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,;�--�-----�':i - - — __ ��`�°���7idc'cw�. --- - - � - - '-t': ..�•;���';•.,;,i`itli,f3 ns�_� <br /> � ` •,�,�f#�j,�,;'•,yl � .,.. '�� T' <br /> . <br /> , , <br /> ..... ,: <br /> i <br /> . <br /> .. <br /> , <br /> , <br /> -�:'�: <br /> .. - . , � , q+- ; . -t'a��s-'° <br /> � � . . � • <br /> . _„ � - <br /> . �� -. ._ ,•. - <br /> __� -- . L�....__� ' . 1 J , __ __ <br /> � 9��o�tAs <br />__ ___ �.l�M+e.�lo� O�Mr H�a..d�uara�11 inwto vl iaprovmamt. aa�be Ptap�a,,,.a►hathar,ww in <br /> e�eaa�o��o�cqr aa�ed.�c�q lumud��caawlda�md oontd�nala.iaclndin,�flm. for a►bicb Laider roq�drea <br /> �c+�.'4�tr imaw�oe�d!ba oo�d iu tLe uaouaU and tiaT tha periodt tb�t I�aidet raqutta�. BanoMer th�11 �la <br /> i�Meie�II a�tDe P�nopakp,�rLethar now bn ex4tmoe ar ab�equeatly o�eded��loa by flaalt to t6o e:tmt <br /> aeq�r6aco�(�►��.'All Bo�a�tnoroe�q be cur3od wlt4 oon�aie��PP�ov�d bY Lan�ler.The iawnooe palielet aod�r <br /> _ ------ --- --- � �r�s thW be 6eld by i�eoder�ad�II imlude loa pipr�We dau�ia 4vo�of.�od iq a A�rm�oa�l�le oo.L�ader. <br /> -�° In tbo eveat oi loat.Bonowar ah:Jl ve l.a�dor lmmodlate antioe b mW. l�eadar <br /> �-�---___--�� � Y pMY auke proof af loss it aot m�da <br /> "y pro�1q by►Bor�oMer. E�L ina�rmoe oompio,y aoaoemoa b badiy wtbori�ed�nd au�od a m�a p�yaant tor acb laa� <br /> ,1::�-, diraxly ta Leader, inttad of a eorro�roc md to t�aodec Jolatly. All or any p�rt of�ho iawranoo p�uooed�mq bo qipfied by <br /> ,�.__ l�eoder. r Eq apd�n�aiWor(U to�he roduqioo ot the iadebtedoeq tuader Ibe Nota aud�hl� Soa�dty Inqrunbnt�Mt a aay <br /> ddioqoeot+imouuts�pplled ia tho ader In ptyt�ph 3.�od 16en to p�epq�a�ent of pdacipil� tx N)a We roqoratioo or np�ir <br /> _—_ -- ot We dnoyed Propecry• Mp'�ppikadon ot�be qoc�edt a 1be priaNql s1u11 uoi eataid or poapone tl�e due d�te ot t�e <br />__-.---- - a�o�16ly pymeatr w6k�h a�e retarred to la p�r�pb 2.or eb�e tbe aaioimt at ax�p�ymeat�.My aaas�iuweaaoe proocad� <br /> owr��ma�ot nquired a pqr vl auwmdiy�indobadar�uodK�r Nae�od�hi.soowiey uwn��u be p�W w the <br /> — — �ity I�ally�aWbd diawo. <br /> m we s�ea or rorootow�e or�na se��y � or o�a�te�or�tue�o�ae r�ny �u e,����e <br /> '`'�:�� ma�eauea,.0�t� iouma�c or eomo�ia,aa to iawmaoe poll�la la ro�oe au�u p.0 w the pu�buer. <br /> .,,` Q. Qpaup�pay� �� M�iMeanloe aed Proteetiolf ot We IMOpeityi Borruwer'� I.o�n AppUntloni - <br /> _ `�� I.NwUold�. Bornower th�ll oa;uPY.aublbh. �nd use the Ptoperty u Borrower'a privaipd naidenca w(t6in aixty dqs�Rer <br />- . Wo eaaauloa of t4is Secudry Inunuoeat u�d�hall oontiaue w oocupy We Pmpnrty�u Bomuwor'�priacip�l iaidenw for�t la�st - <br />^ ��� ":`:" ... , oro yeu atter