.; '. � �n�!y,;�rey,nns+v., J - .�y. �� 'Mr.'..S��,: �\�� •������.��•Ei����y r.i. ..:rf.1:pi.�v •� r. ��__ --9' is.-� �r ��- � ._.,.
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<br /> � t � � � �,�� 91-- io21�o
<br /> '� � . UNIFDRM COVENAN7'S Borcower�nd l.ender cavemnt snd�gree rs iollaws: a when due
<br /> 1. P�y�eat of Pria¢ip�l ud laterati Prep�Y�at �d Ute Ch�rRes. Barrower ah�il promptlY P Y
<br /> the principsl of and interat on ihe debt evidenced by the Note�nd Any prep�yment and IAte chugcs due under the Note.
<br /> �� � � • Z. Fun�lor 7'�aa�ad lasut�ac�. Subjat ta applic�ble I�w or to a wnneo warver�+y Leader,Bortower sfiall p�y =-.--
<br /> . -x • to Lcmder on the day monthly p�yments are due under the Note,until the Nate is paid in full,a wm("Funds")eqwl ta �
<br /> ` '.: one•twalRh of: (p}yu�ly taxa and asse:sments which may attain pnonry over �h�s Secunty Ins��ument;(b) yea►rly E�.:;�,Y�=�---_
<br /> T A� Iauehold p�yments or ground rcnts on tha Propehy. if any; (c) yearly hAxard insurance premiums; and(d) yearly '�_ ; _.1e
<br />� mortga�e insurnnce premiums,if a�y These items a�e called"escraw items."Lender mpy es�im�te the Fundt due on the .4 ____�, w�
<br /> • . �` basis of current dat��nd ra�son�ble estim�tes of future escrow iteme. ;�,�
<br /> � The Funds shdl be held ia an iastitution the deposits ar accau�ts of whieh are msurcd or guaranteed by a federal or _ �_._-.•-
<br /> � . . • • state Agrncy(i�cludin�LeRder if Lender is such sn institution). Lender shuU apply the Funds to pAy the escrow items. =�, -'
<br /> � � lxnder may not chw�e for Rwtdin�and applYing the Feulds,analyzing the acco�nt or verifymg ihe eserow items,unleas -� , _ _
<br /> Ixader pays porrower mtersst ao t6e Fuads wad applicxWe law permits l.endec to mwlce such A chaQge. Borrowet and ' :;.. y-r��
<br /> I,rnt1e�m�y Agrce in writ�ng Ihat interest shall be paid on thc Funds. Unless an agr�eement is made or a�pplicabk Law `L:„;.- -
<br /> : �:.�•.r�.-�
<br /> � roquires inteQes�to be p�id. Leader s�ll not be recquired to Qay Borrower any mterest or earnings on the Funds• Lendec .-_-
<br /> , slall give to B�rr�wer.without charga,an amnual accounting oi'the Funds sho+�nog crcdi�s and debits to the Funds and tde .��.,y:,;::,-_��
<br /> � purpose for wl�ich exeh debit to the Funds was mAde•The Funds arc pledged us additwoal security Por the sunns securod�r :.�:y'•--- _
<br /> :,,.,, ..
<br /> ' .. thiiSocurityltutna�nerr.�. � . �
<br /> hi
<br /> ` �' �� Ii!!rr amouns o4't�e Funds held by l.ender,together with the iuture monthly payrnenls of Funds Wyabk pnor to �,� ; _
<br /> ,� '� the due duaes osthe escr�w i'txms.shall exceed the amount requi7ed to pay the escrow it¢tns when due,the eacess shati br, � � � _
<br /> '�=--.
<br /> • • at Borrow�e�'s aption,ei�her prompdy repai�ta At�rrower or credii2.1 to Barruwer on m�nnfilp�pyments of Funds.IP tFie t• • f.:,_---
<br /> amount of the Funds hRl�by Lxnder is not sutFicien'�m pay the escrow items when due,8orrower shall pay to Lender any i ;.��;,�,_
<br /> aunount n�ry to�n➢ce up the deficiency in one or m¢�re payments as requ�red by�l.e�der. •, � `i�
<br /> . Upon payment in fufl of all aums secured b}•ihis Security Instrument.Lander shall promptly re�und to BoROwer �.,:.
<br /> any Funds held by Lender.If under�ps►ra�raph 19 t he Property is so l d or ac y u i r e�d h y I.e n d er,l.ender aha11 a p ply.no later '
<br /> .�.�..,�—.
