.f f .�...�AJ���(���J�� +6H�V1f+1{���,Af.�Y.Q(d!'WC+4NN°fr�*r'�a.�^°'rv�,�.rvrrav'^vrn'r�".m� 7• ` _}-z . -- __.
<br /> � - �. ir�:`R'.ri' .. � _. „ '...
<br /> :{.�► .
<br /> � . .. .. .,, . 'r-I�'j:Y.��.. .. -- --
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<br /> ��.i .. ' J.i I
<br /> , •
<br /> '� �� �'� . 91- 102110
<br /> �.,. __a.
<br /> If l.ender required mon�a;e insursoce a+�condition of m�kin�the loan secured by�his Securi�y In�trummt,
<br /> '� . ,. Borrower sh�ll pay ths premium�reqwred to m�int�in Iho insurwnce in e6xt until such lima u the requirema�t fo�the �.�,...
<br /> ��,�#�., insunncr terminata i�accordance with Borrower's and l.endcr'�written a�reeme�l or applicable Isw. ____
<br /> ' �' 8. las�ectio�. Lender or itt a�ent m�y m�ke rc�sonable ent�es upan and inspectians ui the Ptoperty. l.ender
<br /> , �i'" -- - :-- clwil�ive Borrower natice at the time of or pnor to en inspection spcc�fying re�sonablc couse Por Ihe inspectian. _
<br /> 9. Co�de�udo�. The proceods af sny sw�rd ar cl�im far d�mages,direct or consequenti�l,in conna�ian with �, " `:,':'^_-� -�
<br /> any condemn�tion or other t�king of�ny psn of�he Prope►ty,ar far convey�nce in lieu of condemnatian,ue hereby �,�_.
<br />�,��, �� . asu�ned�nd�II be p�id to Lender. �-� -
<br /> � �� � In the evem of a tot�l taking of the Property, the praceeds shpll be epplied ta the sums secured by thii Security �'��.-_-,;.�
<br /> s " ��� � Instrument.whether or not�hen due,with�ny excas paid ta Borcower. In the event oP a pani�l uking oP the PropeAy, ' -- ,=;,;.x.;,L:_
<br /> unless BoRawer and l.enderotherwise Agra in writiag,�he sums secured by thi:Secu�ty Instrument sh�ll be reduced by ,::.•,.�,,.`;.��;�.� ,.�
<br /> � • � the�moum aP the proceeds multipliad by the follawing frACtian:(a)the iotal amaunt of�he:ums securcd immediately . ••�•°- -
<br /> `._.,.,�,�:.�-��
<br /> ' beforc the t�king.divided by(b)the idr market vnlue of the Propeny immediately before the t�ki�Q.Aoy balance sh�ll be ,,, :;;-�;Q- •---
<br /> d to Borrowet ����
<br /> , � If the Propeny ic ab�ndoned by Borrowe�,or if,aRer natice by I.ender to Bonower that the coodemnar affen to .-;-��:�'�i��.__
<br /> ' �� miJce an�wud or settle p cl�im for dama�es,Borcowe�f�ils to respond to Lender within 30 days�£ter the date the notice ia �,7 yY,�.�_ ,
<br /> � " � given,Lender is authorizod to collect and apply the pra:eedc,�t i�b upiiun,enher to restoratea:►or repa�r of tEee Property or ' • ��,::
<br /> to the sums secured by this Security Instrument,whether or nat then due. ,_��-
<br /> Unl,ess dender and Horrower othervvise�gra in writinQ,ang applicatian oSproc�eeds to prirtcipal sMp not extend o� , �,: _
<br /> postpone[Q�e due date oP the monthly payments referred to in pairagrapbs!and 2 or change the amouot of such payments. • '•���a•��
<br /> 10. Honro�er Not Reka�e��oeYautnc� BT t��N��w�rer. Exteosion oi'the time for poyment or ' 'f�'�. '�'•�•,'•�'!:�'���'-
<br /> ;`, . . ,;,�,:� -
<br /> madi8cation of amort�zation ofi the sunms secured by th�s Secuntp lnstrument gramed by I.ender to any successor in � • _
<br /> ;.:�, interat oi Horrower shail not operate to release the liability of the onginal Bonowe�or Horrower's succasors in interest. �:':� ,•' -
<br /> L�mder shall not be required to commence proceedings oga�nst any succes.cor in imeresl ar refuse to extend time for
<br /> , � b, ., ,�!�:�`,� payment or otherwise modify amortization oP the sums securcd by this Security Instrument b} reason of any demond mude � - —
<br /> � � �;-''•� by the odgin�l Borrower or Borrower's successors io interesl.Any forbwrance by Lender m eaercising any right or remedy i �
<br /> tr•" :�� �...
