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��� _ �' - ��`_�.i � ' _ . . . ,.ry; <br /> — :- �, � . � . , g3 �o�3s .� _. <br /> . <br /> N.'11n�'at we p��Henef Id�l Dataeat L��oetow�.ly d�or�r pait of tho Propeny ar.qy►+�aerea in!t <br /> 1�sold ar ttautarnad(or if s ba�e imaat in Bamwer b wld or aand'ex�+ed aaf eorrowar i�not��aiw�l por�n)witboW <br /> Lauder•s pricx wtitten ao�we�ot. l.aKkr m�y� p fa aptlan. roquiro immedl�te p�ymont in tuil of dl wm� ieaued by rhi� <br /> __ __,._._..__ ���,�.Havever.this apion�11 not be euaoi�el by t.ender IP e�iie i�p�ohibitod by foderal l�w a�af tha dqo <br /> ot 16is Sawrity I�romaK. <br /> If Laider orcercises thb qMian.Le�tde��11 Qive Barrower natloo of�oocicrnion.The notioe sluilpm vide a pedad at not <br /> las th�n 30 d�ys from the dne the ndloe ia ddivaad or mdled within which Borrower awat p►y dl wnn�recurod by tbti <br /> Socurity Iratnuna�t.If Bonuwer fail�to pry thae wmc prior w tho oxpirntion of Ihis period.l.ander m�y invake�ay ranedta <br /> _ _ ___- -- pnmitted �hi�S�nuity la�nunmt wiU�out ti�rthex notkoor da�nd on Borrowar. <br /> - 1R. � Rt�t to R�inMate. If Borrower meet� art�in aonditio�. Bo�mwer slWl lurvo Ihe riQht ta h�vo . <br /> _ �'------_�_,.-��..'., enfutccmcnt of thi�Secudty Ituuuamtt discontlnued�t e�ry time prior to�hc mrlier af: (p)S d�y�(or such aU�cr palud as — <br /> = applicable I�w may spxii� for ainpatanent) beforo e�le of the Property put�nt ta �ny powcr of ntle aonWned in 1hi� <br /> _.., 5ocurity Insuument:or(b)entry oP a judgn�tt enfon�ing thls Sau�Ity Tnctniment.Those oonditiona aro uuu Horrowe�:(A)�yi <br />= - [+eadar all surtw which then would be due under�hie Soai�ity Insuument and the Noto as if no�xlerntion hwf axumed:(b) <br /> cvros epy default of Any ot0er oovu�ems or�groemente: (c) p�ya all expen�es incurred in enforcing�hie Sacu�iry Initrumrnt. <br /> including. but aot limited�b�e atlorneYa' fces: and (d)talces such actian ns Lende�rnoy neacoruibly roqui�to�asuro <br /> _ _ Ihat tbo lien of this Se�vnity�Stnament.lrnder's�igiMS in the Property and Bamower'a abli 10 pay the sums so�u��d by <br /> ° - �his Socuricy Ins��uroeat shall oanriuu�e �mcl�nged. Upon rcin�suteme�t by Borrower. is� Securiry lt►st�umrnt wrd the _ <br /> obligations sacured hereby s6a11 rem�ia fully eifactjve as ii no acc�okr,atian bad oocunrod.Nowever.�Ais riQht to neiastaoa ahall <br />= nd�wpQ1Y in tAe case of aooelerwion urder p�ragmph 17. <br /> 19. S�le d'Not� CpAq�e at I.o�n Servicer. 7'he Nde or a pa�tial intercst in the Note(together wilh Ihis Securiry <br /> - Inst�ument)mAy be suld one or more times withaut prior ndice ta Bonawer.A sale may rewlt in a change in the eatity lknown <br /> - w�ihe"l.oan Servieer")that collects monthlY p�aYments due uader the Note and ti�is Security Instrument.There also tnay be one <br /> -�-(` ar mare cha�e�es of lhe L�aat►Servicer un�lated ta u sale of ihe Note.lf therc is a cl�ange of tM Loon Servicer.Banower wlll be <br />°�_� _ gsiven written�rotice of the du�nge in accordance with pa�t�►ph 14 above and rpplicable law.The notice will state the name and _ <br />_ - f addme�of Ihe new Loaq �er�:r,kr and ihe address to which payments should be m�le. The ootice will also contoin ony dher k�, <br /> - ' ��ion n�quired bv a��p9a�,nb9e law. <br /> -. 