��.. --�
<br /> � ;, � � ;�� 1�-. ,. . ;— - --___
<br /> �. y ,. . ___ _ .4�. . � ���� .. ..-- . "._u.
<br /> � , "� __. . _ .,
<br /> �---�-
<br /> ����. 4-.:.�:�m� 1-�.0214 5
<br /> --�-��� der iLrtha coveiunt and��ree a follow�: � �_---
<br /> v_`.,� NON•UNIPORM COVLNAN'fll.BOr(�OM�alld Ll11 �_
<br /> _--= a 1!.Aoalwatla�i R�ile�. U�ier si�ll�re�oNa to Baro� Klor to�oetlusHo��ollowt� Bo��''�
<br /> "' - .°"� ,�� �d ay aowwit or���i�thu Securitf'iq��at Ibot�ot!�a to�ccderatlaN u�dtr P�+� can the
<br /> ^ n�e�oac.�u q�c+tyn(.11Y.I.r.�la ro►uw nctloa�eapin+ �"`"'"""-
<br /> -__ �=' �y�lle�l�lt 1�w�rotidM otMKwiN1.
<br /> :"'';_:i..,�� ilet�it�(c1�i�te.�ot 1�tW 30 d�y�11ru�tbe d�te tla�adc�u alrea ro Borrowee,by Mhlcb t!N dehNlt�wt be cundi
<br /> '�'3"•,. r�,-.� �ed(�i)Wt hll�ue to con tM de�wlt oa or Mtoro tMe d�a op�elAella tYs natice nay readt V aocdendo�ot tMe� - -
<br /> �ecWed bY tWt Seeodtr I�t�ad sda ot the P�opKtY.71e�otice slu�ll b�rtber inton�Borrow�r at tM�t to
<br /> ,�: rd�dte��ceden�do�wl tM�daht to 6ri�R�cowt�ctlo� ta�t tbe�on�exl�tenee at�defialt or uy M6er -
<br /> - - -,-,-
<br /> - dehase a{goerower ta�oeelerado��d sve.Ittbo default i�aat cnrel a�or 6eton tbe d�te�peclAed i�tYe wtiee.4�der --
<br /> "^ tre i■.edt�te P�Y�t Ia n�U ot di w.0 aec�rat by thi�Socu�lty Ia�trnmeAt.rithoot tn+ther
<br /> •��� ,�•�:: vt ia optlo�euY� �--_ - - _ _
<br /> �'' --' desa��nd w�Y ia�oke tNe Power ot r�la Nd ary otYer raw�dia Pa�itt�d 6y�P��9��Iaclndin�er��baU bRlimlted ta -
<br /> --���"'' `� � -
<br /> ,�a�-.. . oollect�II eYpenra Incun�d la pa�sWea tYe remedla pro�ided I� thb pua�r�ph ---
<br /> . ���rs:��,..�. �.° r�a�o+��►le atroneY�'tea�ad cab otHde e�ideace. -
<br /> �;,. .' , p t�e powu ot de 1�Ia�oked,Tnutee�11 rocard�aoHce oi detwlt IN dicb county in whicb a�y W�rt ot tbe w__
<br /> � . �e r l�r i s l u p�t e d�p d�hall mdl co ples ota�eb aatlee in We m�nner pracribed by�ppllcable I�w to 8orrower�ad to We � _ ,.
<br /> , . ...
<br /> . . °• ;' ��y�y p��ibed by�pplictble I�w,Atter t6e ti�ae requirod by�ppl k�We t�w�Tnu tee�h d l R i�e p u b l k e o t o c e o t �` _� y
<br /> . � caM to tke persa��u d i a t be�"e r W�*���Y��!(�l e I�w.T r u u e e,wit6out dam�ad on Barrowe�,srall ieii Ne ...
<br /> - � �-�- WI/er at t�e daae and pltce md asder tbe tena�de+��tea li�1Me�otke otsak i�
<br /> �^�"'"'�'�°'.,'",_ p e�p e r l y at p rbUc ancdoa to tMe�t ��
<br /> • o�e or a�ore Pu�cel�and i�a�T��*TrMSt�e d e f e r W a.T n t r t e e�a�q p o�t p n n e a l e o t d l o r�Y P W KI oi tb P r o p e r t y b y �--�. .'�... .�'�-
<br /> ot a�Y M���Y��led sale.Leader or its�aipce�U'P�rch�e tM �...__
<br /> : �� .-_•. . pqMtc u�ouaceiaeN d tre ti�ae�/�l�oe , .
