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,r ,�y,�, . . ,., �,�___ <br /> � •• J•� r--_�..I ' ' �:,� -' - J <br /> 'ilti{ll .G: <br /> ,� .. � _ '_• � �_���...'_ C _ .__ . .. _ -�_—... .. . _- -. __- .–._. .. . <br /> ,�Zm2l ��y •Y • • ` <br /> Ja� <br /> .:iLifft'JOY��: <br /> �:_.�'.:„ <br /> ' .._.__.y;.''� <br /> _•:;�,�%�r;�aa� <br /> '��v��_ ."� � — <br /> - �.�����:� g1... 102145 �..��.... <br /> � ,...6.-:...�:,�4 .;' <br /> ;..;:;�!,':��y-„",.. ` If Lende�rcquired mortQa�e inwrance uA A conditian ��f making the Iwn secured hy this 3ecurity Instrument. — <br /> ..,,,� : B�rrnwcr�h�ll�y�he premiums reqwred to mwimain�he insurnnce in eflec�until�urh lime aa�he reyuirement for the <br /> •�'•�� in�urance�ermin�te�in accnrdance wi�h Born�wer's and Lender's written ogrcement�r applic�ble law. - <br /> �"'•���� � " t, laipection. Lender o�iu agcnt may make resscmable cmries up►n and inspections nf ihe Pccperry.Lender <br /> � ` - �hall�i�e fi�rrawer arn�ce a�the umo of c��priur�a an i�cpe�:tiun►pccify�ng reasonuble cause for Ihe insprenon. �_-____ -�__ �, _ <br /> 9. Cosden�a�Uoa. The praceeds at uny uward a�claim for domages,direc�or ransequen�iul,m cnnnect�on wilh _ <br /> =�'`,�',, Any cundemnatinn or other�aking of uoy purt��f the ProEuny,or for canveypnre m lieu af condemnu�ion,ure htreby _ . � <br /> ..� pss�gned�nd Rhwll t�e�wid to l.ende�. �'µ= <br />' -` � In the evcnt of u�otul taking of the Propeny, the proceeds�hall hc upplied to�he�ums�ecured by this Se�:uri�y ��,_�==:�a, <br />�u« � In�uument.whether or no�then due,with any eacess paid�o Bor�oN•er.ln thc event of u pnrtinl taking uf the P�apeny. _ - <br /> ,,^; � <br /> � � . unles�Rorrowar and Lender otherwise agree in venting,the wms cecured by ihia Security Inst�ument�holl be reduced by __ <br />� tha amaunt of the prc►reeds multiplied by the Pollowing froc�ion:(a)the total amount of�he�ums secured immediu�ely _u --- <br /> ' . beforc�he taking,divided by lb)the fair market value of thc Propehy immediotely hefare the�uking.Any bulanre shall be <br /> paid to Bormw•er. <br /> ' - li'the Propeny is abandoned by&►rrow•er,or ii:ofte�notice by 4ende�to Bormwe�thut the cond:mnur off'ers to i�,�r�,e. : <br /> , ma@e ac�award or cettle a cloim for dcux�age�,.Borrower i' respund to Lender within�0 duy+uRer the�face ttee notice is � "^'' �'•4� <br /> •: . .. .. g��en.Lender is authonzed to coitect r�cui ap�iY cizr prcxccds,ac i�s option.rither to reat�rnuon or repair a+�the Property or �.�-,- _ <br /> ta the sums sccured by this Security Instcurnent,w•hether ar not theo due. �l'�`!"-- <br /> • � • Unless Lrnde�und Bo�rower othenvise agree��e p�riting.uny npplicatiun uf proceeds tc►pnriap•rl sltalt nu!eatend or �,. • ,.''