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� � ' ; ,� ...•- � .'Y. __'_' _'_ '' lFN]4. . . <br /> . _ y.,�+�.. •q...+r�.:�ryPl .. •l.�i'. v�`��S <br /> , _ .._._�L7 .- ' . � . . ._ .ie(�i3,�;,,a.. .�I. • s '��_. ., - _t1�_._ _. <br /> • . - . . � � i � .J n .:1'� . . . C.��{."l�fs' __ - <br /> . . . , .1+' i.� �� n '.�n� <br /> � ' .� � . , ..� � � ^�1�¢>i�.E}R <br /> 1. �tP�1�a1�, �Mi.�M� Boaoa�adWl"t�g►.!+�ndoeth�pdodpddradtiiM�+�+�.- . ^"-� T _ <br /> . 1Y�ibt�bY 1he rioM�d�aw due a�dertM I�io1e. ... ..� - <br /> !+ �U Mla�M�+f 71rw,�a�i f.IM�r{� �wtq�at�MII!r�lpde iu e�oh�pM9� � �:�. <br /> �o�Mrr�tbe p�aCipd�ed tnlMwt�r Mt tbnh!n 1fie Nn1e��,d�ay 1��� ^drj��.�a i�wp�ant af�►{ <br /> �paW�aaNa lev�ed a w 6e N�vhdadloat the Pra�wt�r.tb)lwair�oY pU►me�a ar pouMd NaN u�tlre Pbopaty.w�•� � , <br /> (s)!�ror�n�ao��aq���4• . ..__. <br /> - g�ronq�y iawlbneot far i�a�i+}�N)ad ta)�di aqu�1 a�alwo�Rb�ii'tiia�t�.��i► � .:. <br /> _�—._,�.-., e.ti.rd bY La�da'. w wiaaM+�c1�at a md�in m ,�dditi�l bda�oa ot na �Il�n aa�i�M d die , <br /> - - - ---- - eftiMMd�oowats. �floU�aaw#anoaet far o�ch i�ean�rll be aucumulwtod by l�xrder wld►in a paial�� -- <br /> . �0�14 be�a��a jleun w�auW beooaM�el�q�au�t. Iyel�ler�iq114ob Ibo amouMt oollee�ad ia pwt tn p�y ileaa�(��(b)�d . <br /> �O�°�.�ery►d�ib�,�cbe hela ey L�a�d�tar naas c.�.ro�.oa ta�.to�1 w�h t6e n�ue ma�bly . <br /> p�ymarp!or�acb�enu p�yaWe 1��piior to t!a dne d�oas of a�cb iroant�exceeat bY mae tMn ma-�cth�he • <br /> �od mtouM ot PaYa�t+�q�d ro WY wch itaaa whcn due,u�d iP p��aa t6o Note w�e c�o�ent,tbea La�dar <br /> �h�Jl dtba�Fuad da�u ovar aae-:UcW of tha ecthn�uod Wy�ae�u or tbe e�ucas ar6r me�d�of the o�q�ted <br /> p���u P�7►��►Y'Aamwer,at tAo e�pdoa of Bomower. If We 1ou1 d'Ma�m�1s aA�tb b!►Baro�er <br /> �ar Man(i�(b�ar(c)ia�au W p�Y d�a itam when due.dron Bo�oMner�ll pq to Laader rq��y p <br /> make up the e�ar bego�e tbe due the ikan beoomes daa <br /> As wed i��bia lmmur�at,"Sa�earY"�m We Socraary ot Hoa�6p Il�e Secmtary►�C��or bis or ier <br /> �nee lo�y yar ia tle La�tter ma�tp�y�moAg�e lnwu�noe pr� �Y V�Y� <br /> �li�o iocN�de eNha: (i)an i�itmmt af tho ainwal matg�e in�Ce papbm 10 6a by l.ada b the <br /> Soau4ry.ur(ii)a saa�i9 ch�r�e�IRWead of 4 malgage i�P�'a�it�SecuntY I�m�b bdd by dia <br /> -- Se'o�r�'- Bac�mo�Yl!iadalf�a»K dYthe ia�utan�oe pre�oiuon�iu�ll be in a�amo�ot wfl3cia►t to ao�uOMO Ilio <br /> » . <br /> �°.