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�'r�w�... � �� ' .,� , .' � - �-,.� <br /> .,, � <br /> .. <br /> ,. - - . . <br /> ..�.. ��q..�� ....�.:.._._. __'—.._. . - ._ � <br /> .1 . . ; _ <br /> � 1��.'. . : .:' - �. .... <br /> _��./.:4.��'._��� --._.� ""_ _"__.—__ <br /> 93- io�.tn <br /> ! applktiible l�w nu�y q�ecUy Far Rinuatqn�tl beforo a�le af�ho Aropehy pun�wnt w any power af�lo cantdned in�hi� <br /> - Sacurity InRUUment:at(b)e�y af�jud�p�t cntorcia�Ihi�Socu�ty In�qumrn� Tho�e coMldons aro tiW Boearvu: (�) <br /> p�yt l.awlet dl wnu which �iien would be due uader Ibi� 8ecud�Y lacttimeet and �be Note a iP no�ccekntion b�d <br /> ' axvrrod�(b1 cumi any dd'wlt of a�y a�l�r cuvaau�l�a a�ocmenu�(c)MY�dl expaaes incumod in enforcin�d�is 3ecudty <br /> tna�umen�, includloy.ba1 nat ItmitaA a�rea�anabk�nomeyt'fae�;�nd(dl Wces wch accian a�l�ender reu�y�wn�bly <br /> t+equtro to+�cume Ih�t 1he lian of thir Secudty Instrument,Lenderl�dghts in 1he Propeny and Boisower�obflgatian to pay the <br /> -- -.. .. aNm. �mal hy Ihi� Security itiurumeot ■h�li caatlnua unchanged. Upon reLWatement by Bamuwer. this Sa.�urity <br /> -_ — inNrumau and�he oblig�tlona cocurod hereby sbdl mm�in fully effxUve Ac if oo aceeteratloa had occumod. However.thi� <br /> - —� ri�hht to telnatate sdull rtot apply in the case o!acceler�Uan under paragraph 17. <br /> + 19. Ask ot Nohi(.'�e of Lo�a Sarvker. 77ie Noto or ap�i�I intercst in tf�c Noto(tagether wlth thio Secudty <br /> ::; ! Inauumeatl m�y be told une tx moro dmes wiqwut priur nwioe to$orrower. A sale m�y nu+uU ln a chonga in�ha endty <br /> - I (known u tMe"L.oan Saviar")�hat collats ma�lelY PeYments dua under�he Nota and thic Secu�i�y Insuument. 7hene also <br /> __ � m�y bo ane m moro chmgc�of�he L,wn Senjcer u�uiclpted to a ealo of the Nato. If ihc�is a ch�nga of the I.wn Servioer. <br /> ; Barower will be given wriuen notica of the chouge in accor�d�ncc wlth puagraph 14 above and appl�c�ble law. The nolioe <br /> — wiN suue tho nwno and add�ess of the ncw I.o�n Scrvice�and Ihe addrea�to whieh paymeats slwuW Ea made. The n�ioc will <br />__..._ - alw conqda�any other intormatlon rc,quined by applicable law. <br /> �Oi. Na�ardau�3ubqaneav. Bamuwer sWl!no�cause or pemni�1he prcscnce.nse.disposai�.star�Be.or release of�ny <br /> - Harardous Snbswices on or in�he NropcntY. Ba�rrower sAaN not do.nor albw anyawe else to�ything ai�'e�ting tAe <br /> -- pr+ope�nty dw i�in vlolwiori of aay Envinon,n�ru�l law. 71�e poceding two sentences stwll not apply 10 the presence,use.or <br /> -- sWAga aa Ihe Pbpaly of small q�wuities oi Hanrdous 5ub�sqnces Wat ana Renerally roco,�eised W be appropri�te a nonaal <br /> '�" �sidentW usrs and to maintenarce at�he Pfw�peity <br /> - BomaWra sl�ll P�1�Y$�ve L.encter v~tittrn notice of any investigation,claim.derrwd.lawsuit or otl�xtion by�ny <br /> gova�nentul ar iegu4wry ageacy tr nri�r:�rr�xw involvinp�he P1r�pem►and any Fl�.ardous Suhstance or Fnvlronmental ., <br /> _ �w a�f' which Bonnwer h�s acwal k�owledge. If Botrower leams. or is noti�ed by stny govrn�mental ar ngulatory - <br />- authority.that�ny�emoval or other remediation of any Hazardous Substance affecting the Property is naxswary.Batower - <br /> swa <br /> sIWM pramptlY t�tce all necessary remaiia4 cxtions in accadance with Environmental law. - <br /> b - <br /> �; As u�in this paa+g�aph 20."Haz:uvl�uus Substances"are IM�se xwbstances defined as toxic w ha�ardous subswnces y <br /> _ 6nvironmenial law and the following substanoes: gas�line.kerose�,ather flammaMe or tozic petroleum products. 10R14 <br /> • pesticides wtd lierblcfdes.volaWe wlvents, msiterials containing aai�es[os or funnaldehyde.and radivactive materials. A� � <br /> ...: used in this puagraph Z0."F�vironmerNal Law°�.r��iAws�a aw�or u,�j�sd�uo�wn���y��oc��ea = <br /> tint relate w health.