�� �"�� <br /> ..'I y..__ '-�. <br />' ' postpone the due date af the monthly payments re ferr e d�o�n paragrap hs 1 un d 2 o r r l w n g e t h e a m o u n t o i's n c h p a y m e n t s. � , _ <br /> ' 10. Borrower Not Relessed; Fnrbeanuce By l.ender Not a W�irer, E�►tensian uf�he timr for payment or '" ' �� <br /> modiflcauon oi'amonization of the sums xcrured by this Security Inslrumem granted by Lender tc. un� .ucces�r in = t'' <br /> intercst of Borrower shall not operate�o rele�se the liability af the originol Hormwrr or Borrower's+uccexsors in intercst- r •�,.-� <br /> Lender shall not be required �o commence praceeclings agoinst uny +ucces�r in interest or refu+e to eatend time Por -,_-�*•- `- <br /> r� ..� payment or othe�ise modify amortixalwn of the sums securcd by this Secunty Inc�rument by reusan��f uny demund mnde _. ,,,�._ <br /> �� �'',�;,;.,.• by the ong�nal8onovee�or Borrawer'c successors in interesL Any forbearunce by Lender in exercixing uny right or remedy � <br /> ,�,�'������'"�'' � ` shall not be a wa�ver ofbr prcclude the eaercise nf any nght or remedy. " <br /> . �li�t.��'F,i;•',. . <br /> ' , • � .�; I1, 5necesio�s and Asti�nt Bound;Joint w►d Several 4iobllity;Casi{pte�s. The cavenunts und agreements of <br /> � , � this Secunty Instrument shall bind and benefit Ihe succeswrs und as�igns of LenJer und 8orrow•er,subject to the provisions -.����.. • <br /> of paragrnph 17.Borrower's covenaMs and agrcements shall be joint and�everul.Any Borrow•er w h.i co-Signs�his Secunty :.- <br /> - •'-'���- lnstrument bw does noi eaecute the i�iute:(u)ia cc�,igning thisSrrunsy la:tt�s.^.y:!on�y to mortgeg�,grao�and rnnvey . „��,'-_�-,- �`:�.�_:� <br /> ,�.,*�-_ -rj:�`_=�.�, <br /> . � �hal No�rower c interest in�he Propeny undcr the�ermc of this Security Instromen�:(b)i�n���persunalh obli�a�ed ta�Y ;....',; � I;� <br /> �';r;�.;;:. ,' tlke sums cecured by this Srcurity Instrument:und Icl ugrees that Lender and am other Bcxrow•er muy ageaY to eatend, �� . ^� �_� <br /> , . modify,forbear ar make uny accommada�wns w��h regard to the terms of�his Secunty In+trument or�hr Ntwe without { , � ;;, „ _ _� <br /> � � � that&�rrowe�sconsen�. i',:S„ , ,;..,_-.-._._ <br /> � .:i,.., <br /> ' s.,1.�� :� • 11. l.oan Chor�es. If�he loan,ecured bc th�,Srcuntc loe�t�umen�ic subject to a law which+ets maa�mum Inan . <br /> cfnarges, nnd that law i.fireally imerpreted ui tha� �hr ime�est ur other I�u� ehurgec callerted ��r to t+r rullected in f ,, � ,�� <br /> '•;. �. <br /> "� connection with the loan erceed �he permiticd limit�, then: (ul any ,uch k�un�harge.hall he redu�ed hy �he amount <br /> • ' necessary to reduce�he charge tii Ihe Exrmiued lim��;und(b)any sums olready ro�lected Prom Rorrower which rxceedcKi , - • '�` <br /> � permitted limi�s will l►e refunded ta Horrower. Lende�may chuutie to make th��refund h� rrducing the prinripal uwrd _- <br /> .