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t�J� .T� �� _. 4' �.._. _ ._... . . ._�4� -__� <br /> . -. 1 .4. __. — .._. . . .. ._ . <br /> .`�� '�...� . .. """"_ _ • _ <br /> . � 93-' soo�c <br /> .npl+o�e�e 1�►oe�►p�ily ra�eio.We�ea�ara�wl.d a�e Plopal,►wt�upu�o�ay powr or.v.oc��dn.a H d1b <br /> , p�,�Lu,d�re�+�or ro.rMdidl then��wa�`rJ.wda��itp�. '11�a�e a� C�e eomnwer. Uf <br /> b�dw �d�r d�it�w�r IMli�d�nd 1�e Nab � if Ao�ooaletNiaa rd <br /> aonr�ea:ro) aeniwU o�.ay►a1Mr«,va.�.a ar�pee. t.�eats•(c)nqK.0 eRpaMe.faqurai ia auraalnf�hi.s.a.i�y .� <br /> In�u�o�.acWdiy,6rt niN Iimiled 10.�roti6ie Mlot*aya'fees:�nd(d)utea aKfi�ciio�a ar L�e�xkr rmy�arbly <br /> raNine�o�w�e ilw die Ifen of thb Sawrity Imuutr�eal.La�ider�d�bb ia tbe Ptope�ty�nd Ra�rowerti abll�tian w p�y tbe <br /> a� �awd�y Ws Secutiry I�tn�netq �11 oominue uncbM�ed. Upon minaweeaaot by Buaowra. thip Sea�ri�y <br /> - -�-- ---' IaMruwaM�ad 1ie abi�tion�ecured he�eby�b�ll�in(Wly alf'eativa a�if no�ooelention Md ooc�arod. Nowovet�tl� <br /> . -_�—=--- - , r1aRt w ietn�os�alt not y�ply ia the c�co of axeta�qion uadcr pu�r�ph!7. <br /> _ ; lf�. S�It�I NaMi CM�p d I.o�SKVioK. The Na�e ar�pud�l intera� in tho Piooe l�with�hi�Sacudry <br /> ; ��;;;� ' 111�tnn1�a11)�Y be�oW aoo ar moro dma wilhoYt piar notbD b Barower. A ale n�y rault a dwn�o ia�ho aairy <br /> =`;,�: I (laiown�u tho"L.o�a Servbe�"1 Hw oollacu moathl�r P�Yman�due w�der the Note�nd�hi�Seeu�ity lnurument. 71�em alw <br /> nuiy ba ano ar more clwi�w of�ho Lom Servioot unmlyed W a a0�06 t6e Note. If Wenc it a chan�e of the Lo�n Seivioa. <br /> -- � �pfOWlJ WjI)Il0�Vql W(�lldl f10f�CE Of IIIQ C�1q1�Q�1�I:COI�Ii.'i0 W Wtp�a�r+�I�O�10Y0!flA��C�O I�Nt. �I�IIQ IIOfI00 <br /> wUl qate tbe a�rno md�ddncs�of�hc aew Lo�n Servica�od�a add�ess�o rYid1 pqymcnt�shorld be mde. 7T�Notioe w�ll <br /> _ - , also 000piin any odur inFamadan tequ4ed by�pp06cabk�awr. <br />.__ �0. Nus��+Aor�Sr6�t�oe�. �atoret sA�H ao1 cw�o or pertNt 1hc prs`et�oe�,te.o�aek�ase of�qr <br /> i Haz�daus Subctmoca a ar ln the�top�ty. Ban�sbdl ad do,nor�IbNr�oyaue cl�o to�t6iqi affa'tin��c <br />_ ��r_+ I Propetty!hu i�in violatioo o�qMOry Environa�a�p�l La�r. The proceAin�two se�n�ces shaU not appiy a the piresa�ce.� <br />---�: -- i Rto�e on Ihe Prup�atX ot sm��paotioes o!Haz�nios SubcW�oa tlut am�y recop�i�ed to be�pp�oprire w�amd <br /> ,°.;:� msidenti�l uses ad b o�ioia�oc�ot t1e Plropetty. <br /> Banower slWl p�►a�ap�i�r g�ve Lepder writta�iwtia of�ioresti�atioa.clafaa.danmd.L��rsuit or athe�actiaa by�anY <br /> -- - grna�ae�ul or t�e�rLalq�}r ape�cy or pirate p�Ay jnvdvlog d�e PhopatX�ad aa�r Hmndnui SW�danoe ar Rnvirooment�l <br /> ``` �� d whieh Borrower has ac.