2p, pp�doav l�t�tyiaars. Burrawer shall not cause or pemut the presence. use,dispossd. atorage, or release of Any <br /> ' 1��►nu�s Subi�;aa�ces c+r� cr i� ap�e IP�r�peny. Barrower shull not d�a, nor allow anyone else eo do. anything affecUng the <br /> • �;.'�` n thaa i,.i�m rd4i0aII8a�r+�f an Er��ia+anme�tal Law. The preced'ec��_two sentences shall n�M:�aply to the pr�esenc�e,uac,or <br />" !`�. �', slPo ge on the Pm �n�0'sr�u�l quantities of 1-lar�rdoua Substanc�s�tU�ut are generally recognipr�'to be apPropriatc to nomwl <br /> '��-v ►�esldemial uses to�main�enance of the Property. _ <br /> ?.., . Borrower shall proaai�t�y give Lender written no�ice of'any investigatian, cl;un�,demand, lawsuil or rnher actian by any ,__ <br /> =`��'. g B 75' g �Y P PA Y � �nY - <br /> �. overnmental or re ulatd u en or rivate n involvin the P w�d am. 6#:uardous Substance or Environmental ,, <br /> " ' '"^ of which 8ortower haw actual knowledge. If Borrower lenms.or ic natified b)' any govenunental or regulatory autharity,ih�as <br /> ':r�: <br />;_`:=�. ,�, ,�o; � any removal or othcr remediation af any Hazt+rdous Substance affe��i��tFk Prapeny is necessary.BoRawer shall promplly ta4;�c <br /> y ' al�necessnry mmodial:tctions in aceorclnnce«�ith Environmental Lau. _ <br />- • As used in this ps�rngraph 20. "Haaurdaus Subatlances" are thase subc�Ance.e dePned us toxic or hazardous substatic+es bv __ <br /> =-- - Environmcn[ai w�J thc fufiowi�ti� ,ub;iances: gawlinc. kcrok^:tc, oihcr flammable ar taxic petsalenm �raducts, 4rxic _. <br /> � �:� �� `� icides und hefiieides,volatile solven�s,materiuls containing a�cbestu�or fomwldehyde and rudioacteve materials. As usec!in _ <br /> ..�- -���: �+;� �. <br />���._��_ *,"'-;r�_�;°=s , this pAragrnph :0, "Envimnmentul I.a�v" mesins federal laws and luws of the jurisdictinn where Ihe Propeny is locale�l thnt <br />:_,,,,� ���F. rel�te to heu0th,s�fcty or envimnmenittl protectian. _ <br />:s;�;� q�,,�?,��-,r' NON-Litii'FORM COVENANTS.13urrawcr ancf I.cndcr furthcr,:��vcnant and agmc ati Follaw�s: � <br />,.�,t. Q 21. Aceelerption=Remedi�.w. I.ender sFudl give notice to Borro«•er prior to pccelemtbn tollow•Ing Barrower's breach _ <br />=?��- ': ",-%• ' ot pny rnv.nant ar agreeu�ent in thls Security ln.strument (but a�t prfor /o �cceleration under paragraph l7 unless <br />`�..�r''., i'° applicable law provldes otberwlse). The ontice shall speclfy: (A)!�e default; Ib)the Action requinrl to cure lhe default; _ <br /> �°"� •�i • ��'�'"�� � (c)a date.not 1�.4 than 30 days irum the dete the notice is giveu tr� which the deiault must be cur�d;and _ <br />_•,rp.�� <br /> ���,;, (d)tlwt fAtlure to cure tFie default on or befbre the dote specifle� in the notice may result in acceleration of the sumq — <br /> -��'�'�' becared by il�Is Scrurtiy Instnsmcnt and salc af the lR�o�rrtJ•. 'fl�: stoticc shu!! furtlte�'Eetform FMrn►w'Pr of fhP t7�ltt to <br />=-�',�'�' r '' ;`,"�'�•� retnstate atter acccleration and the �ight to brin� a cnurt ectio�a to axscrt the non-existcnce ot a defautl nr pny ather ° <br />-'�? �1�,�"��:`: '.;��c.�� drfense of Bnrrow�cr to occelcratlon and sele.If'the defnult is aa9 cured on or befi�m Ihe datc specif7er� �n ihe notice, <br /> �" • ;� .