiums re uired lo obtain covera e su'bs�antiall e uivalena to ihe mon a a insurance reviousl m effect,ut a ccrst `¢" <br /> � 'ti� _ dF?'� �.., <br /> • �� ,, �„•�: �ubctamiall Q uiv�lent to�he cost io orrower oS Ihe mon u c iasuc:uice teviously in effecl.from nyn alternate mort a e �s. <br /> . �f i;�,�,��,%i��, . Y Ml B � � P R g =- <br /> ;';� , �y, t�, _, insurer upproved by l.ender. IP substam�iaUy equivalcrn mong•rge in.�urnncr coverage is not nvuiluble,Borrower shall pay to � <br /> � '^ � -� °�` Lender each month a vum eyual to one-nvcl9i'h nf Ihe yearly mongage insurance premium being paid by Born�wer when the -:�- <br /> �i'• �.;�.;,: .`„•' - <br /> �`�'• ���� insuronce covero e la ,ed or ceused to be in effect. Lender will acce t u.c:md rcrrin these a ment�ae u lo.�reserve in lieu <br /> �-• .,,',,•,.,.:t�• E P• P• P Y �,- <br /> '� ` �..:,u;`��•'-•'`�� •r:. of mangn�e insurunce. Luss reserve payments may no longer t+e reyuired,A� �he optiun of Lender,if mongage iasurance ,;•: <br />.�'�; . ';,'� '.<' .�!''��,`;; • covernFe�in the amounl and for thr peri«i that Lender requiresl provided by un insurer upproved by Lender ngain becomes ' <br /> ��-, !,� ,k �;¢';,.;.c � , <br />;_ 1t;. . 4,,,,.,tt��,a.;�� avnilUble and is obtuined.Borrowcr sfiall pay the premiums rcquired to muintuin mongage insur.�nce in et'fect,or to provide u <br /> i�',� , ,�.,,`,•., I` { '�{s'�i; loss reserve,until the requirement far mortgage insur.mce ends in occordunce witfi uny wrivan agreement 6etween Borrower :_ <br /> .+-i'•_: �• '•I�St��,i M:��It�l;`Y 1.-.--:. <br /> ,r , :�::, .,�,, ,,, , •.�r, andLenderorupplicahlelaw. . <br /> � �r�""�'''�`�'' ' 9. Inspection. Lender or itc ugent muy m:�ke rea.tianuble entrie�u�m an� inspection�of Ihe Pmperty. Lencler shall '�i;• <br /> ;1s`• � y{;"r�i•`:r�•.�'�.`�„�:14� '�1Y.;�' <br /> c ,�;��g'(�r!�•�;'• �;, give Bormwer notice at the time o.°or prior to an inspection specifying reasanuble cau.e for�he insp►:ctiun. �f iY�•... <br /> �a�!'..� �� �' -J s,:. <br /> - °"�� �'�,1���a/t� P Y � � ���,. <br />� !- ..,,.,,.-..,....-,:y�•, ' � ttl. l:ondemnWion. '1'1�e raeeds ot an uward or cl�ien:nr.l.�m:� �s,direct or come�ue�rcial,in connection with au�} <br /> �.s� . � }%�"�;,:�."'���f,.��}, S�ngk Famil�--Finale MadtYeddk lfac 1����i)R�'1 IN.S7'RQ'�fF.ti't•-Unilorm c'o+enunt. 9/91 �pu I 1 r <br /> ,�;' ge.i u 6 NI.Pq `(j�'-. <br /> •�l :l'���•`�;�. � '�'.It�j'� Grtal Idte Bu1er�Fati.Ir � �;�� <br /> '�' �.��� - �� fi 4dR CW.ti0D5909t1NGi..FA7{8167Y41171 ��;'.�i. <br />'-'!� �'�I�,:��:. � � �. { , <br />.�.�� � 3��.!' .� 1'it�i�� �, <br /> r ' '� ' ' <br /> .F� � �� yt(+ �����, i � <br /> i ',� ` �,�,� T r { At}} (, ' �7,•��, + t��{y7 �y}� <br />� �.` �t'�• ��fl���,l �;I,C'���`�i� �.l' '1�' � :i . . ��,4.tt1�' .�����!'7�.,�t�'^�.^!' � � � #.. , � .�t`i;;'1-. <br /> 71 t� �l. �:.�.. r����:,�<;; � r � � ��- 4 '�� <br /> i i� ,��r,.:,�°� ��,t� � ��. � � 'r,. :�� ;y�, 3x, ��� , <br /> E,f��7���t,.� .t�rSi.,1 �l%1- t.�'(i�� �.; IM - 1� �1 . �4�-�:��� i 1i , � .. f� <br /> �,{� �1r.�1�.aiL'�ll�t:i.h�.h� �'S�;I�Y�� tb,'� . :1�'+il i �. -�,i.: -_ �-' - �1 �� •. .' <br /> -- ( ._ . . ` 'v'.• , � �` -_1:.1.. .:s;��_ .1».S' �L`.L! <br /> - ---- . _.�_� .�..___ ._. .<<.... . . .�a..L... � .. <br /> �-�` • � , E, •.i "�'r .. . --_-_='--- - ' ..,,.� . . . , -- , •�,i �- ... ... .. - • . - - - . .-,. . ... _ <br /> T t e .Z-.. <br /> �t SS �5�'L.{`� � . . <br />�s � 4 � � �( {�'� � a-� ' �t _ } :r�, . • <br /> . . . 1 {� �,''�175�;1�I.'����,rrr�.l,•'•.a . � " 1,,�',��f.. � .1���: �i ' . . 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