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"7� � ���' �. ," y • � .. � <br /> :r ° • , <br /> _' `'.'` . - - — 1�1� � <br /> •-- �.�...��mrrll�r�ll� -' _.. . . . - ----------- -- ---- -� ----- <br /> 93•'�����r <br /> perlodp tb�t La�der�equira. 7Uo inWUance caRk�providit�p tib ituunu�oo chdl ba choiai by Ramwer cubjoct to Lenderh <br /> ' �pprov�l which slWl mM be wvenon�6ly wlWiold. If Bamwer taii�to ma�maln coven�e desc�ibed�twve�Lender m�y.�t <br /> l.a�de��opbn,abl�in cavua�e a proiect L.atde�M dAhtr in�he�ty in Acca�danoo with p.ra�ph 7. <br /> All iin�urico pdkia�nd ronawal��all bo to and sh�ll include a��d martg�o c1�uFe. l.eader <br /> • shdl h�ve�he�i�ht W hold the polictw�nd t�ewals. f l.eoder roquira,Barower�Fu111�P��Y 81ve lo I.eoder dl neceipl4 <br /> - - _ - .- of paid p�e:r:lum�end eenewa!no!lca9. Ie the cvent ot las�,&xrower sh�!!give prortept nalce ta Ihe insuna�ce raMe�+uid _ <br /> _ L,ende�.�mty m�ite�roof a�lo�r if nat m�de pnomptly by Botrower. <br /> �_:.�;�_:.,,��=—=-=� Unlas�der aad Barower dherwiio apaee in writutg.incu�nca slnll be applied to�xtoration or repair of � <br /> ' �he d�nu�al, if tbe ratanuian or mpwir i�ceonotaically fea�ble md Lenderl��secu�iry is nd Icssened. If Ihc <br /> resto�or rcp�ir i�rat aonankally fe�ibb or I.eale��secudry would be lesca�ad,the incwance p►�oceeds shwll bo <br />�;�; appliod ro the sumt seqtrod by this Socu�iry Inst�umenti wl�eti�er or not Il�en due.wlth�ny oxcess pwid ta Bamawcr. If <br /> __ Bormwar abwndono tho P�operty.or daa oot �ntwer wkhin 30 dAys a�wtice from l.en�k�that the in�un�noe cartier luw <br /> ofl'era!w sattle a claim.�I.endar m�y oollect�he incuanee procadc. Lender may uso tho procoeds to►epeir or restae <br /> - - the Prapony ar to p�y sumo cxurcd by�hio Secudty IncuimKtiti whetlKx ar not thai due. Tha 30�day peiiod will be�in wha� -- <br /> .�- the notice is givar�. �. <br /> _� - - Unkss Le�der smd Bonowe�Wherwlce��roe io wriNng.�ny application of proceeds to principal sltall not eatend or <br /> - pos��pono thc due d�to of the monlhlY payments refemed lo in paragnphs 1 and 2 or change the�mour�t oi'die pwyments. If <br />. =. under par�raph 21 the Property is acquirod by Lendar.BortawerS�dght to any insu�policies sand praceeAs rcsultir+g <br />�"'= fi�am dama�ge w the Property prior to the acqui�ition chpll pACC to Lender to the extetN at'the�sums securod by lhis Security =- <br /> °°- Instnnrrcnt immadi�ly prlor to tho Iuisition. --- <br /> '-'= �. Oecup�ucY. �vatlo�.��IMalatea�nce aad Protection of the Propert�: Bo�ww�er'is l.o� ApplkNlon; <br />_-_-_ l.c�lssi�ic. Sw�owe��w►ii wi.�upy.�iriril.,iw w�i wa ii�a Fi:��iy ns Bvuuwcr s pru�e�pai neside�.�e within sixry days aiic� __ <br /> _ -___ - - the ex�ecntion of this Sac t��suwnem arN s1�N 000tinue to occu the as Borrower�s <br /> nci �sidence fat w <br /> - f � leas� o� year after the dete d' occupancy. unkss Lender othenvise agrees�ir� wririn�, which�consent shall mtt be �: <br /> _`.