<br /> . - property at�u►Y sve• T��1 deitver to the P�Yacer 7'ru�t�e's deed cooreylna the � � � . _ ._
<br /> � �a�.:k._, . vpow�eeiM�r�x�t or eke wioe�+. ,:,a U��= :
<br /> ° c=-� - _ - p�q4ert�p'!Ue resihls i�tl�e Tru�tee'a deed tWl be pTiwa hcte etlde�ce ut tre trutA ot tYe sbtea�e�t�m�de tMerein. r, �M;:�:: � _`
<br />�:ti�r •... • 7J.o....'.
<br /> � _..,.,�a:� ..' Tr�aeY ohall�pp1Y We P*a'ee�of the�le i�tre tolbwi�ader.(�)to d➢expea�es W tMe sole,iad�o�io�.bnt aot lieeited �
<br />'�� itted b • iable I�w sad reasoat�k attoraeys fee�(61 to dl w�as secwed by tW SecwitY �w�.i��.'�
<br /> y..� • ea"'�r�ee's ta�aa pena Y PP� �',,:�::°-
<br />. •'�'•''. Iwtrw�es��ad(c)�sy excw to the penon or persono kgaly ertitled to It.
<br /> • ` ,f �F
<br /> . , ��'i =p, ��� p�on.Upon acceleration under puag�pfi 19 or ubandonme�t oP the P�aperty.Lender(in
<br />;y�'�: � ...:.,. . ,' �nted�eceiver)shall be entitled to enter upon,ts►ke possessiarn��i and manage the ��'-
<br /> F ,,.,r..,�,�., ;�i�� person�bY agent or by judiciallY apP�
<br /> a;,-,_ .� Property and to collxt the rents of the Property including those paat due. Any rents collected by Lender or the receiver �.-*�����'+:
<br /> � • shdl be applied 8rst to paymenk aP the costs of management of the Property and colkction of'rents.including.but not . :�,,.,,
<br />���. ., �• limited to.receiver's fees,premuwms on receiver's bonds and rct�son4ble attorneys'fees.and then to the sums gecured by �ti
<br /> , , . �:...sfc;�:`-
<br />� " ,., this Security lnstrument. r_`�_--
<br />,,. • • 21.Reconveyaace.IFBa�PaYment of all sums socured by ti�is Security Instrument,I.endcr shall rcquest Trusta to
<br /> 5: ��� • h��' reconvey the Propeny and shs�D su�render this Security Inurument and�ll notea evidencing debt secured by this Security '��,��yr v
<br /> J.- y ��ISi(T47111CI��IO T�IISLCL�.Tr.:s:-:e sha1�tec^nvey�he Property without warranty and without charge to the persan or persons G,�t,a_�1:�'.:�_;.___
<br /> ��`;`f'`t.��r.� • 1 Y entitled to it.Such perso�e�r pe�sons shall pay any recardation costs. -� i:,;i�;��y;.
<br /> . .,t,�::�,.,.. . �Y
<br /> ��i r;`�`:r4�•'�, . 2Z.Sub�tltute Trustee.L�ndsr•a�its option,may from ume to time remove Trusta and aFpoint a successor tr:usta �r,,�
<br /> : '.'•7����;;�� �• , � ,n'Y;�.;�j;r;:;._-._
<br /> �,�,����• �", tosoy Trus�a appointed hereundet by an in�rwment recorded in the county in which this Security lostrument is recorded. „�.
<br /> ,{',• �t-
<br /> • '�"�''��' ' ' Without conveyana of the Property�the su�cessor trustee shall succeed to all the tide.power and dwries conferred upon �fi���rv=--
<br /> � .f':•'�;)�� ,.• . licable law. �.tt:�ti -r'•=--
<br /> �f,�+�,>�� Trustee herein and by app �- '''��i��
<br /> - � ;'�i':'��'�� t3.Request tor Notices,Borrower requesu that copies of the notices of defAUlt und sAle i�e sent to Borrower's '���}'�°�
<br /> ,:. •.. r•� Addresc. •'�,'"`:`i._
<br /> ^ ,.��;;1;�+� add�aswhichistheProperty � , .
<br /> .r.:;.•� ..� -
<br /> 3i+:w
<br /> ' ' 24.Ridere to tbl�SecuritY Irot�umep�«one or more nden nre executed by Borrower and xeoorded together with �,;�.y�:i, .s�;�,��
<br /> � this Security lnstrument,the cove�ants and agrcements oPeach such rider shall be incorporated into u�d shall amend and �, •i,�,i . . ; �
<br /> ';t�;�. '' �, supplement the covenants and agraments of thic Securiry Instrument as if the rider(s) were a pan of�his Security ,�;�''��,�{,. ��.--
<br />, �� Instrument[Chec�applicable boa(a)] ,�'rt:;i j��_
<br /> [] Condominium Rider ❑ 2-4 �emilY Rider ._ '•�- ,
<br />• „ , ' _ � Adjusuble Rate Rider ;•�,yti�;�;1:.._;i�:�
<br /> • .. � ' _YI��'.Cr/IF�1rL --•
<br />' • � (3raduated Payment Rider ❑ Planned Unit Development Rider �-�r
<br /> • ,..�•• �,-,
<br /> ., � � ...
