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.� ' `�.' . <br /> ._. . _: � � -- <br /> — .,. . <br /> ��`�' � � ' _ ,. <br /> � �4��. <br /> � _ . . �. <br /> , --- - ---- — _ ,.�.� , .:_: <br /> .__, `; r . . ,,, . . . . . .. ,y .='=:_ <br /> - .�uy,:,..a,. . "� � . � � � . . ' • _ . ',���r��.3�i+i. <br /> � �� � .. ( � ' �r �I� .t.--=r,+^. <br /> ---___��_.__ ��. !. lo tee� !A� Ipprorir�tt aw �e tar�ft�r Ioc+l,eA � tl� prt�r�q law»d q�laa! � b tlr� ad wm alOor � - <br /> �Mu�rd� �� tM� AaNtiol�n My r�in� I� �t� uid c�ies �t�lb !� !M i�llol�n� �ei inrr�� Miior �MII • : . <br /> .. ea���� duid�rd�oH�N ol� i� t�ror of N�flal�ry. T�aur �11 �n�tl� npi�. Ml�ui� r1�n►l�a IM Ir�r�r � <br /> e►ay N�t lh�hof� a th�l� �xotpi fo�o�dln�q w�r �u��, tiN OnMrl� �)I �00 Mt�rl�r�u. <br /> f 5. I� tlu ow�k tl� �rop�rly� or �a� p�vt th�reof� ��ll b� tda a� Mi�t�l dwiA, UN lM�ficl�n is Mtilbd to <br /> callaoti�wd P�e�fw �ii cwp�aaLio� rbicM s��6e p�id to� ����r�e�l� Q�ia or tor iM�N� i�pro0�rty �ot tatp. �d !i� � <br /> - 6ea�Iioi�ry �A�11 ypl� wcM c�pe�utiou, �t ito option� NW* !o � rNretio� of tM� i�debf�a� uerr�! Mtrtby� or b <br /> __�_ -- - ,�- r�ir ud ro�tan f�t 1��t�1 a We�. _. <br /> == d. Tke ae�efichn��, �t slnll 1•v� ao obria�lia �O� d� ar ul �icM Tro�ton hrv���r�d�l idl�� lo�O� �d tM <br /> ."�-:'r Bemffci�ry ar �I�o do e�r ut ft d�wo aecqury to prot,�o! !b Ilae M�no�. i�uaton�Ora to►tp��� n� 1wnd� ur � <br /> =-- so erpaded br tM l��elici�rfr for !1e �Eor� p�rpu�a� ��d �q u� �e ei�e�0ed �M�11 M �dd�d !o t!� ind�bkd��� �e�wnl <br />-'r� k�nb�wd becae securtd b� tM lia M���ot. p�• e�mtioi•rr�luli �o fae�r ar N�bllitr beoau ol a��ai�� it p/ do or <br /> MN�o M leraaler. <br /> � - - - 1. iAe�aetiei�n�boll h�re t!e rioll. po�e��ad��tho�itr d��ia� !�� ca�tia�mae oi tbit aed of T��t lo �olleel LA� <br /> re�, i�wn ud prolfts ot th� properlr u�d oI at p�roa�+l prop�rly loc+ted thereon M{th or Mithont ukie� ponn4io� of <br /> Uie�rope►LY �iteeted lertl�� ad Tn�ton areby �aslrt�ly �ad u�co�ditioa�lly ���i�n�II �oeA rtnls� iew�4 �ad profib to _ <br />�;_;�r !1�6e�dici�ry. TMe 6e�efieiary. iorerer, Mrebr e�a�emts io Tm�ton' eollution �ad rete�tion of ��cM �e�t�, iswes rd <br />_:�'�'" profits� to IoN n irn�tors�n��t, �t ac1 li�e. t� kf�nl! ritA re�pect to p�peat et aa� iMdebledne�a cec�red INn�D. or <br /> �°-''�' In the per/on�ace of ay qreaaR krw�Nr. It uY ermt of defwl! de�c�ib�d M�r��ibr fa nspeet b t1i�Oeed �t iriu! <br /> - ci��ll Ai��Qccur►�Qd ond be c�i,t�uiap, iL�Smrfici�r�, �c � nitQr of ri06f ad rif,�oa!�ofin � irrbtu�r�uv ��ia� c�stoiop _-- <br /> _. ���'�''�. undir T�uilon� +�ad Milhou! reg�rd to the r�iw ot !Ae teast eal�lt or tMt int�ro�! al tl� iwtlon tleni�. sl�ll Mwe !Me <br /> _ �• ri�l! to �pply to�Nr conrt I�vi�p j�riadiction Lo appoial � receir�r of tk�prop�rty. <br /> ' ��' ' a. Tbe Beneffci�rr, or its�pent4� or� authoriied to entor�t �ay rea�oa�blQ ti� upo� or i�wy p�rt ut tM property for <br /> •.�:�,�� <br />;r'ti. ,M�s� � the purpou of in�pectiap !he sMe �od for th� purpo�e ol perforri�o M� oi th��ct� tbq�re wtroriz�d to perfon wdRr 6!a <br /> �.: r. •,- , '�`��,� � ,t�rn of �e� lo�n Instru�enla ex�cuted b� �r,�;tore. <br /> . - ,�,r,,.�:.:.� <br /> �.,},;�,_,,,, , �. 