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__r`r-, -�,•, . . . ._ <br /> a • . +' •��='- <br /> �.$` '.�- r-j. .. I=;tt-= <br /> .!� '�`' , { - .....�r..;,,.,,,,,,_ _.. _.,_`_ - - . ----- <br /> ' . ; � <br /> __���..�- 93=10� <br /> � <br /> '1�OUE'17iER WITH dl the improvemeMc naw ar heiosfla erec�ed ao tho pmpchy.wid all eacemeetw��ppuher�anoes. <br /> rnd tizpue�aow ar ba�aafDer a pnt oi 1ho property. All roplaoema�u and�dditions chNl dw be covaod by lhir Secudty <br /> Ia�tnupaN. Ail of tho fore�aiqQ i�rei'e�t�ed u�in thGt Sa�uriry Incdument�u tho"PropertY•" <br /> gpRRpqtpR C�pyBNAN75 tlut Borrower i�Iswfully sciced oi�he es��te heneby conveyed and h�w�he d�ht eo�nnt <br /> and canvcy the PropeAy uid th�t the Pr�opertY i�w�encumbrrod�exapt far encumbrancca of reranf. Bartowcr wanant�Rnd <br /> �viU dda�d�a�lty tho dtlo ta uba i�pe+�y�+u all claima end!►je+ct te any arcumdar�oes of rocord. _ <br /> � TNIS 3BCUR17'lf INSTRUMR[dT cambines uniform covenantc for nuionsil use su�d ran-uniFam oovau�nts wilb <br /> �'^'��----'. Iiadpod va�iatia�s by juriidiclion W can�titute a unjform secudry instrument covering ral propeny. <br /> IJNQaORM COVENAN7'S. flomnwer t�Lender cove�ant uMt agnee as follows: <br /> = l. Pa�sat d Pri�dpd and lntensti�Wl��I.�k C�v�es. Bormwer sh�ll P►'omM�Y WY when due Ihe <br /> v; - ot'snd i�uar�t o�the debt evldenced by the Nae and anY prcp�ymem�nd luo ch�uges due under�he Note. <br /> ��Fb�ds tar 71uea iwd lawrana. Subject to ap�licable I�w or to a wriaen waiver by I.ender.liaroMra sl�all pay to <br /> Lender an tha day monthl9 P�Y�nts are due under the Note.until the Notc ls paid in fut0,a sum('Fwrtq°l�)ytarlY <br /> -- - tues and usascment�which may attpin priority ovar Ihis Secutiqr Instriumhat u�lien on the Pfrope�ty:lb)YeulY I�ehold <br /> _�..ry.� pwymenta or gtound re�ts an tha Prope�ty. if nny: lc) Y�Y �� � �Y �raaw�e p'eroiums: (d)yeadY �lood - <br /> � insurana p�emiums, If any: (e) Yearly mong�ge Insurwrx pcmiwns. u aay: and l��ny�WY�by��o <br /> Lende�.in aocond�ce with�f�e provisians of puagnph lieu of the paymenl of matgage insur�nce p�niums. These <br /> ite��ro e�lled"Escrow Items.' l.ender anx time.callect and hold Rinds in An amount not ta exceed the m�ucimum <br /> amou�K a lader for a fedaapy oeWat roo�tg�ge laon may roquirc for Barowerk esrnow account under the federal Real <br /> Esuite Seqkment Prncodwes Act of t974 as aunended from timc ta tjme. 12 U.S.C.$2601 e�seq.("RESPA").unlcss another _ <br /> law tiwt appliea w the R�Ms sets a le�ser�mouM. If so.l.ender any time.collect and hdd Fi�ds in an wnount not to ` <br /> y -° - - -- cxcce�the ie�er iu�n�l. L.e�eder may estienate tlrc �tnount af Fi�Ms due on the basis oi cwrerk�wNi ��w�bie _ <br /> • estimAtes of expmditwes of Futune Fscrow Items or o�:r�vi:e in acco�dance with applicabk law. _ <br /> -- '11�e fi�nds shsll be held in An institutian wM�se cisp�cits are insut�ed by a federal agency.instrumeatalit},or entity = <br /> -�� � tincluding Lender,if I.ender is such an instimtion)or in un�•Federal Home l.oan Bonk. l.eode�shall apply the Fiu�+ds ta pay _ <br />`a� the�w Items. Lender may not charge �orrowcr for holding and applying Ihe Wnds,a�uival�y analyzing t?�e escrow _.. <br />._:;�e accoun� or ve�ef}ring the Escrow Items.anle�s I.endcr pays Borrower iartaest an the Punds ami applicabk law permits <br /> I,e�dor ta�nna[:r�tlCll A CIIAr$C. Howevcr,L.ender may re4uine Borro�r<<r,�a pay a one-time charge for an independent rea0 <br />-- - est�ute tax�►eportin8 service us�d by I.ender in connecdom wnth this luan,unless a�plic.�lble law pmvides olherwisc. Uakss ate <br /> _- ,��� agnement ia nwdc or epplicabk law�qui�ea interest to b�:p�id,l..ender shall not be r�aired to ppy Borrower an�ins�erest o� - <br /> � ._ ��g$�the FUnds, Bomnwer w�d L.e�er may agree in w�ldng.however.that interc:��t shall be paid on the FUnds. Lender ' <br /> - slwll give to Borrower,wlUwut su►nual accounting of the Funds.showing credits and debits w the Punds and the - <br />-_'� � pu�pose for which each debit w Ihe FLnda w;��made. 77�e E•Lnds arc pledged as additioqal socuritg for�II cums�ec�aed by <br /> -- ,�his Socurity lnstrutneot. <br />-:- - - i ii die Funds ixiii by i.ender exce�l ihe amaiu�ts v..�iitzd so bs held by a�!xable law, �.!