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i ' <br /> , ., . .. <br /> � . . - <br /> _--; .r � . <br /> — ; �,. ., ' � <br /> _� ... _. ,_ . �.. __ , <br /> _. .. �1.��q+�v . . . �� _- . � .... . _�. u,:.:v.�r+rr -- �;�:..�-1�s <br /> , ��� h <br /> ' a� QWTI� � �f0�1� �rOR �OfIQI�II�"�� k00� itib �IMl�M� OT,��f1'� A1 1�1 �, <br /> Propr.+�y la�u,ed N�atan lor 6y Me. h�ea�d�iadudad within dre�erm•a:teaded aovaw�e'aoA �wy ahaar h.nrd�.iaolud�q�. ., : <br /> �fWod�ot Iloodir�,tior whioh l�ada�ha►rwioe.7l�i�la�utraoe ih�ll be mwdt�iqed in tbe aa�ouala md for tbe petiqAls. ,;�;;`� <br /> � dw I.eaaer nequlro..nie iniur.00e c�nier ptowrafno tae ia.w�noe.n.0 be d�o�en by ea,�nwer .uh�ea ea Lenaer••�pran�` ''.; ..,: <br /> whicb�p not Ue wwe�bly rvlthAdd.if 8ono+�fiilt w m�inhin owa�e dewciibed �bove�I.e�lar.ta�y. �t l��f�det�}. .: ;..•:`, <br /> aplan.qbWn oar'a*+�a to poteet Landar•a d�dts in tla P�a�pe�ty iq woo�d�noe whb pal�nph 7. , � <br /> — — ------�—. a8�msae�asea ncxwale ah�ir�e xagse�le!e c��uea�!! �e!�e a�nna�a r�+rs�al�we. l.ri�r ,: . <br /> �nll b�ve t6e d�bt to MW�ha policies and ronewaL.If I�en�e�r nequir��Bortnwer�latl P��Y iiva tc Irader�II rooci�q of <br />- �""'- -- - '�' pid p�aioo�and Ta�val notba.M the ovont of loa.Bonnw�er drll pve pnoaipt natiao to tk iidw+roe anior aad�L�ior. , <br /> l�dqr mry m�ke poof of las if nat arde P�'a�Y bY��*. <br /> Uniw landet aad Bo�ra►�otbawias�roe in w�1iqR.Iu�ntmoe pocned��11 be applled to�aAO�qion ar�e�ir of the <br /> PropatY d�od.if tbe rawntioe ur rop�ir ia eoonomia�ly fiew'bla�od L+eader's cewtity is aot bs�ened.U tLe�aMat�tiaa a�' <br /> �ir b not eoo�wmiaJly fasible or La�deP�caa�rity waieW be Mwamce.ttwe io�ur�ooa prooeed�rlu�ll be�plied w�he� <br /> �xurod My thi�Secudty Iacpum�an. whdl�x or not�6eo dMC,rili+aop� crcx�c p�id�o Bormwer. If Bormwr�er at�ndoir the . <br /> P�opxty.or docs aot mcwa withia 30 dqs�notioe ftnm o,ao�tlot the i�sar�oc carria lm ofierod w�ottk�d�im. fGar <br /> Iander mry coliect tde inwranoe p�o�ooed�. [�enda mry we d�e p000eds�u�qir or tato�e t0o Propeity or to p�y wma <br /> �curod by tbis Socuriry In�trutaaw.wiktha�or not tben d�ae.'i�30�d�q pariod will begin rr6ea tho aotioa i�given. <br />- UNCSC I.Crlder and BOilowu Ot6avviie�oe in�Rit1oR. aoY �PP�icafiOO Of pro0eoda b pci1M.'ipd shdl Ilot C1[fdld or '� <br /> postpone d�e due datc of tho�ao�ahly paym�aNS �efe�rod w in p�graphe 1 and 2 ar dno�e dic a�ow�t of tha p�ymaofs.I[ • <br /> ut�r par�ph 21 tbe Propaty is�oqnirod by I�ender.Bor�o+rer's ri�bt w aay it�swa000 policks aad�r0000d�raa�iti�fr�o�m , <br /> _.. <br /> -- �e iu i�ic F�u�.�iy p.-i.�i.:tS�i:ya3dtir��t�ass ta l�d�r ia dic�t af t!x st�saaee�bst!!�Sss�sFey� • <br />-....__.__......