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� __ i .� .. . 1 . __ <br /> ?Liy�l. - - ' -1, �' —, - . .. .. , y.� ,�.� ... �� _ . . yWa) �— ----- � ,. .. T--- - � -.'....i.�„ ~-- <br /> .�2•.'.��..� . . ' .. � . , . �� ,�� �< '. :'!'����. <br /> . p�ympip mpr ao layer be neqnirod.M d�e aptian of aio�tp�iowrmcN aavay{e(ia tho�aiauM rd t�r�dw paio�! • � <br /> ' . 'tbd Lador �pqiilno�)P�avldal bY�n iMUnr�p{NOVed bY i.�ider apin bpon�av�tl�blo apo l�dM�leod.�onqw�r drM�Ip► .• :�; �. <br /> t6e pnmirtn��eqViirod w miiiatdn ma�t�e ia�+ntKx in drect�or b prowldo�low�aava.undl the�ei�R kr�r�� . , <br /> t�AMnmoe and�in�ooa�d�noe witL wry Mrit�en�bitw�q�a�n�a'�nd l�ad�r a�Mppllpble l�+M. " ':� . <br /> !.I�io�.L�far o'W�ent mqr aa�lae�eroMl'�le ewria apon and ia�pootioaa o�tbe Prop�e{y.l�i�r�II� . . • <br /> 8onowa�noNoe�t a�tr clu�e of ar pbr to�n iMpea�oa�peeilylp�ta�ata�bb aiu�e ror�6e lapacttoa. � �� . <br /> �—__.- � 1�.��'�a�:a�oo3s at�y Aarsu�d or el�t tar�.dle�cct at eo�tiN, ia aaaa�ode�w�M�r _ <br /> - ,... ...._._�_�.._�.,�_�. <br /> . oonde�nro�tioo or atha tatly of�ay pnt of the Prnpe�ty.or fa c+o�wya�ao iq Ileu of a�ndeoaa�tlan��ro hemby�ip�a�d <br /> d�ll be pid tu t.aidcr. „ _ <br /> io tdo e,ranc of s wW a�dn�of tla Pro�aty,ihe prooeed�rb�ll be�pptbd a We wan oecwed by cbi.9eau�lry tn�teemeK. . <br /> whdh7 a ttot tha�due. with atry otta�pdd l0 8on�'.ln the e.wax ot a p�ttW Wdna of Iho Propaty (n wltid�die fiir � <br /> rmdca value ot the P�opa�y inanodhtely betaro�re WrFn�i�oqwl w or�aMar liwe Wo amount af the awro�ec+Med by 1Uis <br /> 5ecurity In�qumau imaa�edi�4t1�betoro tl�e alcit�.aoku Bnnuv�+ar�ad l�encltrt oU�envieo�pee�i��►rWa�.the cuma oeaned by <br /> d�is Sonuitp L�stn�et ,�aU ee rod�orod by tMo a�oo�uo�t of 1Le pooeed�mnl�piied Uy We foltowi�'Sactioa: (�tiie toW <br /> - a�mo�w oi'die aws macnr�o�immedi�ei�r 6cfaro the q�Cia�.dirided 0�r(b)�hr W�ir�valu�e af tLe Pnope�ly�amd�ed�a!IelY <br /> Eefae Ik te�l�iag. A�qr b�INeco�11 be prW to Bonowar. 1�lia cvan of�p�mtW tatiq�of 1t� Propaty in rrhic6 tdc riir <br /> aa�uri�el valno bf tho Pm�atg iuoiaediMdy befom the uti�b leu tban ti�e�aiount of tho sm���►bd'ae�ho <br /> =- dciqg.udeir Bonovap��ud l,eMer otMrwise apoo ia Meitia�or ualea�pliable Irw atlwwri�e pr�o�vida.tho p�ooeod�sWY <br /> —_ - - be applied W tbe w�cea�rod by lhis Seauity I�in�mau wt�alkr or not the�ms am�Leu dne. <br /> If tbe Pmpe�ty i�a�ndoned by Bonarer.or if.after mtjoe by Isnder W Ronuwmr t!w�he oaidenunor p�fti�t+c to�oa�e�w <br /> _— - - .-;= �iw,:�s ur �s ciair�far d�.�asower f�Rs w r�a-�3 t�Lcs3a wi�s 30 days a�r t��e stes�ce��^�. <br /> .-.�.� -- ----�;� Lender i�authori�oed w oallect�ud�pply the its apiaa.eid�er to m�oratioa At�tr of We Prnper�y ar b If�paumR�•�,�. - <br /> secwed by ti�is Sacurity�nsnumaM.Ml�elha�at aot tf�rn due. � '�' 'j•,.- <br />- "'�.� U� l,a�der and t!omower ottKrwlse agroe ia wrlting. any aPPlication �tf pr�oceed� to prircipal�I aot ex�eod at <br /> -- - ��.