<br /> , • .�,, .;.
<br /> t;, . � . a,��
<br />; � r',��' . ❑Other(s) [specify] `.�r'hl,.i�._�'y��
<br /> 1 '.;_,� ' ' �
<br /> • 'C;'r.:..
<br /> ,, .��a, BY StclNlNa Be�ow. Borrower accepts ond agrees to the terms and co�e�a»ts contained in this Security ':;,,;`,�1r;;:,�..
<br /> . Instrument and in ony rider(s)exxuted by Horrower and rxorded with it. ' Y•t,,.
<br /> i.' '�;:.:..�, . ., ,. ' /� � .L1 i � . ' -�;.�
<br /> ',..,�. „ l,-... �„' ff�„l.. I ,���......Zl��T�.�'.!�f�.•...lSeal)
<br /> r. .. ,,}`� _ , ,....................................................................................... '�l�n '� �iiridell .-eor�o■« ;';; . '
<br /> ` ��' , ,.,;'��j����:;"SF; �'��� ' ; �`��;
<br />. � .;;�:,.;r,'. ................................... . �-�?..z.t�. .1.'l��:�:��.��=.cFr•�'.........._� ��� �I.�'„',:�i
<br /> `�•,iri+''�s�; � .r,� ..................................................... "�lnore hi. �undell � '<<;,�.,i��;•..c','
<br /> {�,'�4.{r'�: .Y_ ') r;i`i''•
<br /> '�:S•��d�. .' � � ''''+�����!t
<br /> � �Ft;�'S�� � H al l caunty ... .. ;.:�. ; � .
<br /> r�:: �, ST.ATk nF NL'BRASI►A. ( ,r�•��, .
<br /> i;..;�; , � . .
<br /> ,t�yj%�;,• ..:. ,
<br /> . .c;,,r A rl?. . 19 S1. bclurc �ne. cd�� und���ignrd. a NulAry Publir , ,'i.;,:.�1.
<br /> � � On thi� 15th duy o1' P ,
<br />' . � ' . d�a�gcommi.sic�nc.3�nd qu�lificd f„r�aiJ co�int>•.�r,.�nal1�►amc Na t'18� F. Lundelle��� �����8 M . , �
<br /> � � Lundell. each in his and her awrt right, ar d as spouse of?���� ��������► �� ����� . .
<br />- , •y;}f:t' id�nticul personlc) ���hoie nam�l,l are `�ns<<�n�a :� :r.� f•,rc�:�,in�. in.trumenr anJ a�0.nowf�dg�r1 thr r�rru�icm '
<br /> ,;,;, • ��' ;
<br /> d �,"''rj,t�� . thcrcof to bc th@iT �olrintan�.t ac�.l se�.l.
<br /> ''•".� Witnessmyhond :+nJnu►�r��[tiwi�r Grand Is1aRd, Nebraska m.aiJ�uunl�,�hr
<br /> „ ..i •
<br /> date ufuresaid.
<br /> ,
<br /> � , My Cummi+,ion rrpirrs:�/- ` j' � f"�' ' , � r / � . .
<br /> ��. :T..i l..'.�..'.!.-.. . ...r-. L.4-.C.:'�s't..r...... .... ......... .
<br /> . . �.,�.u. I'ub�a
<br /> . ���� Iil?VU�tiTh(1R NL•C'ON�F�ANC'Li � �
<br /> I
<br /> O�a E�P Nw.4 W91 .
<br /> � � ` �
<br /> The undersi�en�til i.thr huWrr ul�hc nu�r�,r �i„ir��e.uic.l h�• �hi. Uce.l��I 1�u.�.SaiJ nulr�,r nutr., t��Frihe�
<br /> with all othrr indcbtcdnr,•uwurcd b>•ihi.IhrJ�,t 1 ru.i.ha�r hr�n p:+id m lull.Y��u ai.•hrrrh} dn..irJ��•ic�ncrl,:uJ
<br /> nute or nal�,and thi. IkwJ al Tru�t.��hi.h.uc Jrli�rrrJ h�rcl,�,attJ��,��•:��mr). ��nh��ui ��air.mi�..ill�hr r��:ur
<br /> now hrlJ by yau undcr�hi. 1)crJ ul Tru�� i�� thr rxr.an ar �r��,n� Ic�.all� �•nutkd�hcrr�a.
<br /> ' 1)atr: . . .. ... ... .... .. . .. .... . ..... . .. .. .. . I
<br /> �
<br />