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� _ <br /> , . <br /> _ .• ,.. -- <br /> > >,.�; � �r � - <br /> J)'� ,4+ _ � <br /> . . <br /> � , y� .- <br /> .. __. <br /> . <br /> ...__._-..._".�__ _' ' _ _ i _ <br /> � ' . . . _.-__— __ -.. _._ �-- . <br /> �� ... —ii _1I� { • . ' �1 �w . .�'S.st_..' <br /> 3• �,Q�g <br /> PI�Y��ta lan�be roquiied, at the aption of Laider.U mortp�e ies�utoce caverqe lia tbe�mouot�nd far tbe pe�#od <br /> tl�t lrader �e�quit�e�l pna�►idod by aa bwiar�p�oved by I�e�t�pfa brooines�vdlable�nd i�abaiaed. Bormwar�ull p�y <br /> _ d�a P�aiwn��a�quira�l l�n�w�i��auii��o iaiue�naa{n effea.or t�N�rida a k�w�awvo.uatit ttw r�formo�o - <br /> � bMUrrnor md�1�a�oord�oe witli�q►wrill�a�roen�aM belwee�a Bon�ow�er�ad L�ader ar�pplfcable I�w. <br /> !.t�erplefior.t�+ider a its ptent mry aylte r�e�onwUb aMt1a upan Nad iu�pectlon�of tho Pnapaty.l.ender�ull�ive <br /> Borroww na�lire�t tbe tlme af or prior to at inspeaian spedlyin4�hlo caupe fur dw lmpeccioa. <br /> !0.�. 7Ue pmoeed�of ury Rw�rd or cldm for dRn�es.diroct or a►mequa�l. in cannectian witb�ny <br /> aw�daiawioa or otba t�of ary piat ai 1he�wty.or fm aoAVryanae in lia of'aa�da�a�n�iao Moic6r�ned�d ` <br /> ..�,_�.._,- __�� sl�ll be pdd to t.andee. <br /> - In tiio cvem of a�aul ukin�of the Pnnperty.tbo prnoeedr sh�ll be sppUad to 1he autn�securod by thi�Soairity Ia�t, <br /> whe�her or not tl�rn due,wi�h�y oaaxo p�id w Bertuwa�, in tho evait af�p�rtid Wcing of Ure Pmpeny in wbkb tbe fiir <br /> .. -- - m�ulcet v�lue af d�e Pt�erty immodi�tely beforc�be takia�is equW w ar gn�tar Ibpn tho amoum of�Mo wma cocu�+ed 4y tl�is <br /> Socu�ity Inet�ment immodipuly beforo tho takins.untx�Bormwer and I.aider otlurwlsc ag�ee in writ�n�,tho wm4 securod by <br /> lhia Sxudty Incuumcnt siudl be roducod by 1he a�aouM of tho pro�oeds muNipUed by tUe tdlowing fiaction: (�) the toW <br />_,F_� anoum oi thc sumr socurod immodiwely bcfore 1he uking.dividal by(b)tho fwir aa�ulxR vaiue of the Property lmioodi�lely <br /> befara tAe rmtioR. Any b�lanoa shwll be pAid to &►rmwa. In�ho eve�t af a pau�l tahim4B of tAe P�paty ln wrich the fair <br /> m�uricct vs�lue oi�Ae Fruperty immadiv�dy before the twlting is lesr thAn 1he wmoar►t oi'the sums securod immed�tely befao tba <br />- _- Wtin�.unkss Bonuwcr�rd Lender otlravrise qgroe io writing or w�ess applicW�ie law atMwise pnwide�.�ho Q►aroodo�4tN <br /> - be applied w the sums savred b�r Ihis Savriry IasdumeM whelher�x no1 t6e sums a�e Il�ea duo. <br /> - if the Propaty is abandoned by Bormwer.or if.eRer notice by l.c�der to Barowrr th�the oondemo�or oiTeis to m�e an <br />-= award or settle a cl�im for d�e�, Bomower fails to r�po�d to l.e�der wphun 30 days aRer the da�c t4c na�tke is givcn. <br /> ;s,,,'------- Leader is author�ud a cu!lact smd�pfy thc its optian,opher w ratwaoion or n�air of the Prapaty e�r w�he�ans . <br /> �;. �ocurod by thia Sxu�ty