�: •� ° wu+eysorwbly withhefd or unless extmwuing inaanst�nces exist which arr 6eyond Bonow�r's cnntrol. Bortower sha7G m� — <br /> destroY.damage or impair the Pmperty.allow tbe Property to deteriorate.or commit waste an the ihoperty. Borrower shall �- <br /> be in defiwlt if any forFeitune actlon or pro�Yeding.whdher civll or criminal.ic bcgun that in Lende��s good fei�h judgment 1i6' <br /> � ce��ld rcwlt in forfeltw�e of the Pwperty or otherwise materially impair �he lien crcated by thi�Securiry Instrument ar --�-. <br /> �� ,' Lenderls security interes� Borrower may cu�e such a default wd�d� provlded in p�uagmph causing the xtion �- <br /> or p�oceeding w be dismissed wlth a roliog Lender�s good fai�h determination,pnxludea fodeiture of the Bamwer's �_:. <br /> • �; iatercst in the Pr+nperty or othrr rtwrcrial imp�irnrent of dx lien crcated by thia Secu�ity Inatrument or Lender�s secwiry - <br /> interest. Bormwer shall also be in default if Bomower. dudng the loan application pnxess. gave nwterially false or �`- <br /> = -'+ :.� inaccurate informadon or swtements to Lender(or Pailed w provide Lender wlth any mueri�l Information)in connection with -- <br /> •;,;i'.� � ` 1he lou�evjdenctd by the Nae, fncludL�g. but not limited W, rcpre sentations concerning Bomowerh occupancy of 1he `- <br />-°^�;,�' �, Prop�ty as a principsil.nesidence. If this Security Instrument is on u teasehold,Bomower shall comply with all the provulans <br /> ;: .�� �;��;�f_�.f of the ieasc. If Borrower ucqulres tee dde 10 ihe liuperty,tbc kas�ld and the tee titk sfwd!na me�ge unless l.a�der a�c�.;s <br /> "�. . • ,%'t Yn�' to the�er�er in writing. <br />�';�'".`: � 7. ProtecNou d Lender's Rigdfs In t6e 1'roperty. UG�;+rrower fails to perform rt3ie r�venants and agrcemems � <br /> ;,,,�::� i{� wntained in this Securiry Instrument,or tleere �is a lega! pr�c:eding that may significan7�W ufdxct Le�e�ert rights in the __ <br /> _"� � Prope�ty(such as a proceeding in bankruptcy,proba�e,for condemnatlon or fort'eiture or to eoff�rce lawg ar s��ulaUons),then `'- <br /> °;�..i, . ,z�r� Lender may do and pay for whatever is necessery to pmtect t?ae value of U�e Property aad G.�enderk rights in the Property. �;�� <br /> '',!•. ;� �4��sJ�;�� L.emkr's xtions may include payin�any sums secured by a lie�which has priority over this�ecuriry Ins1rument,appearing <br /> ;;�;i� ` � , in coun,paying reasonable attorneys'fces and entering on tEae IPr�openy to malce r�epairs.Although L.ender may take action ��' <br /> � ,' + �.y under this paragraph 7:Lcnder does not have to do so. , <br /> �..f.1 r�` <br /> ;z,, �i;,. My amoun[s dns,`WOnsed by I.ender under thls paragraph 7 aholl become additional debt of Borrower secured by thi� �� <br /> a <br /> ��,(Y�; Security InstrumeRO. l'a�'lecs Bormwcr and L.ender agrce to atPeer tmns of payment,thesc amounts shall bear intercst from the <br /> �`.� �� � . date of dinbursem�ent ut the Nae rate und sholl be payable,wix7e interest.upan irotice from Lxnder to Bomuwer rcqucsling � <br /> .u.:i.c-, ro <br />��(,� '''.` PnYmen+. <br />__ -..�,. , s' 8. 1�ortgage Owsuran�Y. If Lender requi�ed m�g�ge in;urunre as a condition of making the loan securcd bx•t�ni� �' : <br /> -:�'�'� � Security Instrumenc. �rrower shell pay�he premdum:�required to maintain�he matgage insurnnce in eG�'en. 16��or any „� <br />:,��;'� '���i} I reason. the mortgage insurance coverage reqwirsd �+y lx�xler lapses or ceases to be in effect. Bornow�et s�ha00 poy the =-- <br />;:f:i:. I premiums�quired to obtoin coverage substandally equivulent to the mortgage insurance previaus�v i�e e:��ecs, A3 A COSS t_•-: <br /> � ', subsG�+c�ci�Uy equivelent to the cost t0 8orrower of the mortgnge insurance previously in effe�t,fTam nn q9zec�ate tox��gp�e <br /> ���'�'�'� 5,'. fnsurcr approved by Lxnder. If subs�antially equivnknt mongage insurance coverage is na za.:�i'la�+le, Borrower shAll g�uy to �.w;� <br /> •,�'�.' �.