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'�=��.- -�•� �� � . t...��.� . • �. .� . —�� <br /> __ ,. <br /> _ . _ _ <br /> ' ,.� - - —= <br /> '• � ----- —-. _.,,_ <br /> --...__.,..,�::,:� g3 , . , ..-'.t�� <br /> ' in�l.l17 <br /> "- �pplicable I�w nuy cpecify for reinsu�tement)befarc �!o d�i�o PmP�Y P���O�'P��of aile oo�aaimd ls d�k ' <br /> • &,cwityr I�uatana�ar(b)m�uy of�judgment aJacing�his Socurity Uuduma�t. 7tw�e ooedltioaa�ee dut Barowei: p) <br /> PwY+ I.emder�il wna vyldcfi tl�en wouW be due wider this Seauily Insuumau aid the IVate a if no�ocelerMioa Mtl .=-_ <br /> oocuned;(b)cwa my dcFiult af�ny al�oovc�nu or a�ratinenq:�c)WY+tll e:pen�a incutrod in aifa�t6is 5avrky �� ` <br /> . Instr�utiau.includin�.bm na ILnited to.rea��Me anamayi'fas:and(d)uikes wch�ctian a L�kler m�y�snaablq <br /> --- -----_� wquiK to�amc�We Ikn of this Security Incwment�I�enAerl�dghts in the Propaty and Barowert obUpdon w p�y die ;, <br /> wa� socwed oy this seau3ty tnsm�mau saN� condnue w�clungea. upon neincarea�aa by Bartowa. �hi. seauitr � <br /> - ln�nun�nt ud the abligWong sacurod hcreby ahall�em�in fully effenive u it no axdeation h�d occumod. However.d� <br /> --- ---- rl�t a neinstwe atwN not ppply i�the caw of a�celet�tion urtder parag�ph 17. -- <br /> 1! Sale d IVMai Cl�a�e ot I.oao Serviocr. 'fUe Note or a patdal intaest in the Note(to8etha wlth Ihio Sacudty <br /> --�` lasptm�a�t)�y be wld ane ur mom olmes wlti�out priar notia w Hamwer. A s�lo m�y rewlt in�ch�age in tbo auily <br /> 's�= lknown at tbe"I.oao Serviat")�Aat cv�L➢ecla u000thly P�Ymaus duo uoder t�Noto�nd U�is Socur�ty lncbumerN. 71�ero d�o <br /> anty 6e ono or rooc�e chaoges o(tiwe I.oarm 5ervicei au+eWed a�s�le ofi tbe l�iwe. If d�a�e i�a cl��e of the Seiviar. <br /> Bamwer wll!be gAVaa�weqlen mioce d'd�e rh�ar,ge io.#ocoNaooe��t4 a�bove aod appllicabie I�w. 7Le potioe <br /> __— will sme�lrc a�a�e a�d ad�e�s of'�Itie ne�r p.oa�n Sav�ocr x�d rAe�esc tn �sbouW De ow�de.'A'h�e mtice�riH <br /> _' _- - -° ° �tco 000t�funi+pn�r otRKr infotna�a�tion�oqu�od lb�r�ip�otic�e Eaw. <br /> � Ilmr�S�oe�, 8otr�uwer�1 aot c�se ar pnnQet the pesencr.a�se.dispusa� rcle�ee d'�u►y <br />-- H�zzaudous Sabstwrt�ocs on ar u tAe Prvper.t�. d�o,�taw�cr slr�l nW do�.qr��Eiow aiqrooe el9e q d�.snyr�uqg ait�'eslieg tl�e <br /> - ° � Propciqr that is iw��s iolation of Any F�vito�4��ncs►]d.vw. 7�¢�pooc�d,i�g t��roes s15�not� ta t�e p�esarce u� <br /> ,_., eeoc�e an the Property of small quantitles of Haa�rdous S�bstances Ihu�uie Bd�r�r noc�niud ta be�nopriate to namanl <br />-.