°—_�--�� fW1�1mo�,�e u�rw�ae��a�tiv� aoe znoatb prt«w wo drte u�e fiuti .aawtrno��e �a <br /> ' each mood�lr ch�r�e tb�l1 be in�n <br /> '. p�niwp is due to t4o SoaetAry:or-aF.o�Sia Sevacsty I�run�ent b deW b�r�bd�due'an the No1a • <br />- �eqwl to a�e4ardRb af ar�lf psi�a�the out�ndin�P�nei <br /> ° - - -- If Barowa ta�de�a w l.eud�r tho full payment of dl aums�ecured by thia Secarity ImaumaM.ii�xrowerl 000aiu�t <br />- ; ,' �b�ll be croditod aritb d�o b�Wwe rat�inin8 for all insWlma�a fot itema(a). (b)�d 6c)�s�nd s►u uuaa�8+� � <br />-��.,����'•`� ' pamiwn imqal6neat tha!L�awle��not ba.'ome f°�mxl�re°a��le ot the @'r�opert�y+����Bat�nwerlt <br />°��`'::�1'� eaaas funds to Barowef. Y P� . . <br /> •� - �oeaont�Il 6e crcdi�ed wilh any ba�lance n�nainin�for dl inadUneats for items(a).(b)and(c). �r:�,•:: <br /> - 3. A uf Pay�neatw All paymenu under Piragn�phs 1 u�2 nhnll ba applfed by L.ender a�iollows: ;. ,: <br /> a <br />!,F , � to the g�ge inw��ncc premium to bo paid by I.aKia w the Secretory or w the monthQ�r�:htr�e bY Ihe ��, . •, <br /> �: <br /> - y:. i n s t�e a d e a d�o f t h e mon t h ly mo�tgage msur�x pe m i o m: ,'� ,•; <br /> � <br /> _�,.. ���[o any wces.spxi�l asses�ments.leacehold pa►Ymena or�ound�ents.u►d firo.tlood wd at�a ba7md ,:,;: <br />=•;_ ,� . p+em(wne,astequined: ���'t:;'. <br /> - ------ �,so�e�at due under tBe Note: � <br /> a��� �" �,to amo�dza�on of the principa4�a4 the Ndc: �� '�'• <br /> � p�.w late chatges due under the{�fcx��.. •'�,��'���,; <br /> •..� �.y�` �:.;.; �.�Yre,I+I�ad�ad Ot6er Ha:ard 6a.wa�,anee. Borrower shall insure all improve1es,iacludin c�ue�.tortr�whi�ch L.eAder <br /> `�� ��.i:r,�,�+i�;f in exlssence or sub�quently erecte�0,aga3aes¢t►ny hazards,caeualties�wnd candngenc B _ <br /> d��rt;�?Ffy;nrY� requLes insuranee. 7i�is insura��e s�aA19 be mA�n4ained in IPre wnounts and ior the�eci.,�)s exwt Lender requias. Bc�nrow�rr <br /> � ��'{,'�s`�i<<�� siWl dso insure sll improvemen�s an tht�roperty.whether now in existence or subsc�uenK�y+ertcted a�ainst bss by 1�i cwds • • <br /> r� ,,,.• •, <br /> ��.�,��+` i to�he eatent�ulred by the 3ec�e�ary. AEI ieisurtu�shall be ca�ried with�rnpuni�s Ap�aaved by Lender. 7he in�ur�oe <br /> ;,yj�� policies �ud any renewWs sha10 be helc� by Lender and shall include lacv payab�clausts in favor of. and ia a form . . <br /> .��:,;., ...��h,�F a(�pCplab�C I0.�.COdC�. <br /> _ , • •5:;; .,�: In 1he event of loss,Borreswer shall give Lender immediate notice by mail. L�r+der may make proof of loss if not <br /> - - �����.� �nrde I b Bornower. �rh inaWance compan concemed ia hereby authorized aod directed to meke payment for <br /> � �� v�ar y <br />^�� such loss djrccd to Lender,instead af to Borrower an to Lender joindy. All or anyp��t Q>�the insurence proceeds may be <br /> - -- �;��f;Fs - applied by Le��ts opuon.eW�er�a)to tne reduction oi�he indebicKii�us,uudc� il�c;�„i�.utid itils;ectsdtp I�ment, � <br /> � M �,�,•�.. ; . <br /> ,�,�� ' fiRt to eny del quent emounts applied In ufie order in ParagmPh 3, and�hen to prcpayment of principal,ur (b) to the <br /> :�� ''� <br /> : r..,-:;�iyt;� ,-�,,,�; rr,swratlon ar repair of the damaged property Any applicalion oi the proceeds ro the pnnc�pal shall nat extend or postpone __ <br /> .