`;,._ � <br />__-:._ �,��- poctpo�e the due date of tbe monthly pa�ymaKs�ferrod w in p�raer�phs 1 and 2 or du�nge the annunt of wcfi payments. <br />.:�sn; , ' 11.Rw�r+uwp'Not Rdeaeed;Fo�an�noe By LaAder Piot+�Watver.Extatsion of thc time for p�yma�t m modi�ic�iun <br /> ,.,�� <br /> .��� of amor�tion of the swas secured by this Sav�lty Inspua�eat g�auc�d by[.ender w a�ry su�aso4r in interest of Bormwer clWl <br /> - not operate to rclwse tbe Ilasility uf the ariginal Borruwc�or Hon+ower's wcoeswrs in interest. Lader slnll not be roquited to <br />�•a"',� cwnmenee pnaaeodings qgairst Any suooes.wr in inteKSt or nefl�sa to exte�d t�me for paymait or otherwlse modify aatort�tlon <br /> :. , of thc sums savrod by tbis 5ecurity Incwment by rcason of aay der�nd made by the origirtal Borrt►wer or Borrower's <br /> .). <br /> ',�;. � ,. :.,:�i suoocssors in interest. A�y fo��cc by l.ender in cxerci�fnQ any �ight or nmody sl�Il aot be a waiver ot or produda �he <br /> a'F s� � � esarise of any right or rert�y. ' . . <br /> •:-_ _ - j � 12. Succes�ora w�d A�� Aoundi Joia! s�ad 3everal Li�bility:Co-�Ignas. 'fhe onvenants and a�err�aas of tiri� :_ <br /> ns <br />--��� • A''�j � � Secudry Inst�nt slwll bcnd and benefit the suoces�ors and assigns uf L.ender and Borrower, subject to i0�z ptuvisioos of ,', <br /> �t.,.,.. "` •'• . � paragraph 17. Borrower's covenants and agreements shall be joiK and several. Any Borrower who co-sig�this 5ecu�ity <br /> :���:`,�;.� ,:„�,,:� • Instrumenl bul du�ra ��ul exti�ule Q�r N�Ne: (u) is co-aiguiug il�i,Sv«a+cat�r 6utnunent only to mortgage. Sront and cunvey 2�it - <br />��F�'� • ' � �i:•�r,' �orrower's intercst in the n under the terms of this Securi ��nc�rument;(b)is not rsonoll obli to the wma <br /> - �� �� Y � Pe Y B�� PaY <br /> " �it!,!c:,., :.: ;�:. ;: �:<�r . <br /> , ::��•;:,� FS,x'.,�� ' secured by this Secu�ity Imtrument:end lc)agrces that Lender and tu�y otQ�er�ora�wer may agree to eXtend,modEfy.forbwr or <br /> �l° r.�, );:s'. malce any accommodations with regcud ta the ternu�f this Security IpsanamenQ¢�a�'tic Note without tlwt Borrower's consent. <br /> — `' --�� •';'•. ;1�;�:; 13.Loan Clw�es. If the I�wn serured by�his Serurity Instrument is c�@+j�ct ta a law which sets maximum loan shar�es. <br />- h:.t:-�;,v�•`.•� 1'y}(;i:tr <br />_— .,r,,r�g ond�hut IAw i�finally interpreted,yo th�n�he interest or o►her loaa c9�arges cutlec[ed or to be�bllecied in cunrroction w11h 1he <br /> �; t'' loan exceed the permiued limits, then: (a)uny xuch loan churge shall be reduced by the omount�ry to reduce the charge <br />-.�:= •` ,Y,,• '-. to the permittod limit:und lbl�ny sums s►Irea�ly collerted from Bormwer which e�cceeded permitted limits will be refundod to <br /> � �� :.,q„�;��;t,�,, Borrower. Lender nwy chane t�� nwke thic refund by reclucing the principrl awed under the Note or by making a diroct <br /> 1�_. .:'.:. .,--: ' r,�. , ment �o Bonuwer. If a �•efund ruducec rinci al. �hc re+iuction will be trea�ed as a ial rnent without aa <br /> „. .�. z� PnY P P P� P�9 Y <br /> :.�": ,,` `"";;,�"�;. :�, ,k,o-•.; PKPaYment chorge under the Note. <br />::,,_':.�.�. s�.,..�rt,,: .,,.;i,,:, . <br />.;.,.�t, ' � �'�;1'i;�<''i�: <br /> 14.Ntwtk�cs.Any notice to Born►wer pruvided for in Ihis Sec4�a.