� � ..: <br /> _�_.r�.k � . j I.ender each month a sum equal�o one-�welfth of the yearly mortgage insurance premium be9�g paid by Borrower wher�uhe �':- <br /> _�_=°=F� � � insurance covenge lapsed or ceased to be in effect. Lender will accept,use and ratain these payments ns a Ic�s�reserve in Heu �;,r�°: <br /> ,.. '�_ ; S B PaY Y 8 �1 W 8 8 '- <br />_���,�s � i`�; of mnrt a e insutance. Loss reserve ments ma no lon er be uired,at the o ion of L.ender, if mon a e insuranco <br />- --- ����� coverage(in the amount and for the pedod that Lender requires)provided by m�insurer Approved by L.ender again bece�es � � ��`: <br />':7`>�: �� � , availa�and is obtained.Borrower v1�a11 pay the premiums required to maintsun mortg�e insurance in effec4 or toprovd�e a ;,-., <br />_- . J,�f�.�. � lo�ors��e,until the roquirement far raongage insuronce enda ia accordance with any wriuer�agreement betwcen&xrawrca '••( <br />°�, f..���'�''�_;,��, wd Lendkr or applicable Inw. r.- <br /> ?` � � ,;r' 9. los p e c t i o o. l.ender or its a gent ma y ma{ce reosonable entries u p c m nnd ins p e ction�of the Pr o fien�,. LEnde r s h a l l ,i-`•' <br /> �'+..w " Eive Bornower nosice at tlse time of or prior to�:r,y�eciiw�a�:ifying rcawnabie cuusc f�r ihr inspeacr�sa. � �;•` <br /> � :,;„� '�"'��`�, 10 Coodem�atiau. The proceeds of any aa usd or claim fur damugez,direct or rnnse�uential.iao cor�r.ection wieh Aa�y �� <br /> ' '.: �.� SiKk��ly�Fwk M�dileddle AI�c 1�10�ORM INSTRUM6NT�l4utotca�:.a�.anatx 9�9G I�+Rt?�,�•r���t�.+� <br /> ,;�.���; r �..r{; <br /> ,., - .- 1�.a�Y�nn�!4►v�rs PwM�K -:,� <br /> .' � �,C.r . ' , �i. R ONa Cail�I�YOi�tl9Ci9i0 p fAX i1N9t•11J1 �. <br />_ .:� ��- . '}.r` �Y..- <br /> �7'�. � .. .. . . �7i.+'�.r.�r ' ' --- - t�� • . . _ <br /> .�1��[i�R\lf''•� :r�:thi�r;%,'�L'e.:w�..�;;l�+j�lr�la���i.+irt�;7��p'Nlw�n�!1+.q1�!-�,- <br /> J �. ,', , : : ; � , . .. , • t.y; . .. <br /> ���• j� I _. ._ •`•aY` .'?��.. 1 ~r 'r� '•i.'je," - <br /> .... ._ . . � <br /> , .. . <br /> . . <br /> ,_, , , _ �l <br /> � . ''.5�!..�.., :' • ._.-.__•�.. '`�' k173fE�ii{�n. '13� <br /> L'1 d ,blL�i,i�!_i��. _, <br /> _—. — ___ - ___ <br /> -,� � -, - - �..� � -- — -��-- - --�-- ------ •--. . . ....r,. _... ._ �.--- -- ,-- • _ � � 'r= : <br /> � . - ' ' � . - _ tn::�.� `..+�.h'Y•t�.T. . � �_ ii��� 7;_ <br /> � � ;� .�- <br />_ � � , V� � , ,o , � . - , u� , .. _ i . • ., ,� . . .. - � . - .. . <br /> . _ . . .•?°.. . . J!:1•a�='. . - .� � . ' .. • 1 . . . . ' .. • . <br /> �,.� ,y, �� .� . . . � .. .4., .. . .. ., i�.;.�.. • ' � <br /> ll� � ' �' '�.�a f"'°'!P' .. .. ..,�° ' •� ,. ., � .. .. - . . ' � • - ., � <br /> ,.. � # ��.���� . - . V `, ' , . ' „ � . . ' • ' . .' -. 1 .. <br /> .1, ' ` st i'.�Y .. ' ' . . .. . � - ., `_ . +w.L.nM"':_ ... ,.. "`�►'' . <br />- �- . � .� . , . <br /> . . . .. � . . . .. <br /> � ' <br /> � <br /> . � .. . r :. � <br /> : u � • <br /> t __ . .._ . . .. _ . . _ <br />