t4e duc oP o�xup�ucy.unkss the <br /> v_ d t e Socnaary detenaiaw thi��equi�na�t wUl c�uce w�due iwdthip for Bo�mwer. <br /> -° ' or uala� emenuuiaR cirn�uoas exist whicd ue bayoad Bomnwer'� oonwl. Bonower �6�11 notit�► L�eaden of my <br /> . X,.;`� { eataauuin�ai[cuanatu�.9or�owtt�all mt oommit wute or danoy.dunwQe or wbuaptiolly chaage t6e PmpeAy or allow <br /> .;'.',� .' �� We P�opaty to detariotato. aa�oo�ble �ar�od wur e�aPtod. I�der mtY insPect We propenY If the Property i�v�nt or <br /> •' .°>,���~ �6xWooed or tha lwo i� in dcGwit. L�der uta �ble�ction to mtax and reserve sucb wcant or abnWoned - <br /> _.;. ,; =.,.;yt ,i �Y P P <br />_-__`=a;: �E.';�;;;;���;',� Pmpe�tY-Borro�er�dW al�o be in default if Bonower,duiio�the b�n applicuion ptoces:.gave materlally filee or ia�a�nue '° <br /> f{, ,�;l�.;�;r, � <br /> `�,,� ,, �, '��y��������. iafacmtAioa or uuemea�s to Laider(or failed w provide LRader wiW any autcrid iaforma�ioa)in ooanecdon wlt6 tLe lom <br /> -�:,,;ii�! +,,•,�_ -- <br /> t�, ._z,.�.::,__,t�:S��� avldaicod by the Nav. iactudiag►but aot limited w� [eproaenuaioas oonanaG� 8orrower'a oocnpaocy of t6o Pnopaty a a _ <br /> ,�.���;,� ,,i � �+�',�,, p�cip�i raideaca. ii rhis�ecurity Inatcumeat u on a Ie�ehold. Bonvwer siwii oann,p3}v with die proviiio�u of tbe iaae. if _- <br /> ' ;n,� ��,����r ,r!<�Y.+r�. Ho[rower the lea�eJtold aod fee title tlWl not bo e�unless t�aldec mei� - <br /> ,.,'� ,�1��,��,� �o4ulcat fee t�tle t�liie Praperty. merQ �ree�to 14e er in <br /> .� 4 �:��3��;�� wridn�. <br /> : . �'�' ,1 �f��; : <br /> __-,, . � j�.�:; � <br /> '''•���r�' �;, � `' . �:.. 6.Char�a w Horrower abd i'rotecdon ot I.eudec'�IFi�QUs In t6e 14+opaty. Bonower atwll pry aq governmantal or <br /> _,.. <br /> �, r�.'•�s t� t� 6� � munkipnl ehArga� flnes and impositione that�e Qot included in para�raph 2. Bomnwor ahall pry these obligatioAS on tlme - <br /> � «�...-.� s. n <br /> - ' �-,�� diroctly to the endty whieh is owed the paymmt.Jf f�ilure to pay would adversaly affect I�nder'�intereet in the Pwperty,upon <br /> �-�'``' �;`.i'�;�.`� I�eader'� Borrower�t�aU rom f�umiaD W I,eadet recei �a evideuc Wese s. <br /> .�,,.. :.��,,��., ;i�j,�.j:�Y. � P P�5' P � P� _ <br />,-'�`: . . r 'g.��h_ <br /> •-4.'P' ., W. �,� <br />��*?��'' ' IPHorrower fail�co maice these �a or the a ts re uired b 2.or talls w rform w other ooven�mta <br />, i�.•,. P�Y� P Y� 9 }►P�B� P� Y <br /> '.�,�,:._ =r:;:,_ � _ and agreements oontai�ed ln this Security Inauwaeat.or there is a lega�praceeding that may aigniftcandy affect Lender's dghta <br /> ,'-;1},�.