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,�::�c::-.. ., � i•;;:;:� M . � .. _ .. <br /> � ,.,,� .::: ,,�-- - ,•,�� � � - <br /> 'i� r' !f��'��'++i� , M1'�►t<-�"�� ,. _ ;�^��J('` � o , , , - <br /> .. �, <br /> � ' _ -- <br /> iL � ' .:,�►.,, ;,,fi;� <br /> -�% �.-«......� <br /> • - <br /> "4. . - - <br /> �� . <br /> �� . � -- - --- <br /> .- - � , <br /> 93• '.0 .?'1�s <br /> . -- - r+erenaa to ta p��aph Z,or au�e the.mowu or a�ch pq►ma�u.wuy e�.pmoeea.over.n,�un� rogu��oa w pq v� <br /> ouw�dia�indobtodoea under tbe No�e iad Ihh Seauri�y Ia�qumeAt�b�ll be p�id to�he awity lo�lly eatitlod tborato• <br /> _ � t.I+Iw.Londor m�y wlloct fen�nd ab�a�utpori�od by tbo Socrq�ry. <br />— �.c��ro��an�w. �-- <br /> - — tU DarkaR. Leoaar o�q►. e�oept �n�m�tea ay m�wKioa i�wea by tho soa�a.rr i��6o c�o or pqymoa aor.uw� �, <br /> ,: �equiro immedl�te p,yarW io tWl ot�Il ama�ec�ured 6y tLU 8aauity Imtnima�t if: <br />_���� �� (i)Bon�det�da by tauln�a pq ia fWl wY�Y P�Y��N�bY���Y Inwmmaa Pr1a w or �._ <br /> -��• an tbo due d�te ot t�e aeu mom6ly pqmeat,or <br /> . � (il) BorroMer det�ulu by GHin4, for a period ot thi�ty dyn, to partona my ot4or obli�tiotu onnt�ined ia lai� -- <br /> �.�,�� SeatrltY Imwmeat. �� , <br /> -- =--s-- _- - - __ <br /> �.,a.�,r.�� (b)S�le WNkoNt Credit Approvd. l�cader�h�ll�if permiaed by applic�ble I�w�ad witb the prior p�prov�l ot 1be �- <br /> _ $e�tuY�roquiro ia�odluo P�a�t ia 1WI of�II wdu aecurod b�r�bt Savdty laun�meat it: �_ <br /> -'- --- - p) All or put of tLa P�operty. or�beaeticci�l intaat h a aruut aMC�io�all or p�et of tt�e Prnpaeiy. b wtd or 'i` <br /> a.,: <br /> - othmwbe uaufemed(other�lun by davl�a or daceat)bY�o Bor�o�er.and `=-: <br /> ;' (ii) The Property it aot occupied by the pu�ser or �antae as hi� or her pdncipwl raiden�x� or �he �;;' <br /> .--- — . p�u�6wx a�ntoe aiaa�o ax.�y Wo Fn��y�t t�c ar tur es�Ni L�as uyt Dua apgiavtt!ia axot+daace�altle 1lee �__ <br /> i.�.it�:�`f. . r�d�mt�of Wa Sxrr�ary, <br /> '+r:;rr-�.k�� .. <br /> ° �. � (c)No W�Iver.If cinumstaoea oocur�hot aould permit L,cnder to req�o�ce i�aodiate paa►ment in tWl.but Leadoc does , ' <br /> yr���, r+o!t�a�eire tac6 patiynoe�rs.Lereder dow aot w�lve its d�hEs�ri¢U�rc�pect tm aabtequeru cvent�. ,�„3 <br /> ,, � � , <br /> ;' �` r� ;''_.. <br /> .;; (dD i2�tlqac of HI1D 3�ay. Ia�taoa�ny xiataomstam�es re�a9ions issned by the Sxa+etary will limit I.ender'S f��:-; <br /> _�;i;:, �r� d�lus im 1Ge case uf paymeat defaulfs W hequiTe lntmediate p�yataat ia .Fu�l smd fonclose i[not paid. This ;r;<�;-'- <br /> : �:`� Saurky; . .. <br /> �:"s�i Ia�qc�merit does not autborize aacler�tion or foreclosiue i�not pQrmined by ce�uladons of the Secn.tary. ' �:k <br />'::i+��) .:.. -� ��_ <br />�.:1•5': . a��/ p� 1�1.