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,� - -•.,�....�.r� . ,:,,,�.�,:.++w�(�Y _ �r�:�.v:�►�u;�� .,___ .v _ . _. <br /> .. �- . . .- � .. . .. - ':�>' ,.�'�'{a y . ,. -{'L � �+��� .+� - -__, <br /> , . . . . *I,,� <br /> I <br /> . �ildU�W�1�101Q��7fOd t0�11�jf Z,of d1Y1J�0 dN�I�DWM Of MICb P�Y�' ������� - <br /> . . ��y�a�d aa����uader�he Nae aad w.seavrl�y�t�II br p�id a ti�aalpy . <br /> — i. i�. Lardtt aa►y aollec�ke�and c�ur��otlted b1►�e Secrew�r• <br /> '!� (i�w�it Ibe AooelastY�d DeM. . ��,� In the aue ot p�ya�ent defwla. ' <br /> (�)Dellwlf. I.ender m�y.except n IGai�od bY�aladoas Se�aet�r� <br /> pquhe ira�mediao p�rmmt io ie�nP aH aua�ia.-�1�►d�ic Sumity M�� . _ <br /> _ (�)Bonower defwla by iwtlia�w p�y�fuq my moaihly P�Y��1�bY�$0�'�P�Or • <br /> °�-���_-�-� oo ar on tbo dae due of tbo ae.�t maWdy pa or — <br /> li)Barower defiula by hiW�►!ar a perbd�i�itly d�ys,w perfam my ad�er obtlyKio�aau�ined ia dih <br /> Incnmpent. <br /> :�z:.� tb)Swle tbout Credit Approval. t�ender ciuill�if penniuod by y�piic�ble I�w and with the pdor�pp�ovd of the <br /> g�ryr����Pi9�in tWl of dl the cw►u cecu�od by Ihi�Secudry Insdumd�t ii: <br /> � (i)IUI or p�et of tde P�a�or�bm�i�l intcra�ia a nu�t awaing dl ar pnt of die Propmy.i�wld or <br /> - othenvlie traosf'en�ed(ather bgr dbv vt descaa�t�b�r Wo Barrower.w�d <br />_ T-� �—_�°�._�-_�- (ii)Tho Yrq,�ty Ec na oxr�pim�bY c6c P�c*ar�radeo ws bss a 4a princip�l rai�f e�x.or Ihe�nc6�ar <br /> or gra�oc docs ao oca� ttia ptopvty 6ut 6is ar i�et ctadit h�s m1 Eao �p¢o�ad iA �ooa�d�nce <br /> virith tAo�s o�tba S��cre�aty. <br />_ - (c11V�Nh�ra: It circ�aastawes oocur tQut w�oWd petaoit��o rcr�aimo inunedi�te paiy�a�in fWl.bat i.eaider <br /> ���;� doca m1.�ue sucbpya�aus.Lender doea not wiuve us�i�hts wiW�e�ct W aubsequaN evants. -- <br />_�- t�� d HUD SaYemrx In mmy cir�cipmta►oes reguWions luwed by tbe Sec�cpury�i1R limit l�etderh <br /> -' righs. �o the case of p�yment �equine i�mediwtc paymeat in full ad faeclace if not This . �- <br />..-" <br /> — Soaritx lastnanau dxs not Awt�orize aoalartiaa or forocloaue if not pennitoed by iegul�tions af the�Cy. ��', - <br />__---_— <br /> -. _ -- <br /> �-- <br />-'i�±if; kD 1�le Nat iasored. Bonower agoees that�houid 46is Secndty lnaormrtent awd the Qote aun --- <br /> .-'+�;:. 6e efigible�au iasurance under �he Nationtl Housing Act wi�bia �� . <br />�`,�.'�. ��U��'�. ', d�utc i►ereaf.O.ender its option ard natwithstawding any�hing k�Pa�graph 9.�e9uiro immedic�oe psyment in <br />_:� . ° , .�;`�• fuGB af all smns secur�ed by thic Security In�a�uneat. A arkten sta�em�uca vf any authurized agent coi�the Sa�ewy <br />=,.