�.;,,�,�,,,,,;?t the due date of the monthly pnyments which ure refemed to io Pw�ugraph 2.or change the amount of such payments. My � <br /> � •• ':.,� excess insumnce proceeds over a�amount required Io pay n11 outsmnding indebtedness under the Nate And this 3e�utity �.: <br /> ` ,�,, <br /> '"' r:p'�,� Inswment shall be pa�d to the er,tity IegaUy emltled thereto. ��_- <br /> ,�;������t�` �� In the event of fonclasure of this Securin�lnstrument ur other ttx�nsfer of�itle t�dhe Prope�}•that exun$uishes the ___ <br /> Tf'S4 �h!�+���;�;j:�;" indebtedness.�11 rigl►t,uile and interest of Bursower in and to insurrmce policies in force x?+ull pa.�.v to tt+�purcheser. <br />_ . a�yt . • `�`"--�- <br />,` _�,.:�•_�.•. S. Occupanc3: Preservation. Meintenance nnd Protectian of'the PropeM;+; �orrower's I.oan AppUcatba: <br /> ���:,. I,q►seholds. Borrowe�dha0�uccupy estAblish,and use�he PropeAy n.+Borroweri priu�cipal residence within s�aty dnys �i;; <br /> "'��'r���. afler the execution of this St:curitr•Instrument nnd shall cuntinue ta ocrupy ihe Prope�y;u Borrower's principal res�dence -� <br /> 1�;>,2 +� <br /> _ �.����r for at least one year efcer the ciat��af accupancy,unless the Secretury detertnines�his rtyuiremem will cAUSe undue hardship a��- <br /> �����.. .Y,7r-' for Borrower.or unless extenu�ting circurtis�ance, exis� which urc beyond Borrowers control. Borrower shWl nodfy <br />.�_::,'.� ,�t:y;'�;:�;1� • x, . l.enders of any extenueting circumstunces. 8orrower shall nut commit wa��e or destray,dumage or substantiully change �; <br /> ��;?'l��t t� � the Propeny or allow the Propeny to deteriorate,rru�onuble wear und teur exceptcd. l.ender may inspect the Property if the --- <br /> r'.,.�- � <br /> � �,��t�t',i;��i� Ptoperty is vacant or abandoned or the loan is in defuult. Lender muy tuke rcutionable artion w prolect and preserve such . <br /> � '.t�� ��•���i��:�, vacent or ahnndoned Properly. Borrower�hal)ulsn lx in defuult if Barmwer.Juring the lonn uppliration procesti,guve �� <br /> , �t���4�'.lf�"���':::.;.� nfo�matlo)�m conr+ecl'on with�the oani evidenced by�he Nin��in luding.rbw noc firni7edto.reprc+ent t ons concem ng' :`�; <br /> . E.t: ;� , <br /> �� Borrower�s occu;�:w3:y of the Propeny ati n principul rexidence. If thi+SrruQny Intitrum�al is on u leusehold.Borrower shnll <br /> �.�, �r .:?::.: •� �� ' : � <br /> ,:�� ••r . •�1.�,,,,_n camply with 1he�+ro�•as�ons of thc lense. If Bom►wer acyuire+fer �i�k to the Pn�cm.nhr Ica.chold�nJ fee litle shull not �'=t <br /> ;: .a�r..