� �� , .,1,,l�t. in the P�operty(euch as q praceEding in banlwptcy, for condemnation or to enforce lawa or regutationy.thea l/ender may do --. <br /> '�a:,t` E .;,�:y''�1r,;;t}, wd pq whatever is neoessary eo,protect the value of the Property and l,ender's Ng�zs iA the Pcopeity. includiu8 l�Y�of • �_ <br />- ,��,�,( �.i�iH•;�� twus.hazaed imuraax aad other.item�meatiopod in paragraph 2. ,�"` <br /> "'�� � r ,s1�,d'" - � - <br />�,:�s`�'y'js � .j.,.�.�� R <br /> �:•.. % ..r,;t}'� . My amounta diabucsed by l.cnder under this puagraph shull become an addltional debt of Borrower aad be securod by - <br /> '%-„uri J '�r�.�� — <br />:_�,;�,,�; ,rw,;� tdis Savriry Iaatrurrnat.Tbac amouats�hall bear intaat from the datc ot disburseraent,at�he Note�te.and�t tbe o�lian of <br />-.-'`�r,� `:�`�:�;;?: Leader,s1w11 be immediately due and payable. _ <br /> � �� ��y`.�:,r. <br />.��.'15"�/,�+{ f�r, i f�f:1 l�.�jE,lf :� � . �. <br />;LkY(i,,�t'�1 <br />_.,,,�,+.,,,�. : ' 7. Condemptloq. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or consequeatial. in conaection wit6 aay ° <br /> t�}�ti,�i��i�t{ :� � coademoation or other taking of any part of the Property�or for coaveyapce in place of condemnatlon,are heteby usi�oed and r <br /> ;; �r° , � ahdl be p�id to Lender to the extent of the full amount of t6e indebtedness tbat remains unpald uader the Note and this Secudty � <br /> V�� � �t�. <br />^..l#��. 1 'h''s'�x'.�as ` ;y <br />_.�,., .�,� �.'t�,�{��y)�;,�1 . _.� ; Intt�ument.Lender sha1)a p pf y such proceeds to the reductton of t h e i n d e b t e d n e s s u n d e�t h e N o t e A n d t h i s S e c u ri t y I a s t t u m e a t. <br /> .,�r�;<;11 ,; i�rS�.+:�.,,.' ��x �x <br /> :t,.,t,,,;`,;.. ,; T;�?�r:. �`�h.. fint to any delinquent amouats nppllad in Ihe onler provided in paragroph 3. and ihen to prepaymaat of prG�cipel. Any - <br /> ,a ,�.��, .�'�•' r uppiicatioa o f t he pmoeeds to rhe principai ehalf noc ex[end or postpoae �e due Ja�r uf Uic awa1WY puyu�ts, whW� i�� <br /> 4 1v` ��t� �r:'-l��' �1",��� ��4AINH1�o�oH r.o.a a s �����C�..�.�. <br /> �.��.� ,� ;�:::'ri ..__ <br /> {w" � r '.'. . . 'i - . <br /> � '{'� . . �.�: <br /> . ,�..�-. . . . <br />��^6.": r'r"•'�',1•'1'':•,''',, r+'. <br />�N�. 'Tt� � ���<�' .. •:'1f�.. " ' _ _... _ . �_�.�.�., <br /> �. •�,� fl�`,- .��rCl`� v. ' - . �. , .. - . .... ���-1�E��1!yi`. ' ' ' ., ' . <br /> '^. ; � ,,�: ,• ' '�_ . ,;•+, � , . • , � • a..4`'d.^�w„i��- " , .:,4. Stir.YFF,i` t.�tl4t�l�"%'�=� <br /> . � <br />. ,:� ...: • .. .. - +9Lf�j4S t <br /> �y�.ty� . . � .,'i ' : _._ �., .l� 11� " . n. . . . r � k � t .�j'` . . � •�I �: �4 �:_. <br /> . � .... � .. . . <br /> — '�ll�i_Yw��i'1Hr�ieTs�4��_ . �..�r'�'...- --_' --_--- �--�---''---°-•---'-: ._..'.-- ° - -' ` .,+i.. �1.L_ _ -_�,_��{iclr�l}�a14�> <br /> t.,-.:.-.: . ••. 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