__' <br /> r-�', . ',l`y.' ... ��l NQL�n�E�d�•D\lIIOWC� <br /> agroes t6at 9hauld�tl�ls Seatfl3y t�uttument aad Wa Nou y uva <br />- _ � eligible for inRucance wder�he National Hcwsk�g A2t wi tbin 6Q daya f:oue t6e date hetoof,L�ender mry.�[It8 Opt1AJJ �xr,;; <br /> -. - ���.i�7"?�:�� aud aotwitWnmdiog wythiug in paragrapd 9,r�qulre ianmedlate Paymepi in full of�Il suan aav�zd by tdia Secudt� hA••,• <br />=Y..._ _�"���";�4':.-,'yFr �. A written sUtement of an autliorizcd n eat oithe Sec deted su uent w 60 da a from the data 7:=':� <br /> r r sn Y 8 �Y b�9 Y "y:;:; <br /> �F'u " �' �F :. henof.docliaing w ia�ure t4is Sewdty insuua�ent end t�e Nate cecured thereby, eka1D tn:damed conclualve proof oi' �Y� <br /> ;;'��°! • ,�,,,,.. -}7�:�'�'1 such iaeligibility.Notwitiwtarn�ling�de foregoing.thi�oplion may not be exercisec�b� Lmder whcn�e�vail�►flity �- <br /> '�� � Secretary,. <br />;.��*.;i, � ', , ,.�t � of iasut�noe ia tdely dua to Leader'�failw+e to nemlt a mo»gage insuraace premiva�to tiiee a;:n_ <br /> _�.,..,, • ;r•' ,, �e':-_- <br /> (� %;r t r ?�! • �;•;. <br /> �f�t v�'+�'' � �+ .. .�, 10. Rei�atrmmt. Borrower hos a r�gdt w be rei�st�ted lf Lenc3er has requlred itpmedfate payment in fbll becaus�af ��_ <br /> ��k�V,).{'� d,-.,-�,, . .r <br /> ?....�j' .r. }: � <br />-..,�._. . �^>.;;,:,,:; �,.,.t•s� Bomnwer a faUuro to pAy ue nanount due�nder the Note or this 5�cur��ty lustrument. Thia rigbt applies even after foroclusure <br />-,��'-` �� . .,. ���"��, . :�,� P�p8s are instituted. To reinatate t6e Secudty Imtrument, Bonawer ahall tender in a lwnp sum all�unq re�uireil to ��'`` <br /> _�. ' ', � bring Sorrawer's ecoount curreat iacluding. to the exttni they sue abllgntiaas of 8ocrower under thls Socurity Inatzumeat. ��L : <br />"�-• _ _ ' foreclos��e costs and reasoaable and custanary attornevs' fees and expeases properly a:cociatod wlth the foieclosur�e - <br />�°`��� M`""`�'�t.;;�j� prooeeding.Upon refaatateroent by Borrower.t61s Securiry[�tru�ent aad the obligatiom that it savres a6a11 mmain in effxt :�•=: <br /> :�"`� ��o�,,". :�;,.ti„ as if Le�der had aot roquirod immedi�te payment in full. Flowaver. L�mdcr is not requirsd tfl permit reinatatement if:(i)Leader �`'-- <br /> ux:�,�+, ,..,;s:,,,�;:� �,;;' ha�accepted reGoatateaoeat aRer the commeatxmcat of forecloau�c prcicxMings within two yean immodiately precedin� th� �,:= <br /> _..: r� ..;,•:, !: tx <br />' s. •'� :`'���•1':,�:'' � .�•�� oommauxnknt of a curnent forxlowre proaeding. (ii) reinstatement will preclude foreclawre oa differont�ound� in tb� �`a; <br /> ,_�r4 •.� ••,�P;.- <br /> t'rke, '�:�fi.l� •,•,'.ti� '`�`;r�;, tbtu�e.or(W)rainuatament will adversely affax the priority of the lien arwteci by i�la Secutity lastnunent. �' <br />:.iil:�x: ,�.