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; • . . <br /> ' ' � - <br /> __. : <br /> ��. . <br /> ..`M. <br /> ':.��: � � � •• . ' - - <br /> � ' � � <br /> s� ' S t _ ._ -- <br /> . <br /> i..� . / � � , _ ,-,.. ___ -- _ _ —- � _- <br /> �� .. .. '_����.....�..�.r+r�.r. �� W -_ _ �....�w� .� .. ��Y )'{. <br /> -- =v -�---� • � .y� � M�'�. � : . -� .. I ..,:. <br /> � � � �3-'iv'� �. <br /> � To�oB7]iBR a►„H al�cbe trap�rManaM.nov�►or aa�e.ftar aec�ea m tUe Aopa�,,«ramants..vpa��. <br /> _-- �nd flziwa naw aR i�eroailer a prt of�he p�opeity. Aq Rpirvaaent�a�d ad�on�dnll aiw bo wve�d iry t�Lis Sa�►iyrT - <br /> InFhumai� Al!ot the ta�e�oia�b rofened a ia tl�Seawity Inurummt u�he"Propeety. ' - <br /> BORROWBR C'OVBNAM'S tlnt 8arower is I�wNlly ooiiad ot tho a1Mo Aa�eDy tonveyed tad ha�Ibe djht u►�at <br /> u�d canvey the Property�od Ih�t the Propaty i�una�cumbend�o�tcept fa arcumb�nccs o�'ra�o�d. Ban�owa w�n�uu��rtd � <br />_ _ 4rt_._ -_, _�; wlll defcnd Qa�eally�he tGfe w tho Proreriy�ainit dl cW taw md denundr.wbjoct a any e�rcum6r�nces of rocatd. •. <br /> i TH1S SENRiTY INSIRUMBtAiTT oambines uniiorrn covawnt� far n��ional use a�d nomu�ita�m ooveaauu wNb <br /> — —_----'� limited vui�tiom 6ry.�a�dicdon to oo�itule a unilam sa.�urilr iowrumeol caverin�real prope�iy. <br /> -- UNIPORM C�OVBNAM'S. Bomnwer�nd Lcnder rnvenwnt md�gnx�s tallowa: <br /> - � i. Pa'me�t o�Prt�clpwl�ad Ipferati�N9�t and I.�te Cb:a'�a. Borrowor siu�ll p►omp11Y P'w9 wl�en duo IUe <br /> priaci of�nd intenu an the dcM ovidcnad by tho Noto and+�nY p►epwymant And I�to cf�a due under tUo Nae. <br /> � �Fb��ar'1���ad I�nce. Subjecl to applic�ble law or to�wrinen w�ivu Ciy LenAer.Barowtr sh�ll p�y ta <br /> I.ender on tho day moothlY p�ymeMs ar�c due onder ttie Nate.u�dl the Nate is pwid in tldl.a sum("Ru�ds"1 tar:Ul Yauly <br /> --_ .�.� wacs and�ssessme�us whlch m�y�tuin priority ovcr thi4 3ccurity Instrumant�s�Ikn on Iho Prnperty:lb1 Yesrly le�cehold <br /> m <br /> P�Y�ma or gmund�u� an �he Property. if uny; (c)YeadY hAraM or pmpe�ty inseu�urca prcmiwns: ldl yadY tlaod <br /> insumnce promiums, if any:lc) ycarly mo�tgagc insur�ncc pnemiums, if any: aod(i? a�,y sums pay�bk by Botrowcr to <br /> accordance with 1he pmvisions oi paragraQh lieu oi'1he paycrcat oP mwtgage insuranco prrmiums. 7beso <br /> v_- items aro called"Escrow Itcm�." I.cnder su,y tirt�e,colk�ct�nd IwW I�uds in an a�moum not w eaceed the m�ucimum <br />-:'a, amount a lender fa a federnlly rcWed mortgage loan roaY require for eorrower'�escrav account under the fak�l Ra+l <br /> Eswce SenlertKn�Prncedures Ac�oi 1974�s amended fran uarc�o�ime. 12 U.S.C.$2601�r seq.�"RFSPA"),uoless another <br /> ;i_�_ :�:.,.s� I�w that appliss to ttie Runde sels a lesser amoun� If s�a l.ender may,at any time.cdlecR w�d hold Ru�dt io an omount nd to <br /> — - :�'�? �±,��crf thr usu� am�wra. I.e�Eer mav mimate�he m�rmt of Ficadc dua on the basis of cutnenl dats m�d ressomble - <br /> ��=- <br /> v - .. astimates of expenditures of futw�e Esc�ow IQems or otl�w6ae in xco�dan�e wilh ap�licabk law. <br /> . : ' The ti�nds shall be held in an instiWuion whose depo�ils are insured by a federal agency. insqumentaliry.or entity <br /> .'