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=: ,�:.. - � – <br /> - ,S� - - r •. , � _� <br /> . `, <br /> �s � '�' <br /> — t l� �� 4 i ��C. r� .. . r <br /> -- r � - ---. .. - __- <br /> ._._: . '_ .. ., %-�r � ' . . , . .. ..N.•�•�'li .. .�... . . �_ �. , ...{. .�, �:i.r±.��i$'�7'�"�'�. <br /> �_. V�^ <br /> -__...c��y _ __.,� J'r ' - , . . _ . _ � ' � , , � -." `._ <br /> r , <br /> . <br /> WF?TTTEN �AQKNOWLEOQMEN7 93���; � � -- <br /> - - � <br /> The underalqnad. l�W�lVIM !!. FIARIlW�N and EUIII�E M. HARllW�1. 1wel�and and wtts. h�niby � <br /> aertify end ack+�owle�dpe f�hat. before slQnthp end executinp tha b�low De�d of Trvot. thsy .. <br /> dtd raad end ei4n thie Mlritten Acknnwledgn�ent ond. by vi� hereof� tFw undarel9n�d � <br /> — u�darstand, and �eratoai before s i gn t np en�d Deed of Trust, #.h+�t aa i d Qa�d af Tr.ust t a t� -- . <br /> 1"ruat Ooed and not a aiurt�age and thAt the power of sele providad tn eaid Deod of Trust <br /> - providea sub4tentially dl�feronb rights and abli9ations to tiw undersi�ned then a mort.�eW --- <br /> f� the QvenE af a defa�uit or breach of obli9etion under the setd Trust DQed, inaludiop� <br /> �;;;5.;� but not lin�ited to. the Beneficiary's riqht to have the Real P�operty sold by the Trustee <br /> withaut any .�udicial proceeding or forecloaure. The u�dersigned represant and warrant <br /> - - t,hat this Mritten Aaknowledqment rrea executed by then� before the executlon of the Trust <br /> � peed. This Ylritten Acknowlecipm�ent 1s appended as a preface to and mada e part of tiw <br /> -- ---- below I�d of Trust. <br /> . u J� — <br /> `-= N M. HARi�W�! ElAiliE M. MAR li <br /> ��M [�E EU OF TRUST , <br /> '� Th i s DEED OF TRU3T i s made th i s 19th day af March, 1983, by and amon9 lWttol�9 M. � <br /> � HARTWMN and EIAtI�E M. HAR7W1Mr� husband and wife� hereinefter referred to as "Trustqrs." <br /> whother one or more, whose mailing address ie 3A97 3 130th Road� Nood River, 1�ebraeka <br /> 88983; i�E STATE BAN( OF CAIRO� a Nebraske Henking Corpo�atton� hereinafter referred to <br />" � as "Truetee," whose n�a i 1 i ng address i s 8ox A28, Cai ro, Nebraska 88924; and T1f 3TA'Ig 8AN( — <br />-- ' OF CAIRO, a Nebraska Bankinp Carporatia�, hareinafter referred to es "Beneficiary," whose <br /> . � '� "� ' mailing address is Box 428. Cairo. Nebraeka 88824. <br /> For valuabla coneideration, Truetors irravocably grant� transfer� convey and assign _ <br /> � � ...,,��;_. � to Trustee, i n trust, wi th power af sa l e, for the benef i t and secur i ty of 9enef i ci ary, — <br /> .�A���'� �•�r ,,., under and sub3ect to the terms and canditions of thia Deed of Truet� the fql lawinq � <br /> `�"�:i described real prop�rty located in NALL Ccwnty� Nebraska: � <br /> .—� �.�a;�Ti:t,�'...t,���`t: <br />' •� ti•� y.,...s ••, <br /> .,�4�;;? � �.�i'� Y �.. Ih� Northwest Quorler (MY 1/1) of Section 3?, lowncbip I1 Morlh� Renpa 11 Ytat of th� 6!b P.N„ H�11 Countr� <br /> ��• <br />`�"`��;� *,�s:,��;,?��'���`;�s���'. Nebr��ke, ex�cpt tba!porlion �ore Wrticulerl� dtari6ed os follo�s: =�- <br /> ��: <br />` �.� ;�l' ��+'>:�w'�?�,'^f.`�r B�pinninp at the Northee4t aorner ot seid NY 1/1; lhence runniny on an �4swed beerinp of S OOo 00' QO' E on . ___ <br /> ��,'.i;3 -:�;.": •-:�y��;,`��;,y'';�, the East line ot said 1Y 11� tor 2616.01 feek to !he Southeesl,corner of s�id MM I/4; thence S 890 50' 11' M on <br /> .„ f'', y o- a3;'1. <br /> ���.�t'��t�� �: `'�• the South line of s�id NY t/l for 1316.8/ feel to the Souihwes� corMr o1 the Soulheut �u��ler of eaid <br /> �`-��''� {;.�'r� borthweet W�rter (Sf 1/1 NM 1M1; thence M 00� 0�' SA' Y for 13Y2.01 feet to lh� Southeett corner of the <br /> ��-- - -- ,- !lartks��t �uartcr ct �a4d !lcrthuc�t QtilftCT (�1S !f Z !�I� Z(�?; �hcncc S 89" 41' �!' !!an thc Soath lirtc o! said <br /> ��;;1 � `�,�;�,��f�i?��;�'�:' NY 1M NY 1/4 tor 68b.00 Ieet; thence N OOo 12' 10' Y Por 299.86 teel; lhence N Aio 38' 36' E �or 309.25 teel; �_ <br />�•-�,, �..��-:c";��=.f-°�.