�lt'..'::.� .� ��� <br />._j�� . ,,,,.: ..,.,.;. � 1.ender. at its option. may require immediate payment in full of �01 sumti secured by lhiti Security Invt��ment wilhoul <br /> ,c,f� ``r��`���; • farlher demand and ma invoke the her of sale and any ot4a�r��medin� rmitted b�� o li��uble law�. I.rndrr shw0i tjc '_°_� <br /> �?1�yf�►�S �' '�;�.(�r;�°ti�(t��,t;<' Y (w � P► PP - <br />_��. • ti+t.��.:..;��,��t,^h•<,�;:1 entlNed ta c•nllcct all expences incurred dn pursuinR the remedle,pri��•�ck�d in thia�raraRraph 21.includinR.but not lim�trd <br /> �• �. <br /> �;�.�: s��� •„� �;..,,,:: � to,reasonab9c uttnrneys'feeA end c��.SYs�u1 tltle e�•idence. �: <br /> c,.�`M,� �`� <br /> . •�•�,,�,� �k' -�_•I,,'. !t the pnwer of sale Is Invoked.Trustee shs�ll trcord a nntice oM1'ckSuult iae each counh• in �shirh anv pyrt o�I�he �__ <br /> . ..�,�.. :. -,:, �.�,:.,. <br /> �tp.; ,...e• . �ope�ty ir locuted and sP�a19 mail copies ot'�uch nMicc in the mp�nnrr prrvrii►rd b��uppticu Ic law•to Borrn��er an8�a <br /> 4��1,iq+t�. •„•, . � the other personti pmscriUed by eppliceble la��.A�tcr tlk timc rr�µ�drr�1 h�•A�plirable laa,Trust�r shs�ll gi�•r publk ni+iiee =_ <br /> _ � � ot�lc to thc peru�ns�nd in Ihe�nanner pr�wcrlbed b}�upplicAO�lr 7a�ti.Truxtcc. wlthout demund on Borrow�cr. shu91 sell � <br /> , '�� � � the P�r�pcirt�•ul publfc auction to the hi�'hi�t bldder at the tlm�aad�1ace pnd undcr Ihe Iernis dcsiRnated in the�oliar�nf <br /> � j�, • sale in one or more purcels and in any �der Trurtcti drtern�iax�. 'Pru�tee mu� pmtpnnc wle�if uU or nm p�rcel of the �_ <br /> �, v• ..: property b�• public announ��ement nt the time and placr of am ��evio�Os xchedul�d wk. Iwnder or ili+ der�ignee m�y �s. <br /> ''�' .,��'"t! - purchase the Propert�•ai uny swle. ^�_ <br />;'S���' �p(�'" :<:'}!�•'':'��.� � <br /> :Gs'!'�V ' �' 's��'�' �- <br /> �'.,1'` ',�``�`---`!�'--"��� Form 3028 S 9u � <br /> ���";,�i� � .- .- --.-� �j <br />..��i':, '��.',,t:. ..�: - <br /> _ v�t or d <br /> �C � <br /> o.s_ . ��_. <br /> t;,`S.C, � . �'t u_ <br /> .,''.,_'t\, �� � .��•)��i. � <br />•'��+"' tR 7�� v .,. ;�'...-y. -..�_v rF r� �7,y�rp i - L�'; jj�' ��r�,�' T..._.... � <br /> -���•_ i' � �. r A..F} � ', :�d�\!A^�7'X�IFRt)�:9dit?''�„.•.x . ,_..'Ck::.� . ��.�"R'i�S'M'1I'141� �1�1M�M�1��1�.'kM/Kdur�^t'�.-a� � <br /> , i . �d'. .t�'/,rS;,�.1•,;, . . ..}. • <br /> .�;/ � . . .'�,f.�o . . � . .p'+� 's.:�-.���f!,�; .. ' . <br /> , � � <br /> � �. ,��J��`� . � <br /> o rI� ' . . � ' 1�''" _ <br /> �{! . .:.. .. � . � � .• <br /> .. <br /> 11�Y.; S��.Ay�M6�.��- �C'l"(_ yy� � • � . <br /> •�'�Jic.a_ • .__-._- ._._'_"' . <br /> _ _ _ _ ' ' � _ ' �___��+1i�!.1�•��a . � 1' " �' _ <br /> _.�� . — __._ _� _. .—T_I'_--_ —.___� __—_.._.__.".� �_. _. .. ... _ _ _. _... _ .__ , . .. .. . � i � <br /> -� Y �� ' . . . � � . . . y ' � ��� . <br /> `��'ll -�lnNy�il` . ' � <br /> �� ,� �•, .. .� `' ' • 1 �. <br />_ .,� , ' ,� j, i� .. , • , .. • . � .;��r„ <br /> `�,t � r ,1 �,��,'` . , . .� � . <br /> �,- tti`_ . � 4:. ..f .. :�. , � <br /> ," .'w'•r±i+ ' A�`" '• . ., ° ' ' � ' ' .. � ,� . . <br /> �. . ..°� " ' • . , ' • <br /> , , f +:a(�sY � _. . . . , ..v+l.' � , <br /> �-a � .-t�. ��.. .. ' , - " ' ' <br />.. . � '� � .� � � <br /> f . ._.�l- � <br /> � • � � _ __ - — — •— <br />