_-- - - ..... ..._ <br />��' iauneAiudy piar ta�he aoquisidon. <br /> �"N _ 6.Oowp�ncy,Pr�a�tfo�.IYW�aae ar Pioteefio�af tre Plnpe�t9i Bon+uwct's l,uat�Applicatioy i.ea�eroli. , <br />::_:a�;�-- — Bormwer shaU oavpy,est�blish.and use the P�ope�ty�s BorAV�e's p�iacipal�esWe��ce withln ciuty My�atia�the e�ecudon of <br /> :�� thia Seaairy t,�rumaa and slu�ll coraiaue a ooa�py U�e Pro��jr r�Raronvra's priacip�l nside�oa for u lea�t one ya�r afkr <br /> ;'' the date of oocup�nc.y.anless L�c{er dherwise agroa in writa�g. vet7ui�h a+osait slyll not be unra�sawbly wlth4eld,or qnle� <br /> exteiwating ci�cum�tonoes e:ist which ane beyrn�d Bomower's am�tml. 8vnmwer clWl not desb+oy-�aaqge or ipq�ir tbo <br /> m� <br /> �'I Property.�Ilow �he Property to dekr�orate.or commit waste on the Pro��rcv. Borrower shall be io �`raWt if any forfeiWn <br /> • I' action or pnoceeding.whdher civll or criminal. is begun ttwt in l.ender's good faith judgmau awld�at�t�in forfeiwro of the . <br />_,_ Property or otherwise metedWly impair the lien cn�ted by this Savrity Insuument or l.ender's cecurhy iMerat.Bo�mwer n�y <br /> cu�such a default ard� provided in p�ragraph causing the action ar procroediag w be distni�sed with�ruliug <br />- that. in Lende�s good;faith detennirwlion, p�ocludes forfeitu�e of the Homowar's inkrcst in the Pirope�ty or ather m�terial ,�'.•��. <br /> -:� <br /> �, impaim�ent af 1he liea cr+eated by �hic Security lostsumrnt or Lender's secoriry intercu. Burrower st�N also be in default if <br /> , . � . Borrower,dudng the loan application proc�:s.�uve nnterially false or in;�cur.ue infartnation or statement.s to Lender(or fpilal <br /> ' "�. " " to provide l.ender wi�h any mate�at ia�fom�tion)ia cnnno�.Yia�'wiU�thc lonn evidencod b�r d�e Note.including.but mi limite� <br /> ',�'�., <br /> j'''—-- ,--.-°�,-_��-�••�, to,representalior�c ran�xrning 8omnarrer's oocupanoy oEYi.��cv�peaty ys a priikl�wi resi�kar,as;:.1f diis S�xuri�y I�uUu�cwuu is�ih a�� ' - <br /> �z�i :_%'�t leasehold. Bornnwer KI�aU comply wi�le all the pKa+�.aciam �m:i�dhe lease. If Bomnwer acquires fee titk to the P�Katy. Ibo ' <br /> ������, <br /> _�i,..r.: F:__:� ,��. � <br /> , . � r,;�., Icasehold and the fee title shall not mergc unles�P:.:nol�o��Qees�o die merger in writing. <br /> �;,ic.,�.;�.,...�, 7.P�ntectbn af l.ender's Rights in tde Propertv.➢ff�oarower fafls to perform the rovenants and ngvecments ooAtaioed in <br /> ,"w{.;4.�`;.::ti'' . this Security Instrumeru. or�here is�legal proccxding t0�:map significanNy affect Lender's rights in 1he Properlp (swrh as a <br />- -�•M•�y�•�•�- � prnooeding in bankruptcy. probate, far rondemna�ion or Poriei�v��e or�o enforce laws or r+egulatlons),tkn l.ender'ma�; �o and <br />�..