•• . �'" <br /> , �,ri�a,�j- be taerged unle�.y Lrnder agrecs lo thr me�ter in wri�inF. � <br /> ,��t i°�''`:• '' 4. Clw�to Borrower and ProtecNon of Lender s Rlghts In tMe Propen�. IR�,*sruwcr�hall pay nll governmcntAl .• <br />. . -r.,', ,r1%'�f�,,. ... • , <br /> � �� �����:� or municipal c(iarges, fines smd imposilions that nre not includeJ in Ps�ragraph 2. shall p�y tlrcse obligations un <br />�'•�� 1.}, �'�'��`?�1fy'�?ti�':�% time directly to the entity which is owed�he payme��t. If failurr�o pay would adve•:sefy •rifect Lender's intere.t in the • <br />'°��;f } , , . ••".; u Lender's uestBotrower,l�v[E m tl fumishtoLetderacei sev�c�encin �he+e �nems. ���'�, <br /> y . I�ropertY. Pon req I� P Y P� � F�} r..-�: <br /> - S''r ,: : . • . If Bomower t�ils to make these paym�ru•ur the payments nquircd by P�r��ra�un 2, or fuils t��perfortn any other �. •. <br />`c,� 8 1'ca�ee F R Y ��,_. <br />�,�,_ .,� covenants end ag�eements con�ined in�hi+Security Instrument.c�r therc iY a le �I din thut muy si nifics�ntl uffert <br /> ' - - 1p,vlerk rioMs in�he Prooenv(such a�a praceedinx in b�nktuptcy.fa condertut:U:ee�ee or to enforce I�+wti or negulutions), <br /> "' tlien L.ende�may do�nd pay wRatever iti nece�wry to�ae�t�he��lue of the Ptriperny and Lenders n�nt.m�ne rmpeny. <br /> rp <br /> .`' `' ' � "'`•�.�:,;. ,•.,,�.. � includin8 PaYmeru of�ues.�rard insurance und o�her urms meneiard m P�aLzraph 2. ,' <br /> �`� . . ' �;` pny amou�ntg d:s6ursed by Lender under this Pnra�mpfi sfw�4 6eeome an additional debt uf Borruwer und be uYUrcJ � . <br />-' �� �' . b Ihis Securit Qnswmenc These amounts shull bear mtcrest fram cLtir d+ce M'di� the Nar rwe.+nd ui il�r ' <br /> ��-+�� .` oyption of Lender,shall be inunodiately due und pnyable. '� <br /> , �. <br /> � ..�..�"":�,.',�a `� 7. Condemtwtion. 7�t�e proceeds of vny uwurd or cluim far Jwnnges.dircrt or�tiNnxc�iun wi�h un)• , <br /> �� ��''��;tl1• ,.. ,t candemnatton or olher takir�g of�ny pan of the Propeny,or for conveyancc in pluce of rondemnution.�re hercby ar,igned f• <br /> - .. ��'~ ' and siwll Ge ptid to Lender to H�e excen�of the full amount ot ihe indeb�ednesa tho�remuin�unpaid under thc Notc�nd�hi. <br /> • � .nµ,}�,sr:�pt'� Securiry Inswmem. I.ender shall rpp�y such proree�is to the reductan of Ihe indebtedne.ti umler the NiHe und thi�S�YUri1y <br /> ;' •.a_ ..,�:.,�c,;'�• Inswment, fir�t to any delinquent :unounls upplied in tt�e order pn�vided in Pumgroph 3, ;md Iheo to prep aymcnl uf <br /> , : _�. principal. My appli¢atitm of 1he proceeds to the princip�l sFwll nol ezlend ur �►xtpone �hc duc datc ol thc monihly <br /> . � <br /> •A.¢;'.. <br /> .•�<.,� �vu,K 2�y�vox�,► <br /> ' , .,. <br /> F, • ' -- - - - <br />