�,�' ' ��'q�� d�a+ted subsequent to from the d�ta hc�oo�;declining w insute this Securiry <br /> ° ��� '+'?t�ti�; Instrument and the nou se�ur.�,! be damed rnnclusive proof oi saoc7� 'sn�llgibqity. Ndwlthstanding <br /> �he foregoing,this option may�a be exer�cised by Lender when�he anAV�ilq�yUity of incuance is sokly due to <br /> a <br /> . .��,' Lender�s fai0ua:ro rcmit a mo�gage insucaooe premfum to the SaTet�y. <br /> - . �'�^:�' 10. ReMstatet�nb Bormwer has a right Y�+4e�einstated if L.ender has required lmmediate payment in full bxause <br /> ���•n,� of Bon+uwak failun to pay an emount due undea �he•Nate or this Securiry lnsaumeat. Thia right applies even a8er <br /> forecloswnr pnxeeelings are ins�ituted. 7b reinstate the Securiry Insuumen� 8arrower �teadl tender in a lump aum �II <br /> .� - amouru¢s required to-.bring Borrower's account curte�t ir►cludln�,to the eakM tE�eY are obligations of Bormwer under thi.� <br /> , �, - �;;;�r�':, �r'� Securi[y inaaument.foreeiosure cos[s and reaso�bir umi cu�taiis�3r attornzr:;�a..s an�!cxpe��esp�a!y sssacisssd rrs� ' , - <br />. ,L ,��.' � .�.. .� the foreclosure pt�ceeding. Upon reinstatement by Dorrower,this Secu�ity Aa��c���onpn►and the$ lob igadans�hat it socurcs _,_ <br /> �t ?�.� "• shall remain in eff�ect as iP Lender had not�q ui�u�immediate payment in full. However,l.ender is not roquired topermit _ _ <br /> - ,_ "'`' '� '^`_�''''°�, reinstatement tf: li)i_.ender has accepted reinslutement after the commencement of fmrebaun procxedinge within two • •_•_ _ <br /> '� °'' ;{�:,;4:, years immed�ately preceding the wmmeneement of a curnnt fomlosurc proceeding., 4ei� �rcins�atement will prcclude __ <br /> �`. �:�.�,.;�������: k`E��::' foreck»une on dirfennt nds in the fuwm,or�iii)rainstptement wlll adversely aifect oBie�r�wrfty of the lien cneated by <br /> ., �.��s;.•..,�I 8� - <br /> � i•':;�r this Securit5•lnswment. _ - <br /> � t+:�;�� !g, Borrower Not Released; �orbearance b� I.ender Not a V1�iver. Eatensian of ttee Umc -of paymcnt or = <br />- ' r►�''` ✓ � modifi�atirn of amortization of the sums secured by�h�s Security Instrument granted by Lender to s�y �uc�e.sor in intercst <br />.__ �" � �'`3'.�« of Bo�rower shall nw operote to relca�r the liubility of the uriginal Borrower or Bixrower q cuccessor io intercst. L.ender � <br /> r�_,=��` ; f�� shull azrt be required to commence proceedings against anx successor in interest or refuse ao exitnd Iime tor payment or �' <br /> ��, othen�ase modify amonixAdon of the sums secured by �his Secarity ln��rument by rea�on�nf any demand mede by Ihe � <br />,:�,��..- �r��._ , arlsin�t EcrcQ:��er or Socrce!