�i�.,, 'r�;�:�,h' _ <br /> �-�w ; �,.�F _. <br /> �.�'� N r+f�,4���T:�, 11.Borrower Not Rde�sedi Farbenrpnce By l.ender Not a N'aiver,Extensian of t6e time of payaaent or modifciuian of <br />„,;{� ,'��.; �.;��,�}:.�• amortlza�ioa of the�seeurcd by Uda Secudty Instrumeat granu�ecl by l,ender to any successor ia iaterest of Borcower sha0� <br /> i;.'.. <br /> _ �:.::s�:-; ;'; .. •; .',not operate to nlease tLe liability of the origlaal Borrower or Barrow�er's successor in iaterest. I.ender s6a11 not be rcquired ao ki�� <br /> '`s�.'^ . �. . ` con�o�pmceedings agaiast any succxssor ia intereat or nfuse to ezt�ad time for payment or othernise modify amortization R'';`f:�r• <br /> '^'• : ".'•."., ; of the sumv �cwrd t6ia Securi loatrument b reason of <br /> . �..;, ,..� by ty y any demand made by the orfgiaal Horrower or Borrower's �t'''°�' <br />:.�I�h a�." �SY. . . � .� _' l.',--- <br /> - auccessors in interat. My forbearence by l.ender in eaercising any rigLt or remedy shaU not be a weiver of or proclude the s===== <br /> _;,,�;, '.. ,,-.;,,�' <�_ <br /> � � 1- exrrdsc oi auy daht or remedy. ''�"'`, <br /> `'►;.� �;�:�i�!:e.4 a h ��,, <br /> � <br /> �.. :,, __�p i ;�� <br /> �xi., � , >>.; . �-4RINEl�s�w� r,p.�ms r+�yyr�, � <br /> .�;.4'� t;�'� "�:;i'�q r - <br /> �, ` �,�--.- <br /> ;.� �`' J��.. F�;�R <br /> 5.�; �� „� ,.",d;,;.-�i;;}i ' �. <br /> i��., � . a ..:i�,�•:,.� �= <br />-=•� , s,; �-..�s� <br />!j.T. . V.� -,NY �C.1 ' - ' " ....., . ��}� 5���,� <br />- . ' 't-�LI��.-Nln.� r/wM��L.� .'f�.• . . ./• J�'T*'rY� <br />. . �A' i . • . .��� <br /> .-�, t � . . A'.. h�• . �. • ' . . . ' _ " • , . . , <br />, _.' . '••. ' . --_ .' <br />. . .� '.%L.. ..i�,k�`. "' • -. . . . <br /> .:.�..x. �- ',r': f � . � . � , . • <br /> . . . • <br /> . . .. � <br /> .x..L��i_v,�. ., ,. : <br /> , ...... ., <br /> '.t_-- - -...,__.__. ._ . .... .� • .._- -`---' �-� - -.... :.• :. _ ;..:.�:_.._ <br /> . .� _ , .� . . , _ �-- —�_----. .. . � .. . . , - --• . _ ; .._ . .... <br /> ' , :1 ;irl, . : � � ' . . ' � .. - .� _ ' .� . . <br />- .�t�' . ��, ' . ' � _ - . ' ' - ' ' . <br /> � . *�:�`i�.�.: � , . <br /> :1 '�i�!y;, :�� . . . ..•' •1. . . <br /> t �,.''��•' <br /> 'y.•�•lth,•�Jfii�rj�- I��i� :� . . . . . <br /> �" ' , ";'��rl'��:������,;M1�,.���,, .. <br /> �7,. ^..,�.�.� ��tiff``�`i�,a v. ' . . , <br /> � • t � . " �, ._;� 9��,k::���' ... ��. "���. . ' . . <br /> ` a 711►•` " „ �. , . . , <br /> . .v: o .. , � .. �4 . . <br /> � � a _ - - . .. _ . . . . <br />-._. . �1 .5.�.h?.1Nf� .._. -� : . . . . ' ' " � • � . . . , <br /> ' 1'„` o� :i:•.. . .. .. . , . � <br /> . ,� <br /> � <br /> . r , <br /> •'• � <br /> . ,_r . .. � � . <br /> � �. . <br />