<br /> th�n immediately prior to the sale oP the Propeny or its acquisition by i.ender,any Funds hef�l by l.endxr at the[ime of � , �
<br /> application as a credit against the sums secured by this Secunty lnstrument. `���
<br /> � 3. AppUp�tloa ot Paymen�s. Unless applicablc law provides othenvise.all payments received by Lender under 1�,;�, . ,. �;'� : �' ,. ,
<br /> j puagnpha 1 and 2 ahall be Applied:first,to late charges due under the Note;second,tn prepayment sharges due under the . . ' , �; •;��
<br /> Notr.third,to amounts pnyabk under paragraph 2;fburth,to interest due;and last,to prinr,ipal due. '; �_4:;t_ - �.
<br /> �. Chug��I.iea. Borcowar shall pay all taaa. assessments,charges, fints and impositions attribuwble to the ��'��';:���`.:Y^� ; ..`
<br /> � :r;:. •,:}. . '�,��:
<br /> �� i.l�l� ' .1.',
<br /> Property which may attain prionty,over this Security Instrument, and feasehald paymenla ur grousd renis, if aay. .-:.+,,,;fS�+,�;,..;,, •'. �.;';1,.
<br /> Horrower shall pay theee obligations in the manoer provided in paragraph 2,or if not pa�d in thet mnnner,Borrower sball ;,,.,. ,
<br /> ' �y s,�,.:; them on time direcQ•to the rsan awed ymxnt.9onower shall promptly furnish to Lender all notices of amounts � ,� '.
<br /> PsY Y P� � '�r' �
<br /> ' �,; '; � to be p�id under this paragraph. Ii Borcower ma�xs ihae payruents direcdy,Borrawer shall promptly furn�sh to Lender
<br /> ' '�4', �' receipuevidencing the aymeets. ;�
<br /> �� : , � Borrower shall promptly diecharge any lien which hns pnority over thfs S�tcurity lnstrument unless Borrower:la)
<br /> ; a�roes in writing to the p�yment oPthe obligation secured by the lien in e manner acceptable to Lender;(b)comests m gaod � ti�
<br /> �, � f�ith the lim by,or defends agamst enforcement of the lien in,legal proceedings wh�ch m the Lender's opinion operate to �
<br /> �: ; prcvent the enPorcement of the lien or forfeiture of any part of the Propeny;or(c)secares from the holder of the lien an
<br /> ' ' agreement satisfactory to I.ender subordinating the lien to this Security Inst�ument.lf Lender determina that any part of "'�
<br /> � ` . . �, the Property i4 subjxt to a lien which may attain prionty over this Security Instrument, l.ender may give Borrower a ��
<br /> i • notice identifying the lien.Horrower shall satis'i>�he lien or take one or rnore af thc actions�e�forth above within 10 days � , .��
<br /> ��•; of the�ivi�ag ofnotia. . . 4�
<br /> �'?• S. Hwrd Insurance. Borrower shall kmep the�mprovements now exisiing or hereafter erceted on the Propen}• . ;:��
<br /> `1 ! ',''!t ��• � insured agains�loss by fire,hazardf included with�r,tht term"ex�endod coverage"and any other hazards for which Lender ••.
<br /> 3 ':";',:�t;..;;�:. ,.' , j:(:::i�'�
<br /> ,4,,,,;+ .,,.,,_.,,,�,;.,, requira insuranCe. This insurance shall be main�tamed �n the amounts and far the }xriads that Lender reqwres. The , • .:. ..�
<br /> '�'�`�-��•� insurance camer providing the maurance shall be chosen by Borrower sub�ect to Lender's opproval wh�ch shall not be . •..:'!$i`t'°-
<br /> „�.,. - �' '' •� � ''. ,.�
<br /> ' ";t:I,:;:� �; unre�onablywithheld. . . • t`; ., , , ,=
<br /> � •�,�f�r�,,;� � All insurance policies and renewals shall be acceptable lo l.ender and s�aU �nclude a standard mortgage clause. , _
<br /> , I Lender sh�ll h�ve the nght to hold Ihe palicies and renewals.If Lender requ�-es, 9orrnwer shall promptly give to Lender `•'', � ,;�`'�.�.,;;�`t
<br /> � , , all receipts of paid prem�ums and renewal notices. ln the event of loss,Bor�ower shaJ)g�ve prompt nat�ce to the msurance t,, .Rq
<br /> � � carrier and[.ender.[.ender may mvke proof of loss if not made promptly by 8orr�wer. ` "''• -
<br /> , � Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree m wnt�ng.insurance precteds sha11 he upp�itd to ratoratbn or repair •,�.; '� . �1
<br /> � � , of the Propehy damaged.if the ratotation or repair is economiculh feasible nnd Lendtr's secunty�s nat lessened. If the '�'1 , �
<br /> reator�tion or rsp�ir is nM economi�ally kasible or Lender���ecu7:y would he lessened. the�nsurance proceeds shall be •
<br /> .,, "°�, a lied to the sums�cured by this Security 9r,svRnmenl. whether i►r noi t?:�r.due,with any excess paid to Borrower. If
<br /> � PP
<br /> .�;F";;• Horrower abandons�rie Psvpeny,or das not pns�er vrthm z0 duys o not�cr f�om Lender thal the�nsurance camer has
<br /> �i �� oA'ered to setde n claart^.ehen Lender m�v rofrzct:h:�nsuronce pnxeedc.l.ender may uu the proceeds to repair or restore
<br /> .r the Property or to pay sums securetC t}this Seeuniy Instrumen�, whether or not then due.The 30-day penod will begin
<br /> f: ,� when the notice is gi�en.