�rr�ttlCCes�otR in irtte►ect. Any forlwaranrr I,y I.ender in ezercisina any richt or mmedv slwll __ <br /> • ,;.t .. not be a waiver uf or preclude the exerci�e uf uny right or remedy. <br /> .�e <br /> �"� ,"�}• • . +• 1Z. Succsssors and Assigns Bound:Joint and Several LiabBity;Co-Sigoers. The covenunts und agieements of �n:.: <br /> �S� ty�F .-�-T ri?C, � this Security Inxtrument shull bind s►nd 6enefit�he successor:5 s►nd ustiigm of Lender und Borrower,subject to the provisions <br />_;.,,, _ i� ',���";'�;,,,�;;,, of Paraetaph 9.b. Borrowerc covenants and agmement� shall be joint •rnJ ,everal. Any Horrower who co-s�gns this �_- <br />= `;.,�#;fa��'��+��;X,��.�.`t � Secue++t} �nstrument but dces nat execu�e the Note: lul is co-siFning�his Security Instrumenz �nly to mortgoge,arant und <br /> . . � . , • '�4. cumey�i�ai Borrower�interest in�he Propeny under�he temn of thi�Securlty Inxtrumem;ib��,not personally obliguted to <br />'� � pey t�he aumg secured hy thix Securiry In+trumcn4 anJ lcl agr�cs thu�Lrndcr and an�rnher Horrow�er mny agree to eztend, ��- <br />-�,. �- - modify.PO�NCdi UT InA�.�any�comm�xiutions with regurd to Ihr tcrm.of Ihis Srrurity In,�rument or the Nole without that : <br /> � �.�,�''' �• Borrower's rnnyant. � <br /> '" ?'. �i. Notices. Any naicc to Borrowcr pmvided for in ihi�Securiry Instrum�nt.hull br given by delivering it or by �'�' <br /> ` .�` -- m;+iiing it by fint clas,moil unle�s upplicuMe luw Ryuirr� u.e ��i another meihal. Thr notice �hull 6e directed to the l�e�: <br /> �t •y a•.�: ' pro��:} .�ddrexs or uny other uddrcsti Borrower dr.ignatr.hc nr�ticc li�l.ender. Any n�itice ta Lrnder yhall be given by �` <br /> � � •; ...:.'., : <br /> 'ti°:.,, first clucti muil to Lender. uddrc.z��uted hercin or ony uddm�.� Lrnder de�i�natc� hy natice �o Borniwcr. Any notice <br /> � .. .;, rovisted for in�his 5ecurity Instrument.holl t+r dcemrd to huv�heen gi�•en t��Rorrowrr ur Lrnder when givcn u+provided �- <br />_� . �;;,.,,i �+`:;'• p _ <br /> , t " i �,:. ' �n Ihi�parugraph. <br />�i' '��•'�� '���,f` q�. Governin; tieverability. Thi� Sccurily In�trument .hall h. �t���mcd hy FrJcral luw und the luw of thc <br />'� . 1 sl�lr�.�,�'�:.:.E'�;.�.., g � <br /> ) .� � "Y,,;���'.f�;r:�;!;•; uri;��ictian in u-hich the Prn�mn�• ir.located. !n thr r�•ent th:n an�• rr��vi•i��n ni�•I:m�r ��t'�hi�Srcurity In.trument or the <br />•,� , ��ti�.� �a:�°�� , �ote contlicts with upph�ablr luw, �unc�uatlicl�h�dl nut vfl'ccl athrr pru�•ivi�mc of thi,S�tiuriw (mtrument or Ihe Nule � <br /> ,�" }���,�,�t����f which cnn be given effec�withuW the contlicti�w�mvisiun. Ti�thi.