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- _. '� C*' , -, r_-t�. <br /> _ !-:. �:� . , , �..�. .:,. ,:r�.. ...c,��j,r �. ,.ti. : - ._r..*.,-- <br /> - .� � � . . i: :--`T_,.� <br /> ." _ ' ' , . . ' I�I� .,�_.. ' -.�. <br /> , , 93� , . . . <br /> - conden�or�u�k�a�af�n�►P�d tbt Wo�a1Y�ar ta coNwyM�ae in iMu d oondsaonioa�e�7 w4Md+■� , <br /> � �11 b�pMd b L�md01: , <br /> � in t11C evNlt lof�loul t�khy o�1Mi �9•tl� fhld! b0 qipllOd 10 th0 i�M e!► IW S�k!► : �' <br /> In�tn�p�epl.wl�l�er ar ua1�t�ae due�with a�►Y exaa� ta Daro+� la the avew d M p�Wti�d tl��tu � , . <br /> �i c b t i w f i i t m i�t v a{u a o f t h e P i m p a t y Y b a t a e t h o W d a j u e q u a l�o o r�a 1 e r drn tb a�ourM d �aaiu <br /> �ecwed b�r tbi+8ecudt�In�rume�t i�n�a�odi�1Y betbre thd hkkin�.unks'�"'0r�1 Lealer a t b a�►i�e�1bo dbwlt� <br /> _ _ -- - the cst�c�r-.��►tir�Sa�tY 1��hab be��ued 6y die aana�w d'tbep�oo�d��� - <br /> -�-�.._-�_.,-- _-----�„ <br /> fFactfon: (s)the tou!�moiu�t of tha wau oecwod Munedi�talY befae 1ha akin,�.divkied by N)ti�e hir valuo ddw <br /> - propeety ieanedi�ely befwo the tdcln�• /1nY balurce�U be pid w Ronow�r. Id tAe eveat d a p�uti�l Wci�at <br /> propeny in wbich�he tair miulcat v�due ot U�Prqiaty imeeedirdY bd'oro tha ul�i�ku tluia tuo amoiu�t af t�e waas <br /> �cu�od Iarnedi�tely betaa tho uikiag.unkss Bonuwer�ad l.awier alhetwire q�ee in wtitity ar anlecr�plicabb I�w <br /> _ - ahawl�e pwWea.die Pta°°d��1�N be appliod to�la sm�s iecwed by tb�SoaudtY In��beN�er or ao1 d�e ama�ro <br /> �hen due. <br /> If the Piapaity i�abudo�ed by Banower.or if.aflar notioe bY Lend�r to Bomowar tluit the candcmnor of�ea 10 mdoe <br /> -_-- an�w�ud or�oettle�cWm for d�na�.Bonower fiiil�to�spond to I.zr�de�'wilhin 3D dRyo dter tia due Iho�wt�oe ip givcn. <br /> Le,dor i��uthodud a oouea�nd�ppry u�o prooeadc,�t it�opdoo,cw�ar ro rostoraUon or�ot�ho tMnpeny or w�he <br />- wms sawred by thiR Socudry Inau�nt.w1�cd�Rr ot oot tYee due ��p���th�q nnt et�traid at <br /> Unks�l�cnder aad fiomtawer a�e�a iee�rFt6R6.�� t <br />-- po�tpooe�be due d�e af r�e moa4ldy piyments cefenod w un 1�nd 2 ur�Rb�e auoiuroa off eirch payma�ts. <br /> -.- 14 Qorrower 1�i�1 Ridareic Rrbeair�ac R�r lrerer l�iot��� oi 1h�dmc icx p�ymau a <br /> modificstion of�ion ot d�e suan srxuro�tl��'d�is Secu�ity lsnder w+�nny �in inoe�st <br /> �=�` of 8arow�sfWl aot opeate to rekxse tbe Habi�icY of�e onBin�l Barower or Boeowe+�wooasas ia i�Merat I�aider <br /> - -- tiwii nol be�q ui�xi w��ux7wr��aa�cz�ii�a ag�st astg�iu�or sefs:..�e to e;tcr�i t�we ls,r paga�at ar . <br />�='�_.r � othtwiso mod fi y amatir�tioo oF the xans sccw�od by this Security InstruroaM by tasan of any denwid�ade by Il�e o�al <br /> Barower or Baaowerh suooessors in inttnnst. Any fo�be�ranca by Lender io exrrclsin,��nY�a�dY�li o01 bo a <br />-�.xa -- <br />-• lude the eaeocise of an ri a�r�nxdy. <br /> walver of or Y 8� <br /> .-�. 12. Su��d A�as Ba��di J�+�s�d Se�ernl l.bbqityi Co-s�aers. The covenants md agneemems of this <br /> " SocuritY I�s1�N 6ind and Ixnefit the successas aad assigns of La�der and Borrower.wbject w tho p�arwom of <br />_- {' " p�g�ph 17. Bon�oN�er�s mvenaa�n and ag�oements shall br jaint and several. My Botrower who co-signs�his Se.