� ' �''� under the Note ur by making u dirtct puyment to Borrower.IP a rcfund reduces principal.�he rr�tuc�ion will be�reuted us u . . "f_ <br /> � ' ';.�r;:::s,�. -- <br /> , "{�,,' ���+�� partial prepayment with��ut uny prepnymenl chnrge under the Not�. <br /> • ,�:;;,: •. •• 13. I.cgislation AffectinR Lendcr's Rip�Mte. If cnactmem ar expiration of�ppli�uble luwti ha� �he effcw� ��f' , _ .,j�--.�: <br /> r e n d e r i n g un y pmvision oPthe Note ar thic Serurit)�Instrument w�enPorceablr vca�rding 1�il�termti.LrnJrr,ut its option. , �:`.�- ''�. <br /> may require immediatc pa)•ment in fu0��f all wmx .ecureJ hy thi.Seruriq• Imlrument and �nay imukr any� rrmedies � � •• ; <br /> �' • permitced by paragraph 19.If Ixnder exercises this option.Lender tihull tukr ihe,lrpx.�ified in the.ecnnd paragr�ph��f ( , .�,,..�,,.,�, <br />��€�� ��'� . , ! , � <br /> `' ' paragraph 17. <br /> ;:�,,�•.-.. ..• ',. • ''¢�.� <br /> ' •'•���tr;.';, , � 14. tiatices. Any noticr ta Horrow•er prov�deA far in thiti Scrurny Instrument.h•rll ix givcn My delivcnng rt or by I ::�: , <br /> , +�`�:'�'' t' • • ` mailing it hy first class mAil unless upplicvble luw require+u,e��f anather meihai. Th� noucr.h•rll he direrted to�he . <br /> ,.�;. . <br /> ,;�i�;`;;� . Property Address�ir uny c»hrr uddress Horrower designate+h►•nonce ta Lender..4n�•nuhcc�u LrnJer rhall be gi�cn by f�•� <br /> " ' `'��'' •• first clnss mail to l.ender'�uddresx s�ated hrrein or any c�iher adJrch�Lendrr Jc��Fnateti h}•noucc t��Borrower.Any notice . <br />,� � .,�4�,!��� provided Por in thi�Secunty in.trument.hall Me deem�d ta huve lxen gi�•rn�a fi�irrow�cr ar l.en�er a hcra given as prov�ded . <br /> -' }u�°�� in this paragrpph. <br /> � '`�;i•'�'� � 15. Governing law;Severabi9ity. Thi.r Serurrty Intitrum�nt .hull hc E.�c�rn�d M 1���leraf law und�he law of�hr � <br /> .•,y..�;.,. :�_ ...�, <br /> , ��y�t;. .��?,3�•,,'��. urisdiction in which the Property�s tcxated. In Ihe r�•ent �hut an�•pr���ivun��r rl.iu�r ut th�,ti«urit. In�irumem ur the <br /> • ����•�;�:;11��' Note conflicts with applicable law•,�urh ranflict�ha{I nut :ifl'er��nher pra�i�irm rf thi�Serunty Imtrumem�r Ihr Note <br /> � :'.��f��t;��'�• whinc�un he s�iven eflect w�thnut�he r�mflichng pr�x��vu�n. f'e��h��cnd�hr pr���•iaan+<�i�hi.S�curit�•Inx�rumem and the <br /> �,,� '�;'„':���.., ,•... �. '"r���� ' N��teurea'.eclaa�dtohesc�cruble. <br /> , ` ,'� ��: ' 16. l�orrowe�'s Copp. l�,rr��ticr:+haU t+e g��en��n::.mi.