�r s1�aGu aabnant to <br /> �;. � , I&,�rrower for tMe excess Fl�nds in aocordance with the teq�lrements of applicable law. Jf the amount of the FUn��+eld by <br /> ..,,��,� � Lender at any�ime is not suf�icient w pay the Escrow Items when due.Lender may so notify Bomower in writing,and,in _ <br /> -- — such case Rorrower shall pay to Lender 1he amount necessary to make up the deficjency. Borrower sha��make up the <br />':''?'!� ' defieiency iao�e�a mare Ihan twelve monthly l.ender`s sole discretion. -. <br /> - �' � Upon payment in full of all sums secur�cl by this Securiry Inswment.l.ender slial)promptly refund to Bormwer any - <br /> .}_ r j}�'�t i Funds held by Lender. li;uocJer paragraph 21.Lender shull acquire or sell�he Property.I.ender.prior to 1he xquisition or � <br /> � ����� � .;s2k of the Property.shall epply enY Fww1s held by Lender at�he time of acquisiUan or sale as a credit ag�inst the sums -- <br /> _- �i'��f�:��d{ , • _- <br /> . � •::�•, ti � , ee¢uted by Ihis Security Insdvment. � <br /> 3, ppp��ption of ppymente, Un1�,s npplicable luw provides othenvise,all payments �eceived by Lender unde� � �„_ <br /> - ' para�phs 1 and 2 shall be applied:first,t��nny prcpnyment charges due under the Nae; amounts payablc undcr = <br /> + p�ragraph 2; interest due;fourth.ta princippl due;and any late charges due under the Note. =. <br />'y .. • � <br />-: 4, C1�ar�c;; Ucas. Sorrov:er sts�!! g�, s!! uszes, asscssments,chnr��s, fincc nnd imrnsiBonR attrfbutable to thc <br /> - Nro which may attejn prioriry over lhis Security Instrument.und IeasehoM payments or grouod ren1s.if any. Borrower ` <br /> -� �peny tte o, <br /> - � ��.,� � s6e�0 pay the�e,obligations in the monner provided in paragraph 2.or�f not paid in that manner.Borrower shall pay them on - <br /> 9'�`�''''-'- 11111C djlpClO�%'t�n the person owed payment. 9orrower shull promptly fumish to L.ender all notices of amounts to be paid under <br />-""-'`�; � lhis paragrap0e. lf Barower makes these pa}�ments directly.Borrower shall promply fumish to l.ender receipts evideoci�g ` <br /> .. � the p�ymenta. � <br /> Bmrower shall prompdy discharge uny lien which has priority over this Security Inswmem unless Borrower.(saP.ugvees E. <br />•-Y_. �"�� in writing to the payment of the oM9�gA9ion secured by�lie:lien m a manner acceptablr to L.ender.(b►contests in good faith the =•_ <br />�� �.�_W: � lien by.or dePends ag�inst enforcPrneaa of the lirn in,legal praccedings which in thr ILender�s opinion operate to prevent the �� <br />.. ,�,,:�._• enforcement of tl�e lien;or(o)�secare4 frorn a�he holder of the lien an agr+eement sutisfactory to Le�r�ek�r subordinating U►e lien � <br />'`1 ro this Security lnswment. lt•L.en•der drte,rmines that any psut of the P�ro�eny is subject to A lir��which may anein priority �' <br /> ''�'__ _ ' , over this Seeurity Instrument.Lender may g�e�e Borrower a notice identifying the lien. Borrower shul�salisfy the lien or talce _ <br /> -= f aoe or morc of the actions se!t fart�h above wilhin 10 days of the giving of notice. __ <br /> ���� � `?'�• �• 5. Huard or Property Iasi+rsir�ce• �orrower shell keep the improvements now existing or herenfter erec�:�on the <br /> Y �r: . <br />` •� r?.,;�;�_:-:=�• � �Property insurad against loss by fire,hazazats included within the term"entended coverage"nnd any other hazarcl�,iircluding = <br /> ` � floods ar�o�ling. for which L.ender requurPS insurance. This insurance siwll be maintaLied in 1he amounts and for the - <br /> ..t` s--�_, 1Si = <br /> .,j1 `� - <br /> ,�,��E � � rao.��.�s � �,��.op6pOpr�w �. <br /> .,��,'`r":1%i ` +' _ <br /> ' +', `r'� • - <br /> ,i' 't�{'��,: `�.� ' - <br /> 1 �� <br /> . �; ..., a,:,: ;.��. _ <br /> �+ � - , � (�����"`�>�. _ <br /> , t.� :i ''}- ._. ;. . . . - ,� , •I�.'.{ _ ' ''S��,����' ��)��Jt ��t�i1��� �T-r.,l��`�. ��o-71� _' <br /> .{ :at . � , ��'� , . .. . .y.-'� .• , i "L'it�t���1 y 4 s ��, "c���J`+�rr <br />�� r_��_�„ • ff' �� . � • . �t ,�4'�' ���t fY,`�t+;�,�� �,' , i, .�R- <br /> . . .,. <br /> --r..��, . , }y <br /> ,.. <br /> .. <br /> . � <br /> _�__+��r:it:.:c�9-��__ .i�. - - --= rf,�li��'��`���J� ��'iJ4��- � <br /> . , <br /> - -- . ._..--_— - -- -------- - ----- '-- --- —— --- - - <br /> �:�.._... 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