<br /> •'' �� Unless Lendes�nd Borrower otherwix a�rme in wnung.�ny appknurn��f pnkceds�o pnncipnl shall not exteed or
<br /> � postpone the due�aee��`r.he monthly pay meneti reenrrai ta in p�ragraphti t erd:rr rhanRr�he amount of the payments.If
<br /> ,'1'• �. � under paragrap6 i�:cC:e Propeny�s pcqmred to}Lender,k3��rr�wer's ng[zt r�,am m+uran�e pohcits�nd proceeds resulhng -
<br /> fran damage to the Propeny pnor t�the acqu�siuon�hall p�w»to Lrndrr to�he extrnt u(the sum4 tecured hy ihis Secunty
<br /> Instrameat�mmed�ately pnor to tfte atquisrtc.�n
<br /> i, p�ser���nd Mdntenw�ce ot ProPe�:l.ease�aids• Burrvwer�hall nat Jestra��.dnmage or sut�stantul�y
<br /> chaage tMe Praperty, allow the Propeny to �terenorate�t.omm�t a�asle. I(�hi+tiecunt� Intilrument is on a lease6a{d.
<br />. _ _c.�.�......� ...a.CiL�rrnu�r a��nuirt�(tt�ItI!lo[IIC NfUDGfh.�i�e leasehold and
<br /> UOI'TOwtf sftall Compiy w�tn ii�t.prn�uii,i�+... .��......,......—..—_..- -- -..,
<br /> � fix titk shall not merge unlas Lender aRrees tu�he mrrger�n�.nanR.
<br /> 7. Protection ot l.eoder's Ri�thts in the Propert9; 4tortRARe Insutonce. U' Hc�rrow�er fadc to pert��rm rhe
<br /> i eovenantsandagreemrnts conta�oed m th�s�ecunty Im�rumtni.��r rhere�.a IeFal rr�xeedmg that may+�gmflcantly:iffeti:t
<br /> � Lender's nghts m the Pmperty Isuch as a pnxeeding in bankru�?rcy, pr.�hate. (ar .onJemnanun or to enforrt laws��r
<br /> regulations),then Lender may do and pac for whate�er is neccswry<<+rr���c.:�the�alue uf the Prnpeny�and Lender'�nRhts
<br /> in the Propenq. Lender's acu�ms may include p3ymR am �ums.ecurrd h� a lien whi�h has pnant� a�er�h��Secunty�
<br /> Instrumrnt.appeanng in court,pay�og re�sc•nable altomey�'iee+and entenng�m�he Praperty to make repain Although
<br /> Lendet m�y uke achon under th�s F►arograph 7.Lender does nut ha�e to do���
<br /> An�•amounts disbuned by Lender under thu�+aragrapb��hall t+ecome aJJnwnal deht u(Hurn•wer�erurni M�hn
<br /> 5ecunt} Instrument Unless fi�rrower�nd l.ender agree to�ther terms��f pa}ment,thetie umount��hall hear mterest ham
<br /> • the date of d�sbursemem a� the tiuta rale and �hall he p.+�3ble, with inarat, u�x+n nulite from Lrnder to Hurmwer
<br /> � requaang payment
<br /> �
<br /> i '
<br /> . � ' _ �
<br />