<br /> f�£..,, siull not be a waiver of ur pnclude the exercise o P any rig ht or rem e dy. �
<br /> � •,1,., 1�, suc¢awr��nd AalQss Bonad;Joint�nd Se�entl U�billty;Caal�ers. The coverants and ag�eements af `
<br /> { . m
<br /> � ,�;•;I this Security Instrument sh�ll bind and beneHt the successors a�d essigns of Lender and Borrower.subject ta the provisions
<br /> �.. ; of paragroph 17.Horrower's covenants and agreements shall be joint end several.Any Borrower who casigns this Security
<br /> _—- . —��;;,�,,' lnstrumtr.!bu!does aot�ataute the Nae:(al is casigning this Security Instrument only to mortgage,grant and convey _
<br /> that Bonov�er's interest in the Propert}•under the lerms of this Secunty Instrument;(b)is nat penonally obl�g�ted to pt�}�
<br /> ' � the sums secured by this Security Insirument;and(rA agrees that 3.ender and any ather HorTOwer may agra to extend.
<br /> modify.forbear or makr a�+y accommoda[ions wi�h Tegard to the terms of thi9 5ecun�p lnstn�ment or the Note withow ;,�?
<br /> • that Borrower's consent. '�, � �
<br /> , 12, Lan CharQea, lf the loan secured by th�s Security lnstrument is subjec�to a law which sets maaimum loan , "�.- , •
<br /> charges.at�d that law is finally interpreted so thet the intere.rt nr other loan charges collectrtd or to be collected in . .;€'��"s:
<br /> ' � connection with the loan exceed the permitted limits,then: (a)any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amoun� '}',;; ���;�
<br /> j, necessary to reduce the charge to the permitted limit;and(b)any sums already collected from Borrower which exceecied '��° '` �
<br /> ' ' permitted limits will be refunded to Borrower. I.ender may chcx►se u.make tfiis tefund by reducing the principal owed :_
<br /> �t , under the Note or by making a direct payment to Borrower.lf a refund reduces rrinapal,the reduction will be�reated as a �
<br /> partial prepayment without any prepayment chargc under the Na�e. �'�
<br /> � '•� I3. i�e(dsl�Hon ARectiag lxnder's Rightc. If enactment �r ezpiratian of�pplicable laws has the effect of '. �:�
<br /> �, ' �� � ••'•'t rendering any provision of the Note or this Sccurity Instrument unenforceable according to its terms,Lender,at its option. `'+�-�
<br /> }`�.��:"��•'�' • may require immediete payment in full of all sums secured by th��Securn} In+�rumem and may invoke any remedies , , °��_,
<br /> # r;�`:<�;''��� permitted by paragraph 19•lf Lender eaerc�ses this option,Lender sha1)take the step�specified m Ihe second paragraph of '�: ' r
<br /> , , .� paragraph 17. I ��,��'
<br /> . � i " ;�,�'� � l4. Votiea. Any notice to 8orrower provided for in this Secunty Instrumem�hall Megiven by delivenng u or by :`� ��
<br /> . ` "''�,:i,• mailing it by first class mail unless s►pplicabk law requires use of another metbod. The nouce shall be directed to the �
<br />. i '? ' .• Properiy Address or any other address Borrower designates by nnuce to Lcnder.Any nouce to Lender shall be grven by �t__.�.
<br />�;;��' � ' first class mail to Lender's address stt+ted here�n oT any��ther address Lender dtw�gnt�tes hy notice to Borrower.Any notice ..�
<br /> provided fot in this Security Instrument shall be deemed�o have been gwen to Bormwer or Lender when given as prov�ded �i'.:'`�=
<br /> ' "�Jr'"l in this paragraph. � �;r":
<br />. �,,J ,,�_.
<br />' ' '�•�°•c; �� 15, Gyrerning Law:Seversbility. �'his Secunty lnstrument shall he Foverned hy frderal law and the law of the _
<br /> �'., jurisdiction in which the Property is loceted.In the event tfiat an}•prnv�sion ar�lause of this Secunty Inst�ument or the 'i•'.