9. If�11 or �ay p�rt oi !ke property or ar iatenst of irustora ic �old, tr�:ternd or turtber encwbend ritMoqti i:4�a <br /> �. .. ��,�n•�tten conunt of the 8en�lic�iary. the 8e�eticiuY �p declore�ll au�a secured by t4,i� lru�! Oeed !o be iwdi�Uiy due uid <br /> _ �>� � �� •p�yialo�nd proceed to the �e�e��ec e��il�ble Lo it uader tbe defaull Drovi�ions cou�ined her�fo. <br /> __- "` �' � :��, 10. Mr of tbe folloriny erenQa�A¢d�Oe dee�ed an erea! of defwl!hereuader: <br /> �"�•'�`�"�, a. Truetore th�l l dere (e iled !o��aPce paqnot oi aay io�l�I luat of princip�) o� iat�rest or�ay olher su� eeound ber�br <br />_ _�., rhen duo� • � <br /> '-= <br />_-- -- __ :�.r,a:e:-- -..a� � F <br /> ._ .:. , b. There h�a occurred � bn�ch of or default u�de�au� ter�� coven�nt, epree�en�.� coadition, prorisia+. re�rneat�iion or <br /> � ..',��- .� .'. ';�� �•�` w�rAnty cont�iasd in thfa Oeed of trust the note or an other lom in�lru�ent cecured hQreb • <br /> � '���' • ':��� ' a. There has been e defeull by the 1rysZors in eP�e De��en! ot on� prior or ��bee�uent lien arrenewbnaa in rQSpecl to <br /> :�.�.,. ,. ,. . ., �. <br />-:.�;.�,.. � ;�F f ��� �iL�,Y:;,'� al) or �a�) D�rt uf lGe I�operi,y� �: <br /> �``����� '`` 'r€`��• ����rY���`{�`��'� d. �fY8t0�6 6bAlI f�I@ 0 voluntary qeti�ion in banYruDtc� or sha�t be ad,judicated bankropt or insolvent. or shell wkz aa �� <br /> `• �ti`,-�';:tt'i`.U'!�i�„�'`�';t`��'z � - <br /> . ,�•,..'.�.;. y �edi�n�ent Ior f,he benelii� ot cre�i�o7s in respect to the Droperty; or aa uctiian to anforce �ny li�n o► eneu�brance or <br />_, .. 'x�3p��dr�.'���� judpe�wnt4 ayainet the property is co�enced. <br />__ r";: ���:�;.. 11, la Lhe erent of eny def�uli,, tl:e ee+�eticiary sAr decl�re �II indebtedneas se�ured hereb1r to be due and Def�ble snd !ht = <br /> =RF'=�°''','•�:�:,. stst! thsraupan bacaa¢ Qua s:.��3y3t�: �a;�oat say prasaataent, deaanQ� pcatest ct aatice a.° sap klAQ. T{i8fQ3Tti0T� tha _ <br /> , � � ��.,�fii��`�,. Beaetici�r��ey: ` <br />-e.,'�:. ' N., ..�.,.._;. �••�;;F — <br /> .��. • '--"��'. .;�;,..�'•��: a. elther in p�rso� o� by �pent, with or without brinpin9 eny eclioa or proceedinp, or b� receirer appo#nted by a caurl <br />-,' ,�..-�:��.;.��:�`�4;".:,; and without re9�rd to the ad�quacy of on� securit�, entor upon �nd take possessfon af the properly, aR u►y p�rt tber��f, <br /> ��+ ,' :;:,;� ' ;�;i�� ; ��� in its o�n ne�e or in tle na�e ot tfie irustee� and do eny �cts whith i! dee�s netesaery �nd desir+�60e to Dreserve the -- <br /> `�-�;+ ; '�,y,....:�.;; ,��.��� <br />_,,;� r „,,., value, aar�elabililY o�rent�Drl�tr oi the proDerty, or pert the�tof, or fnterest therein, incre�se the incow thereP.rat _ <br /> .,u . �:��•"��� •�''��` f*~ '� or protect Lhe securi6�herwY a:�3, without t�kin9 possessfoA o9 the proDert/, tue tor or olherrise collect the re�ts, - <br /> � ' 'j`�'u�(,.�� {88UR8 and proifte thereot, including those oest due and unD��d, and aaply tde s��e, less costs and expensee ot �`- <br /> .. ,': �»�>>:� �..;�� - <br /> ,��,.: �`,:;;;,,, ;:::. <br /> - �;.,,�� i������:;.� •�'��� operation md col lec+.ion, iec fuding aitornev sees, upon eny InOeDtedness setured Aereb�, ell in such order �e the <br /> ,+Y,'; . �,,.,��, � : <br /> _ . ,.' ` ��4;!�i:•;=�!;.{?;•>} BeneFicfary �a� deter�ant. Ihe entering uacn and Lakiny possession oi the trusl estate, the collection of such rents, - <br /> '"" - ��-•r';����`•�� ic4ues ead profits md epD��cat�an :hereo4 as aloreaaid shall not cere or r�ive mr dehult or notice of def�ul! � <br /> ,fa.,:,� <br /> '`� ± `��'.