�:mr�,-�}�c�f'ne No�e and�,f�his 5cYUruy InwrumeQart. � <br /> , , ;1,,•.; • �. <br /> ti,•�;.,. . 17. Trpnsfer ot ehe Property �t a BeneHcigl i�terest ie flur►awer. 1'a:r���n} part uf the I'ro�er�}�nt a�} ' <br /> 1?�;',;, �e�erect in n i��old or trantiferrcd lor i�a h�nrtici:�l i7�ten�Z ir.�lnrrru��r�����Id�»ttar.�frrred and Hurrower i�nos:►natura! <br /> $i')� � �+e��on►wuhout Lend�r's priur wrr..c�r.rnnsent.I rnJer mn}. .�t rt..��u�m,r�yu:e��mmecii:na�•r��ment m fuU af all+ums i; :, <br /> �� :`� �erured by this Srcun�}• Imlrumrnt F1ru.c�rr. thn c�T'i�m�tnai: n��t F+c rxcrri�rJ h�• I.���cr�f rzrrc�.e i�pn•h�biled hy .I . • <br /> �� �� �yr��� federal law�t��f thr date of thi�Seru��x}l�.:romem. r�� , <br /> `ti; , � � ,.��., • , . <br /> �,-... If Lender eaerc�kw th�•��pu�,n.Lender vhail��+.e Hurrruer n�,l�cc�,f ar�elrrauon 'PI��n��ncr�hull prav�de u peruxi <br /> , ,',.;;i;', ufnolles�than�0d•ry+fromthcdatethrnuucei��eli�cradnrma�lcJ��nhinwhirhN��rr��wrrmu���rcur�lb) <br /> • ;f �<<. ,• thiti Secunty Irmtrument.If Iiurrnuer f.ut.a�p�}tF.e.c tiumti�+n,��lu t hc crpir�unn�d th�.peruxi.Lender ma��im•uke an} <br /> ii�'�. . _. ...,..,,i..a.,..„,���..d 6u eh�.C�•�•unn In.trucnent KitG,^it iurtrcc r.,:,e•:t urdrmand nn H��tu+wer , <br /> . _.. <br /> . ,�,� ,..._ , . � ._. �---.-._.....__., . , _ <br /> ;; �� IS.8rxrower's Ri{�ht to Rciestate. If Hnrrc•wcr mertr��r�r�n rondm�m�, Fi��ru,wrr�hall hrve thc r�ght t�,ha�e <br /> . ��� ._ rnforerm�-nr nf th��Secun���Imlrumrnt d«���nnnu�ci rt an}rcmr pn��r ti�the e�rl�rr nr t�►�Jsy,l��r+u�h.dhrr pernxt:►ti <br /> � , apphcable laa ntay �pectf}�ti�r rrm�tatemenU hen�r�•alr uf t hr!'ro�xrt}� pur.usnt t��any�xiwcr�d'�slr c��ntrmrJ m th�, <br /> • Serunty Inrtrument:ur Ih)rntry nf a�uJgmcnt entarcm�;�ht�Sccunn In+trum�nt. f hmr�ondw�+n.are Ihal I�xrawrr: <br /> (•r)p•r�� Lrnder all +ums ahich thrn µ�ruld he due under thi+ ��turny Imtromcnt and the :Vutr haJ no uccelrr:►uun <br /> �xcurred: Ih)cure+any dclault of:+ny ulhrr ru�enuntti ar.�Kreemenh: (rl pa}'�:�II ra�xme� incurr�tif in rnli.rcmN Ihi� <br /> 5ecunty Imtrument. in.luJmg. hut ni�t limned iu. rca��mablc auurnr►: lit,: cmd Idl�aAr,.urh :ir�a,n a.l.rndrr ma�� <br /> reaumably rrywrc 1��atiwrr thal�he licn ��f th�.tir�urity In�trumenl, l.cnder'� nght� �n thr I'r��prrty anJ li��rr��w�r'� <br /> ubliguuun la pa� the ,um� .erured M• 1hi� Secunt}• In�uumcnt .hall a,nttnuc un�hang��i l`�xm rcui�lutcmrnt h} <br /> � $orrnwer,th��tictiuru� In.trumrnt and Ihr uhbgvuum�ecur•rJ hrrehy ,h:�ll rrmrro I'ull�rHi�u�r:��i(nu ar�cicr.�u�m h.�J <br /> ��ecurred.N��w•evrr,thi�nght ia rem�t�te�h•rll n�»•rpply�n�he ca�e ut arceleranun und�r�aragr•rph�I�ur I i <br /> � <br /> . .!" __ __ <br /> ; _ _ _ - - - <br />