� �� {Fncluding Lender.if Lcnder is such an in�oeeu:iawel or ia any Fede�al Home I.o�n Bunk. Lender shall apply the Funds to pa�y <br /> t <br />�:::.�:::r,� �?s.°.'Jff' � �E�e Lscrow Items. Lender may not cFr�rge I�oqrower for holding and applying�he Fu�ds. annually analyting 1he esc��ow <br />`.•�.,i�1�:��ra,.. <br /> =�!t�'1 ;5t��.'�i�� ;�c,,rount,or verifying tt�e Escrow Items. unless l.eror,�r�n°:s Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law perntits <br />.,,:��, <br /> ; `'�,`�t�'�'3 Le�nder to make such a chcvge. However,l.ender tt��ny r�.,r,mire Borrower to pay u one-time charge for an indepetidrnt roal <br /> ;�'�' .. , estate tax reponing service used by Lender in oonnection wi�h this loun,unless applicable law pravides aherwlse. Unless An - <br />_`'t: '�,G `� �°' agrecment is made or applicable law reyu�re�iaterest to be paid.l.eoder shall na bc required to pay Borrower any interest ar <br /> `•,:�;�� .��� '�,� eamings aa tde Funds. Bomower and L.ender may ogrec in writing,however.tha�intcrest shall be paid on ihe Funds. Lender <br /> ;:�",� {i41,.,, .�.°` ' siwll give tu�arawer,without charge,an unnual accounting of the Funds,showing credits and debits to the Funds and the <br /> � ���'•,..! � . ' putpose fcx wh�ch each debit a ihe Funds was made. The�nds are pledged as additional security for all cums secured by . <br /> � I this Securiry la�m�ment. <br /> ,,..`- ��r:T�.-:: �:��;�.;;;:.{.i_;t . ii tiie Fv�ds heid by�er eacecd the amounts permitted to be heid by appiicabic iaw. Lendrr siu+li ac��u»t t� <br /> � +�, �` �c, ; Borrawer fi�r the eacesa F1mds ia�accontaac,:, wilh the requirements af��+{�licable law. If the umount of the Funds freld by � <br /> ;S�'.:;.��.,..,��,., �: <br /> ;�• �.•.��.,?f'� l.emier at any time is not sufficient tr�pay 1hc Escrow Items when due, Lender may so notify Borrower in writing,anrl,lr� <br /> �>_. `�� ��;. .` ` .ruc�rase Bomower shall pay ta�l.ender the umourst r�eresaary to muil•�e up �he deficiency. Borrower shall malce u�p ti�e <br />-s��° '- �?�'��s� ���icien�:y in nomore�hen tweo�e monthly puyments.aa Ler�Wer's solc discretion. <br /> = r�� ,,; ,. Upon p�yment in full of a]1 sum.secured by�hi�:Securiry lnstrument,l.ender shall promptly refund to Borra�wer aoy . <br /> '�'� � Funds held by Lender. If,under purAgrn,�'�2i,L.ender shall acquire or:ceU the Property.Lender,prior to�he ucquisiti�o�a ar <br /> '� ±,��`;�� �` sale oi�he Property,shull npply any Fun�E.Ekl�d by l.ender at the time of acquisiuon or sale as a credit ngainst the sums <br /> t , •� - �'� secured by this Security Instrument. � <br /> .. ., , :.:, <br /> - 3. Applicadon of Peyments. Unless opplic�ble luw provides otherwise, all puymems received by Lender under <br />- -, - F�S�Rhs !snd 2 sha!!br spplicd:frst,t�eny�+reraymem rharao.due un�icr Nu�Note; amcwnts paystble under <br /> �,�� i ",:,,�� �G �� paragruph 2;third,to intercst due;fourUi,to principal due:And lust,to uny late churges due under the Note. <br />:.. �� . ��• 4. Charges; Liens. Borrower shall pay nll tAxes. Assctisments, charges, fines and impositions atuibutable to the <br /> ;�.r�nm �r•Wa'N✓:r�..,'l.c.:.:/. <br /> . ( a�-:�;• ;:•�, .