�f'ety a envlraim�mlal protxtion. <br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENAN7'S. Borrowe�and I.cnder fanher covenant and agree as fafbwa: <br />;;:;,,,�. 21. Acceleratioai Remedka l.eader slull gtve aotice ta Bwrrower p�lor to s�cederatiou fdbwtog Borrower•s <br /> ='`�f,�, bre�c�of aay covensat or ag�+eeme�t�tWs Security IasKrua�ac,Ibut aot prior to acceleratba under Pan�aP6�� <br /> ��'' u�las sppllable la�v provldes atherwisrL 7'be nalloe slwll epec66,n•: (a11be defaWl: Ib)the actlon reqoked to wr+e�e <br /> __ ;:. defwltt(cl s date.eut less than 30 d�NS fFoo the date We aotice ic Riven to w�kh the default must be ', <br /> -: . i i.�• cund;ad(d1 tlwt tailnre to cure the aaefbult on or before 1be date specHled In the notke may nsult ia�cceleratioe o� <br /> 'r: �� the sums recured by Ihis Security It�vfrwaaent And sak o�Ihe Property. The notke s6s�11 fbrl6er infarm Borrower ot <br /> �tis�' � , ;'.� t6e�ig6t to rdnstate atter accekratloW.w�l tLe rlg6t to bring a court actba lo assut lhe nun�czisteaa of a ddpult or <br /> �fi'... �;;1�,� , wny otber defense ot liorrower to ac�e�a.wtba and swle. If the defautt is nW cund on or�r�ore the date specified i�a _ <br /> :`",:t'�' the notice.l.ender at ile optbn may tet�uBPe imtnedivte payment in t�ll of All sutng secw�ed bv tbis Secnrily lastrament <br /> �'`� :4>-•�, witdout fuM6er demaod and awy invoice /he power ot s�le and�ny other remedies permtKed by applkable law <br /> _ ; �� [.eader sbWl be eatltkd to collect all expe�es incu�red In pursuing Ihe rcmedies provlded in this pua�pb 21. <br /> iacludtag.but nat 1(mited to.reasonable atloneys'fees and casts at titk evidence. <br /> = It t6e powe�oP sale is invoked.7lrustee shall recor�l a notice ot default in each county in wbich any p�rt ot Ihe <br /> � Preperly is IocAted apd slwll awil copies of sucb notice M the maoner prescr�bed by applkabte law to Borrowe�and to <br /> �. theother persoas prescribed by epppcA�le law ARer Ihe time reyulred by applicable low.7lrustce shall give publk <br /> --- notlae of sWe to t6e personc and in the mpnoer prescri6ed by applicable law. �irustee.withont demaad oa Borrower. <br />_�.�a'•��',' �"'"':u�'{�;`' sb�ll sell the Property at public auctioo to the highesl btdder at the time And p9tne r+nd under the terms designated in __ <br /> '� ;�?" 5;� the notice otsale in one or more parceU pnd in�ny order 7Yustee determines. 7lrustee mav pastpone sale ot all or any <br /> -i�asi�.r�:� � . <br />_:;,A;: �r;`:;.;.t� :�.k�� pucel of lae�roperty by public apowa�acemeat A1 the lime a�cd place of any prerioasly!u�ukd sale. I.ender or i�ts - <br />-::?;'�;'',�� � �W�.� deslgnee uas�y purchase the Properl} At�ny sale. = <br />=:��+rr Upon rcceipt of p�yment of the prke 61d.7Yu�lee slwll deliver to Ihe purchs�ser'Iruslee's deed conveylog Ihe "_ <br /> ��- �� Property, 'I'he recifWs in the 7Yustee'.r deed shall be prlmA facic evWence ot Ihe truth of the statements made tderein. ,� <br />__�7;. -t_-,'A • ' �i�atee�holl apply t6e praoeeds of the aole in Ihe fallowln�order: �e►to all costs and expepses o�exenvsin�ti�e power <br />,--y�^, ' . _ <br />�:;��,:`:� <br /> :�' _ <br /> e.. r:,.i,. ..• , -- <br /> :...., t1j;•t�- _ <br />''�t,.`y� �,tr.`���V���• _. <br /> ��� u�'i'��,5*, :I�T�,. _ <br />-.t,' � - ,.�.;`�:^ .;}T� '�.{� _ <br /> }.�i �f.�.�;;`�C, � .�;,,� (�wm W28 919Y rrwXr���/'n!"�!nc� r <br /> °• , iif'',� <br /> .`�:ky,»• !f'G��{ , '�i�, <br />-±•;. �,; 'i, ;,�. ._1;�� - <br /> :�;.;��.tti �"�� , �- <br />-� :�t ����•-:,,;- �;;.,; <br />_';tiii:si,•' _�..;t.. �J�.}, . <br />..�4"�.. -1:. <br /> , '��A��f���T�i�tr�^� .. i�i.' •�A..i�1' ,y<rt. . .. . 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