+�urity <br />:-"„L' .,, Insu�unent but does nat eieecute tt�e IVate: (al is co-sigwng�tws Sxurity Inswment only to mort8a8e�gant and oon�rey t�aAt <br /> Borrowerh intercst irn ihe Hoperry wder drc terms of�his Socurity L�strument; (b)is not perxa�aUy obligaued to pay iba sums <br /> ,:;',,;j securcd by thia Socw�i�y[nmumenr,+�nnd(c)agner'i0�st Lender and any dlxr Bomnwer may agree to extend,modify,farbeu <br /> ��:: � �'.�,� or make �ny aocomaiodsaions with neg�rd to t0ae temts of thi�Socurity Insnument ar die Note wlthout tiwt Baro�er�a <br /> ii,�1 <br /> v�.I.�� ti��l�il;`,'.' �n�• <br /> �.< < 13. I.a�n Cl�ta If the locur s,eeure d by t h is S e cu r ity Insdument is sub j e ct t�:n iaw whkh sets mwcimum loan <br /> -- �.,.,... <br />,;.�s�; -- charges.and that law�s nnuiiy inG�tzo1 av d�at�ixi l�rest or athcr!a�cls�r�ts co!le��rc!or fo he rnlketed in cau�ectlon <br /> "^�' �. with the laan excee�the pernutted limits.then� lal any such ban chargc shall be reduced by the anaunc necessary to reduce <br /> ��" "'�' the charge to thc peranitted limi4 and(b)uny sums al�eady collected from Borrower which eaceeded permicted limits will be _ <br /> - '�• iefundod to Barrower. Lender may choose to moke this refuad by rcducing the principal owed under the 1�ate or 6y malcing a __ <br />-- _ ?-� f�,�,, dinti�puyu�eot to l3u�rowcr. If a r�fund reduces principal,thc ceduction will be tceated a��pahial prcpa�wyrnent wiihout any .. <br />-•. y . �'•;71��a�••, prepaymc.�nt c harge u n d er�h e N o te. _ <br /> he <br />'���,� ��"�",;+�y `'� l4. Notias. Any notice to gorrower provided for in tt�is Security Insttument sha1G be �siven bX dolivering it ur by - <br /> � moiling it by first closs mnil unless upplicuble luw requires use of onother method.7be notice�haf0 be d�K�ct�d to the Property <br /> "��' •� Addrcss or ony otber nddress Borrower designates by naice to Lender. Any notice to Lender staall be��ven by finqt class <br /> r ` � '�" �' mail to Lcndcr's•addrcss swted herein or any othcr adJre�s Lender designute�by notice to Bo�aowet. Any natice provided for <br /> � •_ �!�ar1.�a«?:Y � - <br /> ' t '-' ''�`_.���,, in �his Securiry Instromem �II be deemed to huve been given io Borrower or Lender when given us provided in�his <br /> �;--- �'''�'' t'"raP'A!'h ` <br /> � � (��, +:: IS. Governing Law; Severability. 'Ibis Security In+lrumenl shall be gavemed by lederal law und the iaw uf ii�e _ <br /> ' ��� ' `.�;�;:�,��'�:! +��-��a+�•�^n'sn::�hich�he Propeny iti locu�ed. In the event thm s�ny proviyion or cluuse of this Security Instrument or the Note _ <br /> , f..;.•,. � ,_..__._.... <br /> �r�., �•-rn^��;�.±,:•<,� conflicts wuh opplicable luw,such conflict xhul�not affect rnher provisians of thiti Securiry Instrument or the Nae which can -.� <br /> •, ����;'•�•E;�y�� ! be given effect without the c.mflicting pruvi+iun. To�his end the provisions of this Securily Instrument and the Note are <br />� - • , ,. �1�;,:;. <br />_ =, �.:?;_�� �sL��: declared to bc sevcrable. <br />_ � ,�.�:• .,.�l;1.,��?i Q�b. Borrower s Cupy. Burrower xhull be given nne conformed capy of�he Note uixl of this Security Instrument. _ <br />_ . -, ;'��7�� � 17. 7YAnsfer of the Property or o BeneticDa�Dnteresv iaa 8orrower. If ull ar uny purt of the Property or uny interest in <br /> '��`�' 1' � il is solJ or�run�femcd I�r if u tx�net7ciul inte�e;a io Bortewer i�sold or trnnsferted und Borrower is nat o nuwrnl personl <br /> '��'' •�#`3-• �`�1>> ^ � without Lenderz priar wrillen con�ent,l.ender may,a�ilx option,reyuire immediute payminl in full o�all sums secured by _ <br /> .e <br />-:�:,.