�nd Ih�pro�•�.i�,n,n�thi,Serurity In+trumem unJ�he <br /> .� .,�,.,�,p`'..,,:��.`t``:y;�;;5.. Nwe�ue derinred to be�evcruhlc. ��' <br />- �i`�S�t?�}',%.'ii1F;'�'`r:`:�: 1:�. Borrower s Copy. H�xruw�cr�hall ik�:�ti�n ont ranfnnttcJ rop� of Ihi�S�curity In.trument. <br /> � • , �� ,•' pi. Axsigomeet uf Rents. Bi�rru�vcr unronJitinnall� a c,igm;►nd�ran.fen a�Lcndrr aU�he rrnt,ur..]rc��enur+ut'thr <br /> '" ' '. ''J`;:'. i: •�''�, : ��pr�t¢}. Borrower uulhorim+l.rndcr ur Lcndrr',ugcr.t,t�calh r+thc rem.unJ R vcnur.and herchy Jinrts erch tenum ul' <br />_;f•. .�,� .:���.,f <br /> �''c', ';.:.�'.'', :,.,..� Ihte p�mperty tu pay the rents w Lrndrr i�r Lendcr�a�a�nt+. Nna.<<rr.privr�o Lrnder:notire to Horro�cer ul'�urruw•crti <br /> - n ��,:, <br />` �,�.;, . , �,;, brea�c�vl any covenunt or a�recmrm in the Security h�w�rura�rnt.�urcrN�r c4�:�'"coller�anJ mceive all rem.•rnJ rcvenue.of ,,, , <br /> : :.z i' '.`,,�( ;;•�.,•.` ;l the Prapeny ati Irutitee for Ihc t+encfil i�l'LenJrr aia.i 8++rrnu•er. Tfii.u�.,i�rtnccat af rcnte ron�tiw�c�un aMulWc u»igomcM ',�� <br />: � . ,:, •. .� w�d�t an assignmem for additionul.rrurity�m�p . . <br /> '�:4,=� �* - '"i �} qG lender give,notKC ul'brcuch to Horrower- ' <br /> �sy �a►oll ren1�terri�•cc�hy;Eia�noWcr shall bn c�lJ by Burruacr a.lru+lce ��:;'� <br />- �• �:.'� . � i �. � c .._. �_"._...........�.� �...�..�.:.1�..�11 1�.����dwl�;. �'�.� <br /> � , tl►f I�CORt�t ul LCIIUCI ulllr.iar i�c y1Fr�riiCU i��ii�C nu�ii� ��tiuicv r, i�ri .ri.:u,..: u�.+u........... . �. <br />_;� , ' ,;; colk4:�:end receive�11 of thr rem�.�e thc I'roprn�•: unJ lr�each tenan�c�i thr F�io�+rny �h�Ei�:.y ull Rnls Juc und unpa�d to �� <br /> Lenderar I.enders�¢ent on Lrndcr:w�rittcn demanJ to thc tenan:. ��"•. <br /> .�-="' �,.:,, .;, , " q; Borcuwer hu+not exccWcJ ony priur a��i�:nmcnl uf the rent� •rnd h:a �,��und uill ni�t �xrli�mi +my act ihai would <br />--- .•� . ; : prcvern Lender from ecercitiing it.right.unJcr thi.Paragrrph 16. <br /> • . Lender+hall not be rcyuired tv cmrr up�►n,l:►kc am�ml oF or m,�inrrin thc Pmpehy txti►re or�dl�r giving tr�i�c of <br /> � • ' 6rexF�l0 8orruwec However.LrnJcr ur r judicially a�•.►ine��t rarrivcr muy d���lt:uiy tink therc i. n br�ach. .�ny <br /> ''� `r ' ° " ' 3pplicn�ion of mntx.h•rll not rurc or w+iive um•dcfuul�or m�af��latc uny�uthrr right or remedy ul'Lrndrr. 'I'hi.u��icnmcn� °' <br /> j �� .,,�'� .�-��w� ''' oi rents of Ihe I'ropeny shall lenninate when the deMt�ecured b;ehe Sccuri�y In.uumem�,pr�J in t'ull. <br /> �• �. <br /> . � ., �Mt .�,,,-,� <br /> . a ,�.s <br />�,•.. . 1 <br /> i , �.��` �/�.r�.t�q4p..Xru <br /> �,� , <br /> V <br /> �, . . ' 1 _ __._._ . .. - <br />