- Property which may attain priority over thiK 5ecurity Ins�rument.and leasehold payments or ground rents,if any. Borrower <br />�;'�.i�;:; �'�-z,�:;,:%�'^�:,�• shall pay these obligations in the manner p�ovided in paragraph 2,or io not paid in that manner,Borrower shnll pay them on - <br />:-�;;ii�,lr ,,,,.Js�.�. 'k ���.:�;,. lime dircctly to the person owed payment. 6orrower shall promptly fumish to Lender all notices of amoumx to be paicl undcr <br />-i;`;���1' �::'•. ;'�•�+;•���:s'���;'•; t9�i;paragruph. If Borrower makes these puymenls�ia�;tly,Borrowcr shull prompUy fumish to Lender receipts e�idencing - <br />-....,. H.. ,, .'��;;:�:t.::,. r r:r.r�. <br /> •�;,�'��; � r�,���.f;'�,`� Ihe payments. <br /> ��-���?. '���:'.7;•;+�'�1'fi'i�'�c�/:�;2��'''' Borrower shall rom N dischar e an lien which hu.. riori� ove�lhis Securily ln�trument unless Borrower.(n)a rees <br /> � �,;...,:. r.,..�,;,� . .,y.i'�, P P Y F Y P� >' 8 <br /> . ��T �.r,.: r c:4 r?';: in writing to t�te payment of thc obligatic�ra xecured hy the lien in a manner acceptab)e to Lender.(b)contests in good fuith 1he <br /> � .�st�:,yP;:;; . :, ,1 . <br /> , . .� t ,�,,�.;_, ,�i , ,,;.r'� lien by,o�defencls ugainst enforcement af ihc lien in. Iegul praredin�s which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent�he _ <br /> •;���,i::;�y '>�,. ,;��,,� � enforcement of'thc licn;nr(ci secures from Ihc holdcr of thc licn an uFrcemcn�sutisf�ctory to Lender subordinating the lien <br /> ` ��"��'��� � ` to this Secun Ins�rument. If Lender detennines thAt un art of Ihe Pra rt i�+ub'sct io a lien which mu s�t�uin riorit <br /> �!'.s 'J�~•"i•'• �Y Y P Pe Y': : J' Y P Y <br /> �•" ;�'�".��y'`��'��1�}Y�''!i;'� over this Securily Instrumenz.Lender may give BormN•cr a noticc Identitying thc lien. Barowcr shall satisfy�he lien or roke <br />�- S�:�t4pJ Mr ...rf�t"�F '� ..'��:•;;: <br />_ .;�+k. � ,�,,��s, ����•;,��,., one or more of the actions set forth abovr�viihin 10 duys of'1hc givin�of noticc. <br />' .,,,1�� ; ,. , a : ;.:<;� �c' <br /> ,.,,,, ,,, ,�� S. Nauird or Ih•operly lnsor•rnre. Borrawcr tihull kecp�hz improvements miw cxiti�ing or hercaftcr crected on the <br /> �'"` Property insured against lost hv�re,huzard�inrluded within thr term"estended roverage"and uny olher hazurdti,inrluding <br />� l. :. '.,�:t 4 ;,,... ;t, , <br /> s t;;��• ::•'`' floads or flooding,for whi�h�Lender requires inxurnnce. This fnsurnnce shall be mnintuineJ in the amounts and for the <br /> � r�`_ ..," � I <br /> ,:. .: '7�,^'':r�h'i}`�'�`� I <br /> - .��y. '.• '•,r FormJOS�t 919U qwRt?n1APuvtal <br /> •_� .,'i` .. ,, `�:���: ,�,' ;,�1_�, � <br /> •I�if.� i .��,:i�� %�",.:��. <br /> �::t�;� � � ' 1'tef"�i.: '.�'� <br /> �.Pi`'r ,.:���,R;j, �:'� <br /> � •�,r:= <br /> ,,,,, ��� �•�„ Lt5?,,t. , . . - <br /> �,tir�„ � <br /> y}l��, � � � ` '�}� '� ' <br /> � � � �, � � � h '� �,•�!i �t{[ �:-.,� tc�7�,���, <br /> �i�r�� ��'�,`' , , i� . � �. - .oe r�4tsA . �^�����j�'�" 1ylp�!},'frr�r`:k!;l!�t;'�'i"11'j'�r!{°c. 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