Insl�umeat.whether or not then due. <br /> ���r.. Unless l�rnder and �+mav►�er cuherwise agroe in wridng, any eppllcation of pr+ocoeds to pri�i�wl shAU nw exteuA or <br />:``' � poc/pone the duc date of�he montld��payme�ts rcfernad to in paragmphs t and 2 or change the amount af such paymc�s. <br /> '��;• �I� I1.Borroww Not Rel�ed=I��+rO�earance By I.endd�Not a Woiver. Extc�ion of the time for payrncnt or modb��tition <br />�:;.; <br /> ;�, �. � � of amonization of the sums secu�l by�his Secu�ity Inurument grunted by I.ender�o uny succescor in interest af Bomower siwll <br />' '°" not o rate to rclease tl�e IiabNi of thc ori inwl Botmwer or Bormwer's swccasors in intercst. L.ender shall not be ircd to <br /> :..�:�; a � s �rv <br /> - rnmma��e procoedings a�ainsl any su��ceswr io interest or nPuse to e�tend time for p�yme�u or dherwiso nwdify amoniwtion <br /> of the sums savred by this Securiq� tnstn�ment by re�um of any demand nwde by �he original Bortnwer or Bornuwer's <br /> _= succasors in intercst. Any farbearanee by l.emter io eaercisin�any right or rcmedy shall iwt be a walver of or pr�oelude tlie <br /> � ezercisc of any rigbt or remcdy. - <br />�'-'"; !3. S�Mr.�essors e�! <br /> . A�� Boun�i doln! ae�s! Serera! l.lab!llty:Co-sl�urrs. '!'!K roves:ants sad aarsess:eass of tliis _ <br />` +�` Socurity Instrument shall bind ond benefit �he sucre.wrs and assigns of Lr��r und Bnrrawer, aubject �o�he provisions of <br /> p��ragraph 17. Borrower's �rovenants and agreememc shall be jaint nnd several. Any Bc�mower who �ro-signs �his Security <br /> �`� Instrumenl but does not execute the Note: lul is��o•+i nin thi.Sexurit Instrument only to rre�m � e runt wid ccxr�:� that <br /> . ;`.".'�. �_,��� 8 8 Y 8 B • 8 Y <br /> ' ,:�! ;� Bormwer's interest in thc Property under the term.of thi,Srcurity Inswment:lbl is not perxonally abligated to p�y the sums _- <br /> `��`'°� '�''` ,,' securod by thi�Security Inst�ument;und(c)agreeti i!�;�l.ender�uxl s�ny ather &►rrower may vgree�o eatenJ, mudify, forbear or � <br /> .� <br /> make any uccommcdntions whh regard lo the tertns�it this Security Inm�rument or the N�ue without thut Borrower's rnnsent. - <br /> �. f 13.I.oan Clwrgeg.If�he tnan secured My this Security Instrumen� i�subjoct�o u law which se�s maximum la�n chnrges, �:_ <br /> ' '+' ��,, and thot law i�firwlly interprcted u► that the intere.t or nther luan chur�tes rollected or�u he callected in connectian with the `--- <br /> �' - ; �. •, , �..;:.;,t, loan exceed�he pernnttal Intuls. then: �a►any ruch loan churge,hull 1►e rpluced by�hc amoum neces.rary w�lu��e�he charge _ <br />,;;'• � '' f'� � to the permitted lirnit; and (h►any sumti alre:►dy rollect�i f'mm Borrower which exreedeJ permiucd limits will bc refundMl to — <br /> `'� �'"�'���' �'���� Borrowcr. l.c�xler mv cha►x u► mukr �hi.r rel'unJ h reducin thc r�n�i al „w•cJ under thc Ncue ur b mnkin u Jirect =-�� <br /> •� +:•,., w,-M�.:. Y Y F P � f` Y S <br />�;;, . , �_-: <br /> � f. payment to &irn�wer. If u refumi reJuces principal, �he redur�inn will F+t treated us a Qurtiul prepayment without uny <br /> ` '��` ,�;'' prep:�yment charge unJer�hc Note. � <br />., `� �;.