�:;: ,•�•... , _ <br /> , ��z:.: "����,u•���� this Srcurity Instrument. However,this option yhaG9 not be exerci�ced by Lender if exercise is p�ohibitecl by federal law us of - <br />; �,�, 3•,-� .;��4 eFe�daie of this Security Instrument. _ <br />� 1►;;• ' y.��},�;x::;� ! It l.ender exercixti thi.uption.Lender+hall give Borr��«�er no�ire of uccelcrution. lh�notice shall provide a periad of <br />: s.�:: ,�'� �z,;•,!,;f;,���t�%,i; . , nut(�s.than 30 days i'mm Ihe date the notire is delivered ar mailed within whieh Bormwer must puy all sums secured by this � <br /> �,� .:• 4.�, .. .;. •v!!� � Scruri�y Instrument. If Borrower Puilx to pay thc,e Yum,prior w tlx rxpiratiun af this period. Lender muy invoke ony _ <br /> N'? �,�•. .;'��' •�°1" remedic.permitte�l hy this Securi�y Instrumrnt uiihnu�further nolice or demand on Bomiwer. � <br /> ' ' " f8. Borrowar's Right to Reiostute. N' Borrower meets cenuin cunditions. Borrower .hull huve ihe righ� to hAVe <br /> ,f ��+{,{��` <br /> - `• 7�:���,�? enforcamem ul'�his Secu�i�y {n.tiumcnt Ji+continucd�t ai��time prior w the crrlier of: la15 duys!or�uch other�riod ac �. <br />:�, � • .,'r' t.•,: ' - <br /> .. �1:.•rt.,'L <br />=� • i,•• �� ����• SfnRl�F'amdy..Frnal��ludFYeddle�luc i�IFIIRM INSTBUMF:NT••UNfonn Covenaau 9/91 qwR�J n/Apugerl !' <br />- .. .;�,�.��. ` �: <br /> .� 3� :,. _ <br /> ;��. , � . , .:ti�•:.,,,, ,.. <br />_ . '.���r ' ,�t,.n i.��j�}���y���ir ' 7� <br />- 1"f���'�� �'�'�;{:`iY.� •: <br />.. ��;`� ,�N:.(;t'�:::r�!{�#!:` � �_�'`� <br /> _L _,7,_ �..r r����'�I i �'�" TJ( �, ��• :�. ;iQ4�S�7uVy{�,�d") �}%,�i'� �( '�•��'V'� � .r�A ��'!�'�'�!�`!�''�w'�'""���,��`;. <br />✓ � r if � ''�;r3 '� �,•�t{.:, t,44j��'��I�]�,S. 1:. �'1��1�f�•��"v' ' �.��yr/.f �M.t ,�,.:� p�n i'r�� . !�', . !�� �'`l <br /> ..� '1 � I l 9 1 Y� '' ���{���r'•i�.,,I•:.. ..�I 1 i� � r��. .l i C '� ,��\p�C� 1I p •.1 , <br /> j;� ,�� -� 1f� .,' . %i��.t,1 r1.n�j 1 2��1'': � .� ,i;.;:�r��,'f�.� ;��n :S._ .•+...: tidii,� r n.{�t�' ,-�. .. . r �� .. <br /> �•' , .• �. <br /> v . 171. , . y �. <br /> � '� i < � j� ��'�; �x� ' . ' � �II���- �;�;�'�..�' •��(' . � ..� ��r�..�'.��,t" ,�5� .'s��y .���,i, �, , 1 ,+ u <br /> ' .. � <br /> . )I � ., . • <br /> -.r.rl t❑Y►N ,� � .� �. - j p. . � l C.� .. :�� i• fRai� • . ��.' � f�t` : <br /> _' C7l.41k:Er _ W� _ls�'�1 � , �'�'ti:•.. 'I � .. . _. . .' _.. . . :, i,�.�.�.� ...1�._ :l..Jau ._1.•..��. <br /> - } _ •. _•��. _a.:.�..�,.:.111�' .. . <br /> `a�' ,, il�fry � ti ..'tit�' �) y :;'--.-. __ .. .� 'y.�.'r: .. .... _' .. . . ... ";- �'. ""-c' •`�.;'�'.._.— _ :. :- ...... �� = "•7M1if�.r1�''o .�. <br />. �� r . _ � �.rr5-i ' �� i'��I ' �+ ' ' � ���r,,� ,� 11�. <br /> I 1�cV;{�z4 L. �• � � ii _!{.�y,'�. .. 'il�.��`:,�. � . . �, s •ly` ��-yhP�.� .. • . ,�i: . . 1•�. - <br /> 1= .,1 Z'• :*' . :.,,, : �� �1�' . �: ,:t� . � , =,. . ,��' �'•/.?�!�i�,� <br /> —__� •.�,�' .. ., - � .. , ��.` , , . . 'ti � .,i� '. � . , • , . i1�•'�` � .. <br />,- '� a, ., � ��- - � . .� � .. � . . ���f,l - � . ` • � • . ;.i�,,r�,- <br /> , � � /„ , r r N .� i� „�. 1� . <br /> ,, .. . ;, �, „ � ��1,,k;,��,� . . , . � . . <br /> .�. _ .'.. . ;� • � ,, 1F« � 4 � , . � ,��... , . . . . <br /> :;. ;' :� �,, ��1� � �H \. <br /> ,.�"� ,• ..i '.'.rt . . , `1;1 '}: . ,, . jr1' r�f -, {•' . _ �:, . . � . - _ . , . . . <br /> f •�a�i o• . � , . 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