� Iceowkdge. It Bamwer le�r�.ar is mGfied b�r aay�ovenpnawl ar regWwory - <br /> . �utborit7►.Ihat my unwval a odKr�ewedlatian of�ay H�za�dous Su6stanoe affocling the Pruputy is aeoessary.Barmwa <br />::;y'. ; �P���7 take d!ria.ess�ry nmedial scfians in arca�dance witb�W <br /> '""",'r As used ln this 20.'tlaiudous Subsnnces"arc tbose au6atances defuKd as Wxic or hazardous wbslan�xs <br /> �;y.,:' P�S� �!Y <br /> , Envi�a�meat�l Law and�he following wbstwrces: g�wlir��er flanvn�bk or waic petrolaro products.wx�c <br />. `,r,•,:ti�+'' ., ;.:"��?'��'`i, pest�cldes and Mrbicides.vol�tile salvents.materiala contalning asbesws ar formaldehyde,and radiwctire malerids. As <br /> '. . .�.";:� used in this pxagraph Z0."F�vironm�nwl"meant federal laws and I�ws of Ihc jurisdictlon whaa tbc Praperty b lacated <br />` d�at rciate ro health.wfdy or rnvironmrntal protoction. <br /> �°j „�= NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bamwer and Lender furtfrcr cavenant yu;d agree as follows: <br />- :.V7• � <br /> �w<;: ' '`''±.�: ;t,. 21. �e�cler.tba;Remeaia. t.eoaer slaa �Ive.«ia ro samower prior tu.oakrWo.rouowl�earr+ower�s <br /> ""��;,C _�9,,� brescr ai an'ooveaaol or agree�neat io this Security Iostrua�t Ibut�ot prbr to�ocderatio�u�der 17 <br />�;`�i;.�`��, ' n�applic�ble law!provides otMenrise). TUe notke�hall specify: (�)the ddiWti 1611he sefioa nrryired�lie <br />":�'+.:� det�Wt:(cl a data oot le�Waa 30 davs fram tbe date We aadce is givea ta Bornawer,by wiiicb tbe defanit mnst be <br /> � — ���,T— .. <br /> :'` �'3�it s cured;a�d(dl trat faiM�+c W cure the de�ault on or be�on tbrc date sperified ia tl�e notice�asy result i�atceleratioa af <br /> , �, ..��, - .:... <br /> ta <br /> � ,+�f�!,t ��,,�,.�;: the sums secw+ed by IIJis�vrity Iastrument And s�le of the P�operty. 77u notlee s6a11 further iatorpn lbrrower of = <br /> � , ` ":'. Q ,�.,f tbe right to reinatat�Wte�Aoceleration And the lo brin a oourt action to assert Ihe non.existe�ce at a defanit ar <br /> � <br /> ' : . -rnt�`7� �'�i:: � � - <br />- �,,�:ra:�•..,;� �,;.:•s�. ony ather defmse of BorroMer to uccderntbn and sak. If Ihe del'sult is not cured on or beia�e the date specHkd la <br /> �;S;r�� . �,;�.�:{r+��s�:�;`,��'j, tMeaotke,i..e�derotllsoptiomm�y ireimmedioteps�yme iaoihflofall <br />-;h:;`!'• ',�''�h��;i?:,'r,..;v�.`:�c' � at sums secured by tbis Security I�trumenl _ <br />_-- '• ' ,,�;�r,�'•; ��'14;!tf wlthout f1uPR0ur demaad aad may oa�wke lhe poa•er of sWe and any ot6e�remedies permltted by �pplicabk law <br /> �1K'{� '��' I.ender ehali be eotitled to collect all ex nses incurred in ursahg Ihe remedks rovided In tbir h 21 <br />_ �. ,.��5"Y!�':'�:'_ '" pe P P P�W'aP . <br />-. �� •�;4�' t ti�rs inclnding.but not Nmiled to,reasons�ble altorneys'tees aad costs of titie evidence. <br />__>;,, ' •'•;;:��� •";f,, It the power of sale is invol�ed.71�ustee shall record w notice of default in each county in which�ny part of the - <br /> _� t �_�:6.••.;�,?�i�4 , Property is localed wnd sh�N mAil copies oi such notke in Ihe maaaer presc�ibed by s�pplkabk law to Borrower and to <br /> -' '��• • the other pe�sons prescribed by appticable law Aller the time required by opplkable law�'llruslee shall�ive publk <br /> � notice of saue to the persons and in the manner prescMbed by apptiwble law. ��ustee.wilhoul demand on Iforrower, <br />' �f.. ' ��.,� �: _ <br /> '�.