�' 14.Nottc�.w. Any nuticc�o &xmucr pn►vided fi►r in this S�:rrr�a� In4�rumcnt,hal1'hc ;�i�.:n hy Jclivering it or M�: a�ailing �`:` <br /> � � il by first clu�s muil unless •rpplirublc law reyuir�s u.e��f unothrr method. Tfi:e notiec�hull I+e directc�i to t�h�e Pn�p�tra. Address �'=-` <br /> ,. �,..••: •_ .�_e;, <br /> b,���,:, . � or un other uddr��. &,rrower Je�i natrs hv no�s�r to l.cndcr. An n�iticr t,� Lcndcr ,hall Ix� iven bv firwt clu4s il o <br /> , Y L� Y B ma t <br /> < ` � ��� Le�uier's;uidreti.titat«l hcrein or any olher addr�.s lxnJcr dc,ignute. hy natire ta&xmwrr. Any n��Ncc pro�id�l fnr in this "�-Lt <br />_ ,�'�a'- ,�, Security In,trumcnt yhnll 1►r dcemeJ t��•have he�n given to Burn�Ker�x LenJcr x�hrn gi�•rn in this p�ru�crrph. � " <br />_� =� '� � - 1S.C.overnlnR law�: Severahilde+•. Thin Security Ins�rtaui;�� �hull lx guvcrnal h�� IcJcrul luw ar�d the luw� of thc ;,;,�,��: <br /> '--" �� ' •+'.�`''�' �' juriwiirtiun in which the Propert� iti incatecl. in!!�e evrnt that ony pmvi�inn ar rluu�c�il'lhiti S�tiurity inarument or the Note �: <br /> �"`"� ' °i����ti,� runflicts with applicnhl�la�v.,uch cnnflirt xhall nnt alf�rt uthrr pn►vi�ian,af'thiti Scrurn�� In.trumrm��r:',�e Nntc which run l+c ,�,;:_ <br /> � u. <br /> �;�r�,. ti •, •�',:; , ' -:' - �y,', <br /> ����,., �� ,�•,-. �� � given effcct withnu�thc ronllicting pmvision. T��thi.c�ul thr pn��i�inn� �d thi, Serurity In.trunkrn und the N�ne are dtclared � <br /> n � . � ,•?.}�,.._.,- �o be kvcn�blc. ' -t*, <br /> _: •, �_;;,,:,:;T-,�'d�" 16.Borrower s Copy.&►ru��tier chull hc�ivcn unc cnnliirmrd rapy af ti�c i�l�Hr oixl nt this Sctiurity Instturncm. ��� <br /> ' -,- r/:. �';;�i'"__ 8 9/80 _i}', <br /> �: ".'r.- Fam 302 : <br /> �• �.. . , <br /> ',���'� � �..' �'" bp..oi8 'a�S� <br />_Y � r.' �. <br />� ,7 ,.�:.i�l. �;�; J <br /> .i'�St'.', ifr!��"' ��. <br /> :� �4� �._ �g t•a i�yt•:- � �'�=' <br /> ,• , q%u`�'�l�jt S�it�t�� �.. <br />-`':..' t�r��:���t'r!�f�`a I�>. �•.. <br />.Y,'(' // + V`>}/}�i..� 7�!/����` �'nf•J�- . <br />-�.Y�r" 1'� �I" 11�.- �. ..J. .X� _�" 'T,�et�j. .C7�r,^^rr. '"��V�_r.`�r-''4+�/�•�xr� �(-'��h�: <br /> �pw!l�� fi�':�.. .. .� y ;.� . . _ '��!(�(•�'i . . . • _ �. ,�.hf� ,,,� .r+�� _ _��.. . ly[f�.1 .kl}jrr:: .. <br /> { :. •. .�� .7• ��' . . •��'t "`�`'�- <br /> �}.� •a.:�'vrr ..\•b.r �� �6xh�ii �' . � • . . . . . ,. ' . . . 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'^1H�.'r}� :�'r� . � .. <br />.-. .. �` . < < . ��� .. . .,. . � ,S "�' <br />. . � .t � . .`•" � ' ' • . .. .• • . , . „ � � <br /> . .: <br /> .. , <br /> . <br />. � -{ . .r• , .. � . <br /> . � ' ' ; <br /> � , <br /> ' V G' .. ' <br />