�:� Kesi�al uses�ad to malntenu�ce of the Flnperty <br />- -- — � �tamwa sUaall p�ompflv�ive I.eader written notive of suiy investigatian.claim,dem�nd.lawsuit or utl�acrio�o G�aay <br /> ;;` govenm�and ar iegulataS'aSencY ar private pany involving d�e Propeny�nd any Hazallous�u0stance a�nvanoa+�+ui <br />�---_ --- -- - _- <br /> Law of which &xrower tws actual Icnowledge. If [iorrowu leams.or is notified 6y +�ny goveinmenlol or�axy -" <br /> au�twrity.Uut any rcmovd ar otlee�remedirt�an of any Haz�udaus Subslance affecdng the P�vperty is nccecs�uy.Baroaer <br /> ctWl p�ampUY tal�e dl neeessary trmedial actions in accordance wl�h Environmentsil Law. =a- <br /> � �.a:>= <br />-,,;•;,s As usod in Ihis wuagrapp 2tD. Ha�rdau Subcwnces"are Ihosa subswnc�s defined as toxic or Iwzardous substaaoes by _ <br /> •.`., F�virontne�ual I.�w And the following sub�tances: gasoline.kerosene,other tlamma6Ye or waic petmleum products,w�eic =__ <br /> pesacides and her6ioides,volaUle salven�s, mAterials containiug asbestos or formAldehyde,and radioactive materinl�. As � <br /> �°~' used In thla paragraph 20,"Envirunmenlnl l.uw"mans federal lawc wxl lawsc of the jurisdiction whae�he Property is located <br /> _ . � �lyt alate w heaNh.safcry or anvfronmeMal protadon. �_ <br /> ` NON-UNIFORM COVEh1ANTS. •Bonower and Lender furtUer rnvcnant and agree as fallows: -'� <br /> �:•=: <br /> � 21. Accderafba; Remedica i.e�der�11 give aatloe to Barrower prlor to acaeleratioa tdlotiring Borrower's ■n. <br />_- breach of any covea�at er agrecment in thb Secnrity Instrument(6ut nat prior to a�aekratfen uader parngmpb 17 ��=' <br /> �.._�;o unl�Applk�ble I�ty Provides otl�erwtse). The awice shall specifq: l�)tl�e defiult;lb)tlM wctbn reqaked to cur+e the = <br /> �d�lt;!c?a dstr,s!o!lrss!!s�39�eYs!'s�t�e dete fh�+aMk�e ta�iven to Borrower,by wbich tbe defaWl mu�t be <br />.:,";. �� cored;�ad(d)lhwt fAilure tocure 1he detauh oa or betoro lha dwlc specified in Ihe nWloe mny�+esall in acederatlon of � <br />,� A� fNe sums secured by thls Scrurity Insteummt aad sale of the Property. 'f6e nMlce atwll Iltrtbe�lafam Borrower of -r- <br /> - IAe�dt to relastnte aRer acceleratioa pnd the dght to bring A court mtloo to as�sert lhe oon�existence oi n defAUlt or �- <br /> =:��°�.�`�`� Any otder defence of Borrower to�coelerAtion aad s�Ue. If tbe deYault�v not cured on or bePore the d�te specified in �:��- <br /> +.�� �_.� <br /> _ - ---- Ide notioe,l.eader�t its opUon awy requMe Immediate ppymeM In tall of all sum�secured by this 5ecurity lastrument ��, <br /> � <br /> without fYinher demand and mAy iavake Ihe power of sale and aey otder remedies permltfed by applkable IAw , <br />= l.ende�shNll be entlqed to collecl all expenses incurred in pursuing 1he remed�ies provided in lhls paragraph 21. <br /> - ':�'.; Including,but not Nmlted to,reasonable attorneys'�ees and costs ot titk evldena. ;s: <br /> -• If the power of sale is Invoked.'I�usta shwN record a notice of defauN in each county ta �rbkh any part oT the <br /> � Property is located and shWl mail wples of�sucb aotice fn the manner prescribed by spplkabk Is�w to Borrower exd to ��� <br /> �.