� �nstrument sh�ll6e given by delivering it or by muiiiup� <br /> "'��vl��;!;�;y:l����f�,�`���r . it by fint class muil unless upplic•rblc law reyuire�u.a of anaihrr methad.The nniice,hrll be directed to the Pmperty Addn3s �. <br /> ,,,�'�i� ��;`r,t�•:• , r�+�s r. � <br /> ,��,�;�r,�f�.�•,�#r��,{+a��. .�r an�� olher addrers &�rrourr Je.ignatc+ by n�Hice u.• 'Lender. Any n��tice to Lcalcr shall be given by first class mail to <br /> , ��,��,,�ff��.,4.��r+,(.�, l.ender's addre�s.tuteJ h�r�i�or uny��ther:Hidre+s Lender designate�by notic� to RoRC►wer. Any notice provided ior in this <br /> ,j?;,�•, :_r�},!,:R:..;����t4;./,: Seruriry Instrumrm shull t+e dcemcd���h.����t�ecn given to B��Ri,wer or I.endcr whcn given as pmvided in this parngrnph. <br /> F.�, ,:r.•.)� �f�i�,l,c;�';,:;.:; 15.Covernlns I.yw�; tie�•erabi06tti•. T�hia Security In,trumeni �hall 1� guvrmeJ hy f��ral law and the law of the <br />.•�G.e �{� ��£;'r'�,t��,'•,��'`�' .juritidictinn in whirh thc Property i�I�,cuted. ln ihr rcent�hu� any pr���•i,ian�,r rl�uk af thi. Security Ins►rument ar the Nae - <br /> ?,,.;;�,,s,t��,�,; . •, <br /> � -..l���{ex�`y�'';��.►�'i r��n0icts witb appliruble law.+uch amtli�t xh�ll nnx a�s:sct uthcr pruvi�,i�►n,uf thi.S�turi�y Instrument or ihe Nnte whinc�an be <br />!,�`Y . <br />�,:�4��� �. 4. ,���yr, given ef�ect �vi�h�►ut the rantlic�ing pravi�inn. Ta tluc�nd thc pru��i�ion.of this Serurity Inurunxnt:uxi�he Note are declored <br /> .� ... ...: �:tt::',:; to be�ven�Mlc. - <br />�•�-:. '�• ' .4;�.;.:., _ <br /> .;�'•� • �-�,=-��'�;���s�+::. fe.BotTOw�er's Cop��.Borruaer�hall be giccn une raiNi�rne:�l.��py�►f the Nute und ul'�hi�ScYUrny instrument. <br /> 'S�t . r '� .•Sl�.'''•'w'`':�•���. <br />,i'^ ���:i;tiif$"r�"i�: �: Fprt�3028 9/90 <br /> �,. , ,� ..',1�tiy�k4;�e,;��;,� ;+ P ao <br />"�' i�j��}�i�l��� ,' � '� <br /> ti,, � �.�1;� <br />. �. :,'.��,t'���; ��ys�.,�, f'' _. <br /> ' ' i !. , r: :,ti;�:::'�s,.~ � <br /> Z �.y.y�.. _. <br /> �',1�'�';.�iPll l'. <br /> ... 1 . ._�t��X\��.�:.. <br /> �i S . .. .. ..�-.-.:�:� .�a.,���:;,. ��}F,r;���z��,t. ,t ,� ;�;:--__�__ ___ <br /> � -',. . • r,`;.`' . -•ti . . >e+�:ri�:-•—� , <br /> . .� . <br /> . ; . . , . _ :;._. 3 <br /> , �, �;� . ',°�;, .... . � � � � .�i'- <br /> �ML ' �:�, � r�'r,�, ,�, q+ t �t.}r it 1R...a_w _.. <br /> • � � ,' � <br /> .. <br /> . <br /> .. . �idtr.'�rs't '� � "'" _�' %�. ,,' �,��i �'R <br /> , ..' {. . <br /> ��. - - - - - • - - <br /> -�—.w 1--— � .� . . , -.-_-. -_ , . . . -:. -. - -� -_--c,�.r- --:,c�--�:infr�i, -,--t��a - <br /> � ii � [ ' . � . � �. . ,i.: .11���`^1J�Mf;F�Q7X"'. <br /> ^I,, Sr��.: <br /> _ T . . . , _ ' :.'�,��i: t. <br /> w•. � �{� , . .: ��: . - <br /> -�r— .,�; <br /> i • ➢' *. , ..� • . . . �� , -" <br /> �i�1:, � . . . , . ' , .r , . <br /> i� 4. <br /> ��i.i ' ' . .. . . � . � 1' .. ' � . . ; �`�I , ' ,�i�' <br />� ,. . � � , . , .,r. .. , . . .'' <br />, : . : .� �;�,:. �.; <br /> � � i, , � .. ,,. . . .. . . <br /> ,; . • ."'� �� , , . � ,..:?: ,,, ;,� ' ��R� <br /> .• :,, <br /> � � <br /> � ti <br /> �-° <br />