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Upna p�yn�ait ot vl�m�ea�rod by thi�Secuniry inwwneat. lsnde��heU roque�t 1Mu�tee w <br /> �e�.+o�vey tMe Pe�qiwty ad.tiaU waradr tl�i�Sewtity In�orumau aod dl na�a�evklencin�de6t�ecwnd by 1hi�Socurity _ <br /> Ipw�wa�at to 7lwtee. 1Fuqoa�ii�the Pitape�ty wilbow w�tan�y and wW�ou�c�to 1b�penon ot peno�u <br /> I�pq antitled b i� Such pa�oa or P�� P�Y+�!'�� - <br /> 73� �7hi�tea ia�y It�om�hae w dae rar�ove 7Fustao and appoint a wooaaor uu�tee w <br /> W�'Iiwtee�ppo6tted he�e�unda bY m imuumart r000�ded in�he co�uny in wbich thi�Security In�trument is tecortlod. <br /> oonvey�noa of�he Ptapaty�da waes�ot pu�too�lull aK�oeed to dl the 1klo.P�wer�nd dutia ca�fi�ed upon <br /> 7rutlee h�aela�nd by�a Vw. <br /> 2A. �q�t tar Harow�ar roq�t�thu copies of tbo oaioo:oP dofiuk u�d salo bo�ent w Bwrowerti add�ss <br /> whidi is tde Fsi+opaty Mdre�. <br /> ss. Rlier.a a�lt sea�r t.Mr.�aW. �t one ar mone daas.�o oxecuwaby eomower ana rocoraea wgaY:r wit,Y <br /> lbio Sec�tyf►I�ea�,�6e oovauius aad�tiepnallo ot each a�cM rider�ludl be incomonted into and clWl�aKOd a�nd <br /> die ooreo�nu��od yroemeaa oi tl�is Socwity intnooeal a i�'�6e ddetis)wero�pKt ot Ibi�Sea�rity IamtiaooM. <br /> ( ' .�k appliubio boziaDl <br /> . o„��� o��� ❑���,� <br /> ❑��� ❑�����. ��,�y�,�� _ <br /> �. <br /> o,�,� ❑��.��. o��� . _ <br /> �X OWats)(�ocifY� ACKNOItLED[��NT• ASSIGfIwENT ff' RENTS <br /> BY SKiNRYG 861AW,Barnwa aoapts aed�gnees w�he wms aad oovaww t�oolaioed ia thi�Secu�ity Inpruaaeot = <br /> nd in aq�r r+da(s)e�eaKed by Barowu md rocarded whh it. <br /> 1��ip�o� . <br /> � , ' �r..��. <br /> /Se�l) <br /> . � . � ; � STEVE R, 'fDDO �eano.�s "- <br /> � • . ' SocLl Sxurity Nuniber 505-56-4087 .- <br /> � � ' !rl E� TODD •eono�.w) _- <br /> . Soai�l Secwity Nwnba 506r.72-OB75 = <br /> S7'A78 OF NBBItA3KA. HAI.I. Counry st: <br /> � On t6i: 18TH d�y of �IARCH 1993 ,befae me,tha u�igned;�Natuy Public <br /> . �duiy aommi�ianod ud quali�ied fnr wid uuwdy.��.wuair�:,ww STCUCN R. 'fQDD !!NQ M!!RY C0�l.�EA! �'4DD, t=: <br /> . HUSBlIND ANQ WIFE .w me krown to bc Ute <br /> . identical pp+sonc(�)wbos��utnc(s)are subscribed to the foregoin�instrument uad aalcnowledged the e�cecuHon d�deof to _ <br /> be TNEIR voluntary act and dted. • j' <br /> , Witneas my haad�nd notarial satl at GRAND LA (A in utd cauuy�tAe = <br /> � /�'�9 � _.. <br /> . � �� <br />. , ,..� �bp���1y���+t1 RBQUL'ST FOR RECONV6YANCE _ <br /> �,1+0 TRU <br /> � 7Le undasi of the note or notes secwbd by this Dad of 7tua� Sdd�wte or nota4,togetha wlth a11 - <br /> �',, ��otha indebtatoeas secu�ed 6y of'tiust,have been p�id in full. You are iiereby dirocted to Gu�cel aaid noto or notee _ <br /> . �nd tdis Deed of'[tuat.which�e delivered hereby.and to recawey.widaut wananty.all the estete now held by you,undcr - <br /> ' rhis Dpod of'itua to tl�e person or pereons legally entiUed lherea. _ <br /> D�e: � <br /> ' IOAJOb liNY (pu8e6ol6vuJK�1 - <br /> �,;,;,�y�,.�� ,�,����:�:.,,�r�,f�=•T--�sa-9����#<�'���:.9 r;>;�. _ ,�- <br /> q�.,'f�.,�T..�� ., r�{ . � .,,:�.. - . : �.� <br /> —_�'ri�a6 :. _ �.. � F . ...'. �. ' , . G�-. -'-._�1tiWit.RAi]L- ---'-. � — <br /> ''�"{•:.�SS�r f,.�4',u. �ws3�L'�l1'l�"W'��4 ti�l..�'trit:S.Yra. �..5.�� _ YR�:�r.�,.e�°-- <br /> ---t�.•il�i�. ��.�..�._� <br /> � i G,�ti .i.�t'Si - . �- — - _____.—,�--rF:i,`-t�St .:r�� � `°+c�. .�. .er;�<�- . mf..r �.i���;:�{ ,�� <br /> 'r �,,,,,: � ,, . , . <<< •' �,ti r,,;�. �,:.'� - � '�, <br /> �j ' . K i.J �+ . . . -.-�.f.�. 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