•- � tbeace N 130 08' 10' E for 165.12 feel; thencQ N Olo 01' 10' E tor U1.13 teet; tbence N 920 01' Ot' E for � — <br /> ,� �.. :;,,��°����,��� 351.�I Ieet; thence N 500 16' 12' E tor 109.66 feet to � point on the Morth Iine of seid NM 1I1; thence N 99� <br /> -'�`���.' . •u,����.., �' 15' 12' E on the North line ot seid MM 1// to� 111.05 foet !o !he POINT Of 8E81NNIN8, daid lr�al coal�inip __ <br />�'ti�� , .-; ,�. ' .^"�:� 81.19U ecre� �ore or le�e� — <br /> ,i �C+�S..k:f.,• -. <br /> ' .:.:' • <br /> � ::;;��•��;;,.,;:._.�. , together wi th a 1 I bu i I d i ngs� improvements, f i xtures. streets� a 11 e�s. pass�a�eways� <br /> � ��,ry�:., �; , essAments� righta, privi Ic�ges and ap��srt�nt�nces located thereon� and al l <br />_ ` �e^sov��� property <br /> = t� .� thAt may be or hereafter becomp �n integ*��1 part of cuch buildings and improvements, all �= <br /> •.;'•�..� � .a�`«.�,,:� ;; �. . .;�:�' �,; <br /> - •:f�,r.�,�,;,��, aropa ra i sed thereon, and a 1 1 watar r i gr�t�. a 11 of wh i ch� i nc 1 ud i ng rep 1 aceme�ts and <br /> ,.�,, • �'���,� ��t�";�.�.°`�.� " additions thereto� are herP�y declared to be a part of thQ real estate conveyed �r. truet � <br /> * .�.i� ..�l t�;.i�.,..�J- . . <br />.�1'�.�.^., •�.titr,�!, .- .:--„ heroby� it bRing a4�reed tFt.�t all of the f�regoing shall be hereinafter referred tn as the + <br /> .��,Z.:. � . . <br />�.�:�4�z". � �';«��,:"�'i;>;% "Proparty - <br />:XA , ` ,.' �• — <br />."`�` � ?'�'�,` �` FOR THE PI.JF?Pt7S(F C�F SE CURI NG= <br /> F? '�,.�_:,_ �. <br /> �.t <br />-A a. Paym�nt �f indebtedness evidenc�.�l by irust�rs' note �f dated Ma�^ch 35. '�990� <br /> ,�", <br /> > s �: . � � togethc�r wi th i ntQrest at the ra t P or prov f ded thorQ i n� and any anc! a�i renewa I s� �:;_ <br /> ;. , z #'_ •':%' ''; modi f f cat i ons and ex tP�s i onc o f s4c'^. note, bc�th pr i nc i pa I and i nt,erest on Lhe note be i�g �,�, <br /> - �h.r' <br /> - �f�{.,..,sc•�_ '' payals•)e i n accorciance w!#.h the t.erms Fet f ort.h there i n� wh i ch by th i s ref erence 1 s r=.-- <br /> , , ,;,:�;,,,, � <br /> : �f�..;,,_��,E�'� heretsy rnade a c�srt herorf; �,; <br /> � � ;�'�:��'��;°,� � � b. �h e p e r f o r m a n c e o f p�e:r� A g r�c�n t a v�c i c�v e n a n t o f 7'r u s t o r� h e r e i� c o r�t a i n c�t l; a r�c t �>` <br /> '� :f';.� ' �� • . �� . c. The pa�r°� of a I 1 sums a�dti<�r.�ec! �y ��nef i c i ary under the terms Qi�r th i s Doed af <br /> t�'' � Trust, togeth�� �T th i nterest th�+r�e� at i,P�e rat.e prov i ctod i n the note. �. <br /> �y :� ':�.:.•.'.�'-'; � <br /> '�' �s d. The abovQ amount i� secure� e�•�n though all or part of it may not y�t be advance. <br /> - -"�'� . Future advances under the agreemc�L are co�tamplated and will be secured to the same <br /> '`' y extent as �f made on the da�t.e th i a ciF�ed of trust i s execu ted. � <br /> ;. • 1 .. .�,`.'�� ; . <br />-•-.�; : .G �;. a.....; <br /> ��•4-.�.� .r ��(..,. TO Pf�D7ECT 7FIE SEG�tITY OF iHIS DEED OF TI2UST. TRU.STORB If1iEBY CO+�IE�NWWT MD A(nEE: F. <br /> �,, ..�.�.:,,.��Y;�, � <br /> �;,;..Y.,c .,,; � .:�t <br /> �� '`� ` !. Fa D�1 �+an due, t�e prineipal of, and the iaterect oa, the ind�btedneae evideaced bp the note, ch�rpee, fees�nd �II <br /> �,.��: q.�z�,. . otAer ttu�c�a proi�ded in !he lo�n instru�entc. <br /> • ����� :�,�`,��•� :�� = ?. irustans�re tbe orner4 ot the DropertY �nd h�ve lhe riyht end �uthorit� to execute thic Deed uf Trual in reipec! to <br /> �• �• :;�t ��.� !Ae DroDert►. � <br /> ' � ,�=� '° 3. lo D�r� �en due� �11 uxe�, sDeci�l ecsets�ente and all other ch�ryec epainst t�e D�oDertr� before the s��e becae <br /> .- �• �:�.�. d�lfnquent. Tru�tori sAall p�� ell taxes and oaees�enfis rhich �er be levied uDon 8eneficiary's inlere�t Aerein or upon this <br /> �'� ''� �' Dted of iruet or tAt Otbt tecured perebr� vilhoul reqard to an� Iw th�t Wy be en�tled i�posiny D+y�ent of the �hole or an� <br /> . � ; <br /> a � , put tbereaf upon the 8enefici�r�. <br /> .k � , <br /> ; � <br /> < <, - _ ' <br />