�.:: pay for whatever is necessary ta protect the value of the Prvpe�y and L.ender's rights in ihe Prope�ty.Lender's actiwis may •. <br /> '` � "°� include in an sums secured b u lien which has nori� over this Securit Instrument, n m cou�t. in � <br />:_%i'+ ,,-*:'"-�r�y,:;...';';`.3' P�Y B 9 Y P � Y Y aP{� � � P�Y 8 <br />_ �.,c:.,��ti} ,v. ..h. <br /> • ,`.%�' �,,;�„��ti�,�'. reasonable nttomeys' fees and entering on the Property to make repnirs. Although l.emier mry iake action under thi�parr�raph <br /> , �,;,,�,a,r;=:- 7.Lender daes not have 10 do so. <br /> •.�f;��_�,•-.� ' �� �•' Any amounts diebursed by l.ender unde� this parr�rap[e � shAll become additi��at Jebt of Bortower secure@ by this <br /> '," . Security Inxtrument. Unless Bornnwer ond I.ender agree to�wl'r�:c termx ai payment,the.�amcwnts sha41 brar i�ter���Prom�he <br /> . , • date of disbursement d the Noie ratr�xl shatl be puyable, ait0� inten.t_ up�m �wtice from l.ender to Q�arrawcP requesting <br /> pnYment. <br /> ,l �,�����:� ' . . 8.111at�e Itts�rAnce. II'l.enJer rryuired m�►�te�c drr;arance a+•r rondition of ma�;ing�he loan secured by this Sec�rit� <br /> -,.;, '?'.`�.�•. � ,.,, Ins�rument, &irrower sholl puy the prcmium. r��yuiszJ to nc,�.:tLin the mortguRe imurance in eTfect. If, for an� re,�eson, t6�e <br /> . r,..w�.. . <br /> �,. morisage inw�nce�roveroge required by l.cndcr lupsec ur c.:u.e,to be in effiYt, &mow�er shall pay the p�emium_K required ta <br />`-'. �,,r• oMnin rnven�ge substunliully equivulenl to Ihc m�xtg:�e inwran�e previ�wsly in effirt,at a c��i�ub�antiully equivnlent to the <br /> , . co.� to Bormwer of the mor1gLge inwrance p�tvi�w�ly in etfert, fn�m an altertwte nwrigage imurrr appmved by Lender. If <br /> '�`�� � .ub��nntiolly equivulrM mungogc inwronrc�ti►vcrrge i.mN r��rilable, B�m��wcr.hull pay to l.rnda r exh nwnlh a wm equnl tu <br />_ -� .��1 �, onedwelQh of�he yeurly rtp�n�:uge inwn►arc prcmium Ikinz�aid h� &irruwer whrn thr in+uran�r ru�e�ge Iap�eJ or ceased lo - <br /> � - -- ^-- be m ettect. I.etKier wdl uarpt,uk und relu�n�h��+r pnyments os a lu�.� rexn�e m I�eu ot mong�e �nsu�e. i.oss reserve <br /> ,-T <br /> t �1; • Fam 3028 91Y0 <br /> � <br /> v,y�]ae e <br /> �- ' - <br /> • �' ti"� :'" - � ' ' —. <br /> fp\ 5 l' ' � ...,:w�'SA1'•"�'�:' ..- .. ' : , - . . ...�;?.: ' . : .'�':�t"t:M:}�1r�iM�'a`�M:'r:` ��-��:--wr�w.—a ..� <br /> u� �.+� r�:;� <br /> .��!.. 1 � ' • ''•s: I.a��� . .} ,r 5, <br /> = � . � , � . . , .�-.•!�� . _ •e. .Y.-.:_' <br /> � . . . . . . <br /> � � ,. .. . . .. _-. <br /> . � . .. - - ., � . . . _. . .. .u. <br /> � ��. . . . _. , �. <br />. -__. � . ,, . ,•'� � � , � �.��,y ' { tTki �-� <br /> � �4 <br /> Y <br /> — .i).����_ .�_._�---._ ____ __._ _". :. . .' ' ' __' _" .!"...L�+"f.��:.a���l4���.:_'—_ �f'- .�.f4 L'1:A� �.'~.f4s1ML_._ <br /> :,.��— _:.--___"'..___ . , .r. . .. . . .. _._. _ _ _ .r - ...�--�v--c_�f•�: <br /> +,`' ;. � .. ' ,� ' ._ . .1,1 . 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