__,__ the o1Ger persops prescrlbed by Applkable Ipw Atter the time reqxlred by applicabk Inw.7lraatee sbal)glve publk �� <br /> ,.�.�•;--s.�= aotice af saSe ta iEte�ctsans zed ia!he maaacr prer.crtts�d b3�IIpplicuhte laer. 'ltee.�ta.�+�itlsoslt de�nand on 9orrower, -- <br /> �,�� �-,�- <br />---.�., ehWl sell fbe PropeKy at publlc andion b the hlghest bidder At Ihe timc�d place and upder lhe terms desig�ted in -�_. <br /> �-' lhe notice otsale in one or more parcels and In w�y order'IYusiee dMermines. 7Fustee may pastpone sole ots�ll or s�ny i,:�r,�. <br /> "�" y � paroel of the Property by publk Announcement at the lime and pince af any prevlously scbeduled sale. Lender or ils ,f`�""': <br />-T'a•.' ri�° desi�a may purcpn9e lbe Properly at any sale. -- <br /> � , 9 <br />-= � !'� Upon recelpt oF pAyment of the prlce bid,71rus1ee slwll deli��er ta ihe purchaser 71�ustee•s deed conveyin` the �T�: <br /> ��.•'. i ' Property. The recUols fa the'IY�u�tee's deed shall be prima iacie evldence of t6e truth of'the slatemenls made tMereln. �;:�:• <br /> .. 7Fu�tee�Iwll appfy the pro�eeds oi the oale in the followin�order: (al to all cosls wnd expenses of exencieln�tl�poNer �..-- <br /> '�' • �� �Y�� <br /> \. (�;`r . <br /> •..• ' �,,,`. <br /> � ,, <br />=:"���; <br />;;�di`:? ��,c,°C <br />_::,�r� �r <br />^°��;� �il����;:j� �.�{i, <br />`�• Y�:!'. �ti• • . .r..a <br /> �i��('r .t,Ta"nr ',�� FOtOJ1/2Y 9llY /fAURtS��fAptIX�L �.,`._. <br /> - `.•�;`. .r' �;,�]tY.'C,e, —.., <br />_ r� 7 .�•;;y;!'�,�'Y'�^^'' • . <br />. _ .. " '�� F'•_ : ,�t <br /> l.��ti�� ti°'.�'��i'- �i+��,- <br /> .�• 1(j:i�a,i,ir <br /> ,�` �S��t���. ,.i; �„ � <br /> c � �y f'. <br /> 'fy1", , r , �, ;-�PRww�� ,�},�..• ' '"-T <br /> - ��- 1i �. ���f�ot��� ';�• 1vi. i-- ���:ti• .�i:i ���^�5'.t`�`/; ,� t ?,`Si��� � , „ <br /> !. .� t / t Y - V 1�4� wF� _ f 1l�kV{�.y1 �((. <br /> �`t� , .•71��. . � , ' -� ' /�i�ly �r 11K 1!} f,� . . ., e�L�'�e,' �., 4Q'"� ;�S i7 �l 5t.ltikrl� 4F`\ 'r �;"- 5 . <br /> . • � <br /> , . <br /> . _ <br /> , . <br /> , ���. <br /> ., { �,,`�qr• <br /> +r `��.�xi�,.u+.�.L1w,..., � ,. . � : � ��c: , f,' , �. . .� .1�1`, ��,f�Ji't� .. � ' '"',41 '. <br /> ., <br /> ?',rfi �`�Y'tli} :. ,� r �� �y, �� t ; �yy � <br /> ,� • �1'_'..4'� �+ <br /> : -' r ' , <br /> • ' .^ : � f�(4�'i . as <br /> . _ ,�tia�;i1]x!g.�;N.s��•--'----`--- - ----J..�. , - - - - �- —— "y--�,.:°_•..,�i.:�_'_� �� . -.,._� �t•.�. �.m! <br /> .- ..i �""_'i\�S'�, .-. ,r:nt--. ' "__ " ._._' "'_ ' ___ �_ _" . 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