<br /> Note confl�cts with applicable law,such conflict shali not aflect�ther�+rnv�vmm of thi.r Secunty Instrumeot nr the Note �'�
<br /> ' which can tx grven efiert wrthout the conflicnng provision 7o th�s end the�rocniom uf th�s Secunty Instrument nnd the ;�•;'
<br /> � Note an declared to be severable. � '
<br /> 16, Eiottower's Copy. Burrower tiholl be gnrr. nnt rnnfcumed cory nf thr Note and��f this Secunty Instrumem. �%,:�
<br /> ' .•� , I", �'ranster ot the Propeny or o BeneHcial lnterest I� 0orrower. If:+II �u an}� part of the Property or any ,
<br /> in3eaes�in it is sold or transferred(or if a benefic�al intet�l ir.8nrrnuer��u�IJ or�ran+fcrrrd und Bormwer��nrt a natuaal ,,_
<br /> pe�sor.9 witfinut Lender's pnor wntren ron+ent. Lende-ma�.uc it,rpnon. requuc�mmedialr�ayment in full of all sum� .�'�;�
<br /> seca�rtd t+� th�s Securoc} lnstrumenl. N��wever, thi. �;.�:n .hall nnt hr e��-rncd h} LcnJer if rxerrne�� pmh�b�ted b} ��;''�
<br /> federal fav►as�!the date oPth�s Secunt>In�trument. '''
<br /> if r.ender exere�ses thu opunn.4enJer�hall g��r Barn�Ker noucr��f accrlerau�m ihe n��nce tihall prov�de�pericti.t �""'
<br /> of rtot less th:�n�0 d�y�from the dacr�he n��ti�r i.deh�rred��r r��c :J•a�ehui which llurruwcr mu�t pay all sum�secured by � ;
<br /> th�s Securny Instrument. If Horruwer(ad�tu p•ry�hese+ums pn�r!::the cxpiruuon of thi�penod,Lender may mvoke any �
<br /> ; remedia permitted by thts Secunty Imtrumeni uuhnut funher n�nc���r dem�nd�+n Hurruwer.
<br /> - ...i.... 0... .{.ell 1.0 .�h�nohf tn have
<br /> �8.BOnOMC�'S RiRh�l0 1(Clwitatc. 1(iurti�rwci iTi�c�i«,:5::::.........,�;� �n..7:`=:'�: ...........`.'_..._ ..�..._ .. . �
<br /> t ,� enPorcemem uf thia Sewnty Instrurr�enr d��:��ntmurd at any eeme pr<<�r u�rhe earhrr��f 1•r1'Jay����r wch ci�her pennd as -
<br /> � apphcable law ma�•�pec�f�for reinstatemenr�heti�re tiale of the Wr��perty purtivant t��any ruwrr��f�ale rnnt��rted m eh�ti
<br /> , Secunty Inslrumen�,eir(bl en�ry ot a�udgmenr rnforcmg�h��'.+r,:unr� in�rrumem 1 ha�e randm��n.are thn &�nnwer.
<br /> ' (Al pay+ L.ender all �ums which then wou11 he due under th�ti 5ecunty Lntin•umrnr and thr `Va�e had no�cceltraccon
<br /> accurred: (hl cum any default of ony other c���enant, ��r agreement..��J pa)� rll ex�en,e� irnurred �n enforcing th�s
<br /> Secunty� Instrument, mclud�ng,but nat limned iu. reawn�ble att�ttney�' fre�. anJ Id)tuke��urh actwn a�Lender rnay
<br /> rawnably require to assurc that ihe I�en ��(th��Srcun�y Imtrument. I.enJcr'� nght��n the Pm�xrt� and[kirrower'�
<br /> obbgat�on to pa) the +um� �ecured h�• thi+ �unn In+trumen� �hall runtinuc unrhunged. l'�xm re�nstatement h}•
<br /> Borrower,th�e 5ecunty Imtrument and�he ohligauons�ecureci hereb� tihall rem•rin(ulh efTeru.r a�d no acceleranon h�d
<br /> � occurred. However,thi�nght tu re�mtatt shall nut appl>m the�a�e u(3uelerauun under par�gr�ph�13 or 17
<br /> 1
<br /> �
<br /> , � ' �
<br />