�,'�`,�,'��� hereunder or Inralidat� eny act and in vespoese to snch def�ult or Dunwnt lo such notice ot default end �; <br /> �"''u:����`'��+�'°� notwitbstmdiny the eontfnuenee in poesess:ca ,i the property or the colleetion, receiDt end �OD1�e�tioa of rents, ;�; <br /> " ' �^ �" issues or profits, Irustee or the Benefic'sa�� �aa�: be entitled lo exerciie everr righ! provided for ia aoy ot th� lo�a �� <br /> r•� '' � •�•' , 1 �d'4�� �A6trlHCllt6 0�Dy IOY UD011 occurreaco ot any event of default, including the ri �t 1.o exercfse the power e�f sele; <br /> _;� � . , ,�,f".; s f� <br /> �-���,��t b. c o M e n c e m a c t i o n l a �a e e l o s e l h i a D e e d o f T r u�t �s a�o r t g a y e, e D D o i n l a r e c e l v e r, a r s 0 e c f f i c a l l r e n i v r c e a�y �F��� � <br /> �j �.'�.1_ •.r:�•✓�' -- <br />,� � �-��•.,.. coven�nts hereoi; - <br /> �; .' ,.;�_cf+;'�;; ;, , c. delirer Lo Truslee �rrillen declarotion �f doi��i IL enE dewnd tor �a�e, and written not�ce ot default ��d c�lec2icn to �° <br />-,� i::'�;���.`r,:�: �ause frustors' i�terest in the propertY to Ce �c'.d, which notice lrustee sr,� � cauee to De dulr f�tea Ec� r�cord in the <br />:.'�, � �:``"' ,:�;,..�� offici�l records o/ihecount� in �hich the r�rape-ir is lowted. _ <br /> °. ���� � .�S'��:��s.��' 1�. Should the Beneficiary elec! to t¢retlose by e�ertise of tAe pa�er of saie he�ein cn+t�aned, the Bonetfciuy sA�ll <br /> ��� �� � ��'•�;';,;���x notifr iruatee aad sh�ll depocit �ith Truslee this Deed of TrusR �nd thr note �nd such rece�,G�s and eridence of exDenditu�es �.' <br /> . .y,;. ��,�„ ;. <br /> � {'���`.1�:��''�'' �da and cecured hereb� as irustee ay �equire, artd upon rapuest ot the 8eneliciar�� tb� irustee sh�)l c�use to be reeorEed, ;-. <br /> , ° Yy(k,t�_! <br /> 'i{.�t�.�,r p�plfeAed �nd Oelirered to iruslor such Notice o� Ut1��clt and Nolice of Sale es tAen reqnired by Iw end b� this Qerd of Ttust. <br /> � � �D�����` �� T�uatee shall rithout dewnd on Ir�stor. alter such ti�e ts wY «� be required Dy low�oa atler recordation al sucA Iolice ot � <br /> ' �'�,tA,}':�?r` l, <br /> ��-�� •.�,��{��,;��• Deflull�nd efler Motice of S�le havi�g 6ceo given as reQuired Er �+�. sel I the propert� �I dhe ti� end plece ot s�le fixed b� � <br /> �� � ,..s��• it fn such Notice of S�le, eitAv as a rfrafe, or in sep�rete �ats ar parcels or ite�s �s frucEee shall dee� apedient, sad ia <br /> � � aucl order es il �e� det.�rsiae, at Dutrtic auclion la lAe hiqhes� bidder for c�sA aad sholt deliuer ta sucA DorcAaser or � <br /> � �' ^��'� . . purcbasers thereol a deeQ La tha praDertr sold, consislent rith the ler then in Qtfect. Recitals irt thQ froste¢'s deaQ cha(l 6e <br /> `��•�; ' ;: ;--,::�.� p►iy f�cie Qndeace of the trulh oP the �tat��e�ts Nde t�erein, t►ustee cA�ll �oD�� the Droceeds of the s�le in tqe fol{arinp <br /> � �` ' order. (�) to �11 reasan�ble costs and nspensea of tqe R�le, incluGlny bu! no! li�iled to truotee's /eee oI not �ore th�n ?Y ot j <br /> ,y•' � ° the O�ois ule D�ice, reason�b le etternep feea end costs of title er�dence; (b) to �I I au� secured br this Deed ot Trust; and � <br /> x °: � .� �� Ie) !he excesa, if ony, to !Ae perEO� or persone lagnl ly enlitled therelo. An� person� inc ludiny tAe 8eaefici�rr. a� Durchase <br /> �. � �&° ufd propert� �t aid c�le. l�atee wy in tbe pnnQr provided D� ler, po�tpone s�le of�11 0� �n�portion of lhe Oropert�. f <br />-� �' ^�.��, i <br /> �`•:. �. <br /> � ., ..��-�r. <br /> ., <br /> •` . . <br /> • <br /> " v. ' <br />