��• • slw0 sell the Pr at g P <br /> - � .�;��:7;"�(�},,°•, ,.• operty public aucdon to the hi hexl bidder At lhe time nnal lace and under the terms desiRnated fa - <br /> �-. r...;. <br /> ���°� r;;�.":��y ��' ."' '�'. f�e nMke of sole in one or more parcels and in u�na•order 7lrustee determines. 7Yustee may pa4lpone suulc of all or eny = <br /> jr��F;�. ����rf;�'�''��; parcel of the Property bv public announcemeaT Au�he time and ptace of any previousty schednled�le. l.ender or ils .. <br />_;-3.�,.�„ , . ..��t�-. :s�!,,.. desiQnee�F purchase Ihe Property ul Any sak. - <br /> '''r:ti, `•:o�.';��.� '��'_`•'''':�f;� Upon o�ere9pt oi paytnent of the price bld. 7Yuqtee 9ha11 deliver to the purchaser 7lrustee's deed conveying the = <br />�.���;�>';'; 1"� ;� ����"� Properfy. '�'�he recitao9��the 7lrustee'�deed shall be primn fucir e+•idence uf the truth uf the slatemen�v made Iherein. ' <br /> �``'�� ' � 'Ilrustee abs�00 f�1Pne o�oceeds af the sale in the�allmwin order; Irl to oll cosls wnd ex nses of exer�isie the wer <br />_�� ,' �:l --r. �• APP. p 8 Pe � Po �=_: <br /> �� ab ��: _� <br /> :prJ '�a�4�i' r - •. - M, <br /> • o i.,5�' gri; "t�! _ <br /> `� A ti..��.. . _ <br /> �:n {� 2 � r,•�. - <br /> � ', .����r�,.. _ <br /> ��� f•���,�/,�•�.:�:ji. � <br />``- -_� 'i��,��t`%„f - <br /> .T. i� ;• . ,.t����' i'Ofw Wbl 9l99 lpuRNS�qA/wuesl _ <br /> � _;:h�'?r ti��,'� :�•'}��tr�i'�'"� � �. � <br /> �. , �,�,`r;�,,,�, ,�{,`S4f11i <br /> 'tl�•,.:,, �s:.��-(((r�����t�r��.'.-',�' .n.�i <br /> z�, • {� 1� f�:T - <br /> 7 5 il:l(�` ! �l . <br /> 7 ; f �� <br /> �r } Y.y HC/{����*��� , � x� �'IS�. �(�Pj'�r�ir'..� y l �r <br /> � ;� Cf��,`rj��, '�\y.!':')� � :Z�• � !�'��.•. . . ,it. ,��'. '•.f . - . ',f. '�.5:�\fl���;rt\15�}`r�. _;.� � ':�"'� .I'i� � i r�tq'�.G.:�t-��i t��4�y� r��� <br /> �[ It�'.�' ��• �� �}tr��' i . . . ��'f,..''1r . �-. . - ;. _ 'iY � ;if•l�t�tl l. � ,i-� .4�'-,, •S+ , .�:i�:-� �. :`S'hf �n?.i.}A��.lt•.f�i <br /> � ..�� 'Y' � �, � r ., , . �;l'.yY ��i . „' ���t� ' . - ' t: `, .. w;•',.,� �1�� t ��r� :. ., '}�i <br /> �'� � � ,a •.:_L._.. f�5.��;:�:.,:L_ !.'�.. ____i:.._::::i:1d��iS��.ira%'•'.+�•�.��:.r.r�_�..J., .::7r�!i.:: <br /> .. ^�� t'. i:-''tts<�: ��r_r. . ,-•— --�,;.'^.' -'_'.. .; --.._ . - .,:. _ �:1` , ,��_.-...>_-�--�-- ' .—iC�,:rv;Sl 't��� -�,j"�-'*Z'i;v.?�^F•`+ '.rSz _ <br /> �y • ���� Si . 1 <br /> t�i- �r. � -� a. ��y �. i��l ., 1' �,�� ' <br /> t .�1('�1 i-�3���,}�j,������� •j � '�� , -'4 4�rP1•,� ;'}4, ;y.;y�f�� � 2 � <br /> , a �� -- ,�a�•.ti�."�`�1��!,� ' . • i�c`.i,; • . ;I ''�' ..n�� 1• 4i 4� � �r.�- <br /> �iiais�u -' M ' .t�'�+.�,: -?.� , ,., :r;'• "511�1� ':i��� i,. <br />- r' �lt" a�` ) • ' ii;::l, „ � ' . `ri � - . . i {:. <br /> . i '�• 1 <br /> _ '+'��_.n ;"�. . . . 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